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It had been almost a moon since Zuni's original meeting with Lightningclaw. In the days that had followed, the orange male had visited her almost daily, although he never stayed long. Often he would bring prey, or moss for her to make the tree branch more comfortable. He would talk to her about his pride, about himself and his mate, and about Hasi. He had even revealed his true name.

It had taken a while, but Zuni had eventually warmed up to Dhoru. For his past few visits she had even come down out of the tree to sit with him. She found that she believed his story about Hasi's spirit being attached to his; he had told her things that he'd have no way of knowing otherwise, like secret games the two sisters had played.

On his last visit, Dhoru had asked Zuni to come back to the pride with him to stay. Initially, she had been scared, but the fear had soothed into uncertainty as he explained the pride's way of living and how they would protect her if her father did manage to locate her. When he left, Zuni agreed to think about it and after a long, sleepless night, she had decided to accept. Now she only had to wait for him to visit again.

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It hadn't even been a full day since Dhoru had invited Zuni to join the pride. He had fully intended to give her time to think - at least an entire day, maybe two. But that was proving impossible with Hasi hanging over him, nagging so much he couldn't get a word in edgewise. After trying to ignore her all morning, at sun-high he had finally knuckled under and headed for the grove.

"You know, she may not be ready to give me an answer. What if she feels like I'm putting too much pressure on her?" Dhoru tried to reason. To no avail, of course. Hasi ignored him pointedly, tail high as she pushed through the undergrowth ahead of him.

He reached the clearing and padded slowly to the foot of the tree he knew Zuni to be sleeping in. Looking up through the branches, he caught sight of the back of her and called out. He purred with amusement when she poked her head out and smiled - it had taken a long time for her to get comfortable with him, and she was still jumpy even now. But he was glad that she trusted him.

After making sure that it was indeed Dhoru below her, Zuni slithered down the tree and landed gracefully in front of him. She purred lightly in greeting, nerves still fluttering in her belly. Before she had the chance to chicken out, she blurted, "I'll come."

Dhoru smiled at Zuni's words - and the adorable, slightly scared, way she said them. Not wanting to give her a chance to second guess herself, and wanting very much to return home to Nema, Dhoru simply nudged the black lioness' shoulder with his forehead and turned for the pride's main camp.

It can be assumed that, upon reaching the pride, Dhoru escorted Zuni to Fireheart and Riddlemouth. Her joining application was already accepted, so they would have said yes, and helped her find a den to call her own. c: