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[PRV] Sands of fire (Feuerblute/Akane)

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Sweet Kitten

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:11 pm
User Image Feuerblut padded along, the sand sifting through his toes. The massive red and black lion only looked up now and then, keeping an eye on the bird flying over his head. The creature was useful to him... Very useful. His grass-shaded gaze trailed back down, finding the barely-detectable paw prints in the sand. He was in someone's territory... Was it the one he sought? He let out a roar, calling up to the bird. "Jaeger, get down here!"

User Image The bird beat his wings, before circling around. They'd been traveling for hours, the rising thermals making the bird's work lazy and easy. As he angled himself, he began to sink down toward the sand and lion below. His dark beak opened up in a yawn, before he flared his wings, flapping them rapidly while landing on Feuerblut's back. "Are we there YET? You'd think finding a pride of lions that are mostly RED in a desert of pale-gold sand would be EASY, but it's like they HIDE in the sand!" He turned, starting to preen his feathers. "They should have the decency to send more than one lion out to meet such a stunning example of lion, after all..."

Feuerblut blinked. "What? There's another lion out here?" He climbed a dune, looking to the horizon. Well... It appeared the bird was right. "I knew you were useful to me, Jaeger.." He smiled, brow furrowing. "I'll show my brother yet..."

Totally been working on this for, like... A week 8D;
PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:37 pm
I'm glad you remembered. XD I totally forgot on this one. Is this his jrp?

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She always viewed the excursions as a test of her training. There was always some fundamental lesson to be learned. Akane lifted her head and scented the wind. Be alert. The scents of the desert were familiar to her now. So unlike home. She tested the wind again and flicked an ear. There was a hint of something. The dark red female hesitated a moment.

Her lip curled as a striped jackal loped toward her. Why he insisted on following her and staying was beyond her. Akane continued to walk slowly as she knew the jackal wouldn't give up until he'd caught up and reported. He had insisted on coming out with her on patrols and proving himself useful. At first she had argued against him joining her and staying with the pride; now she just let him do what he wanted. He did prove useful help in his defense. Paralleling her for a distance then returned to report on what he'd seen and smelled practically doubled her scouting abilities. Making it worthwhile to put up with.

Que-ale grinned as he spotted the dark lioness where he thought she would be. He bee-lined in and fell into step at her heels. "There's a strange scent on the wind, and red bird was in the air. I think it came down to the ground. A kill maybe a week old. Nothing else to report." They were on a mission here. He kept the report short and to the point. She'd ask if she had any questions

The female flicked her ears at him as she thought. Yes there was a strange lion here. "Stay back, if anything happens to me, run back to the pride and warn them. You're debt will have been paid." Her voice low and firm. He would do what she said and watch from a safe distance. Akane picked up her pace to a determined lope. Something she had to practice in the sands of the desert. The scent grew stronger and she saw a red lion standing on the top of a dune. She defiantly roared her challenge.

"Halt! Who goes there?"



Sweet Kitten

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:27 am
Stared at this a week before finally replying xd ;

"Well, she knows how to speak the same language..." The bird flared his wings as he was shaken off the lion's back. "Oh, don't be that way, Blut!" He hopped back up to the lion's back, settling to ride his back more. "What if we'd over-shot the pride and ended up further in the north? They DON'T speak the same language there!" He spread his white-fringed wing out, motioning far to the north. "Why, I heard they EAT other lions up there!"

He stared at the bird, giving him a flat look. "Sometimes I think it's not worth it being with you, Jaeger." He turned to the lioness, walking boldly toward her. "Good afternoon! I am Feuerblut! I come seeking acceptance into the pride! The great and mighty Firekin, right? Enslavers of the stupid..." He had to admit, the information he had to go on was rather dated. So dated... "Who is the king now, Makadari's son, Kiu? Or perhaps Kiu's sired his own son to be king..."

"Blut, I don't think they do any of that anymore... Especially have kings..."

"Shut up, Jaeger."
PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:47 pm
Do you want him to duel his way in with her, or just talk? XD I'm sorry I forgot if we talked about this.

Akane warily regarded the lion with a bird on his back. A bird had a distinct advantage over her jackal, but he had a keen nose. Provided the wind was in his favor. The fur along her back ruffled as he boldly walked toward her. Akane gave a warning growl and bared her fangs. "Come closer and you will regret it intruder." She stood her ground though he was bigger. Training was helping her overcome her difficulties.

