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[PRP] Let's Give it a Shot [Svetlana x Aphrodite] [Fin]

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:44 pm
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So she wasn't getting any younger and she figured she'd do what she could to try and find herself someone to be her life mate. She wasn't entirely sure if she'd be seen as desirable at all because of her lighter coloring but a girl could dream right? The morning was still young and she padded lightly through the lush undergrowth keeping her eye out for anyone. At this moment she wasn't entirely searching for available males, she was just looking for someone to talk to. As much as she loved the forest creatures and listening to the sounds of the earth, it was still nice to have an actual conversation with someone. She paused at a small stream and dipped her muzzle to the cool waters to take a drink and kept her ears alert for signs anyone else might be up this early in the morning. The forest was still alive with light which would soon fade as the sun came up in an hour or so. Having quenched her thirst she continued walking in no set direction and observed the scenery around her as she hummed lightly to herself. 'I wonder if anyone truly would find me desirable. I'm definitely not much to look at' She thought to herself as she came to rest besides a large tree.

She eyed one of the lower branches and decided it was at a decent height where she could climb the trunk and get to it without exhausting herself. She crouched and sprung upwards, digging her hind claws into the trunk and grasping high above her into the bark with her front claws and then inched her way the last few feet by hoping her hind legs up to push her front legs forward. After reaching her destination she sprawled out on the branch and looked down at the forest ground below her. The view was much better than from the ground and this gave her better coverage in case anyone was nearby. She sighed and continued to hum to herself as she swished her tail back and forth hoping someone might walk by sooner than later.

Kathryn Dragonna
PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:59 pm
Aphrodite could not have been happier since coming to the Na'vi. He had come, found a place for himself and made things ready for his sister. When he had gone back and talked to her, telling her that not only had he found the pride she wanted, but that they were now expecting her, the lioness had been quite thrilled. All in all, Aphrodite thought he had done a good job and had bragged so much about it the whole way to the pride. He swore his sister wanted to kill him by the time they arrived, but he knew she loved him anyway.

Aphrodite's mind was mulling over recent events even as he pranced along through the forest. It was amazing how he could be practically dancing as he went and still not make enough noise to scare off critters nearby before he got to them. The light colored male thought being light on his feet was the best thing for being an Artisan in the pride. Of course, being high energy also helped and the fluffy male was that as well. He had never lost the hyperness of cubhood when he grew up.

Aphrodite stopped at a stream and took a moment to look at himself in the water. He shook himself to make all his fur fluff up, especially his mane and looked again. That was much better! Look how handsome and fluffy he was! "An Artisan should look his best so the pride doesn't lose their sight watching." He chuckled to himself and stooped to take a drink. After a drink he moved onward and passed right under a large tree. That had a tail hanging from it. He stopped and looked up. "Is there someone attached to that gorgeous tail, or should I look for a beauty whom lost one?"


Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:02 pm
Lana must have been day dreaming because next thing she knew there was a male voice calling up from below her. "Is there someone attached to that gorgeous tail, or should I look for a beauty whom lost one?" She flicked her tail and peaked her head over the side and looked down at the male below her. She blinked and gave a shy smile because she wasn't exactly sure how to respond. "I wouldn't say there's a beauty attached to this tail... Just me." She said softly as she looked at her paws for a moment before glancing back at him. This was the first lion she had talked to in a long while and she was almost nervous. What if he shunned her? She was an acolyte after all and everyone seemed to looked down upon Acolytes despite their attempts to prove themselves.

So far everything seemed to be going well and she wondered if it would continue to go that way. She hoped it would. She couldn't help but be nervous and she wondered if it showed. "My name's Svetlana'Rayna, but please, call me Lana for short.." She gave him a toothy grin and admired the fluffiness of his mane. "I like your fluffiness." It suited him and she couldn't help but say something to him about it. She then got quiet again, what he found it offensive? She really needed to stop thinking so negatively and she made a mental checklist to keep that in mind. She wondered if she should come down yet from her perch and she decided that it would be the polite thing to do. She stood up and crawled down the tree and came to a standing position a couple of feet from him and then sat down and curled her tail around her feet. She wasn't really sure what to say now. "What brings you out here this early in the morning?"

Kathryn Dragonna
PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:08 pm
Aphrodite huffed a bit at the answer he got from the lioness. "Just you? You are a beauty from what I can see." He might not have been able to see a lot while she was in the tree, but he certainly liked what he was able to view. The male knew about the whole certain colors were viewed badly thing with the pride, but he really put no stock in that. A lion should be judged on their actions in his opinion and that is what he tried to do. This lioness obviously had gotten into the pride, that spoke volumes of her and by the tone of voice he would say she was a quite, sweet, and nervous lioness.

