Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:45 am
Njia here is still rather unsure of herself or her abilities to help anyone in nearly any situation. In fact, while she wants to help, her fear of failing keeps her from helping at all! This has caused her to be a silent watcher who looks over herds from a distance and in the shadow. This has been going on ever since she was a foal. As she matured, her shy tendency has waned slightly, but is still present as she can still usually be found on the outskirts of herds just watching before leaving just as quickly.
She always hoped that nothing bad would ever happen, that the other much larger members of the herds she watched over would protect them in case anything happen. This hope was shattered one fateful night while she was just a foal doing the duty given to her. A skinwalker attacked the herd she was watching over. As the herd panicked, as death cries filled the air; she hid. What was a little filly supposed to do against a skinwalker? A purewalker at that! The herd knew of her presence before the attack and many were looking to her to help them as the beast ripped into them. It was only thanks to another angeni and his unicorn companion that any of the herd survived at all. She had failed them and herself. Wracked with guilt, she fled the scene. What she left behind was a colt who had looked to her for help as his father defended the herd to his last breath along with numerous bodies of those who had trusted her, a young filly, to protect them.[ p l o t s ] And Your Name Is...?
Njia visits a lot of herds, or at least I imagine she visits a lot of NPC herds. I'd love for her to actually go and visit a number of real herds within the Kawani lands. Of course they can be family herds or just groups of soquili that banded together for reasons, I don't really care and neither does she as they're all herds to her. For now, she would need to accidentally come across them, kind of zoned out and probably get startled when she finds out where she is. How the herd reacts to the presence of an angeni is totally up to the herd! Take Two!
I'm looking for her to aid a herd in defending against a skinwalker attack. She can be present when the skinwalker actually shows up or can appear shortly after and help while the defense is in progress. I can also provide a purewalker for the fight as well which will give her a second chance to try taking him down again. The skinwalker will live and it is up to you how much damage he did. Please keep in mind that there should be some grievous wounds or a large number of small ones at least. He is a purewalker after all. You're Grounded!
This one could go hand-in-hand with the plot above. Njia's feathers (or possibly her wings!) get damaged in a fight, leaving her grounded until she molts and grows new ones (or recovers). Unused to preforming her duties as a general secondary herd protector without the aid of flight, she's at a loss of what to do. She needs help with her duties and so she enlists the aid of others, winged or not. So I'm looking for a few individuals who would be willing to go around to various herds and check up on them in her stead and then report back to her. Just...Gone... : filled by Shiranui
I would like for her to go into a deep depression after she a herd is destroyed one of her normal routine patrols (since her powers aren't approved and all). This could be from internal affairs, a skinwalker, kalonas, natural disaster, anything really. She doesn't even need to have know the herd. It could simply be an NPC one used for the background of one of your soquili. I just need its destruction to be recent. Baby Steps~
As the angeni of herds, it is her duty to help protect them. I'd like her to spend some extra time with newly formed herds, be it a family herd or a group coming together to form a herd under a certain ideal. Open For Anything!
Well almost anything. Give me your plots that you think she might fit into and I'll let you know if she would as well as if I'm willing to participate in them! I love seeing that other people come up with.
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:55 am
Maybe Shiranui can help fill the "Just... Gone..." plot? His herd was very recently assaulted by skinwalkers, leaving most dead, along with his mate, which is why he is now searching for his daughter (who will eventually be forming a new herd herself, and Shiranui will become part of it).
