Name: Tavast
Nicknames: None at current
Gender: Male
Age: He looks to be 16.

Faction: Monster
Race: Obsidian Dragon

Natural Ability: Rock Singing – Obsidian Dragons can sing rocks into whatever shape they desire. Using both their voices and their hands to craft amazing pieces of art or functional tools out of stone. While they prefer to craft using the Obsidian of their natural habitat, any stone will do.


[+/-] Wary – Tavast is slow to trust others, at least, others who weren’t a part of the Wonderpark incident. He tends to be a bit skittish of Human looking creeple, and gives them a wide berth. That’s not to say he won’t talk to them if approached, or approach them himself if a situation calls for it. He also tends to sit back and weigh the pros and cons of actions in a given situation before acting on the one he feels best keeps him and his friends safe. Unless a situation requires a snap judgment, then he will always pick the option that best preserves his friends, even at great cost to himself.

[+] Dedicated – Tavast tends to pour his all into whatever he is doing, giving it the majority if not all of his focus. He rarely doesn't see things through to the end, be their consequences good or ill. The same goes for people and relationships. Once he makes a friend, he will usually stick by them. His loyalty isn’t easy to win, but it equally hard to shake. Once he considers you a friend, he will go out of his way to make sure you've got everything you need.

[-] Grumpy – Tavast is often a dour and bitter fellow. Almost perpetually grumpy – especially if he hasn’t had enough sleep – Tavast can sometimes be difficult to be around. He doesn’t go out of his way to be mean, but he doesn’t have the patience to put up with your bickering or disruptive behavior. He will make his displeasure known – physically if need be.

[+/-] Favorite Things – When Tavast likes something – he likes it a lot. He will go out of his way to protect his favorite things – and people. Those in his inner circle are also graced with a much less surly dragon, as he actually is willing to put up with their quirks and issues, since they are part of his horde after all. Unfortunately, that means that he is very possessive and jealous of his favorite things, and isn’t inclined to share them unless he really must. Even then – he’ll try to edge other people out of his “turf” and try to monopolize what he considers his.

[+/-] Worldly – Tavast has been through a rough patch of time in the short span of his life and came out of it a bit wiser of the world. He takes the time to stop and smell the nightshades, to enjoy the simple things in life when he can. He tends to be very patient with others – often giving them time to speak their minds before replying. He also isn’t above having a bit of frivolous fun, even if there is a task at hand that should warrant more focus. He tends to drift toward energetic creeple, even if he tends to be quiet and introspective.

Sculpting: Tavast enjoys using his Rock Singing to craft sculptures. It is how he relaxes at the end of the day. It helps him take his mind off his troubles and allows him to clear his head. He tends to sculpt whatever is on his mind at the time, so in a way, it is a good window into what is going on in his head.

Napping: Tavast enjoys his rest. If he could figure out how to get away with it, he would spend the majority of his time napping. He is able to sleep anywhere, and will often just lay down in a convenient spot and fall asleep.

Hiking: Tavast enjoys being outside more than inside. He will wander around the outdoors for hours, just soaking in the wonder of the environment around him. He will also spend hours sunning himself on a rock if you let him.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
He wants to learn how to function properly in Halloween society and figures the best place to go about that is Amity. He dislikes not really knowing the ins and outs of the culture that he belongs to – and so is seeking to not only better himself, but learn as much as he can about his people and this world he has been thrust into.

FEAR Ability:
Y1 – Lava Claw (Battle Cry) – Tavast covers his claws in lava in the hopes of causing extra damage to his foe.
Y2 – Lava Burst (Swift Strikes) – Tavast breathes out a ball of lava at his target, covering the ground around them.
Y3 – Lava Torrent (Swift Strikes) – Tavast breathes a torrent of lava at his target, covering a large patch of the ground around them.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Glowing blue eyes with no pupils
Hair Colour/Style: Long brown hair, on the shaggy side.
Skin Colour: Obsidian Black on the upper 3/4ths of his face and the rest of his body. Silver Grey on his lower jaw and down the front of his neck, chest, inner biceps, inner thighs and the underside of his tail.
Clothing Style/Colours:
Top: A sleeveless open vest. Charcoal Gray
Pants: Loose fitting cotton pants cinched with rope. Silver Gray
Shoes: No shoes
Extra: Claws, Horns, long thick tail, wings.
References: Natural form!