Note: All references/images are inaccurate due to Rorik being based on an OC. He will NOT have horns or unusual eyes.


The Hunter
Name: Rorik Lourran
Nicknames: None
Gender: Male
Age: 21

Category: Sun

The Weapon
Name: Reava
Type of Weapon: Knuckle Knives (Brass knuckles with retractable blades on the sides) or something to that effect (Rorik is a brawler, I can't really see him using a weapon that isn't based around hand-to-hand combat)
Former species of weapon: Hellhound
Gender: Female

Personalities: Rorik is socially distant and closed off. He isn't really interested in bonding with people, because he's never been able to rely on people in the past. No one's ever truly cared for him, so love and trust aren't something he's familiar with. It's not that he doesn't want friends or people to rely on, it's just his knee jerk reaction is that people will give him up the first chance they get. While it takes a lot to get him to like or trust anyone, once he does, he's stubborn, loyal, and relentless to the point where it's a little self-harming. If someone at this point does something to hurt him there are two things that play into this stubbornness: the first is that he doesn't want to BE like all of the people that have abandoned him and let him down, and the second is that some part of him believes that there is something about the person he is that deserves this kind of treatment. In a lot of ways you could compare his temperament to that of a pit bull: misunderstood and fiercely protective and loyal.

When interacting with people Rorik is generally pretty quiet. He doesn't ever talk unless he has something to say and so often he'll just stare at people, which due to his size and appearance can be a bit scary, especially since his expression is usually preset to gruff. While not stupid, he's not really smart either and learns best through experience rather than being told. He is used to using his strength, size, and fighting ability to get what he needs. What prevents him from being a bully is that it is literally what he needs and not what he wants in most cases. He's learned to go without and focus on what's important, rather than superficial things.

Reava is...rather psychopathic. In her previous life as a hellhound, she was a criminal who had gone on quite a vicious killing spree attacking other Halloween Town residents (she of course doesn't remember this, but the desires and feelings over such violence still exist). She's not insane in the sense that she doesn't understand reality, but instead she is drunk off of power and violence. Empathy and social connection aren't really things that exist for her. The reason she picks Rorik is because he is so closed off from others and because there is a power and streak of violence in him. Those aspects of his personality have yet to control him, though, and she'd love to change that. She doesn't do this in opposition to him, but instead thinks it will be what will free him and make him feel beyond anything else imaginable in life. She sees it as the future he needs and deserves. He doesn't necessarily agree with her...

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?
Rorik had a rough upbringing. His father was sent to prison for involvement in drug dealing when he was barely two years old and his mother had issues with drug and alcohol abuse. It didn't take him long to be taken up into foster care. The rough parenting he had made him hard to integrate into foster homes and his ability to see unusual things made it even worse. Because he was in and out of homes, he never did well in school. But he'd always been a big kid and he was able to use his strength and athleticism to get by when passed off into rougher neighborhoods and family situations. Becoming a hunter offered him something things he never really had: stability, a disciplined system, and a meaningful outlet for his energy and skills. Without strong family ties and with little success in the real world, it was the perfect alternative for him.

Weapon Ability

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Gold
Hair Colour/Style: Black
Skin Colour: Light brown/mocha-ish tone
Clothing Style/Colours: Nothing specific except that I want his color scheme/theme to be red (outside of the standard hunter uniform of course)
References: These refs are to INSPIRE ONLY, as I'm translating an OC of mine here. The only thing that is a must have from these refs is his hairstyle/color, his skin tone, and his build. Everything else is up in the air and completely open to artist choice and revamp. That includes tattoos, accessories, clothes, even eye color if the artist wants.
(And yes that is Daffu's Leslie in some of those too xD )