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Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:51 pm
User ImageKohaku, Kowab'akmar, and Harmonia:
From the one on one talk Kowab had with Kohaku, it was heartfelt. With tears, a brawl.. but it hit home. Kowab's life was almost, maybe just as hard. The only difference is, his parents hadn't died. They just went their separate ways and their family separated almost across the african map. Kowab had gotten his name defiled. Still, hearing Kohaku's father and mother die did a number to Kowab too. "I will not pretend to know your pain, but trust that you have family here still. You and your bothers and sisters." The pain in his chest, as the last memory of Gin was her accusing him of almost killing her son. Suki, The only one of his family to be there when Kowab and Luci got married. Their was still love for his best friend within him, he had forgiven him.. But Kohaku was a bit more stubborn than him. Their lives took such drastic turns that it was Kowab whom was now deemed as the good one. Still, he tried to uplift Haku's downing nature.

"I had left Luci.... and it was my greatest mistake. If you do not go after her, if you do not fight for her. Then you are not worthy of Rime's love. A seer told me that, That if I give up. What is the use of me as the lion she needed by her side. Not the lion whom the seer saw in front of her."

"Your lucky...I still hate you for that. You a*****e."

".... I know it." Kowab smiled.."Don't worry- I still think of you as the stupid one. So we're even. All that bronze shrunk your brain."

"Watch it family man."

"You look like Lucy when she gets angry." He laughed. "But seriously... I wouldn't know what to do without her. My whole life, wasted without her. I am truly happy..finally." Looking at Haku. "She is the reason I can not hate you, the reason why I still haven't forgotten. But I forgive.. greatly because If it not had been for the events you shoved down my throat, I wouldn't have known her love and for that I owe you thanks."

"I hate your cocky attitude. If I wasn't bandaged up and restricted to healing- I'd kill you right where you stand."
"I'll hopefully say the same to you one day. When we're not at each other's throats. You know- when you grow your brain back. Let me know."

They had a tussle... but like old time sparring, after the hours of rough housing.. Haku pushed away. "Your right. I have to find her." "Go get'er .....bro.." He'd been wanting to say that for forever... but still even if bad blood stirred within them he saw some hope. He still saw his best friend.. and unlike what the seer told him. His cubs were safe now..

He was off... He searched high, and he searched low. He searched back to where they had rested. He had searched for scents. Anything that would lead him to her. It had been now months since he left the dawnwalkers. To his knowledge, he didn't know that they had disbanned.. Didn't know that what beheld the dawnwalkers future was the downfall of the entire empire they had created. He didn't know anything of his family now, with the constant traveling and speaking to useless leads, he was oblivious to the world around him. He just needed to find her. Any way he could, and he wouldn't stop. In his sachel... A fixed necklace from a very unlikely face.. Giving him a new chance to make things right. But everything he had done up til now was for naught.

"Thieves-" He ended up in the Kizi, then the Bahari.. All prides that he had hoped would help him. But he came up empty pawed til a rather familiar looking face smiled at him. Harmonia, daughter to Izzy, whom had known Gin from long ago.. He didn't put two and two together but she was kind.
"Maybe... The pirates? They are not too far from here? She sounds like a Kizi honestly but if not.. She could probably be a mermaid? I'm sorry- I don't know if that helps..." "Anything is better than nothing. Thank you m'lady." Although anything would help, by his travels... he was exhausted and took refuge near the boarder between both the pirates and bahari. He wasn't even sure if any of these prides housed the lioness he had finally figured out what he had been looking for. Everything was helpless at the time, maybe another empty lead.

If not Kizi... Pirates sounded like the next best thing but after months of searching, he had downed everything. Pridelands, to hyenas, to bonelands, to bahari- then the kizi.

He was hungry, and he had only eaten his fill and maybe half that. He packed on his weight again, and gained back his muscle from training here and there. If he never found her again, he wanted to at least know this 'mission' wasn't all a waste. A solemn river, with the ocean yards away... the plains were vast.. and the wildebeests carried on. He'd use the prey beast as his fill for the week. Nothing more, nothing less. He lifted his brow when he saw them rear closer to his location and lifted his body. Flexing his muscles and warming them up for a good hunt.. Leaving his sachel behind..

User ImageIason:
The mighty hunter stalks his unwitting prey~
Wait, no, that wasn't right. He wasn't a hunter, he was gonna be a pirate! And he wasn't after prey, either, nope! He was after treasure! Ooooo, treasure, that was always fun. Maybe he'd get something wonderful and his mama would stop being grumpy at him for the last time he wandered off... But then he'd wandered off again on this adventure...
Iason stopped for a moment, pondering this new bit of information. Well, he's just have to get extra special treasure!

His eyes fell on something someone must have lost, a bag. Oooo, that would be nice! Mama would love a new bag! And maybe there was something in it! Double treasure! It was pretty big for him, but he was Iason, son of the ice queen and grandson of the fearsome Captain Nemeios, dreaded dragon of the seas. Plus he was a big cub, he could do it!
Doing his best to be silent (Which, honestly, wasn't all that quiet), he padded over to the bag, slipped it onto his back as best he could and turned to flee home, a triumphant grin already, and probably prematurely, plastered on his face.

