Vigo had taken several days to stop and consider the many things that had happened to him on that single day of discovery. He had, for the most part, come to terms with not knowing if the lionesses were his children. It wasn't an easy thing to let go of, but in the end it really didn't matter if he was or wasn't. They likely wouldn't want him involved in their lives now regardless, since he was a complete and utter stranger. He did hope that perhaps one of them would come to him someday for help with something, but he had a feeling it was a vain hope. They each had lives and families of their own now, and hardly needed him around, and he had to be okay with that.

But the news that he could potentially serve the pride as... well, a sort of breeder... that was something he'd been chewing on the most. He'd talked to a few others and learned that Adivyta's father, Sliabh, was indeed quite a contributor to the pride's numbers. In fact, his family wasn't just large, it was massive! It was an undeniable fact that without Sliabh, the pride would be poorer and weaker than it currently was. Clearly the goddess must approve of this sacrifice of time and love that the unblessed lion offered up. This was the fact that had Vigo thinking and finally acting.

Hesitantly he went seeking a priest or priestess. He wanted to know more, to know if he could... or should... attempt a similar way of serving the pride. Would that please the goddess, or merely seem... well, like he was sliding back into old ways? He couldn't imagine such a thing would make the goddess very happy. There was only one way to find out, though.

Taanisi was blissfully and ecstatically happy, overall, all the time. Life had turned out well for her, and now here she was, doing exactly what she desired. Yes, she clearly had contracted the disease. However, as devoted as she'd been to serving the gods before, this could do nothing but encourage her more. Thus it was that she'd chosen to become a priestess, to serve the lady of Pestilence exclusively. Had she not brought her and her mate together? There were zero doubts in the ex-Pridelander's mind. Today she was tending the altars, tidying them up and making them ready for more worship by the pride's many members.

She raised her head to smile gently at a lion who was approaching uneasily. He didn't look frightened, which was good. No, he merely looked... uncomfortable. It made sense, as he wasn't one she'd seen approach the altars before. "Come, please. Feel free to pray or give something to please our Lady," she called, beckoning him closer.

Vigo did as she bade, thinking that for a priestess, she looked awfully happy and cheerful. It wasn't how he'd envisioned priestess to be in his head. He paused a moment to consider what he had imagined, and was amused to realize that he had expected some old, shirveled crone of a lioness with no teeth left. One corner of his mouth quirked, but he strove to keep his expression solemn. She might be happy currently, but if she thought he was laughing at her, she might be less inclined to help him.

"Thank you. I'm... new here," he began. "I don't know what to do, but I'm hoping to gain the goddess' blessing for something specific." He grew more nervous now that he was actually doing it, though. His paws felt damp, and he took a moment to rub them on his hind legs before clearing his throat. "I understand that sometimes immune members will go out to... well, breed and bring back cubs." It was intensely embarrassing to be discussing such a crude thing with an enlightened servant of the goddess. It made him feel foolish and crass, but there wasn't a lot of ways to say what he meant.

Thankfully, the lioness understood and wasn't at all bothered by the topic of conversation. "Ah, yes! Though the non-lions are as likely to do so as the immune lions," she added in correction. "Lions are not our only strength." It was a gentle rebuke, but rebuke nonetheless. He was new, and would learn as he went, she knew, but it took someone to point out these errors. "But I can see why you'd wish this task, if you are indeed immune."

He bowed his head at the rebuke, then looked up again at her almost inquiring tone. He nodded once that yes, he was indeed immune to the disease. "It seems I was not blessed by our Lady," he ventured, but again was met with rebuke.

"She may not have graced you with her disease," Taanisi said, her sweet voice stern but kindly, "but she blesses those who serve the pride with all their being, just not always in the same way." She gave him a thoughtful, piercing look. "While it is noble of you to wish to go and bring back your children for the pride, I can tell you that the goddess would wish you to find your place here first." She pointed downwards with one toe, but then gestured around them to the lands about. "Become a part of the pride. Serve beside your new brethren. Learn and teach. Give comfort and find comfort. It is only when you are one with her people that she will wish to bless your quest to bring children back." It was quite a speech, and she felt oddly proud of it. Yes, he needed to spend more time in the pride's borders, working beside the other members for a time before he went back out into the wild lands. Else... well, perhaps he would never return if he did not bond with the pride as he should!

He listened submissively to the words of this representative of the goddess of Pestilence. It wasn't entirely what he'd wanted to hear, but what he wanted had never really been the point. He'd gotten his answer. Yes, she'd approve of him doing this, but no, not yet. He had a place to fill here, in the pride itself. It was time for him to make a choice in rank, clearly, and strive to become as good at it as he could. He bowed his head low in respect. "Thank you, holy priestess. I will do as you bid." The lion that turned and padded away was an entirely different lion than the one Mng'kari had met not so terribly long ago. The change that was coming over Vigo was nothing short of breath-taking. No longer the self-willed, carefree bachelor. He now was bonding himself to a pride, to serve its needs as he would a mate, putting all others first before himself. To the lion undergoing the change, it was a wonderful metamorphosis.