Name: Kaeldwyn Sunfire
Nicknames: 'Kael'
Gender: Male
Age: Equivalent to 16.

Faction: Demon
Race: Incubus

Natural Ability: Alluring scent - He just smells like whatever scent/fragrance/perfume/cologne anyone near enough to smell him likes, individual per person and unique to their senses. Nothing overpowering, just the faint scent of something loved.


Bon Vivant- Kael enjoys all the finer things in life, perhaps a bit much. Fine food and drink, silks and velvets, buttery soft leathers and rich heavy brocades, he came from a well-off family, and it shows in the things he cares for the most in life, at least as far as objects go. This fondness of 'finer things' also tends to include women, though not as objects, but as things to be treated well, sometimes pampered, and always cared for attentively.

Conniver- "By any means Necessary" is one of his private 'rules', be it for getting what he wants from someone, or simply doing well on a test, he has absolutely no qualms about doing what he needs to to get what he wants, coercion, manipulation, and lies are all tools of the trade for him in this.

Deviant- Kael is just the slightest bit 'different' in a great many ways, while being deviant is well within the typical nature of most demons, he sometimes delights in carrying on to excess in all the typical ways... And sometimes in some of the not so typical ones. Depending on who asks, Kael may be considered 'deviant' for the fact he, typical for one of his kind, uses people endlessly and in a whatever ways he deems fit. Or he could be considered so for the fact that once someone earns his trust and affection fully, he no longer does these things to them, and he honestly feels love and fondness for them beyond his need to feed off their emotions. Either way, he's just a bit 'odd'.

Dominant- Kael has issues with control and authority, and that's putting it a bit mildly, he bristles at having to listen to anyone's 'rules' or instructions other than his own, and tends to over-react and sometimes lash out if forced into a situation he doesn't want to be involved in. Sometimes this isn't a bad thing, as it makes him a fairly assertive and powerful 'leader' in group projects or efforts, but can cause some trouble if forced to work with others of a more dominant personality. Now if the rules are set out to appeal to his sense of logic, he'll respect them (IE: Don't go into the forest of DEATH, you'll die.), as he is smart enough to respect basic logic and sense... But talking to him in a condescending way, or insulting him will tick him off quicker than anything else.

Anarchist- For the most part ideas like 'law', 'order' and 'rules' really don't appeal to Kaeldwyn. Oh, he sees the point of them for some people, but in his opinions there are people who need those rules, and people who are smart enough to have sense enough to not need them. In his mind, he doesn't need a 'rule' not to kill humans, it would just be incredibly stupid and 'bad business' to do so. In his mindset you don't need laws and rules to govern what common sense should dictate. Though he does realize that not -everyone- has common sense!

Free Spirit- He doesn't like to be restrained to one place, reason, or obligation for too long. (Except for friends/loved ones) He hates the idea of being stuck in one place forever, doing the same thing over and over. Unless it's his place, and his things he likes doing, but even that's rather subject to change with his various flights of fancy. It can make him a bit eccentric at times when he's feeling particularly manic and energetic, but it tends to also lead to interesting creativity sometimes.

Dabbler- "A little of this, a little of that... Ok, ALL of that... Wait, what was I doing again?" Kaeldwyn LOVES dabbling in anything he can get his hands on, learning anything he can, testing new theories and abilities, and knowing EVERYthing he possibly can about anything. If there's a 'how-to' book, or a theory on something, he wants to know it, if there's a rumor about something, he wants to hear it! And trying to keep some new information or juicy gossip from him is probably not a really good idea, as it will make him all the more desperately frantic to know it.

Loyal- The one true thing that will get him to act a bit contrary to most of his standard actions is fondness for someone. Once he's made a friend, he will remain fiercely loyal to them to the end, or unless they betray him in a truly harmful way. Once he's loyal to someone though, it's rather unfortunate to get on that person's bad side, as Kael will react as if it was him, and not them who were wronged. He takes slights against his friends more seriously even than slights against himself.

Flaws/Weaknesses- Short Fuse when insulted or talked down to, Can become too focused/obsessed with current tasks or projects he fancies, Extremely eccentric (Borderline Split-Personality at times, due to being Manic/Depressive. Being well fed on energy/emotion leads to manic sprees, where forgetting to be properly social enough to feed on emotion leads to depressive fits), Addictive personality (Easily becomes addicted to things/habits), Can become too defensive and protective of his friends/family.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? He didn't entirely want to, but his guardians bribed him into it with promised rewards. And of course the lure of all the classes he can take, and all the information he could learn caught his attention as well, especially with the idea that information and power can lead to exploring new places and things.

FEAR Ability: (Gambler's Chance Based) Can conjure a small ball of acid green fire to throw at enemies. Because he has to call it to his own hands, it may burn him as well if he's too slow or unfocused, but it can also be quite effective.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Bright Green.
Hair Colour/Style: Very long black hair, often left down, but sometimes half tied back in a fancy top-knot ponytail.
Skin Colour: Pale peach.
Clothing Style/Colours: In private, or when feeling 'lazy' he just wears a black kilt or black velvet and silver stitched robe. In public he prefers a black Victorian era suit with a black and silver stitched vest, and a crisp white shirt with the top two buttons undone. (No ties or bows or ruffles at the neck) For school/classes, or course he just wears whatever is 'required'. He's also fond of jewelry in all forms, usually at least a few rings line his fingers at all times.
Extra: Large black/purple bat-like wings, long tapered tail with a spade-tip (dusted with fine shimmering black/purple scales near the base, might not be 'visible' though as they're so fine. Most just might think it shimmers at a glance), ears come to a long tapered point (more upward with a slight back tilt), fangs (Canine and incisor(s) nearest the canine teeth are wickedly sharp), horns curve up from his forehead (wickedly sharp, and he wears silver rings on them), and his nails though appearing 'normal' for a human, are long and near razor sharp. Also, black inked tattoos encircle both of his wrists, they look like runes or sigils of some kind, but they aren't usually visible, since he's fond of bracelets and long-sleeve shirts.
References: I have some screencaps of my WoW version of him I can upload if desired, but I don't have any art. sweatdrop Sorry. (He's a character I've been holding onto for about 8+ years now, through various world/game incarnations, he's fun and adaptable.) Screencaps: Without wings, With wings...TiH Kael will definitely have wings though. whee As well as the other differences in the description fields.

And I now have a lovely little doodle Sable Eyed Cerena gave me! heart