Stretching and yawning. He was ready for a good hunt, and right when he was about to head forward in to the herd, he looked back at where he had left his bag only to almost disregard its disappearance. "Wait- WHAT!?" The bag was gone, and quickly he ran back to where it had been. Looking around until he saw a little rump and tail up in the air, walking away with his bag. "Hey! You little snot!"

Running after him now, although he wasn't TOO MAD. No, not too mad- it was a cub! How could he, but still- a lil deliquent perhaps but they all were at that age- except for his pride. Virtuous non the less. "Hey!" He called out to get its attention, although he knew it would run- Haku's strides were much larger than this kid's and could catch up to him but he didnt want to use that much energy just yet. Nope- not now. Jogging closer and closer.. til.

When he suddenly heard a voice behind him, Iason took off like a shot.
For all of a couple of leap-lengths, anyway. Because as soon as he tried jumping over a toppled tree, the bag got caught in one of its branches and his immediate struggles had him tangled up, upside-down, and staring at the owner of the bag.

He was a charming little cub, his hint of a mane all sea-and-sandy colored. He had gold eyes like some distant ancestor that no one knew about and it all went well with his light brown pelt. Huh, kinda like the color of the big lion's pelt. Brown was such an awesome color.
Doing his best to be like his grandpa, he had a gold hoop in one ear and a strip of red cloth tied around one front leg. Of course, the cloth didn't even begin to hide his scale-markings, he was proud he looked so much like his mama.

"You're not a pirate! You're gonna be in lotsa trouble bein' on this land an' not bein' a pirate!" he said with an absurd amount of authority in his tone considering he was tied up and hanging upside-down. Then again, he was prone to having an impulsive and fearless nature. Point in case, wandering about on his own at his age and trying to steal from a giant of a lion.
He did seem rather amused, though. Why, of course he was! Just thinking about how much fun it would be to see such a big lion get in trouble, why it was just too good!

That little kid, shooting forward. Damnit- he knew he would do that! So he leaped forward in a graceful yet strong run until he watched the little one get strangled by the bag and he couldn't help but laugh at him. Then slowed down, and trotted up to the little one. Chuckling more. Having not seen the resemblance just yet. "Well look what he got here." Tilted his head the most it can go to meet the kid's face. "Aren't you the fiesty one. Big talk coming from someone whos all tangled up huh." He laughed more and sat down in front of him. "So.. Their are pirates in these lands huh?" Poking the kid's snout. "And Im guessin' your a pirate." For being so young, he might have just idiolized what the land had to offer.

"So.. not so tough pirate." Stealing his bag, reminded him of a lioness he was quite fond of.. and by the looks of this cub reminded him more of her. "You remind me of someone I used to know." Shaking his head. "Lets get you down- shall we?" Taking the cub by the scruff and lifting up on his two back legs to eliviate the tension of the stranglement. Pulling him til the bag loosened and was lifted off the branch. Muffled. "Drop the bag and I'll let you go."

"Course I'm a pirate! I'm the best pirate there is... 'Ceptin' my gran'da and mama. I'm even better 'n my uncles! ... Least... I'm gonna be, when I grow up! Better 'n being a boring ol' rogue," Iason replied, sticking his tongue out at the thought of not being a pirate. Not getting to find treasure? Or go on adventures? How not fun!

When the big lion finally got him untangled, but told him to let go of the bag, he did exactly not that. Instead, he did his best to cling to it.
"Nuh-uh, you left it, I found it! 'S mine now!" Which would have been a lot better of an argument if he wasn't steadly... slipping... Iason landed on the ground with an "Oof!" when his grip on the bag slipped. Well, dang, apparently he wouldn't be getting himself out of trouble after all.

He actually pouted while he sat there, annoyed that he'd apparently failed.
"Donno who I'd r'mind you of. Mama says I'm one of a kind even though I look like her an' I bet you've never met her. Mama don' like rogues."

Not a very good one, aye?" As he slipped and pulled up the sachel over his shoulder as soon as the kid let it drop. "Ah- so your family is all kinds of thieves. Its a good skill- but there are many skills worth learning at that. Thieving can only get you so far~" The kid was cute, he had to admit. He remembered exactly how he used to be, Kowab and him on adventures mostly all the time. Playing pirates- catchers and all kinds of things. The world of fantasy was at their talon tips but reality and the world around them took that over. "Mother doesn't like rogues huh. Without rogues there would not your mother. We stem far and all prides and group were made of a once lone rogue. Bet yea didn't know that." He laughed. "Don't think your mum will be too happy you being so far away neither." Lowering his body to the face of the pouting boy. Smirking. "Well- you remind me of a gal, she called herself a dragon. Stole my bag just like-........... " He started to put two and two together although it was a far fetched idea....
"Do you know a lioness.. White.. silver.. markings just like these~" He pointed to the kid's scales with his massive paws. Then poked his head. "Trouble maker- just like you~"

Iason's eyes narrowed. He so was a good pirate and he was just gonna get better and learn all he needed to be the best and...
"No, my mama doesn't like rogues. Mama says we're descended forever from lions in proper prides, so there," he huffed in return, shaking his head. His grin turned into a full-blown frown when the big lion started describing his mama. But then...

"My mama's not a troublemaker!"

