Hello everyone! I'm Vyrun. I joined this guild a long time ago, and am starting back up maintaining a presence here.

There aren't many super recent threads around this part of the forum, but I suppose I'll say a bit about myself. I'm a roleplayer; have been since I was like, eleven. That translated into an interest in tabletop roleplaying and a fervent love of LARPing, at the same time translating into a love for theatre and performing, and then I got into film, which is my main thing, now. I film things, I act in things, I write things, I direct things, in zero specific order, unless they're al on the same project; then it'd be write, direct or direct and act, while filming. razz It depends on the project. But I've recently been on a roleplaying chat called "WantonWicked" that is based on the tabletop setting "World of Darkness," which is a lot of fun.

Aside from that I used to read manga and watch anime, but haven't for a while. I figured that was an important subject to broach on Gaia. razz

If you have any questions or want to get to know me or want to let me get to know you, just speak up and say so! Hope to have a good time in the guild (again).
