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Reply [IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]
[PRP] Moonlight Walk (Mith, Nawiri)

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Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:55 pm
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Perhaps it had been a bold move, but he had felt it had also been necessary, of a sort. He had been observing the Queen, and though she bore up well underneath it all, he could see how running the pride left its mark on her. She clearly had the love and respect of her people, Mith included. But he also had noticed how this tended to leave her separated, apart from the average pride member. It wasn't that she held herself above them all, by no means! Such a thing would not have appealed to the large grey lion whatsoever.

No, it was that the others set her apart as special. It did not cease to amaze him how she accepted this gracefully and with appreciation. She was astonishing. Truth be told, he was rather surprised at himself. He'd been taken with her since that first meeting, when despite the crisis, she had taken the time to welcome him personally. She had left such a glowing impression that he'd spent time thinking about her and observing her.

But just doing those things would have been cowardly and shameful. No, if he felt drawn to her, it was his responsibility to find a way to tell her. Not that this meant anything at all. Perhaps she might rebuff him, or kindly turn down his suit. But he had to try. It seemed few others had, save one male he'd only heard tell of in a very distant and unattatched manner. It was time someone treated the beautiful Nawiri as merely the lioness she was, deserving as much of happiness and small joys as any other lioness of the pride. So it was that he had somewhat formally invited her on this private walk beneath the moon and stars. A little time away, he'd coaxed her, a well deserved break to spend a little time with a male who thought so much of her.

Imagine his pounding heart when she'd accepted. The day's responsibilities had immediately swept her away, but now here he was, waiting in the shadows away from the dens for her to appear. The normally serene lion fidgeted in what for him passed as nervousness, though to others it would have merely appeared that he was biding his time. Oh yes, Mith was a mite anxious, but more that he please her by being himself, rather than worrying over currying royal favor. If she was happy, that was all he desired.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:43 pm
The young lioness -- was she really young anymore? -- was running behind schedule, as usual. Things were busy within the pride, and it seemed no matter how many extra paws were on deck, how many healers were around to pick up duties, she was constantly drowning in work. There were new cubs to meet and bless, funerals for the dead, blessings and prayers, check ups with Mittere and other Masters of the pride, along with her own health considerations. Supplies, worries, concerns, grievances, anxieties, Nawiri'chiwa heard them all; meetings with her viziers and council, playing the middle man, putting her paw down over various matters, it was non-stop for the lioness. . .

So, despite her best intentions, she was late pulling herself away from her duties. It was surprising, really, to find herself meeting with the grey, gifted lion. It had been a seemingly impromptu request, and the lioness was already having trouble considering this a casual meeting. Did he perhaps have concerns he wished to speak to her about away from prying ears? He had been quite formal in his invitation, and while his intentions seemed pure, the knowledge that he might simply want to spend time with her, and not just the queen, was . . . a difficult concept for her to grasp.

Still, no matter what he wished, it would give her time to step away for a moment, and better get to know Mith'ando personally. The grey lioness did her best to look refreshed and upbeat, but she was tired, and her joints ached from the days work. Her illness had never left her, would never leave her, not until she passed in to the goddesses great care. "Mith'ando," she called out, loping over to where he stood before giving a bow of her head. "Forgive me, I did not mean to keep you waiting." He apologized, ever sincere. She was busy, but she did not want him to think this meeting any less important,


Shy Mage


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:16 am
He smiled warmly as she came hurrying up. He had no illusions that she was rushing to his side out of sudden infatuation. No, he knew well enough by now that she had been held up by her duties, and her rush was in concern for his own feelings. That simply was what she was like, and it was part of why he found her so easy to be fond of. He bowed his head in acceptance of her apology. "The pride comes before a moonlight walk," he said with a quirk of a smile, "and it is a beautiful night to wait for a beautiful lioness." His voice was gentle and soft, but not overly intimate. That simply was not proper. It was a simple compliment, given openly without intent to gain from it.

"But now that you are mine for the evening," his eyes glinted with humor, "let's start that walk, hmm?" He gave her a light nudge with his nose, then turned away from the den area and began padding slowly out into the hunting grounds. The stars overhead were dimmed but still spectacular, with the brightly glowing moon presiding over them all. Silver light cascaded over the two as they strolled, muting the landscape into the softness of a dream. After a time he glanced over at her speculatively. "When was the last time you did something that was just for you?" he inquired, ears canted her direction. In the moon's light she positively glowed, and he allowed his admiration to show as he awaited her answer.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 4:59 pm
"You are far too kind." Nawiri'chiwa was surprised by the compliment, and she was glad that the shadows of night hid the flush on her cheeks. The queen was not accustomed to being spoken to so openly, and quite frankly, never thought much of her appearance. She had little vanity, which was good in her position. Pride, arrogance, conceit, those traits were not well for strong rulers, at least not within a pride such as the Kitwana. Those who ruled had to be compassionate, sensitive, gentle, patient, and understanding of the overriding anxiety and pain found within the place. Selflessness was key, and Nawiri strove everyday to be exemplary as a queen and Healer.