Iason and Auslief / Rime:
"For the love of, where on earth is-" Rime froze when she saw the male that her precious little baby was currently with. Emotions welled inside her, but she did her damnedest to not show a single one.
"Mama!" Iason cried and flung himself at his mother. "Tell him you're not a troublemaker."
She sighed and shook her head, swallowing slowly as she sat down and wrapped herself around her precious baby.

"No, but you are. I was worried about you, my little dragon. You shouldn't go running off like that. Grandpa would have heart palpitations, so he would," she said, currently ignoring the Kohaku in favor of her cub.
"I wanted to go explorin'."
"I know, I know. But you should tell me when you do. That way I could come with, or Bart or Dou or one of your uncles. I would be sad if a big shark came along and gobbled up my little dragon," she replied, tickling the cub just a bit. Her tone sounded like any other playful mother and her smile lovingly sincere, but there was no hiding the sadness in her eyes.

The lion was... pretty much in his own world with the boy. Laughing at his antics. His facial expressions. He hadn't met cubs in some time, it was refreshing to see such youth getting riled up.. "Proper lions had once been rogue." Only to cause the back and forth antic with the boy. Having a good ol' time with him. Or, in his position that was. Til he announced that the lioness in question was his mother, and oh and behold the cub scrambled to what he couldn't believe.. He lifted his head, slowly... to follow the cub til silver paws held him.. No... It.. It couldn't be.

When his eyes came to behold her, she was.. radient.. she was. All grown up. Filled in the huge paws she had, and had nearly kept him speechless for a few moments til he gathered himself in his mind enough to say. "....Auslief?.. Is that .. it is really you~!?

"Woah.... I don't- I mean-... a ....mother...?" He snapped back to reality.. Straightening his back to his proper size.. No.. Not this again. He couldn't go through another heartbreak like Lucia.. He bit his lip, and tried to smile.. "Its good to .. see you." He couldn't lay it all out to her, not in front of the kid. It looked.. as though she had forgotten him. Probably had a mate and family now, like he'd seen. No, he wasn't that in tune to know that cub was his. No- the distraught feeling of losing another he loved was greater than making sense of the obvious.

"I see you're doing well...."

Iason and Auslief / Rime:
"Hush, Iason," Auslief told her son softly, before raising her head to level an impassive look in his direction, showing none of the hurt she felt inside. No aggression to get him to leave, no sorrow over seeing him again, no relief at seeing him okay, not even a curiosity over how he had managed to find his way here. It was as if she was looking at a rock, or more importantly like she was the rock. The only thing peeking out of her frozen shield was the murderous fire in her icy blue eyes.

"You have no right to use that name. Never say it again," she snapped, holding tight reign on her tumbling emotions.
"Mama, how come he knows your name? You don' like rogues."
"I don't, Iason, please. Go back to the beach, Grandpa and Grandma are with your siblings. They're hunting for shells." Was there pleading in her voice? Perhaps, but she wasn't sure. didn't really change anything, for her son just continued to cling to her.
"Nuh-uh, not when you're upset," her son replied and glared at the rogue. "Mama's not doing well, you've made her upset, you stupid rogue!"
"Iason!" Auslief gasped, a bit of her composure slipping as she wrapped her paw tighter around him to make sure he didn't lunge at Haku.

Something was amist here. Different, had he pained her this badly. Had him coming here been a mistake. She was doing well- but the snapping, he understood it. "I'm ... sorry." He couldn't help but say. The child spoke truth, something was wrong with Rime. "Listen.. ah.." Now that he was here, after so long- it was hard to muster words that could explain why he was here. Something tugged at his being though. As the kid spoke, he homed in on the kid and shot his head up. "lason...." His voice went utterly soft, and his face went tender. Then looked back at Rime, he didn't know what to think at the moment, butterflies just filled his chest and heat built up in his chest and foehead, his legs were stiff as stone. "Do you... think I can have a moment with your mother. I promise- to not touch her.. and promise not to make her more upset." Still staring at her eyes, he once saw poured affectionate out freely for him. Now cold as ice, like she had met him for the first time. It struck a pain in his heart so deep, that he felt as though he were choking..

Then he reered his eyes back the the boy. Giving him a humbled expression.

Iason and Auslief / Rime:
Iason looked like he was about to argue, but his mama leaned down.
"Go see Grandpa, my little dragon. I'll be all right. Find me a beautiful shell," she said, nuzzling near his ear. That wiped the frown off his face.
"A cowrie, Mama?"
"If you can. You know, Uncle Bart has never been able to find one." Well, that apparently changed matters. Iason perked right up. He did give the rogue a good, firm frown, at least the best he could to copy his grandpa, and then ran off into the pridelands.

Auslief watched him go with a small sigh before straightening her posture and returning her attention to the male before her.
"You shouldn't be here. Anyone else catches you trespassing on our lands and they'll... Honestly, I can't even begin to imagine what'll happen to you. It won't be pleasant." He'd apologized. But it did nothing to ease the ache that was once more growing inside of her. Gods, she wanted to scream and weep all over again. Did he even know what he was apologizing for?

