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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[HH 1v1] Rekindled Hatred (Jake/Asteria) [FIN] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:28 pm
Having learned his lesson from his last HH mission, Jake made sure not to touch any strange soda cans, or, well, ANYTHING canned in the cafeteria. Really, who left those kinds of things lying around?

But no, he was focused this time, and he wouldn't be so lucky to run into such a docile student again (though he was pretty sure it had been suffering from SOMETHING. Kid seemed more loopy than usual).

Daggers raised, he knew he would be at a slight disadvantage, and hoped he wouldn't run into one of the stronger students, or, god forbid, a horseman.

Raja rolled 1 20-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-20)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:05 pm
Perhaps it was purely bad luck for Jake, but a certain Horseman had learned of the haunted house recently. And she'd been quite excited to seek out and find it. Which was why, when a portal dared to show itself to her, she'd entered without a moments hesitation.

Humans. She'd heard some came, and those that came broke the very rules of the world. They fought against them. They were the hunters who had destroyed her home, were they not? Vengeance, payback, and those who dared to spite her kind seeing a fitting end. One they'd chosen by entering her realm. All those things ran through her mind. Perhaps a bit of the anger of hearing what happened to her home isle pushed her further, beyond the logical thought that it wasn't the best idea to leap in with little to no plan.

Or perhaps just arrogance was talking, but either way. She found herself in the realm happily named the Haunted House, striding a few paces before taking off. She'd find prey faster that way, there had to be a human... something waiting for her here.

And there was. She'd only been aloft a few minutes before she spotted a rather bright coat against the dreary terrain, fluttering down lower. The sound of feathers might have been loud enough to catch, if not the smooth, venomous words that escaped her would let him know his luck had run out.

"My, the sheep do love to stand out..." Even as she spoke, dipping down towards the ground while calling for her own dagger she couldn't help the wicked smile on her face.

Revenge wasn't the answer, but it could be sweet at times. And she did so love a fight. "Human's should know their place."

Did I mention she's extra angry since you're the first human she gets to see after finding out what happened to the isles? HAVE FUN JAKE!


Kawaii Shoujo

[A.V.] rolled 1 20-sided dice: 17 Total: 17 (1-20)



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:24 pm
The fluttering of feathers was faint, but he had managed to catch it, and turned just in time to see...
DAMMIT NO. Just his luck.
He grit his teeth as he pulled out a pair of daggers also, cursing his luck for running into one.

"You're one to talk." He hissed. "We wouldn't even BE here if it weren't for your kind."
He wasn't quite sure what he was accomplishing goading her on, especially since he was at a disadvantage, but he hadn't forgotten their bloodlust. Though he hadn't been present when the hunters raided their isles, he had heard stories of what the horsemen had done to them. And Sherry. They hurt Sherry. That was enough reason for him to be furious at them.

Even if he should be fighting a losing battle, he would never give up, not without a fight.
[A.V.] rolled 2 8-sided dice: 3, 1 Total: 4 (2-16)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:27 pm
Somewhat thankful he brought some runics and his artifact with him, he wasn't sure if they'd give him the edge he'd need, but every bit helped, and he had no intentions to back down.
Brandishing the blades, he rushed forth, swinging one of the daggers towards the horsewoman.


HP: 50/50
Action: Attacking
Result: Miss
Runics: Hand Torch + Bandages
Artifact: Tusk of Ares




Dangerous Hunter

Raja rolled 2 8-sided dice: 3, 6 Total: 9 (2-16)


Kawaii Shoujo

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:34 pm
A laugh escaped her at his words. Throwing it back at her? What her kind had done to make them exist? Wasn't the sole fault of it all still on humans? "We would have never been required if the world didn't need our services. If your kind was not such filth, an end might not have been necessary." But at this point it was, it was the only true solution to it all.

"You, and all of yours however, are the reason my cause is all the more just though." For that, perhaps, she could be thankful. And with that, as he raised his daggers, obviously ready for their 'honorable' duel, she shifted to attack.