"This is the Firekin, and we have no king." She glared at him a moment. "If you want to join you'll have to win a duel first." He said he wanted acceptance, but was he willing to fight for it? Akane worked hard for her place here, and she wasn't going to let anyone else come waltzing right in.

Que-ale watched from his vantage point. He could tell she was fired up and ready to fight. Stupid male, he thought. There was only a few options when a lion showed up out here. The jackal watched both lions, as well as the bird. Just in case they decided to gang up on her, but no. He was suppose to warn the pride a rogue lion was coming if she failed to stop him. As much as he'd rather help her fight, that bird would be no match for him, he would do as ordered.



Sweet Kitten

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:31 am
As he doesn't need a duel, I think he'll just talk his way in xd It can be an implied thing ICly later heart

"I see... My apologies, my information is a bit dated. I was simply asked to come here." He wouldn't say by who - Whether it was someone from outside or inside the pride, he'd leave that a mystery. What he would gladly say was that he was out to prove he could be better at his brother than SOMETHING. He noticed the way Jaeger was being eyed. "You have nothing to fear from Jaeger. He doesn't hunt things that will be back as easily as a jackal."

The bird ruffled his red, black, and white wings. "Too much fur on jackals for my liking. Besides..." If birds could grin, he would. "I much prefer things that crawl than things that BARK." He waved a wing at the jackal. "No offense, of course. Besides, unless it's a SNAKE, it's considered RUDE from my home-flock to eat another predator." He folded his wings back up, settling on Blut's back. "I have better manners than to go and do THAT..." Heckling, of course, was another story entirely.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:38 pm

"A bit dated," her words dripped contempt. "What a lazy excuse." Akane frowned down her nose at him. "So you say, well then I'll simply ask you to leave." Needless to say she didn't believe him when he said he was 'simply' asked. The lioness wasn't just going to invite the lion in on trust only. She still bodily barred his way as he commented on his bird.

"That wasn't what I was thinking." Nor did she feel like elaborating to him. Of all the days to run into a difficult lion. Akane had a feeling her temper might be frayed before she got back to her den.

His cover was clearly blown. Even if he'd been spotted and the lion looked like he was trouble, the little jackal would have high-tailed it out of there as fast a could go. Since the lion in question clearly had no murderous invention, yet that he could tell, it was safe to join them.

Que-ale came up to join the lions and bird. He snorted playfully at the bird. "Indeed! Too many feathers to bother with and far too much SQUAKING." Hearing that the bird dispised snakes was rather amusing. Did he know they had a snake clan? Not that he had ever really run into one, but they were around. There could be a stir if the bird ate someone's companion.



Sweet Kitten

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:20 pm
Pffft, I've had this open a while to reply xd ;;

The bird tilted his head, clicking his beak playfully at the jackal. "I assure you, hawks don't squawk." He used his wing wrists to fluff his chest feathers as he sat up proudly. "Hawks scream." Okay, that didn't sound MUCH better, but to a small prey animal, it was a sound that created pure and utter terror. His eyes shifted to the lioness, a slight frown pulling at the edge of his beak. Speaking of difficult lions...

All politeness suddenly dropped as Feuer scowled quiet openly at the lioness. "Oh, I'M sorry, did I forget to mention that Firekin appear to be as the stories say and are xenophobic PRICKS who never get out of their desert? Of COURSE the information we have is old, the last time any lion from here passed by my family's home was a VERY long time ago, and we lived off the beaten track and didn't exactly run into many rogues." He walked up to the lioness, his ears folded back in his dark mane. "Now if you do NOT mind, I have come to join, and I do NOT intend to LEAVE! Or am I at the WRONG pride and this ISN'T the mighty and fierce Firekin, scourge of the deserts?" On his back, Jaeger jumped and flared his wings, flapping to keep from falling.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:42 am
I think they would make good frien-emies. XD

She waited for her chance. Akane was devilishly pleased to see she was getting to him. Her ears did go back and her temper flare as he started laying on the insults. The lioness bidded her time. Then it happened. She gave a sly smile.

"So tell me why you want to join a pride of xenophobic pricks?" Her lips were curled in a slight smirk. Let him explain his way out of that one. "And if I have a problem with you joining?" Now the lioness flexed her paws and let her claws dig into the ground below them. How badly did he want in? The lioness would have no problem if he turned, walked away, and never came back.