When the two spoke, that time spent was something out of a book, it was fantasy and every moment became more honed in on, more intense. As if he were micro focusing the situation. How they interacted. How endearingly she spoke to him.
".....Rime. Did you think I would come here without a clue? I knew the dangers in coming here." He finally voiced. "And all well deserved for what I have done." Both by karma of the vampire war and for hurting all those around him, he was successful in that. In hurting her. Forever will he be in that debt, but now in front of her. All of that weighted his body down, and his mind when it came to her. All the thoughts he'd finally come to grips on when coming here almost frazzeled him.

Watched the kid run off...His ears swirving towards the steps. "I would seek out this punishment, in hopes of forgiveness. Yours." That's how important it was to him. How important SHE was. "It was a long trip.. Many detours to get here. You think any of that would stop me? By all the strength in me was it just as hard to track you down. But I came." The seriousness in his voice. Then looking back to where the kid went. "You didn't think I'd ever come back.. did you." His voice trailed off.. Knowing that she could have easily forgotten him, and went on as if he never existed. Something in him wanted to know if she had a new family.. or was his gut feeling was right. "....I'm.... afraid to ask." This was awkward.. He didn't went to get hurt by knowing it wasn't his, but just as afraid of knowing if it was. With all this time that passed.. He didn't know how to approach the subject. She had to have known what he was struggling about. Beating around the bush so to speak.

He eyes just searched for any detail of the cub.. until he was finally out of sight.. And that gave a pain so deep in his chest.. "Please tell me.. Am I really too late.." The feeling of utter defeat was growing..
PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:52 pm
Auslief / Rime:
She wanted to pace, to try and work the hurricane out of her melting heart, but that wouldn't work. She knew that well enough. And besides, it would just show how agitated she was and that was the last thing she wanted to show. She was stronger than this, damnit.
"No, I didn't. You found what you were looking for and I figured I'd never have to think of you again." Her words were clipped, hard and slightly bitter. At one point she had hoped for that, that she'd never again have to deal with the pain of remembering him, after a time. But she'd been so very wrong. Every time she looked in her babies' eyes, every time she gathered Iason up to her and squeezed him tight, she was hit with those memories she had tried so hard to bury, to forget.

And yet none of that tainted her love for her cubs, thankfully. No matter how much they looked like him, they were hers and hers alone. He was nothing but the donor spark to start the fire of their lives going. She had fed and nurtured those flames into the beautiful little scamps she dearly loved.
Auslief caught herself before she started to smile. Only her cubs and her mother deserved that from her. Not her brothers, not her father nor the rest of the crew for they'd think she was soft, weak. And certainly not this male.
"They have your blood, but you are not their father," her eyes narrowed ever so slightly as her ire rose, threatening to break free. "A proper father gives a damn about his kids and at the very least respects their mother. They don't have a father an' they sure as hell don't need one, you or anyone else."

Damn, she was getting riled. She never should have said a word to him. Just told him to get off their land and left with Iason. The dam inside, holding back all the pain, the anger, the frustration, it was weakening seeing him again. Had he thought she would have moved on to someone else? Ha, after the way he'd shredded her heart, she was lucky to have the ability to love her children as strongly as she did.
She wasn't able to stop a small sneer from peeking through her frigid mask.
"If you think watchin' my father an' his crew slowly tear you apart will make me feel better..." Auslief shook her head in a slightly jerky motion. If he thought that, then he'd never really known her at all. She would have thought those desert lions were nosy enough to tell him how she'd been unable to not take care of when he was unconscious. Some stupid part of her, that soft feminine part, couldn't stand to see another creature suffering. Not even that hyena that would have killed her if it'd had the chance, if he hadn't come and fought the others.

"Why did you really come here? I'm through bein' a toy to take on your adventures so you're not bored."

His ears panned back. She was still so cold and hard. Something he had grown used to and out of when they spent so long with each other. Laughing and playing- hunting and protecting one another. He'd lost that.... When she announced the answer he was looking for, he fell back on his hunches with a thud that left him nearly speechless. That... was his blood? That rumble and tumble little lump of fur. It didn't know exactly what he should or could say. They were not his.. but that was not by his lack of not wanting to care for them. He would have been there for every moment. Their first cries.. He missed that. Eyes, heartbroken yet shocked all at once. Then lowered his head down as she spoke the rest.

"I came here to clear the air. Tell you ... everything.. That is.." He patted his chest softly. "Here." Which he gripped his chest mane.

Then he lifted his body up and straightened his back. Tried to regain his composure where he felt it slipping. Emotions, were very rough on him, and he had nothing else to lose- he had already lost it all.

"I was stupid. An idiot that was confused and had lived in the past for way too long. I thought what was there- was just an illusion of what I thought was right. But... I was plagued by my hatred... the pain from the past. What I been through that I didn't think. Just kept a one track mind, and forgot what was around me. Forgot that things had changed- and I changed." Shaking his head and looking at her. "But I didn't give in to it and let the past take ahold of me. Now, I had time to think.. I looked at her and nothing of what I felt when I was younger was there. Because It already had a place somewhere else." The intensity grew in her seriousness. "I realized I lost you- and had lost the single most important thing to me. You." Then he looked away. "I'm sorry for being an idiot.. I'm sorry for the pain. But I least needed you to know that.. I did .. Truly love you. Lucia ... was someone whom should have stayed- and died with the past.."

