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PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:08 am
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In which our home...

...seems very strange.

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After a few months of infrequent rain, life has finally gotten back to normal in the Motoujamii. Heat in the afternoon, freezing temperatures night... even sandstorms have begun to replace evening showers with regular clarity.

Only one thing remains forever changed by the release of the drought: the terrain. Areas that were once buried beneath sand are suddenly bare. Cracks in the canyons have made new passageways, while others have been forever blocked.

The Motoujamii is a constantly changing landscape, but its up to the pride to keep tabs on just how much has changed. With threat of rain mostly gone, pridal leadership has determined that its time to get an accurate picture of just how much the land has been altered by the weather.

But who knows what we might find...

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:09 am
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If you are looking to be caught up to speed, check out the plot summary!

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Welcome! For the next two weeks or so we'll be running another firekin story event. Much like usual, we'll be running this as a dice style game, with plenty of opportunity for characters to get into trouble.

This mission is based on mapping, and exploring new terrain. Since the land has changed with the rainstorms, we might even alter the pride map based on what we find! All discoveries will be random, based on rolls done during the game.

Should there be any encounters, specific rulesets will be described as they occur!

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arrow Some notations about the event!:

- We roll by dice! Events, attacks, ect. Individual rules will be announced in red bolded text for each 'event'. These are usually fairly simple. You can check out this recent RP to see how I usually run them.

- That said, your SOA is in NO DANGER. You are free to injure them if you have a low roll, but it is not needed.

- You may jump in at any time during this RP! It will be assumed your character has just been silent.

- THESE RPS SOMETIMES MOVE FAST. Please forgive us if we miss someone. NPC characters will try their best to respond to any questions and assistance given.

- Anyone with a firekin may join. If you are a rogue still trying to duel, you may also join in so long as your application has been approved.

- Cubs may be banned from certain rolls, it depends on how many we have.

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She will be found during the RP, and raffled off amongst participants!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:10 am
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It was early morning, and the sun was just starting to crest over the mountains in the distance. Times like these reminded him the most of home; the light seemingly pouring into the flat land below, with only the occasional dune or stone to interrupt it. You didn't see a sight like this out on the savannah. It was enough to even make Veru feel somewhat poetic about it all.

But only for a moment.

There was work to be done. As one of the pride's foremost trackers [could he call himself 'foremost'? He had a feeling that might annoy some people, so he decided it was the correct term], he had called together a group to start the task of making land evaluations. It might not have been the grand adventure of a war, but Veru liked to think it had its own charm to it.

Firekin didn't have the luxury of maps- but they did have a keen sense for change. Knowledge of the land was not just a matter of luxury, it was a matter of security. New passageways in the mountains meant new places for nergui spies to enter. Areas where the sands had dropped made once safe ground treacherous.

He had arranged the group to meet at the farthest spot in what could be called the 'common' area of the pride: the hongshan quarter. Some of the former refugees were still in the process of waking up. In the distance, Veru could feel the eerie prickle of Miah watching him. To those who had already gathered, Veru welcomed them with an overeager smile.

"Good morning friends!" He said with his usual cadence. "I hope you are ready to walk."

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:30 am
User Image Luut hadn't really been out into the desert in a while. The furthest he'd recently gone had been the night he'd encountered Miah and his half-sister during the night. He wondered if the black lion with the fire-bone marks was, perhaps, starting to warm up to their ways. The bone-marked red lion simply didn't know, and probably wouldn't know. It wasn't as if he could ASK...

He paused in his thoughts, looking down and shoving his jackal companion with a paw, scowling at the canid.

The black jackal gave a snort and a yelp, falling over in the sand before he sat up, blinking. Moesashi wasn't exactly happy to be up so early, but the silent volunteering had been the only way the lion by his side could tell him. For a jackal in the desert, he was NOT a morning jackal. He let out a wide yawn, showing off all his teeth - Impressive for a jackal, but nothing impressive compared to a lion. He eyed the red-eyed white lion, frowning. "Isn't it too early in the morning to walk?" He was NOT looking forward to this...

