Dark paws moved through the grasses as he headed for the edge of the territory. Pili looked around, feeling drawn out, but not sure why. The white-maned lion frowned, narrowing his purple eyes. There were vikings hanging around out here, and it was dangerous, but the First Mate had to find this strange lion he'd seen... The one who made him feel like he was... Missing something. A part of him wondered if he was finding himself attracted to males, but then he realized... This was a different feeling. This was like finding the other half of an orange or geode, not the banana that fit in the hole in that one tree.

The other vikings were camped a distance away from the jungle, just on the other side of a small cluster of trees and bushes where no pirates could see them. Munyu had gone out for a walk in the darkness before dawn, simply to clear his head. He'd seen a pirate while they were on the beach... A pirate that had stirred something in him. He worried at first if he was turning into one of THOSE lions, and how bad would his mother berate him about wanting grandcubs if he WAS? But the more he thought on it, the more he thought... He felt like a fish who'd found its tail, or a bird that had found its wings. Like he'd found something he was missing, but hadn't realized it. The dark-haired lion sighed, stopping as he looked at the stars, wondering just what was going on... And then he jumped, hearing a twig snap, before he turned and snarled into the darkness. "Who's there?!"

Quietly, Pili cursed the twig, before he stepped out of the plants that covered his presence. The moonlight reflected on his pale mane, making him stand out, though not nearly as much as the other lion. He couldn't help but stare for a moment, struck by how alike they looked. He inclined his head, frowning. "Only but a humble pirate, mate, out for an evenin' stroll to clear his head..." He tapped his paw to his forhead, squeezing one eye shut as he grinned. "A bit too much'a the creature, if'n ye know what I be meanin'!"

A pirate! Munyu prepared to attack, when he stopped, really staring at the lion. The pirate was making no move to attack him, and in fact seemed SURPRISED. "Humble? Pirates aren't humble, they're thieves!" He moved to circle around the other lion, only stopping because the trees stopped him from safely doing so. It was then he noticed how similar they appeared to be. Where Munyu had a solid white coat with black mane and tail, this pirate had the opposite. It was like a mirror of himself... It was rather eerie. "Who are you, anyway?"

Pili placed a paw on his chest. "Aw, ye cut me to the quick, ye do! Pirates're better'n those vikings, eh? Runnin' around, pillagin' things..." He waved a paw. "Pro'ly rapin' some poor lass, too, leavin' her with cubs to care for!" His eyes flashed a moment as something filled his mind. Okay, did NOT need that in his mind... He eyed the other lion. "Ye aren't a viking, are ye, lad? I need t' be knowin' that before I tell ye me name. Needa be trustin' ye an' all."

Munyu's hackles went up as he growled. "Vikings do NOT rape! And if you MUST know, that lioness was WILLING! She'd had a lot of heartache in her life and needed some unconditional love! I plan on checking on her and any cubs she had on my way home!" He then stopped, watching the face the pirate pulled. "Oh, like you've never touched a lioness before!" He gave a snort, tail lashing. Pirates! Making all kinds of assumptions about vikings... It was downright dishonorable! Why was he even wasting his time with this rat, anyway?

"Truth be told, not yet... But this all begs the question..." Pili walked boldly up to the viking, getting directly nose to nose. "Why haven't ye attacked me yet, lad? Ye're obviously a vikin', ain't ye?" He reached up, jabbing the other lion in the chest. "But there's somethin' about ye... I'm in yer head, too, ain't I? Seein' things from me life ye were never there t' see... Gettin' to know lions I know, as if ye were there, when ye weren't..." He knew all about that, himself... This explained the dreams he'd had as a cub, when he'd been most alone. A white s with a black tail, a big black lion with dark gold hair... A brown lioness with a dark gold tail tuft... Others he'd never seen before...

He didn't back down at the jabbing, but stared at the other lion. His eyes... They were the same color. They had the same color eyes... They were opposites in looks... "You're Pilipili..." He hadn't directly answered the black lion's questions... But they were all true assumptions. His dreams had been lonely ones at first, a cub crying in the night for its lost mother, before being taken into a pride... A pride in a jungle, on the beach, full of an eclectic mix of animals. The Stormborn were a lion-dominated pride, anything else only being Thrall material, so to see in his dreams a pride that decorated themselves in feathers and gold and the like, and had members that were anything besides lions, and treated all the same... He'd never told his mother. She thought his seer powers had been latent, but now Munyu knew... They were strong and vivid. "You've... You've seen everything I've seen... Haven't you...?" That... Explained the grimace. "But... But how? How can you see what I see?"

Pili couldn't help but grin just a little. "Visions of the past, Munyu... That's how. We been seein' each other's pasts since we was but cubs, I'd wager... Seein' ye with that band'a vikin's on the beach... Somethin' about ye seemed familiar to me, but I couldn't put me paw on it..." His face became sober. "I'd had a little too much'a the beastie already that night, me an' Jakk both. I twe'ren't in me full mind and seein' straight."

Munyu sat down, giving an amused snort. "I know of that feeling... A few Reavers have had too much mead before! It leaves them with a horrible headache the next day!" He then frowned. "Pili... How did we come to be in different prides...? My mother is a viking... She always told me I was an only cub... What happened to you that you got lost and ended up HERE?"

The pirate took a seat as wel, still facing the viking. "Lad, who ye call mother... Is not yer mother. The lioness who'd raised me, until she died when I was but a juvenile, told me I'd had a brother. She never told me what he looked like, but that someone had taken him when we were wee things." He then motioned. "Apparently our father was a weird lion with long ears, with a wee rabbit and vulture on his back..."

His breath quickened as a panic began to grip at Munyu. "No... No that has to be a lie..." He looked up at Pili. "She has to be my mother! She cared for me, raised me!" He stood up, ears folded back. "The only truth in what you say has to be that our father's a god! How do you know the lioness who raised YOU isn't hte one who stole YOU from our true mother?!"

Pili sighed, frowning. "Ask the one you call yer uncle, lad... That's all I can say." He stood up as well, giving his brother a sad look. "I wish we'd met under better circumstances... Or a better place, both location and in our lives... Ah, but this is how we met, aye? First time since wee tiny cubs..."

He started to calm, though his ears remained back as he panted, then sighed. "So much to think about... Maybe we'll run into each other again, Pili." He spared his pirate brother a look, then started to walk. He'd have to talk to Yu when he got home... There were now so many questions he had. He'd also have to go out on a solo Viking... Find his father... But then, gods were fickle creatures, and who knew if he could find one and know where to begin.

The black lion watched his twin go, then turned back into the forest. He'd have to talk to Jakk about this one...