He took a step back, shook his head and turned to his side- debating leaving now that he had told her of what he ached from. "If...I had known of them. Their existence... I would have been a father. For now- at least..I beg.. Let me be in the shadows of them. If they are mine..I would do anything.. just." The grieving pain was coming back, the tightening of his chest and his heart sinking that he could do nothing. She had all the power over him yet none at all. "Even if it is to be hidden- whatever they need.. whatever you need... I will be invisible- and do whatever is in my power... To atone for my indiscretions. If you would let me..."

Auslief / Rime:
Her control was slipping, with every word he said she was losing her hold on her pain, her anger, her sorrow. He said that this was coming from his heart and it was going straight to hers like a long, thick thorn.
"You were stupid. It took me a long time to come to terms that it was you who was the stupid one and not me. I trusted you. If I'd really meant that much, how could you have..." Auslief growled and shook her head, trying not to burst into tears.

He told her he loved her and the control snapped like a branch held taunt being released. And it hurt just as much as being hit by one.
"You don't!" she snarled, standing and taking a step towards him before she thought better of it. She froze and drew her paw back, but there was still tears in her eyes, her lip still curled. "If you'd given a damn abou' me, you wouldn't 've left me sleepin' in the middle o' the night."

He didn't understand. He just didn't get how much he had hurt her, how far she'd fallen and just what he'd done to her.
"I gave you my name. My name. Do you know who calls me that name? My mother. That's it. I was born with that name, but no one has used it since I was young, not my father, not his crew, my uncle, my brothers, not even my closest friends. I am Rime, the ice queen, strong an' frigid, powerful enough to join my father's crew and fight at the side of the males of my pride. Auslief is the soft little female who dreams of adventures an' havin' a family just like her parents. I let you, I asked you to call me that, do you understand what that means?" The more she spoke, the more agitated she became and finally the dam broke. She hated the fact that she started crying, hadn't she cried enough?!

"I won't let you- I can't... They wouldn't understand!" He would just confuse her cubs, she didn't even know what she was going to tell Iason next time she saw him. He would ask so many questions and be so gods-be-damned stubborn about it. "I'll already get pressed with questions. Damnit, why did Iason get your stubbornness?"
Good gods, had she just said that out loud?

'You were stupid' - amost immediately. "I was." Admittingly.
She trusted him- he nodded. Everything she had laid out to him, he took account of. Everything she said- he gave a nod and understood them. With how she spoke, and the look in her eyes. He understood that. Those that didn't know her- accused her of being a thief or worse- they didn't know the Rime he knew. The self efficient power house of a female whom he couldn't imagen living without knowing her. He had come to the conclusion that a 'name' meant way more than his pride made it. Within his own- a Name- was your generation. Your life. Your word. Your family. Your honor. Yet they spoke names regularly. But with her pride, they had code names. Only meeting one other pride that used this same rule.

When she raised her paw to attack- he lifted his huge paw up and curled it around her much smaller one. Even growing, this didn't change. "I do." He didn't say it so easily. Not as a joke. But he spoke with every emotion that brought him here. Yet showed it more in intensity than frigid and serene. "I needed to leave the past behind me. I thought I had. But things happened, and I made a mistake. One that costed me a great deal Rime. I know." The look he gave her still stayed. "I needed to make sure the past was behind me before I could think of a future. There are some things you must do alone. All the stories I once told you. Those were stories of me Rime. The one you called stupid- was me. The one you thought crazy. That was me. I didn't see the errors- I was blind. Your hurt- I know. I get it." She spoke of family- she had given him the chance to have everything he ever wanted. A family- a place where his heart could rest. "But I wouldn't be here- If I didn't love you Rime. I wouldn't have spent the last couple of months looking for you. Asking for you. Tracking you down- because I know I don't want anyone else. There are so many lionesses on this earth but there is not another oen of you. There isn't another whom is as determined. Another that proves herself with every step she takes. Level headed when things get crazy. Yet laughs like no one is watching. The lioness whom is scared of storms.. I want her. This is hard to hear, I know. It was harder to admit. But I've wanted this with everything I have left. "

He pulled her close to him with his other paw. Touching her face with the opposing one that had let her paw go. Having pushed his forehead to hers, like he had done so long ago, and ached to do so once again.

"They will understand, in time. Like everything, it has to be taught."
Closing his eyes.
"Hell, how long would you have been able to keep me a secret from him then. If he has got anything from me- and anything from you. Determined would have found him the truth. How long would you have been able to keep him here." Branching on lason. From the looks of it- he was much like him but more like his mother.

"If even just a chance. Even just glimmer. I'd take it because everyday without you has been drought. Waking every morning knowing I have cubs with you- and not be able to see and touch them, to touch you. I will fade away. Yet, I'm not saying I will walts in to your life and theirs now, no. Its going to be very hard- it will take time. It takes patience. I'm a bit hot headed- but I will live with it because this is what I missed out on. This is what Ive always wanted.. I don't want to keep this pain growing and breeding it- All of what Auslief I knew.. That played in the spring with me, whom tended my wounds- and cuddled within me and protected me in more than once. If she is still somewhere there. I want to find her.. and bring out and show her that I too ached for her too.. and will never.. Ever hurt her again. Over my dead body, I vow this. Because all of her, and the ice queen she has shielded herself behind. Everyday I want to make it up to her- every day I want to prove to her how much I love her.. and warm all her walls down.. Please. I beg you. Give her that message at least.. " Going to her cheek and softly licking it.

