Hello all my beautiful shining stars,

I am the new owner/captain/leader/over lady/whatever of TGM! I am very excited to have this opportunity and hope to not let you down!
I sincerely apologize for such a late introduction of myself had some things in real life I had to attend to. NOW, before I begin to ramble
on I want to hear from you! That's right you!
What I want to hear is...

What do you think needs to change in this guild?
What improvements can be made?
What are you looking forward to most in the next upcoming days?
What exactly would you like to know about me that way I don't have to rabble on about boring me things.
Leave a comment just letting me know how you feel about being under new management!

I will go ahead and say this straight forward, I may NOT be on every day! But I can promise I will be on every other day♥
I look forward to hearing your responses (and I will be creating a new thread for your responses LEAVE YOUR RESPONSE BELOW) and can't wait to get this guild back up and running!

xoxo; Porno