That being said, it didn't often give her time to think about her appearance, much less do something for herself. She considered the males words, even as she followed him out in to the plains, away from heart of the pride. The openness of the land was refreshing, and the strong scent of herbal medications, sickness, and the sound of racking coughs or cries were soon muted, and lost altogether. Along with the beauty of the evening, and the stars lighting their way, it might almost have been considered romantic.

Her sister, Eva, certainly would give her quite the tease about it, should she find out. And of course she would -- rumors spread as past as sickness, in the Kitwana'antara. Especially when it concerned their queen. Their queen whom was long overdue on picking a King, and even longer due for raising heirs. The two foundlings she adopted had grown well, but still, Nawiri'chiwa had been unprecedented in her refusal to find a new King.

Kiwi'lan was long dead, or long lost. Even Nawiri found herself rarely giving thought to him, so moved on was she. Loss was inescapable in the Kitwana'antara, and if the Great Lady Pestilence wished to take, she did, and she would; but that did not mean she didn't bestow blessings on them, too.

Like now.

Mith'ando was being nothing but a gentleman.

At his query, the lioness gave a small chuckle. "Oh. . . trying to expose my secrets, eh? Well. To be perfectly honesty, I truly couldn't say. I did take a long soak within the hotsprings a few weeks prior, but that was more out of healers orders, than my own enjoyment... even if it did feel nice on my bones." She confessed with another little chuckle. The aches in her bones were getting worse ,but she couldn't tell if she were simply overworked or simply getting old. . . Older, at any rate.

Old lions were rare to find in the Kitwana.

"But I am giving myself this walk, so I suppose tonight. And what of you? I dare say I hope you are better able to treat yourself, than I am." Her words were absolutely genuine. How Nawiri'chiwa delighted in the joys of the pride, when they could be found.



Shy Mage


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:16 pm
I'm so sorry! I think I forgot it was my turn!!!

He listened attentively and smiled at her as she made a light joke. He nodded satisfaction at hearing about her hot springs experience. "I'm glad you are taking the advice of the healers and taking care of yourself," he told her genuinely. "Time to enjoy yourself is important, but more-so is ensuring you stay in good shape." He paused and leaned closer to her. "We need you, Nawiri," he said intently, uncertain even within himself on how much emphasis was on the 'we' portion of the statement. Was he truly meaning the pride, or did he purposely mean to imply that he himself needed her?

And how true was it? He stepped back again, thoughts turned inward as he examined himself. He was hesitant to give his feelings too much rein. But yes, he most certainly did need her, on a personal level. He was certain that, given the chance, this could become much, much more. That they could come to need each other, rely on each other. A quick check of his intentions reassured him that no, he was not aspiring to be King. That had little to do with how he felt about her, here under the cool moonlight. Here, and always, it was all about her. How he longed to fold her in close to his chest and just saver her scent, her company, her... love. It made him faintly nervous to think such thoughts, so he turned and kept padding forward, answering her question finally.

"I do try to get some time to myself sometimes," he cast her a smile, "but it can be hard when watching over cubs." His smile turned more amused and less intimate. "They keep me on my toes, to be sure. They are good cubs, though." He didn't call them his children... they weren't. They had a mother, even if she wasn't often here, and he was not at all their father. He'd gotten them to call him Uncle Mith, which seemed to suit everyone just fine. "How are your adopted ones?" It was one of the things they had in common... taking in cubs that needed a family and love. Hers were older than his, of course, but it still was a commonality he appreciated.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:52 pm
And I lost my muse for forever. I am trying to poke my kitties awake, haha. I think Nawiri is going to kill me.

The lioness almost felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment as the lion confess a need for her. While he didn't say it himself, the fact that it was noted at all, that anyone would need her, was humbling. She was nothing but a figurehead, really, nothing but another lioness in a pride with many other lionesses that did just as important work. All Nawiri'chiwa did was simply . . . make sure that everyone was doing their best, and take the blame when things did not go well. Her mother had taken the blame as a sacrifice to the goddess, and if she felt it necessary, she would do the same.