As soon as her feet had touched the ground she leapt forward, swinging her dagger at the figure as her eyes locked on him. "I won't forgive any of you!" Reason or not, she really just wanted to see them regret what they'd done. At least once.


HP: 40/40
Action: Attacking
Result: 3
Fears: T1 Battle Cry / T2 Swift Strikes

[A.V.] rolled 2 8-sided dice: 2, 4 Total: 6 (2-16)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:46 pm
"Filth? You think wiping us all out is the solution?"
He knew the Halloween creatures lived off their fear, which was... understandable, to a point. But to imagine that the horsemen invoked fear by killing them off... the fact made him hate them even more. THEY were the reason humans lived in constant fear, the reason why hunters came to be, to engage in this never-ending battle just so humans could struggle to survive. And for what? So the poor little horsemen wouldn't go hungry?

"And YOU are the reason we came to be. If it weren't for you, there would never be any need for hunters."


HP: 47/50
Action: Attacking
Result: MISS
Runics: Hand Torch + Bandages
Artifact: Tusk of Ares




Dangerous Hunter

Raja rolled 2 8-sided dice: 6, 8 Total: 14 (2-16)


Kawaii Shoujo

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:49 pm
She couldn't help it, the light laugh that escaped her as he spoke. Perhaps it was twisted a bit with her anger, but he somehow thought that wasn't a solution. An answer to all of those problems. And then his comment, accusing her and her kind of being the cause. What a joke. All of it. "Oh my little sheep-" He tone was cruel, filled with poison as she lowered into a stance burned into her mind through countless years of training.

"If your kind had laid down and died as the world demanded, you wouldn't have had to go through that." She finished, leaping forward with a spin to bring her entire weight around in a kick that she hoped would send him flying as she worked to regain her own posture and ready for a counter attack. "But you are the ones who went against the ways of the world, not us. We merely work to correct it."

They were right after all.


HP: 40/40
Action: Attacking
Result: 8
Fears: T1 Battle Cry / T2 Swift Strikes

[A.V.] rolled 2 8-sided dice: 2, 2 Total: 4 (2-16)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:08 pm
Her kick had managed to knock him back, and he coughed, chest aching where her foot had connected with his upper torso. Damn it. He knew he was at a disadvantage, but to think that the gap between them was this wide...

Still clutching his chest, he glared at the horsewoman, giving her a wicked grin.
"There's something you should know about humans." Another cough, and he straightened, holding the daggers in front of him.
"We're stubborn arrogant creatures. Ever since the beginning, we've challenged the world, refusing to reform but to change it to fit our standards, always moving forward, never back. Even now..."

The daggers were raised menacingly.

"Even with the entire world against us, we refuse to back down."


HP: 39/50
Action: Attacking
Result: JAKE WTF
Runics: Hand Torch + Bandages
Artifact: Tusk of Ares




Dangerous Hunter

Raja rolled 4 4-sided dice: 4, 4, 1, 3 Total: 12 (4-16)


Kawaii Shoujo

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:39 pm
A smirk crossed her face as she watched the hunter work to regain his footing, the amusement only seeming to spread further the more he spoke. He hadn't even had a chance to swing back at her yet, were humans truly this pathetic? Had her kind fallen so low to let something like this beat them?

...that was a bit sad. Her clansmen were not so weak. This boy had to be hiding something, letting her guard down wouldn't do.

Even as he spoke again, she couldn't feel the true appreciation she should have had for what strength he might have. Rather she just wanted to laugh, at how obvious his statement was. "Human, do you not understand? We're the ones who know that best." She flicked her dagger idly in her hand, smiling a bit. "If you would listen to reason, if you would accept what was needed, you would have done our work for us long ago." And then the smile faded, becoming more grim, that twitch of anger showing more clearly than before. "But instead you continued your tantrums, destroying and mucking the world further as you refused to think of how you ruined things. Even striking that which was tasked with your removal." There was a pause at that point as she slunk lower to the ground, intending to dart forward quickly at that point. "And that is what makes you scum."

