Name: Varrus
Nicknames: Russy Varrus is short, right...
Gender: Male
Age: 11 (about 15-16 in unicorn years)

Faction: Monster
Race: Unicorn - Marco Polo described them as "scarcely smaller than elephants. They have the hair of a buffalo and feet like an elephant's. They have a single large black horn in the middle of the forehead... They have a head like a wild boar's… They spend their time by preference wallowing in mud and slime. They are very ugly brutes to look at." Basically going on the theme that unicorns are ferocious monsters until some virgin in the woods causes them to fall asleep.

Natural Ability: Liquid Purification - Dipping his horn into any still liquid turns it into water. This is Useless unless you want a bath and all you have on hand is a tub full of hot chocolate. Theoretically if you're paranoid you can have him dunk his horn into all your drinks but then you'd have to want to drink water all day erry day. Varrus does not want to drink water all day erry day.

Personality: Varrus is a jock who's highly aggressive and treats offending his friends (and family...) like an excuse to get into a fight (on their behalf, of course!). Despite this, he's actually rather trustworthy - he's choosy with his words, because his family's idea of honor means he shouldn't lie. Yeah, okay - that doesn't mean he's not a creature of Halloween, and sometimes those words are half-truths. But still! For the most part (emphasis most) you can count on him! On the flip side, people who directly lie to him lose his friendship, and unicorns...well, they tend to hold their grudges. They also tend to be a little, ah, extra aggressive to the people they dislike. No big, right? They chose this path, after all.

It's pretty clear that his idea of honor is twisted, though, in that it doesn't exist at all, otherwise. He's not above cheating in a fight ( someone's homework) or petty theft, and he is quite enthusiastic, actually, about beating up the weak. He will, however, defer to the preferences of his closest friends, if he's in their company - it is almost too easy for him to let someone else walk all over him, as long as they're honest to him and seem to view him as a valiant warrior (please view him as a valiant warrior he will flex his sexy unicorn muscles at you).

He has a tendency to latch onto people who talk a lot, too; he likes voices and tends to be constantly listening to uh the Amityville equivalent of podcasts pretty much whenever he's not doing something else (and even when he is doing something else - like homework!).

Strangely, he's a resolute carnivore and also definitely smarter than he looks - well, in street smarts, anyway. He's become quite skilled at detecting lies, although he's far from infallible. He doesn't seem to seek personal glory, though, being content with surrounding himself with friends who can talk his overlarge and flexible ears off. Hey, there's nothing wrong with being an unicorn of simple pleasures!

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? To find ~*~*~purpose~*~*~. Also because he hopes to train himself out of his weakness for virgins; no one in his family has ever gone to school before and he hopes this will help that.

FEAR Ability: The Battle Cry - It's said that unicorns can heal with the power of their horns. And, uh, sure - they might be able to. After a lot of practice. For now, Varrus can focus his FEAR into his horn and make himself feel rejuvenated (while not actually repairing any of his injuries) - and proceed to hit his opponent with his horn harder than he ever has before! Or he can punch them or kick them; he's not picky.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Black sclera, blue-teal eyes. They should glow? idk
Hair Colour/Style: A fantastic mane of buffalo-esque hair; wildly curly and black with a lowlight the color of his eyes.
Skin Colour: A pale seafoamy color, but mottled with darker, blacker veins. He should be wiry and muscular, with a noticeable absence of scars.
Clothing Style/Colours: Knight/medieval themed - tabard, shirt, dumb leggings, poofy pants, the works...maybe the tabard should have a lion/unicorn rampant on it idk sfadl;kjsl;k
Extra: horse ears the color of his skin, lion tail that's also the color of his skin (but the tuft should match his hair), cloven hooves (on faun-esque legs maybe??), a thick, jagged, pure black horn growing out of his forehead - think Queen Chrysalis? The horn constantly glows, bathing him in an ethereal golden light and it is hilarious ok
References: none....