Name: Ru'tawny Chii Rattus
Nicknames: Ru, Rurat, Tawny (Family and friends only), Chibi (These people are generally found covered in rat bites and diseased sores that are medicine-resillient after the name's use)
Gender: Female
Age: 14

Faction: Monster
Race: Ratling

Natural Ability: The Masses: Called Swarmers, some Ratlings don't shape-shift normally. Born into a different shifting ability, they simply collapse into a swarm of rats. Specialized training can allow them to take the shape of other rodents they're familiar with, but rat is more often preferred. Each rat is unique in appearance and mentality, but they share similar goals. Kind of like playing Telephone, the goal can occasionally be confused or misconstrued as the Ratling breaks up. If a member of the hoard is captured, damaged, or slain before the full shape can be regained, the Ratling will sport a bruise, or be missing the chunk of flesh that rat was spawned from. Because of the danger involved in this, the 'Vital' rats usually have a different motive from the rest of the hoard, and quickly seek out hiding places while the hoard addresses any threats present.

Rurat is a terribly social sort, although not in the way most students will expect. She likes to sit alone at lunch, or any time there's a free moment. She mallrats alone, when she can avoid crowds, and tends to hole up in her room when there's no classes or studies going on. What most don't look for is the pair of rats often sitting on her shoulder or perching just inside the neckline on her shirt, or the ones that occasionally unfold from her tail when her natural ability comes alive. One of these rats is a 'pet', the other is the last rat in her mother's tail.

A good listener can pick out conversations between Ru and her companions, although it is unlikely the eavesdropper will have enough of a knowledge with Squeak Speak to understand it. If another Ratling showed up, as is with all Ratlings, it is likely Rurat would happily latch onto the second for companionship, and try to initiate some kind of conversation to learn about them.

She has an unusual taste preference for gnome hats and might sometimes be seen trading new hats that she's made herself for old ones. She won't admit to crafting them or having any interest in crafts, though. She enjoys listening to the band 'Dead Birds Talk', but is violent around most winged things, excepting, of course, bats. The winged rodents are just short of masters of the universe, as far as she's concerned.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Rurat's clan has only recently discovered the academy's existence. Based in the forest, they miss a lot of news, and for the most part avoid crowds and cities for a suspicious nature. Their 'clerics' have also figured out over time that a long-toothed rat is one who has had a plentiful array of fear over his lifetime, so they've begun sending word out to neighboring clans, and sent their ready-most youth to get started in the learning.

FEAR Ability: Swarming Plague-Carriers (Supportive: Tainted Fang)
-Rurat gives a creepy grin and sort of hugs herself, then spreads wide her jacket and lets a hoard of mangy rats pour from the cloth and emerge from the ground around her, dressed in a motley assortment of contagious ills. The rats chitter and taunt the opponent and jostle to get their fangs involved until they crumble to dirt or dissolve into smoke.

Physical Description: Before you stands a relatively short little critter (3'9, before the ears count) with narrow, accusing red eyes. You'd swear if it were any darker out, they'd glow. From head to foot, the creature is awkwardly purple, in various shades. Most of the body fur is short and thick, and a skewed, faded shade of lilac, looking almost like a wilting version of the same flower in poor lighting. The beast's mane is longer, and falls where it wants until it finds her shoulder, waving as it reaches for it. The dark purple leather tank top hangs over dim, faded blue jean bell bottoms that fit surprisingly well, even before the woven leather belt the shirt near-completely hides. heavy steel-toed stompers peer out from under the bells of her pants, studded, and making onlookers wonder how such a slender little beast manages to lift them. Crowning her head are two tall, rounded ears with points at their inner peak, and falling from a rip in the seat of her pants is a heavy tail, and as your eyes trace it's length, you find the tip of it sprouting eyes, and then sprouting limbs and taking the shape of a small rat, glaring violently at you and baring it's fangs in a hiss. When the broad, pointed ears at the other end of the body twitch to catch the sound, the crimson eyes flash in the light as they turn warily on you, and the girl bares her own prominent bucks, making it hard to take her seriously... Until you find out first-hand that the rest of her jaw is lined with jagged spikes she probably calls teeth, despite it feeling more like a saw in your arm.

Eye Colour: Crimson
Hair Colour/Style: A dark purple, her hair is short, reaching only her shoulders. Her bangs stretch from their standing place to her chin, and most of her hair hangs straight, a lot of the time and curls at the ends. It's all poofy and afroish after a bath (which she thusly rarely takes.)
Skin Colour: Pale, tinged a light purple.
Clothing Style/Colours: starting from the bottom, steel-toed, studded black boots hammer the ground from her feet, looking all too heavy for the small creature. Purple blue-jean bell bottoms with faded and tearing knees in them hang tightly from her hips, strung up by a belt of woven leather which is mostly hidden by a purple leather shirt. She generally wears a thin old purple Letterman jacket(or knee-length Duster) her mother stole from the human world long ago. Conveniently enough, it has an R on the breast pocket, which is falling off.
Extra: Constantly covered in fur, Rurat displays proudly her long, thick tail and tall, rounded ears. Whiskers hang in a decent plethora of silver strands from her cheeks, and her bucks are clearly longer and sharper than the other teeth in her mouth. She's also got a set of three scars wrapping around her shoulders that look like they came from some very large claws.
References: Closest I've got: XxX Can also take inspiration from my Avatar.