Okay, I've become rather bored with the usual group rp setting.Either too many people join and don't post, or no one joins at all.I can be pretty literate (literate means spelling people, it has nothing to do with how much you write), but if given enough to work with i can be anywhere from a three liner to a few paragraphs.My forte is mostly with fantasy or scifi, and a great deal of romance thrown in.My only limit is incest, yaoi and yuri.Sorry people incest just gives me the creeps and I have nothing against yaoi or yuri, I'm just not good at it.I prefer rps that aren't based on anime's or games, because i most likely haven't seen or played the same ones you have.I play either male or female characters, I'm pretty good at both so it doesn't matter the me.

Character Profile Samples

Name: Kaia Anders

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race/Nationality: Caucasian, Irish

Species: Half breed, human and elemental (?)

Orientation: Straight

Backstory: Kaia isn't your average person. Raised in an orphanage in Kilkenny, Ireland, she has no idea who she truly is.She learned early on that the only person she could trust was herself.At age fourteen, she left the orphanage of her own accord and went in the black market circuit, filching valuable items.There she met a friend, of sorts, who taught her thieving was something that could be used for good rather than personal gain.A few weeks later she woke up in Adam's Mansion, wondering where she was and what had happened.

Personality: Kaia is a very gentle soul at heart.Quiet and caring, she makes a great listener and a good friend if she gives someone the chance.She's not very trusting though, preferring to keep to herself and her emotions well guarded.When she's angry or frightened, she tends to rant or mumble to herself in Gaelic at times.As silent observer she finds the little quirks people try to hide in battle and often uses them to her advantage, though she takes no pleasure in taking another persons life.

Weapons/armors: She prefers to use a bow or twin daggers

Skills: A master of archery and very skilled with any type of bladed weapon.Good with poisons, immune to most and the ones she's susceptible to have little effect.She can withstand extreme temperatures.She's good at acrobatics as well.

Powers: Has a remarkable control over fire and can 'talk' to it to a certain degree.Also she has an increased agility when angry or frightened.She also posses a sort of telepathy when it comes to the fires she creates.

Weaknesses: She's human, to a point.what would kill a normal human may take a few goes before she's out of the game.

~The rain
~Nature in general
~The quiet

~People who judge
~Being kidnapped
~Being called insensitive
~Total darkness
Profile Pic:User Image

Theme song: Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day (Her musical tastes are varied, though she refuses to listen to rap)


Name: Anya Belikov

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Race/Nationality: Siberian, Caucasian

Orientation: Straight

Backstory: Orginally from a small town in Siberia, Anya moved from home to home trying to escape the fate her family left her.She had a knack for trouble, in and out of court on a regular basis.She learned quickly not to be seen.At a young age, she was trained to defend herself in anyway possible, Whether it be to flee, fight or even possibly, kill.This eventually lead to her rather unsavory escape from her homeland.She traveled a bit, training with anyone who would accept her as a student.She finally made her way to the states, she meant to make a new life for herself and ended up in Cyber Ridge.She had no eye for money, but for a place to belong and to call home.

Personality: Quiet and caring, not exactly something you'd expect with a trained killer.She's rather good at what she does, which makes her a fierce ally or a damning enemy.Being rather good with animals, she keeps a small peregrine falcon as a pet, named Silver.Almost never seen with out the bird, he's a tell tale sign when he's missing, and gods help the poor soul that made her leave him behind.

Weapons: Preferring small daggers and knives to the loud firing of guns, she uses her innocent looks to get close to her targets, making their deaths rather painless

Skills: Skilled in stealth and free running.She has a maddening talent with any bladed weapon. Also she has a knack for intel and tech, making her a valuable asset when it comes to security and sabotage.

Affiliation: The Corleone Family

Rank: Hitman/Security

Profile Pic:User Image


Name: Mina and Mira Grayson

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race/Nationality: Shifter, American

Orientation: Straight

Back story: The first twins born in over three hundred years in a long line of Seers, these two were to fulfill the legend that brought about the peace between the supernatural world and that of the 'statics', which are normal humans.From a young age, they traveled between the supernatural strongholds, learning something from each race.They were to use these new skills to earn the humans trust and help the better understand the creatures they had discovered in the aftermath of the Great War.The humans were correct.The end times had begun, but not in the way they believed.In reality, the end times were simply the merging of two societies that had long coexisted, yet never crossed.These two girls, where the last chance for both.One dark, the other light.Seperated they become nothing, yet together, they are everything.

Personalities: Mina is rather blunt in her opinions, to the point of being brutal.Not bothering with petty sentimentality she prefers to tell it like it is and get it over with.She's also fiercely protective of her twin.The same goes for Mira, fiercely protective, and loyal to the core.She's more reserved, tending to think more about a persons feelings before she opened her mouth.She's a rather gentle soul stuck in an unfortunate situation.

Pic; Mina's in black, Mira's in white
User Image

As a reminder these are simply samples written up quickly and based on ones that I have already used.If you would like to give rping with me a shot simple send a pm with the title "Been Awhile".I'm open to any ideas.