Aphrodite watched as she climbed out of the tree and got a good view of her back markings now. So that was more pink not on her tail. Poor girl would have been shoved into the Acolyte rank and given suspicious looks at every turn. He felt for her. He really did. "Why thank you, the fluff is meant to be appreciated. I See you, Sister, and it is a pleasure to meet you, Lana. I am Aphrodite, an Artisan of our pride." He made a little flurish with his paw and gave her a bit of a bow as she sat in front of him. He had certainly gotten some of his father's flirtatious traits.

"I could ask you the same, beautiful. I am out enjoying the forest and prancing about celebrating my recent personal victory. My sister has now joined the People because I went to fetch her. And what of you? Why are you out here lurking in trees? Are you waiting to pounce some special male that caught your eye?" Aphrodite certainly thought play sneak attacks from above were good things. But he had never really grown up. He was one of those lions that was always going to be young at heart.


Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:50 pm
She admired that he was an Artisian and he definitely had the looks for it. She smiled shyly at his bow and she was thrilled for him that his sister was accepted into the people, that was joyous news. "I'm happy for you and your sister to be joined with the People." She grinned as she imagined herself pouncing down upon unsuspecting strangers. "Maybe I should have pounced on you hmm?" She said with a small chuckle as she rubbed her leg nervously. She went back to thoughts of his skill and she wished she could do something to help the People than just be a part of it.

"I just like to come out here sometimes and think. It's nice to just listen to the life of the forest." She felt at home here and taking care of the people and the life of the forest was one of her favorite things. She took notice of his markings since she was closer to him now and she wondered if his sister had the same unique patterns as him. They were lovely and she wondered if he got them from his mother or father. She realized that her fascination stemmed from the sad fact that she was shunned from her family when they realized she had so much pink coloring. No one really knew the cause for her coloring, because no one else in her family looked like her, but they shunned her for it regardless and she had found a home here.

"How does your sister enjoy it here?" She wondered if that had been too bold to ask. She guessed she'd find out soon enough.

Kathryn Dragonna
PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:48 pm
Aphrodite grinned and fluffed himself up a bit more as he puffed out his chest in pride. "I am happy to be a part of the People, as is my sister. Perhaps you should have pounced me, beautiful." He winked at the lioness as he teased her. "I am sure it would have been fun." He would have enjoyed it, though he likely would have grabbed the lioness and snuggled her for as long as she would allow. He was a very affectionate lion. "The forest is perfect for thinking, though I do my best thinking moving... mostly when I am practicing." If he did say himself, he had gotten very good at dancing since coming to the pride.

Aphrodite had not really done anything like what he did here before. One did not have the extra energy for dancing when they spent so much time traveling, hunting, or entertaining cubs. When he came here and they started giving him the options of what he could do, it only took seeing the Artisans once to know what he wanted to do. He loved what he did. "My sister is settling in well enough. She is still nervous about making friends and she laughs at me for dancing. It is very different than our traveling family in the roguelands, but that is what we love about it here."

Aphrodite stepped forward and nuzzled the lioness for a moment. He had noticed the nervous leg rubbing. He stepped back and gave her the doofiest grin. "What of you? Do you enjoy it in our pride? You are an Acolyte so you assist the priestesses, yes? I am sure that is much more important work than mine. They let me dance around and look pretty." He hoped he made the lioness feel less nervous. It occurred to him a little too late that he might have just made her feel awkward. Oh well, that was done now.


Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 8:32 pm
"I'll have to make sure I do that next time." she said with a playful grin. He made her feel at home and she was starting to come out of her shell a little bit. She giggled slightly at his next comment and was glad she had run into him and not someone who was less open minded, her day was starting out well because of her good fortune.

"I would love to see you perform." She smiled and imagined how it would be and she guessed he was a born natural to it. She frowned slightly towards the mention of his sister being nervous of making friends. She'd be more than willing to help the lioness out and show her around. She knew the place well enough with her duty position and it wouldn't be too much trouble for her. "I'd love to help your sister out.... So as long as she agrees that is.. I wouldn't want to impose."

The rougelands, that would seemed almost fitting to her a while ago. She had finally found her place with the Mother and decided against such thoughts of ever wanting to leave. She was almost taken aback by him suddenly nuzzling her, but it felt good to have that type of contact again. It had been since cub hood that anyone had dared touch her. "I am accepted here..." She trailed the phrase off a moment before continuing "I do serve the Mother under the guidance of the priestess"and I enjoy my work very much. Though I'd love to entertain or contribute more in a way such as yourself." She was in a way, envious of what she knew she could never be, but it didn't keep her from doing her best in what she was able to do. She gave him a warm smile and nuzzled his neck back affectionately. It made her feel much better by showing compassion towards him.

Kathryn Dragonna
[I actuall need to do some rp with the priestess.. This is literally my first RP within the pack >_<]
PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:05 pm
Aphrodite poked the lioness' nose playfully. "You should do that next time. But I warn you, I might have to snuggle you if you do." He had to admit he was liking the way this lioness smiled at his teasing. She certainly was a nice member of the pride. He could not help but be happy about her wanting to watch him dance. He puffed himself up a little. "Perhaps sometime you can watch me practice... if you have time."