User Image "It's never too early in the morning in the desert..." Arevik walked up, feeling just a bit late in showing up, but not too bad about it. Her eyes shifted from lion to lion present, before landing on the jackal. She was well-aware why the animal was with her cousin. She didn't much mind. In a sea of lions, the jackal popped out in what she considered a pleasant way. It was small like a cub, and she somewhat wanted to just hug it like a cub, even if it meant getting bitten.

She then turned her attention to Veru. "Which way are we going first to track the changes in the land?"


Sweet Kitten

15,000 Points
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Rainbow Cat

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:40 am
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Nkera wasn’t the most knowledgeable lion when it came to the Firekin territory and landmarks. Having only joined the pride right before the terrible drought had hit the desert lions, sometimes he still felt very much like an outsider. Even after the weather had changed and brought rain back to the Firekin lands, Nkera had remained close to the heart of the pride when he wasn’t fulfilling his duties as a Guard. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to get to know the territory beyond his comfort zone: safely, in a large group and without worrying too much about his own ignorance – after all, even those born in the pride probably didn’t know this new desert that well either.

He nodded formally at Veru to show he was ready to follow the pale lion.


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Baise looked much more excited by the prospect of a desert trip. It would be fair to say that it was important for the huntress to know exactly where the new water sources were located and whether there were herds around them but the truth was that young adult was simply excited by the little commotion. The idea that so many lions were going out simply to explore made the whole affair seem like one big adventure. Who knew what secrets the sands would reveal?

“Lead the way.” She said with one big feline grin, her front paws fidgeting slightly and leaving marks in the sand.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:57 am
User Image Kasoro had heard that there was going to be a little scouting mission to 'map' the new land, so to speak. Still a fairly fresh Firekin, he figured this would be the perfect opportunity to get to know the new areas. The older Firekin didn't know what to expect, and neither did he, so he was on a pretty even playing field now. As a guard, he was learning his area of patrol very well, but the lands that he now called home were vast. He wouldn't be surprised if someone who had lived here their entire life still didn't know every part of it.

It was a no-brainer that he would show up to help. The large lion kept to the back of the little crowd that had formed, icy eyes intent on their leader for the day. He nodded his head in recognition but otherwise remained silent. He wasn't much of a talker in company he didn't know, preferring to listen and react.

User Image Mate'moto was one of those lions that had lived here her whole life and didn't know much about the lay of the land. Granted, she hadn't been here very long, but for a cub she was about as old as they could get. Ready to grow and explore, she found herself called to the edge of the pride with a curious look on her face. She squirmed to the front of the group and sat down, staring up at Veru with a grin.

The last time the pride had gathered together for the rains, she had helped out quite a bit by digging some great trenches. Since there was no danger here - or so she thought - she was sure she'd be able to help more. And that was what she wanted.


Offensive Hero


Timid Conversationalist

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:16 am
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-Ready to walk.

That was all the dark lion heard as he walked towards the edge of the slowly forming group. His curiosity peaked after noticing Veru was up to something, whatever that was. Standing close to a few lions he hadn't seen before, Fari attempted to hear what the white lion was saying overtop of the grable of the unimportant.

Snorting in annoyance from the lack of details, Fari decided to listen to everyone else. Waiting to hear Veru would likely yield no information at this point anyway. Not until he started announcing things, anyway. Looking side to side he caught clips of conversation and words.

Track the lands and lead the way, both registered in his head. Finally understanding he yawned. Some sort of scouting mission. Wiggling his nose he contemplated staying, he wasn't exactly the most group friendly lion, however he did want to serve his pride in some way. Perhaps there was even a way to split up into smaller groups.