And with that she launched quickly at him, closing any space there was near instantly before quickly bringing her dagger forward to stab him. She was not exactly a happy horsemen. "Come human, if you are so stubborn, fight at least to show you deserve to live a moment longer."


HP: 40/40
Action: Using Battle Cry T1
Result: 8
Fears: T1 Battle Cry / T2 Swift Strikes

[A.V.] rolled 2 8-sided dice: 5, 1 Total: 6 (2-16)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:51 pm
Why was he still talking? Why wasn't he fighting? Was it because of fear? Was it because he knew he would lose, because he didn't have Chester? Surely he had faced worse odds, and even then he still put up a fight. So why not now? What was different now? Was it because he KNEW this was not only a losing battle for him, but for humanity? Stubborn and arrogant, yes, but they were just simple creatures. Against creatures that preyed against them for a living, what chance did they have for survival? Were they just prolonging the inevitable? Was humanity to be wiped out by these creatures? Was HE not going to do anything about it?

The more she spoke, the more it frustrated him. Them, destroy the world? In a sense, yes, they were running the world's resources dry, but were they not the one who was plotting to enslave, no, WIPE out humanity? Were they not the one devising the world's end? Who was she, to criticize him, who was but a single fighter, fighting a one-sided battle to prolong humanity's existence for just a little bit longer?

"Listen to yourself," he scoffed. "You don't even realize that the one bringing about the world's end is not us, but YOU. I have nothing I need to prove to you, creature."


HP: 31/50
Action: Attacking
Result: ....................................
Runics: Hand Torch + Bandages
Artifact: Tusk of Ares




Dangerous Hunter

Raja rolled 2 8-sided dice: 8, 2 Total: 10 (2-16)


Kawaii Shoujo

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:16 pm
The smile didn't leave her face even as he spoke again. No, instead her free hand, the one not holding a dagger lifted to hold up her index finger as she waved it back and forth, a tsk tsk escaping her as she did. "So forgetful." She chimed, a smile slinking along her features. "Have I not explained it? That we gained our purpose because you humans were too foolish, too stubborn to realize your own faults. Perhaps, just maybe, had you admitted your mistakes and righted your ways we would have never been needed by the world." She let the smile slide from her face then, a sigh escaping her.

"But now, now it's too late. You trash are too far gone, you're an infection that only destruction, an apocalypse would deal with." She looked up then, perhaps almost sad. "You don't even realize that though, which..." Perhaps she pitied him, if only a little. He was so foolish.

Still, all of the pity in the world wouldn't fix the problem. "I'll do the work the world needs for it." She said it quietly, more to herself than anyone as she launched a punch at him, ignoring the daggers entirely. She'd never let a human stop her, she'd never fear them.


HP: 40/40
Action: Attacking
Result: 4
Fears: T1 Battle Cry / T2 Swift Strikes

[A.V.] rolled 2 8-sided dice: 2, 6 Total: 8 (2-16)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:22 pm
Jake smirked.
"Full of yourself, aren't you? Well, forgive me for saying this, but the world could do without you too."
Even if it would be a losing battle, he would fight it. Fight it to the bitter end, because that was his job as a hunter. To fight.

And so, pushing all thoughts aside, he raised the daggers to fend off her blow, grunting slightly as her punch made his shield waver, and he pushed back, swiping at her with the blades.


HP: 27/50
Action: Attacking
Result: 2 dmg HALLELUJAH
Runics: Hand Torch + Bandages
Artifact: Tusk of Ares




Dangerous Hunter

Raja rolled 2 8-sided dice: 8, 7 Total: 15 (2-16)


Kawaii Shoujo

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:46 pm
"Perhaps when there are less of you about?" She replied, not the least bothered with his attitude. She expected it of them, that clawing to hold some sense of purpose. To pretend that had value. Perhaps that made her kind lowly to some degree, to exist to end a world ruined by those foolish beasts. But their cause was noble, in that in destruction the world would find it's peace.

