Ah, night. The time they were to wake and see the darkness around them, to where it was truly meant to be. As her green eyes opened to the sea of night, Niire within her crowed her delight. The two of them....Now the two of them after coming into this land of night and horrors...they loved their new home. There was so much more to learn here. All around her, Anayejua could hear the whispers of dark secrets, things they weren't meant to know. She could hear what...she supposed was the Gods....whispering warmly in her ear. Affectionate secrets that had drawn her into what many had thought was insanity. These people...they heralded them as visions. As truths. It was beautiful! Her visions meant more here. Her darkness and her whispers were no longer just the voices in her head...they had meaning. Niire had meaning. They were more than just the insane mother with slaughtered cubs upon her back.

The night had been long thus-far. Getting to know the land about her, finding her way around the Pride and ignoring the many who'd tried to speak to her. Ana was not interested in friends...in anything other than the darkness that promised to be something more than a close lover. Something more than a dearest friend. No...the darkness promised to be her comforter, her companion...and something far more was to come. Her paws carried her further towards the den that she'd claimed as her own, tucked away in a small hole, in a deep crag in the rock. It was quiet here...and even with the new lives she'd recently brought into being, she'd delivered three of her Cubs to the Pride. One, a na'artu...and such a shame...But the others...oh, the others were strong, proud creatures. Two dark, beautiful children, promising. However, she would not raise them. Oh no. No more of those crying little voices begging for her attention. Ugh, no. They were disgusting. Settling her pelts around her shoulders, she slid into the den, slowly making her way into the small, dark hole she called home.

Slowly laying herself on her stomach, her head lay on her paws, letting the world wash around her as sleep began to call her into the depths. Emeralds closed as the world around her faded into the realm of the dreams. As the world around her created some new world for her to peruse. The scent of blood and darkness surrounded her. Silence clapping about her ears, calling her to move forwards from her current place. Anayejua felt as though she was wading through a river of blood, dealing with an icy torrent that she did not belong in. Her pelts shifted around her....slowly brushing over her haunches as she made her way into the depths. The blood began to rush upwards, engulfing her, shutting out anything aside from a warm feeling of home. Sighing happily, her eyes closed in the dream, as a dark voice suddenly echoed into her head...into her ears.

There was a voice that spoke to her....calling her. The voice of a male, something new, something darker than even Niire could ever hope to be. It was a pure, bass tone, a deep rumble that vibrated her very being. Her heart was aching, beating faster as he crooned within her. He had called her to speak to her. To tell her about what she was meant for now. What she was meant to do now that she belonged to the Demons, to the Aikanaro'hini. To a Pride that needed her vision, her power, to make it complete. Something about that sound brought her transcendence. She was meant to be something greater....something more powerful...something perfect. Something that suited her far better than anything else in this world, in her life. Upon her mind's consent to the voice, a feeling of completion rushed over her, filled her, showing her a new vision. A new vision of something greater...of a balance of darkness and light....of eerie silence...and yet it haunted her. It disgusted her, making her stomach turn in sickness. Ugh...how could that be? How could that be something to come? No matter....no matter at all.

As the waking world drew her back into its grasp, Ana fought the urge to slice something open. The young Kurwa'e raised herself to her feet and slid right back out of the crag, grumbling quietly to herself. She was meant to See for this Pride....for their God. Whoever he was....his darkness still whispered around her, cradling her. Perhaps one day she'd meet the voice in her head. She was Anayejua...Mother of Sorrow....bearer of the Demon Niire. She would be a creature who existed for her Pride. She would belong here...belong to whoever lead them...if only to draw all those delicious secrets into herself...to learn the things that others would not want known. That she might offer it to her leader and show them precisely what existed beyond the veil of perception of normal Mortals. Her allegiance would lie with....Morifaer. Yes.....That sounded right in her head. Niire seemed to like that name too. He was the god she would devote herself too.

Now....Oh, now it was only a matter of finding someone to speak to. Yes....She would become one of their Ele'aina like the voice had told her. Scenting the air, the dark Lioness let herself slide out and into the world, the moon's light cooling her pelt. It was time. Time to hunt down the next being that she must interact with..let them know what she knew. Let them know....something was coming. Her head was out of it...so much so that the sound of whimpering prey had barely caught her attentions. Turning her head, her stomach growled its discontent...its hunger. Time to eat. Lunging forwards, her maw clamped around the small creature and she began to devour it. Blood to fuel blood....the way of the world.