Auslief / Rime:
Auslief hated that he hooked her paw and that she didn't have the strength to pull it away, no matter how light his touch was. She didn't want him to let go, that stupid, soft part of her just wanted him to hold her and forget everything that had happened, to start over.
"Damned right you made a mistake," she muttered under her breath as he kept going. She knew he was trying to explain, to get her to forgive him, but how could she really? He'd used her and then... He'd broken her heart. He'd attacked the mate of the lioness he'd really loved, he'd hurt the poor thing as well. He was a jealous fool, all the time. He'd even thought Bart was...

Ohgods, Bart. Dou. They had an inkling of what had happened. Her father and brothers, they didn't know much more than she went out on a journey to prove herself and came back knocked up. Only Dou and Mama knew what had exactly happened.
Her head dipped as she continued to quietly cry and shake her head. Her icy shield was gone, shattered into a million pieces. When he touched his forehead to hers, she just kept on shaking her head.

"You don' understand. Even if I wanted... if I wasn't.... You can't stay here. Do you think they didn' figure somethin' out? My father's fairly acceptin', but he's ruthless when he wants ta be." She paused to sniff a bit and dip her head some more. Her pronunciation had finally degraded from her practiced, thoughtful speech, cutting off consonants and altering vowels, just like she always did when she was really upset. "The others, my brothers... I don' know. The hurt you caused me, I'm havin' trouble forgiving. I don' think they ever will."

Unable to stop herself, she curled close and shook against him.
"I don' know if any of me is left," she confessed, her words quiet. It had hurt so much, she tried to give love to her babies, to show them that side but it was just so hard sometimes. "I told them about their father. That they have warrior blood in their veins an' flawed with stubborn, temperamental natures. I told them not ta let it control them... Some would have looked, when they were older. Now... I don' know why I'm even thinking on it, you won't be allowed to stay here, I'm sure of it."

At least, that's what she really, truly thought. She had no confidence whatsoever that she'd be able to sway her father or friends into letting him stay. She probably should have had more faith in herself.

The feeling of warmth was coming through him, and he knew this. He knew her, and wanted her. Every little inch of her, he remembered. The Aussie she said she didn't know she had- was there. Plain as day. He held her close now. Tight. It was odd, he was usually able to engulf her completely but now she'd grown enough to be seen yet still a few feet off from his height. She was crying... and it hurt to watch her, and know he was the cause. He said he wouldn't hurt her again but here they were.. Pain around them- each word was painful. He ducked his head almost under hers.. And licked the tears away. It was his fault. But he would promise to make it better.

"As you know Im stubborn. You think I'll just let you walk out of my life again. Whatever I got to face now, is nothing compared to being without you Aussie." Softly nudging her face.. and lifting her chin with a gentle paw. "You make it hard to be without. If you let me- I will do the rest. I will do whatever it takes to be by your side. Family will always love you. And if they seen you happy.. whatever they have can pass judge on me. But whether they like it or not- those are mine. Like a part of you is still mine. And like the cubs, they will come to understand it. You just need to believe in me- just one more time. Like I said- I knew what I was getting in to when coming here. I've prepared for the trails that will come."

He was buff again, back to how she knew him to be. Unlike the meekly- sickly - weak lion he was after recooperating from the fight against Kowab. Where he couldn't move for so long. Where his once childhood- enemy had to hunt and bring food for him. All came in full circle. If he had to fight for her- he would. If he had to pass a test- he would. The feelings he thought he had for Lucia... it was so much more with Rime. "We can see each other slowly.. I'll wait. Til we can muster- and figure it out, if you want. But.. Rather I have it my way. Since its 'i' whom has to atone. I want to set things straight. I don't know what they'll think. But I have to try and take responsiblity of what I have done somehow. But.. I can't if you won't let me. To the seas on what anyone else thinks. It's you whom I am worried over. Our cubs- I am worried over."

He searched in her eyes for that Aussie he knew. "I know the real you is still in there.. I can see it."

"I want to be your rock.. so you don't have to put up this front anymore. When you cry- I want to be there to catch it. When you hurt- I'll heal it. With all these tears and despair.. It'll be worth all the pain in the path I've walked if I had you once again. Their ain't no place I rather be. Plus- when dem cubs give you a headache. I wanna be there so you can blame me for their mistakes. So you can blame their stubborness on me.. and so I can help them if they get like me.. But Let's just pray they are more like their mother." After all the pain.. seriousness. He softly offered her a kinred- humble smile. The Haku she knew.. and only she saw. The one that he had hidden up until he met her- and when she left- he covered it all back up. "No one knows us.. like us." Nosing her snout. "I've got it from here. Because I know your still there. Somewhere. I'll find it.. And take care of it this time. Promise."

Auslief / Rime:
Auslief growled a little in frustration.
"I hate that I can't stay mad at you when you say such things." Her words were sort of snapped and yet she still couldn't manage much more than a whisper. Everything he'd said, how honest and heartfelt he sounded, there was no way she could really fight it. That part of her that had wished, hoped, maybe even prayed that he'd come back into her life begging for her forgiveness had won. She couldn't hate him, couldn't even be annoyed at him. Perhaps she was still a little hurt, a little worried about letting him back in, but damn it all, she couldn't help it.