Thankfully, things were going well enough. Mostly. Outside of no official King, outside of her having adopted two cubs, out side of the fear of a war. . . everything was going well enough. There was death everyday in the pride, certainly, but there were kind moments, too. Not everyone was sick. Not everyone was dying. Every moment was worth savoring, for the Great Goddess might call them away at any moment. Even death was near Nawiri, and she knew Mith spoke the truth when it came to her health. Until there were heirs, until there was a King, until traditions were satisfied, they would need her to live, to thrive, to lead, to guide. Still. . . That was her place, and she accepted it. At least the Seer she spoke to seemed genuine enough in his words. There was a warmth about him that drew her. . . but she kept herself refrained.

"Oh, I suppose there is some truth to that. The pride needs the stability, at any rate, especially given we're without King or Heirs." Her own adopted children, though growing, were not of her blood. While she suspected that her daughter might make a fine heiress, she knew that the pride would prefer someone of her blood. Feh. Sooner or later, she would need to succumb to the advisers wishes. There were suitable males. . . but her heart yearned for something more than simply duty or obligation.

Unfortunately, time was running out.

"You seem able enough, even with your brood. Cubs do change things, though. . . even if they are not of your own blood. My own are doing well, flourishing better everyday." Oh, they were still reserved, still quiet, but she didn't blame them. They had been abandoned, forgotten, dropped off, left for a cheetah to return with them in tow. Nawiri loved them more than anything, and was glad that they were fairing well. It made her sad to see them grow. . .but she hoped they might live long lives, and serve the pride well. She hoped they might find every happiness in their life, and hoped the would not forget her as mother, even with age.

"Cubs are a blessing, after all. Though their abandonment was cruel, it was kind of Pestilence to allow them to our borders." Even if she knew the fate that all lion and lion crosses faced by crossing the borders.



Shy Mage


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:21 pm

He took a slow, deep breath. This was what he'd asked her out here for, after all, wasn't it? Still, his confidence quaked at the thought of the discussion he was beginning. At least she'd made it a little easier... kind of. He swallowed and breathed deep again.

"Have you considered... anyone for the role of King?" he asked with uncharacteristic hesitancy. His steps slowed and he cast her a rather shy sideways look. Ah, this made him feel so foolish! Like a cub asking for more meat, or an adolescent confessing a crush. This was not at all the sort of demeanor he was used to having. "What are you looking for," he hazarded, hastily adding, "in a King?" If lions could sweat, Mith probably would have been. Still, at least this was better than agonizing without asking. Eventually... perhaps he could get to the even more frightening part of expressing his own feelings. If he was lucky, that is.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:34 pm

Nawiri hadn't been certain as to what the grey male had desired upon requesting a night stroll with her. Perhaps it was to discuss politics? Or perhaps . . . something else? The blue and red eyes lioness did look almost surprised by his question, but her warm smile was quick to light up her features once more. She couldn't blame the stranger in asking -- isn't that what everybody wished to know?

Oh, she had thought she'd found it in Kiwi'lan but. . . the pink male was long gone if not dead. She hoped not -- in fact, she hoped the pink lion might have found happiness and joy wherever his pawed feet had taken him. The ache in her heart had dulled down to nothing more than regret and acceptance of his loss. As the queen of the Kitwana, she was used to loss, even if the pain never truly left. What did she want in a future King? And was this prelude to something more?

Giving her tail a little swish, the lioness finally chuckled and gave a small shrug. "I suppose that is the great question, isn't it? I had . . . " She hesitated, suddenly feeling foolish herself. Dare she admit what she had held off waiting for? She didn't want to lie to him, but the honesty of her words made her sound quite the fool Queen. "I suppose I had waited for romance, really. I put my selfishness first, over duty and the good of the Kitwana. I know," she quickly added, glancing down for a moment, thoughtfully. "It was not . . . wise nor excuseable for dragging my paws. I realize now no one in the Kitwana has time to wait for that, especially not their Queen. That aside, I would look for a lion who is strng of heart and body, capable, trustworthy, someone full of compassion and warmth. This job is not for the light of heart, and desperate times can crop up quickly. I would want someone who would work together in keeping the pride safe; someone who can help protect the borders against those that wish us eliminated." And how many did rather fear them.

Sometimes. . . Nawiri didn't blame them. None of them had asked for this curse, but she firmly believed they had every right to live as happy a life as long as Pestilence allowed it.