She didn't want to mention the trouble they'd been having with the Nergui. Akane had no way of knowing if he was one of them or what he claimed to be. If she gave the game up and he knew she suspected him, then he could attack.

Que-ale was personally amused by the bird. They could probably have a good time together. However, how it was going between their lions was not good. He gave a glance to the lioness who'd saved his life. She was protective of the pride undoubtedly. Though she'd never told him of her history, he had a feeling that had something to do with it.



Sweet Kitten

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:25 am
She's just getting so under his skin, it's hilarious xD heart

He wasn't sure why, but that smile was just making him so MAD! "Because MAYBE I thought time had changed things, because the lion we got our information from said he had left just before a PLAGUE swept across the lands!" His great-grandmother had been very old when she died, a victim of the last plague, but remembered well the days of the first plague, when predator and prey alike fell to illness. "And SINCE then, another plague came through, so I figured the Firekin might be willing to let in new blood to SAVE their pride as long as the lions coming in are STRONG!"

Jaeger landed on the sand, hopping a bit as he watched the lions. They could be so funny when it came to their ideas... Birds had it much easier, thinking about the flock before individual problems. At least, some of the birds. Being a hawk, he was more of a territorial sort of bird, but he was of the class of raptor birds that forsook territoriality in favor of partnering with a lion. He hopped over to the jackal, amusement in his eyes. "I can't tell if they're about to fight or about to... Woohoo.."

Feuer stopped long enough to reach over, swatting at Jaeger. His frustration only rose more as the bird openly LAUGHED while jumping away. "Will you shut up?!"
PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:26 pm
Lol they are funny. Want a last post?

She tilted her head. "Is that so? So he ran." Akane didn't think much of him for running at a time the pride would have needed him. Though she hadn't been there, and didn't say anything. Then he switched to something she did know about. Joining and being strong. She had specifically joined this pride to become stronger. Now she pulled even more arrogance into her posture.

"Strong you say? Why yes we are looking for STRONG lions, which unfortunately your not. You come here and expect to simply waltz in like you own the place. Honestly you act more like a girl than some of the young lionesses I've seen here." Akane flicked her tail as she looked the male down his body, "I had to fight my way in."

With those insulting words dripping from her lips the red lioness turned and walked away. Her bright gold eyes catching the jackal as he spoke up. While she wouldn't physically harm him, she could make it difficult, but only because he refused to leave her. So he wanted to join did he? Well he could either wander the desert until another lion found him and maybe chased him off, or he could follow her. Needlesss to say either way he didn't rank all that high on her respect list for not fighting for his place in the pride.

Que-ale moved a bit away from the lioness to join the bird. He eyed the two lions, as his tongue lolled out of his mouth. "I can see that. You never know, Akane doesn't have a honey yet. She's about as likely to do one as the other." His mouth quirked as the bird laughed and his lion told him to shut up. Que watched as Akane turned her back to the lion and started walking. He knew that she was heading back to the pride.

Quietly he leaned over and whispered to the bird, "looks like she's letting him in." With that he trotted away following his lioness. It wasn't up to him if they followed or not.



Sweet Kitten

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:43 am
Such frienemies! xd And I think this can be the last post heart Sorry it took so long, been busy with work and then busy with random errands on days off sweatdrop

Hopping further from his lion, Jaeger continued to laugh, before he turned his bird-smile to the jackal. "Oh, she'll find someone EVENTUALLY!" He motioned with his black-feathered wing at Feuer. "His brother, quietest thing EVER, found a lioness before the brothers parted ways! She's so unlike him, it was funny to watch!" At the jackal's whispered words, he couldn't help grin even more... Or grin as much as a bird did, anyway. "Good news, then!" He flapped his wings, jumping into the air and flying over to Feuer. "Take an invitation while it's in front of you, Feuer! Don't squander it!"

His ears folded back at the talk of his brother. He had simply inherited his strength from their father, where Feuer had had to work to be strong. And then, to top things off, a lioness had literally FALLEN on Galahad! It was down-right infuriating! Would he get into a pride the easy way, too? He rounded his shoulders, then followed the lioness, frowning deeply. "Oh, I'll fight my way in! I'll find a lion in the pride to duel with! And I'll WIN!"
[IC] Motoujamii-Simo Lands [IC]

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