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:08 pm
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:15 pm
Silver Willow Bell herd, is just recently been formed. A lot of the back info is in there, pertaining to why it was formed etc. so if you have any questions on that part feel free to ask. Anyways, she could potentially stumble upon them where they've set up their herd, and help them out, but more specifically kind of help out Adelle as her daughter Neva who is now a batwalker has been intent on destroying the family for many years now. So she feels at blame that so many others are always at risk. She never believes anyone that is related to the issue when they tell her that hey she's not at fault, etc. so maybe your Angeni could kind of help her start to see that it's not her fault and it's time to move on so she's better able to perform her duties being in charge of the herd especially when Neva gets a chance to attack them. Later on, Adelle is going to be attacked by a skinwalker and be blinded in one eye, so maybe when that point comes, after the attack has happened, Nija finds her, recognizes who it is and helps get her home. @__@ Sorry if I rambled! D: The whole Neva/Adelle plotline has been developing over so many years and I've been looking for ways to draw in outside people to help @_@
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:23 pm
That sounds awesome! Well, awesome that you can help, sad that his herd is gone. D: I actually meant to reword part of that prompt a bit since her powers obviously aren't approved because she's so new. So, since she doesn't get the automatic sensation when a herd is destroyed, she would need to actually find the herd destroyed. Though she had probably no personal attachment to the herd, unless you want her to, it was her duty to protect them and she failed which will result in the depression.
Basically she finds the aftermath of the attack, so either details would be needed oooor it could be so recent that he's still there maybe? I'm not sure. If you want, we could talk more about it over AIM (if you have it) or through PMs if you'd prefer that, since this is a pretty complex-ish plot. It's also kind of...an odd plot so it'd definitely need to be talked out more than my stupidly worded blurb there. xD; She basically feels so attached to the herds, that even if she had to actual reason to be, she feels depressed if any of them are harmed.
Also, I just wanted to say that he is gorgeous. I always have admired the Okami!Soquili floating around. <3!Eee, definitely! Just let me know when, I'm up for it whenever. c: I was kind of secretly hoping that she'd be allowed to visit them. <3Ooo, that actually sounds really awesome! I'd be happy to have Njia help her on her road to finally moving on. It'll be a good learning experience for her as well considering she thinks the destruction of so many herds is all her fault. It might help her move on and mature too. Good for both of them, hurray! Oh and having her actually show back up later to check up on them only to find that a skinwalker had attacked actually sounds great to me.
In a general note, if anyone wants to contact me faster, my AIM is nnrgh and I'm pretty much always online. If I'm not there, I take offline messages.
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:39 pm
Oh, I like the idea of it being so recent that he's still there! I think that could work. Yeah, I have AIM, feel free to IM me! My SN is PoufyWerewolf. I added you but don't see you online. And thank you!
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:18 am
I'm going to toss Vibrance up as a possible for "Just.. Gone" or something else. She has no memory of her family or herd at the moment. She is the lone survivor of both through sheer dumb luck of falling over a cliff which stopped the skinwalker(s) chasing her Her wings were injured at the time which stopped her flying but they still worked enough that she could slow her decent which is how she survived the fall. I have plots in mind for her already and she will be joining another herd in the future, but I wasn't sure if you would be interested in taking part in the drama of her set up, before I get into those other plots so much. When and where this fits in with her set up is flexable. Also Vibrance doesn't fly at the moment, to start with she can't remember how to, and even when she tries she will be too scared to. When her memory is back she will have a distinct case of aerophobia that she will overcome in time. But this could also make her a possible companion for when Njia can't fly herself. Sonnet is the head protector for a heard that is wandering at the moment, they had a lot of skinwalker attacks and so they have taken to migrating at the moment. It is possible that as they are wandering they will encounter other heards and as he and several of the others in the heard have wings they could take turns in running messages for her while she is unable to fly. I own some of the heard members so I would only offer up those I own.
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:01 am
Just a little reminder poke. 4laugh
Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:57 am
Sorry, sorry! D:
Oh man, I'd love to have Njia be part of anything you might need her for, for Vibrance's plots. As for the "Just.. Gone" plot, I think it might be taken up by one of Nymph's soquili right now. I need to speak with her a little more 'bout it first to get a clear idea. I just don't want too many for one plot, if that makes sense at all. As far as a companion while Njia's grounded (which I think I might do in this wonderful meta), that would be absolutely lovely since she needs to meet more angeni anyways. c: Friends are always nice.
Everything for Sonnet sounds greeeeat. I'll definitely let you know when she needs help with keeping up with herds.