And then he swung at her in return, causing a light smile as she moved back momentarily, lifting her arm that had been cause to look at the twin cuts left by the daggers. Shallow, a child's game really, but enough of them could hurt. "So the sheep might have fangs?" She said, almost curious as she looked back at Jake a moment. "Though not to the level I'd been led to believe." She added, intent to show him once more that the hunters rebellion was a joke. A game the horsemen were just letting them play for now.

All would lead to their inevitable end.

With that she darted forward, leaping up and using a flap of her wings to gain some height before letting gravity aid in bringing her down at him with as much force to a kick as possible. Humans were slime, and that could sink into the ground itself. Such was a fitting end to them. "Know your place!"


HP: 38/40
Action: Attacking
Result: 9
Fears: T1 Battle Cry / T2 Swift Strikes

[A.V.] rolled 2 8-sided dice: 2, 1 Total: 3 (2-16)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:52 pm
Perhaps it had been more true for him, not remembering his past or his purpose, only knowing that he only sought to become a hunter so he could escape something he would never be free from. The world was cruel, and life was always a struggle. You had to fight for your survival, fight for the right to live. Nothing was given. Everything had to be earned, and it was never easy. Hunters were never allowed a moment's peace, and fleeting glimpses of hope they were given were just as easily crushed. He could demand to know why, demand to know why they lived in such a cruel, cruel world, but who would answer him? Those who were better equipped would always thrive on top, while those beneath would forever fight. Would they forever remain at the bottom, never to be able to win? They were fighting against creatures with powers and knowledge beyond theirs, and even if they were to win, there was no way to kill them permanently. Dissipation, yes, but though unpleasant, it was but temporary. THEY ALWAYS CAME BACK. So how could they win? How could they finish this never-ending war? Was annihilation their only option?

"You've killed enough of our kind, and yet you're never satisfied." he snarled. "How many human's blood have you stained your hands with? How many will you kill until you're satisfied?"

Arguing with her wasn't getting him anywhere. He knew they would never be satisfied, but no, they would never be so foolish to completely wipe them out. A handful, yes. Give them hope that they could fight back, and then when they were at their highest, they would crush them again, reminding them who was the greater species. Hope and Despair, over and over. A never-ending cycle, all to create fear, to feed their demented egos and cravings.

"I am but one, but you'd be foolish to think if all hunters are of my caliber."
He had been cocky once, and it had been his downfall. He knew his limitations, and knew that he was most likely losing this battle. But even if he should fall, there were others. Others stronger than him, others who could change the tide of this war.

He prepared himself as she charged again, the daggers' barriers helping to fend off some of the force, but the impact was still strong, making him stagger backwards.


HP: 18/50
Action: Attacking
Result: /cries
Runics: Hand Torch + Bandages
Artifact: Tusk of Ares




Dangerous Hunter

Raja rolled 2 8-sided dice: 3, 8 Total: 11 (2-16)


Kawaii Shoujo

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:19 pm
"Enough?" Her brows raised at his words. "Enough?" She repeated herself again slowly as her head began to shake from side to side. "Human, do you know why I will slay as many of you as is needed, why we continue to do so?" Her head stopped it's movement at that point, eyes locked on him. "Because even with our efforts, even as we try. You continue to spawn, to spread like the parasite you are. To infect this world further."

She lifted her hand at that point, looking at it casually, serene and untroubled by his accusation. "How many you ask? How many till I'm satisfied?" She shrugged at that point, looking back once more as her hand dropped. "Until my duty is fulfilled, still my body stirs no more for this purpose I have been granted." A smiled spread along her lips again as he continued. "You say you are but one, but I am the same. A single warrior among others. Do you think I am the most skilled of my clansmen? I could only pray to hold such an honor one day, but for now..." She once more let her stance slide to prepare to attack again.

"For now I am more than enough for one such as you." And with that she struck again, slicing at him again with the dagger in her hand. And she wasn't about to feel guilty if she rid the world of a bit of filth in the process.


HP: 38/40
Action: Attacking
Result: 5
Fears: T1 Battle Cry / T2 Swift Strikes

{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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