Clenching his jaw, Fari decided to stay even with the anxiety of being in a large group setting in.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:35 am
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Ardor sauntered into the group, a melting smile on his face. It had been some time since he'd ventured far, so he figured that a group out to scout the land would work quite well. In fact, the true appeal was that he'd be traveling about with some of the lovely females the pride boasted. He really felt sorry for the poor chaps who were essentially related to all the girls in the pride. He knew it didn't often bother them, so long as the relation was distant enough, but it sure felt good to be one of the scattered lions unrelated to any others, and he fully intended to make good use of this fact.

He had yet to make the acquaintance of any of the females that had arrived thus far. He eyed the two white lionesses thoughtfully, eyes going from one to the other. This could be a problem. How was he to tell them apart? Worrying at this problem, he moved into the heart of the group and said nothing to either female. This could take some serious consideration.

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Flacari shook out his mane, newly grown into it's full glory. He was one of the dark-pelted Firekin, with stripes that he liked to think of as flames coating him. He bared his teeth in a grin as he paced into the group of adults, feeling a burgeoning sense of pride at finally being able to join in such an adventure as an equal with all the adults. It felt magnificent! He chuffed softly in excitement, but refrained from any further indications of his eagerness. No sense it appearing like an adolescent, since he wasn't one anymore! He desperately wanted to be taken seriously now, even though it took some work to make himself appear calm and collected. "I am ready to go," he intoned solemnly, standing straight and tall. A fleeting thought shot through his mind... would any girls be watching?  


Blessed Friend


Generous Unicorn

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:48 am
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"You're the worst," Growled Ubawa, watching Volkeno as she hummed and made her way over to the group, "why do I have to come with you? I didn't want to go on this trip!" He huffed as he stomped along beside her. The laugh he heard from his companion made his blood boil- she really didn't seem to care about anything! How could she be so mellow? What kind of an attitude was that when they were supposed to be mighty warriors? He sighed heavily, growling to himself.

Volkeno looked at her relative, smiling faintly at his clear dislike of the situation. "You need to relax," she told him casually, "this is an important job. Scouting might be the most interesting thing in the world to you, but it's needed and I want you to experience it with me. So calm down already."

"That's easy for you to say! You like this kind of thing. The only thing I'm going to get out of this is achy paws."

"Who knows? Maybe they'll be someone for you to fight," she said blandly, not really one for the whole 'war' deal, "you'd like that, right? Buck up!"

But Ubawa only growled and continued to complain until they joined the others. He wouldn't believe that there would actually be something interesting to do until they got out there and, well, found it. Until then, it was whimper city for him. Volkeno was understanding enough not to try and force him to shut up, merely laughing the whole time.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:57 am
User ImageEld was still sore after the team practice Chaka had prepared for them last night. But it was all worth it! He could see how they all improved from session to session, and soon Team Wildfire would be a real force to be reckoned with. This was a picnic in comparison, and Eld had actually asked to join the scouting group with the idea that it would be relaxing with a change of pace.

If someone asked he'd probably pitch it as: 'It's always useful for a soldier to know the terrain he's fighting in.' And it was. But mostly he was in it for the potential fun times. Road trip!

"Rready to walk!" he rumbled.


Sparkly Bibliophile

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:10 am
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Aodhfin joined the group that was forming as he felt it was important for him to go on this scouting mission to map out the land changes that happened from the rain fall. he made sure to blend into the group and be close enough to hear Veru if he had more to say other than he hoped they were ready to walk. giving a yawn, he was more than ready to get going and map out the changes the rain had caused to the land. he noticed his sister was joining in and would of gone over to say hello to his sibling until suddenly Houjin's daughter came over and shoved him. all he gave in response to his niece was a grunt and rolling his eyes at her as he didn't want to bring attention to himself by grumbling at her.