He was being so tender and gentle with her, it was hard to believe all that had happened between them. How on earth had this ever worked out this way? She'd tried to steal from him and he'd kidnapped her.
Looked like he'd been a better thief than she was. She'd set out to steal a necklace. He'd stolen her heart.
Her eyes searched his, seeing their daughters' eyes. Would he be surprised when he found out how many? She certainly had been. And not too keen on being teased over how fat she'd gotten, either.

"My den is away from the others'." She didn't explain her need for space from everyone else. Honestly, it sort of went without saying. "No one would see you coming and going an' I'm on leave until I feel my cubs are old enough to start training. We can start with that."
Almost as an afterthought, her eyes narrowed, but lost none of the warmth he had rekindled within them.
"But I swear, if you ever hurt me like that again, I'll... I might just have to kick your a**." She had intended to say she'd kill him, but deep in her heart she knew she couldn't do it, couldn't even threaten it in jest.

That said, she tucked herself back against Haku, her head under his chin.
"There's seven, you know."

"Maybe its because my heart is speaking to yours..." In reply to her realization. His words were whispers, and had given it a soft touch. How fustrated she was, he had been equal to when he had to stay in the dawnwalkers. The same fustration he had when he realized he had made a mistake. One that he couldn't afford. He had aceepted that he could spend an eternity hoping to find her, that same fustration had him wondering more than he could about how his life would be having to live alone. Sure, he was offered companionship- but none that caught him- that meshed well although complete gentleman when meeting- he had too much burdens to carry. But Aussie knew all those things, although rough- now she was in his arms. Was this the acceptance he needed... He rubbed his cheek against the top of her head. Everything he wanted.. he finally had in his grasp. Finally.

"Feel as though my life should be casted in to the depts of the sea for missing out on you and everything you had offered me. You don't know how sorry I am..and sorry for missing being there. Being a father and.." The thought lingered for a moment. "Mate." Nudging her. When she moved to look in his eyes, he met hers with his soft purple ones. The legacy of his bloodline, in which if not all his family beheld. If only he had known what the cubs looked like, he would have flipped. To know that legacy passed on... Licking her cheek and forehead. "I do not want to out welcome my stay.. and I will not ask you to house me. That you can be certain." Lifting her chin to meet his snout. "I hope I don't then- you make some hefty threats, I don't think I could bare fighting such a beautiful lioness afterall. She brings me to my knees already." Chuckling and poking her snout... The angry lion that everyone feared, this was him. Deep down, the Kohaku that played with everyone, that took care of everyone was still there. But still his chest remained heavy because of his pride. He would have to ly low until he could figure things out... What if they were hunting him. Would his new family be in danger? These cubs... deserved the clean blood of his family- not the tainted blood that he had once been filthy of by his own paws.. Holding her those worries started to creep in his head and letting his head softly lay against hers..

Until of course she told him the number in which he sired. As if noncholantly- 'seven'... His eyes grew wide. Then his ears went up.. The freezing sensation he had literately consumed him and was lost of words. Shocked- better put. Seven.. the same amount that his mother had! Yep, no doubt that this had to be his genes that made such a number. "Ah.....wow." The only thing he could muster and leaned back, holding her just an inch away from him. "Seven!? By the skies of horon..! Seven!?" It almost seemed surreal to him. Then a laugh came out of him. "I should have been eaten by vultures for leaving you alone with seven.." Then bringing her back in to a closer hug, tighter and warmer.. This news. "I wish I could have been there to see you- and them." >3> Shaking his head. "I can't believe I missed a 'fluffy' you. I bet you looked gorgeous huh." Then inside just purring with delight. The mood had softened so much more than what he thought, from being serious, and hurt- to now the playfulness he once had with her in the spring.. He missed that memory. "What do they look like- what are they like- Will I be able to see them? Maybe when they are asleep?" The anticipation of what he never thought possible. Of course- after the war he vowed not to have children. The blood had far been tainted by him, any of his legacy would bring forth the same fate.. But Auslief had raised them.. and maybe. Just maybe they can start anew.

Auslief / Rime:
"I want you to stay. I don't want you sneaking around me, or them. My family might not understand you being here, but my babies would. Sneaking would be hard on them," Auslief explained with a shake of her head. It was stupid, she was far too forgiving, but honestly? She'd missed the feeling of him with her when she slept.

She smirked at his reaction to how many. She'd certainly blamed him. Two litters and the most her mother had was five. Both her parents didn't have more than four siblings. Kohaku had given her seven in one go. Her eyes rolled when he teased her.
"You mean fat. I got enough teasing over that one," she replied with a small huff and opened her mouth to continue arguing. She didn't want him coming around when they were sleeping. If he was going to see them, he'd better make the full effort.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:52 pm
Iason and Auslief / Rime:
"Is he really my papa, Mama?" Oh ******** turned around to see Iason was back, his ears flicked back in uncertainty, a small, thoughtful frown on his face. Her ears dropped as well and she pulled away from Haku faster than he could do anything to stop her.
"How long were you there for, my little dragon?" she asked, tilting her head slightly and holding out one paw. He slowly came to her, walked into her embrace.

