Argento Soma is going to be a title not everyone may know very well. The anime itself is kind of obscure, even with friends I talk to. I love the show, but at the same time acknowledge it's one of those animes you need to be into to get through all of it.

Spoiler Free:

Argento Soma is the story of Takuto Kaneshiro, a young college student who wants to explore outer space. However, the world is also full of aliens that wish to reach a point in the United States. After the death of his girlfriend, who works for Professor Noguchi, he seeks revenge on what causes her death.

Notably, Argento Soma is loosely based off Frankenstein. The main plot deals with MORGUE and the fight against the aliens. Along with that is the strange connection between a young girl and a strange robot created from parts that have been scavenged around the world.

However, the plot is the main strength and weakness. With so many characters, some of them get very little done with them. Especially Commander Ines and the pilot of the main airship.

The characters do get some more focus. Most of the episodes center around Takuto/Ryou and his relationship with Frank, the robot. Other episodes address reasons why some of the staff are in morgue, one even being more of an extra episode.

The music is alright, but only the opening and some of the more tension filled songs really stand out. The voice acting is a mixed bag, but decent with Crispin playing quite a role along with Lex Lang.

The animation itself can get a bit stale, especially in the backgrounds. Overall, the show has a style, but could easily look a bit generic if you don't search it out. The show is certainly well done for a certain audience, but it has iffy character development at times.



1. Isn't this supposed to be a mech show?

I never mentioned it, but yes, there is supposed to be a mech element. The mechs or ZARGS are part of the plot, but often weaken it. They are only used in combat and centered around only when they lose or need a strategy.

2. The plot is simple enough, but you're not saying much about it.

The spoilers of the plot are too big at times. Often, I feel like it's hard to not say them. For example, Hattie and Frank are so linked to the main plot that it's hard to keep them out of it. The main plot really does center between Takuto and Frank.

3. Is it military based?

Yes, but only when it comes to actually using politics. Often enough, the plot really only goes to personal issues and how well people get along.