Y O U R x G U I D E x T O x U P D A T E S

Are you confused why some people put "Updated" in their titles while some others don't? Are you afraid that when you update your profile, then not have a crew look it over, you may get in some deep doodoo? Hopefully, this guide will answer all of your questions. I will specifically list when you do and don't need a Profile Checker's approval.

Table of Contents
1) When You Don't
2) When You Have To
3) Wait, What About the Biography?
4) What You May Never Update

W H E N x Y O U x D O N ' T

This means that you don't need to do anything to your title, and any updates you make is automatically accepted.

1) Nickname(s)
2) Age
3) School year
4) Dream job
5) Sexuality
6) Who they're dating
7) Fears
8.) Looks*
9) Pet*
10) ADDING OWLs & NEWTs scores**

*Note that these may require sending in faceclaim and/or pet requests.
**These scores must come from approved scores by the OWLs & NEWTs crew.

W H E N x Y O U x H A V E x T O

This means that you MUST get a Profile Checker's approval. You may get his or her attention by putting "Updated" next to your title.

Side note: To make the Profile Checker's job easier, please leave a note at the top of your profile stating which sections you just edited. You are not required to do so, however. If unspecified, the Profile Checker will treat the profile as if it is new.

1) Legal name
2) Gender
3) Birthday
4) Blood status
5) Adding a house
6) Personality

7) Likes & Dislikes
8.) Strengths & Weaknesses
9) Wands*
10) CHANGING OWL's & NEWTs scores**
11) "Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you!" section

*Note that this may require sending in a wand request.
**You must contact the Manager of OWL's and NEWT's first, and then the Profile Checkers.

W A I T , x W H A T x A B O U T x T H E x B I O G R A P H Y ?

It's up in the air.

If the update is purely from Hogwarts events that has been roleplayed out, then it doesn't need a Profile Checker's approval. This means any events pertaining to classes, homework and schoolwork don't. For instance, you want to mention that your character took a liking to one of the professors, and you may do so without the approval of Crew, as long as it has been roleplayed out. Yes, plots that take place solely within Hogwarts count: It has been already accepted once, so it would automatically accepted a second time.

Note that if there is a tiny portion of an accepted plot, no matter how small, that takes place off-campus will need a Profile Checker's approval. An example of an off-campus location, but it's still within the guild, is Hogsmeade.

Any mention of events outside of the Hogwarts school need a Profile Checker's approval. For example, a festival in the Great Hall of Hogwarts doesn't need to be checked over. However, a festival in Hogsmeade would need to be.

When in doubt, put "Updated" in the title: It would never hurt.

W H A T x Y O U x M A Y x N E V E R x U P D A T E

All requests to update the below will be automatically rejected. No exceptions. If you update them anyways, you will be caught, and a warning will be issued.

1) Changing your student's house. It's a big no-no.
Clarification: Change is not the same as "Adding." You add a house when you get sorted.

2) Changing OWL's and/or NEWT's after the profile has been moved to Graduated Students Profile subforum. These test scores, after a character's graduation, will follow the character for life. Please note that changing the OWL and/or NEWT scores without the approval from crew prior to the student's graduation will get you into trouble.