"When he said he loved you." Damn, he'd been there for a long time. She looked to Haku, uncertain of what she should do. She'd wanted to plan this out, maybe even have all of them there at once. Damn it all, she should have known Iason wouldn't make it to the beach before the "Go find Mommy a cowrie" distraction wore off.
But then, maybe this was better, maybe a slow introduction, one at a time was a better plan.
"Ouran said we don't have a papa." She frowned and returned her attention to Iason.
"Where did he get that idea?" Iason shrugged at her question.
"There's not one around an' nobody has Kleio or Gaea or Maera's eyes, an' you don' talk much 'bout our papa, so he figured he was dead or gone or something, I guess." The cub finally looked at the huge male, his eyes narrowing. "Mama, he's got eyes like Kleio and 'Maera..."
Auslief sighed.
"You and your sisters look so much like him. Iason, I don't talk about him because... Something bad happened, but I've forgiven him." Iason pulled away then and walked over to Haku. Actually, it was more like he strutted. He was hanging around Uncle Jakk too much...
He stopped in front of his father, frowning up at him.
A few moments passed in silence before finally someone spoke.
"'m still gonna try an' steal things from you, Papa. Can't get better if I don' practice."

"Wouldn't it be better that I see them first li-" Nevermind, he thought. Whatever she decided, he would do. It was her giving him a second try- he had no ruling as to what he could and couldn't do. "I see." Giving a nodd so she knew he understood. Then snerked when she found what he was trying to say, but being polite as he could. "Aww.. What I would have given to see it for myself.. " A soft smile.. but as soon as their sweetness hightened- it was all taken away when a certain unexpected visitor interupted. Looking around Auslief to see the familiar face of a cub he teased before. Now, with that knowledge.. the look he gave him still remained. Sweet, Loving. The only thing in mind was- this is your chance to make things right. He looked down at the cub.. whom he towered over with an immensity that could have possibly be intimidating but he aura was not angry. His vibes were calm and warming. He could feel the emptiness in his paws, leaving a stain of cold air on them. Putting his arms down and gently sitting, starring at the cub like a contest. He didn't know whether he was allowed to really say anything or not. What .. COULD he say?

She didn't lie to him, which was a relief but when the cub spoke truth of what was said by another a pain filled him on his side. Like a stabbing feeling that made him almost lose his calm desposition. All the names of what he could only imagen was his brothers and sisters. All those he hadn't met yet. So they had his eyes.... He couldn't wait to meet them but all in due time. The frown on the boy's face left Haku unphased and merely locked eyes- he said he would try and steal from him. He remembered how she described her pride. Stealing things, was like collecting things for them. Things of interest to them- not of value. Like... his necklace. Ears panned back and he lifted a brow at the boy. These values his mother and pride taught him- not Haku. Their world was vastly different and morals that he wished he could instill but that wouldn't garuntee their survival. Not like Auslief had done. "You sure can attempt to." He'd have to grow accustom.. "I'll welcome the challenge."

Lowering his head.
"I am Kohaku... I do not have two names like your mother. But I think Papa suits fine." Although he wouldn't push it. All this was new to him, parenthood. Being called papa left shivers down his spine.
"lason..." He looked at Auslief. Wondered if she had named all of them or her family. They were neither koi fish like his mother's genes. But he had to remember.. That family- he was dead to them. A new start.. a new start. "Your brothers and sisters, I am guessing you have-right?" He wanted to know how many males... wouldn't that be exciting- to see if any of his father's genes passed.. or his mother's. If he was as gentle as his father was to them, maybe he could be decent at this stuff. "Will you introduce me..?" Looking at Aussie to see what she thought.

Iason and Auslief / Rime:
Iason rubbed at his nose in a sort of confidant gesture. Auslief rolled her eyes.
"I'll win, I bet. I'm gettin' better. Don' need to be all frowny over it, neither, Papa. Not like I'm gonna keep it, 's just practice. Right, Mama?" he said, looking over his shoulder at his mother for her confirmation. He was telling the truth, it was a game she would play with them, to teach them how to n** things without getting caught, or how to find things hidden away. One of the rules was they had to give it back to her, so that she could see they'd actually done it and so that she could hide it again.

"I got four sisters an' two brothers. I'm the oldest!" he said proudly, puffing out his chest.
"Iason..." He wilted under her reprimand. For all that they were pirates. Auslief did her best to instill honesty in them, at least in part. typically honesty was more powerful than lies. Tended to hurt more, too.
"Fiiiiine, Ouran's the oldest, then Kowa an' Gaea, they sorta look alike, only Kowa an' Ouran are boys an' Gaea's a girl. An' then me! An' then Alrue an' Kleio an' 'Maera. 'Maera's the baby. She's got a mark just like that one," he said, finishing his explanation by pointing to the mark on his papa's shoulder.
"I'll introduce you to the rest this evening, okay? We'll show you where the den is. You can rest there or..." She waved a paw absently. Rest, hunt, whatever he liked, didn't really matter. Just as long... as he came back. "Ah, Iason, now you can't tell anyone about your papa, okay?"
"Why not?"
"Because your grandpa and uncles won't be happy. It'll be a secret."
"I can keep a secret, Mama!" And with that the pair started leading Haku towards their den. Towards home.
[IC] Maestros Del Mar Lands [IC]

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