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Houri just snickered at her uncle and sat right next to him as she waited for Veru to tell them all to move out. she was more than excited to get going as she felt that this would be a fun task even if it could seem like a dull task. eyeing the group around her, she saw this as more than a opportunity to keep up on the changes of the lands but also to learn how to work well with those she didn't ever talk to personally.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:24 am
Veru smiled, nodding his head in greeting as the others gathered. They already had a sizable force from the looks of it. This was good. Veru liked to delegate. The white lion craned his neck, looking to see if the forlorn drudge, Miah, would be joining them.

But the shadowy corner of the rock Miah had been occupying was vacant. He furrowed his brow suspiciously, but decided to let it go. He supposed it wouldn't have exactly put anyone on ease to have the accused spy getting a good look at the new terrain.

Veru cleared his throat, scaling up one of the rocks that made up the Honghsan quarter. He repeated his good morning, and a few scattered hellos. "As I explained earlier in the week, the plan is to take a few days and trek about the desert. We'll be heading west- Hraga's team will be taking care of the north wing. Vlam will be heading South."

"That means we'll have the largest land to contend with, and the most open desert. Our goal will be to reach the western outpost, and then double back. Before we head out, are there any questions?" he asked.

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[ You are currently at the border of the dotted line around the pridelands. ]



Ghostly Friend

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:54 am
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Cyprinnus glanced around the group of lions gathered for charting the territory. His fellow water-seekers were well-represented, with a few hunters and guards scattered in between, and a familiar here or there. It was important for his fellow seekers to take note if any new water sources had appeared in the changing landscape. Guards probably wanted to see if there were weaknesses in the border. He nodded, mostly to himself. Very wise to be participating. He listened attentively to Veru.

User ImageJahina'jua was tagging along with the older water-seeker. She'd told her mother she wanted to apprentice the Soldiers, but Moja, a nanny herself, was reluctant to let one of her daughters be a part of a dangerous position, so she encouraged the juvenile to try out many trades. Cyprinnus was a friend of Abidemi, one of Jahina's adult half-nephews. Jahina was a little bit wary of this Veru's overexcited nature. Her ears flicked back against her head and she sighed. Well, anything to make her mother happy. She looked up at Cyprinnus, who seemed to be eating it up. Another sigh. The juvenile caught sight of another cub. She sidled up next to Mate'moto, and sat down. Seemed she was more excited than Jahina was, but maybe Jahina would feel more into it with someone she could better relate to.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:25 pm
No questions crossed Nkera’s mind and the pale lion glanced sideways as if expecting someone to speak up. He would sometimes feel drowned in a sea of black and red but today was not the case as there were many white lions and lionesses present. Actually, there seemed to be a strangely good balance between the three colors of the Firekin lions in this group. While interesting, these thoughts were quickly forgotten in favor of a more practical state of mind. It seemed he would be spending a few days with a group of lions he didn’t know particularly well so this was a chance to get to know the individuals who’d be following Veru on the scouting expedition.


Baise was ready to go. The only question she had was why they weren’t having this conversion as they walked. If she wasn’t trying so hard to prove she was an able adult, she would’ve risked sounding bratty but she remained silent instead.

Her paws were restless. Out of the corner of her eye, she felt as though someone’s eyes were on her but that only served to make stand a little straighter and act like a proper adult. Still, the intense purple gaze and the dancing tail were good indicator of the activity that lay just below the surface.


Rainbow Cat


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:11 pm
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The sun had already begun to rise, trickling over her body and warming up her cold toes. Asami was taking a fast jog to get there, ears laid back on her skull and feet sinking into the sand.

She kept stumbling. A large leather pouch was lodged in her mouth, its old strap dangling on the ground. It kept catching on her toes and paws. As if the sand wasn't hard enough to contend with!

But, at last, she was squeezing between the crowd gathered around Veru. "Mfg remfh!" she said loudly around the overstuffed pouch. She set it down at her feet, a leafy herb sticking out from underneath the bag's covering flap.

"Sorry I'm late." She cast a shy smile to the nearest lion, suddenly realizing she was a tiny lioness amongst a land of warrior beasts (though she was of average size for a Swampie). Asami's tail curled underneath her.
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