"Do you . . .perhaps. . .have any suggestions?" Himself, perhaps? Yes, Nawiri had considered the grey lion. Was still considering. Every eligible male was up for her to consider. . . . any one of them could be called upon to be King. "No love or romance necessary," she added with a rueful, playful, but almost sad, grin. She knew what Eva had, and Nawiri'chiwa couldn't help but be just a little bit jealous.

Eva had Sliabh and that was a romance to rival the ages.


Shy Mage


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:19 am

Did he have any... he nearly swallowed his tongue at her question. He was an honest lion, so how in the world was he supposed to answer that question?! He gave her a slightly panicked look, then turned his gaze off into the sky. He wrestled inwardly, arguing with himself, struggling with his heart. What would she prefer? Boldness? Humility? Forthrightness? He wished he could just take his time and give her the romance she so obviously craved and so clearly deserved. But if she felt pressed for time, could he woo her fast enough without showing his hand right this moment?

He swallowed hard, managing to keep his tongue in his mouth. If he was honest with himself, there would be much harder decisions than this to help with if he followed his heart. If he became the King, he would hold more lives in his choices than just himself and the one he loved most. Could he do it? He turned to gaze at her again, immediately taken by how the moonlight silvered her fur and gentled the sadness in her eyes. She was a beautiful creature, and he would give the blood from his veins if it would help her. She needed a mate to support her, and she needed such a male yesterday, or the day before, or seasons ago. He owed it to her to be honest and not wait.

He sucked in a deep, slow breath. "Nawiri, I must confess something to you," he began slowly, his voice soft and low, eyes on the ground before his paws. He swallowed again and looked up into her eyes. "I asked you to walk with me tonight so I could tell you this, though I wasn't sure if I should... or could." He flicked his ears in earnest sheepishness. This wasn't really the easiest thing to come out and say to one's Queen, after all! He faced her directly and gently took one of her paws in his own, holding hers tenderly. "The struggle you face every day for this pride... the love you feel for every member... you are amazing, Nawiri. I have admired you from the moment I arrived. But being here, seeing your day to day efforts, my admiration has become something more."

Here goes nothing... "I know I have no reason to expect to be considered, especially since I was not born into the pride, but... it is my hope you might consider me as a possible mate and King." He gave her a little nervous smile and nuzzled her paw, which he still held. "If I could, I would give my life to allow you to do what you wanted and needed to do. What is important to you is important to me." He swallowed again and met her eyes once more. "You deserve happiness. You deserve romance. You deserve love." Another deep breath, and then, "I have love to offer, as well as devotion and compassion. If you would have me."
PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:14 pm

Nawiri'chiwa stayed quiet for a moment, considering the words of the grey coated lion before her. She felt her heart race, her stomach drop, and she almost felt woozy on her feet. Was he . . . was he giving her a love confession? Her red and blue eyes studied the lion, considering his every word, weighing it against logic and feeling. On the one paw, he was an outsider, and it was possible he might only be going for a power grab. She was highly available, after all, and there was no hiding that the Viziers wanted her to find a mate, and have successors!

On the other paw, this was a lion who had come here with a vision. He had settled into the land as if he were born one of them, had built up their trust, and and had helped many within the pride. This was a lion who was as devoted to their members, as he seemed devoted to her.

His words. . .his tenderness. . . he was being sincere, of that she had no doubt. He seemed to admire her, seemed to truly love her, and it almost caught the lioness off guard. Surely, he had no right to ask for his love, and she herself was not entirely certain on her own feelings. After the loss of her previous mates, she . . . she was afraid to feel affection again. And yet, the lion beside her made her feel warm of heart, and giddy. He was not all business, though she could easily discuss such things with him.

. . . did she love him? Maybe. Could she grow to love him? Oh, she was in danger of such a thing already. But the Kitwana'antara often had little time for such affection with their disease. The Viziers did want her to take a mate, to have a new King. . . Mith'ando could be it. "Ah, my dear Mith. . such words you speak, such tenderness." She hesitated a moment, before moving in to give his cheek a very soft, somewhat shy, but affectionate nuzzle. "You think so highly of me, and I do not deserve such love, or such high praise." She glanced away, but did not draw away, and settled closer to the male. ". . I must think upon this a bit longer, must . .. consider all possibilities. But I dare say, I think ... I think I may have been waiting for you, all this time." Perhaps her feelings had not fully developed, but she was fond of the lion, and had never allowed herelf to give away her heart.


Shy Mage

[IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]

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