Aphrodite thought his sister should not mind the idea of this lioness saying hello, but he would have to ask her. He did not want to get in trouble for deciding things for her. Wrath of one's sister could be swift and fierce. "I will speak to my sister and see if she would mind you visiting. I doubt she will, but I hate to say yes and have her grumble at me." He could only assume that making his sister angry would be about like making his mother mad had always been. THAT was not pleasant. "What you do is important. I'm more a bobble to be admired."

I do have a priestess if you need RP with one

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:40 pm
Kathryn Dragonna
I would like that smile

She smiled at him and she liked his personality, it definitely was uplifting and it was perfect that he was an entertainer for the pride. It suited him well and she watched as he puffed himself up a tad and she sat down, wrapping her tail around her feet. "I would love to watch you practice, I could find the time if you let me know."

She gave him a grin and hoped very much that his sister wouldn't mind. She would love to show her around if she wanted to get to know the place. In her line of work she knew the place like the back of her paw and would be honored if her sister would give her the pleasure to escort her around, perhaps introduce her to a few others.

"I hope she says yes." She wondered if his sister had the same kind of personality or if she was completely different. It was fascinating to find cubs that were total opposites even though they came from the same family. She blushed lightly at his compliment, "Thank you. And I think you're more than a bobble." She poked his shoulder with her paw as she smiled once more. She hadn't smiled this much in months.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:16 am
finally got my internet to cooperate while I was home; It has been sitting here done for a while. Sorry it took so long to post

Aprhodite blushed a bit under his pale fur. She wanted to watch HIM practice. He liked the idea a lot, and was flattered that she had offered. He loved having an audience, and an audience of a beautiful lioness was even better. "I am sure she will... if for no other reason than to meet you." Especially once his sister found out that her fluff head brother thought the lioness beautiful. He could not see her saying no after that. She was much too nosy.

"Oh no, she thinks me more than a bobble, next thing you know she'll be admiring my rump!" Aphrodite grinned and teased the lioness playfully. He certainly would not have minded if she admired his rump. He might have even encouraged it, but he knew better than to admit to something like that just yet. He would have to work on a friendship with this lioness first. Then he could attack snuggle her and encourage her to look at his pretty rump if she seemed the sort to take it well.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 3:20 pm
Kathryn Dragonna
no worries deary :3

User ImageShe was glad to hear that he was pretty sure she wouldn't mind meeting her and that made her feel good. She admired the relationship he had with his sister and thought she would let him know her thoughts on it. "I envy the bond you and you sister have. It's nice to see you taking care of each other." She said kindly with a wince of remorse hidden behind her words. She wished she could of had that with her family.

She blushed and giggled at his teasing and looked at the ground. She was rendered speechless at the moment and she wasn't sure how to respond. She pawed at her leg while continuing to look at the ground. She took a big swallow and looked back at him still unsure as of what to say. She did find him attractive but she wasn't used to jokes as such and it showed. "You have a way with words in which you render a lady speechless." She gave him a shy smile and felt her blush fade.

"When do you think I can see you dance?" She very much wanted to see him perform.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:59 am
"I had many siblings growing up... only two were to the same mother and father as myself. My father had many different ladies bless him with cubs. Pallas was the one one that seemed interested in leaving and I just had to join the adventure. Family sticks together, or so my father always taught us." Aphrodite shrugged his shoulders. He knew he was good at rendering people speechless, and normally it was from shock too. "If it will get me that pretty smile more, I'll keep rendering you speechless, dear lady." There were days one could tell he was Athena's son. That charm came from his father for sure.

"Well, why don't we head back to Home Tree and you can watch me practice there? As long as you have nothing better to do, I certainly would not mind the audience." Aphrodite grinned at her and his eyes sparkled in excitement. He could not wait to show off his dancing to this lioness. He loved the praise he had earned for his skill already, but he wanted to see what this female thought and see if he could bring up her mood. Maybe he could even teach her a little bit if she wanted. It was something fun to do.

we can probably end this shortly

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:31 am
Kathryn dragonna
Pallas is his sister you say? I'm doing an RP with her right now lol. small world. And we could end this now if you like and start another one later?

She listened as he told her about having more than one sibling, its strange how on a litter of so many, only a few grow close sometimes. "Your sister has a lovely name, I'm sure she fits it wonderfully." she'd have to make sure she kept a note on that name in case she ran into her. She blushed again at his comment and just gave him a smile in return. "I would like that very much. I'm sure you are a wonderful dancer." She said softly. She was 98% positive she didn't have anything else that needed to be done and she very much wanted to see how well he could dance. "I do believe that I am free for the afternoon so we have some time." She turned in the direction of home tree and awaited for him to fall into step with her so that they may travel home.  
[IC] Iknimaya Lands [IC]

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