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Soquili Era Hiring Thread: Winners Announced p4! Congrats! Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 [>] [»|]

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Soquili Era

PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:14 pm

Welcome to Soquili's Hiring Event!

We're looking to hire some talented colorists to keep this shop alive and active. We need people to paint some ponies, from customs to breedings and pre-mades for events; from edited to unedited; from full size to familiar! The thing is, we can't do this without you.

Think you've got the chops to color, the drive to work regularly, and a desire to help out Soquili? Then this is the place for you!

Round Two
Starts: Now! 12-18-13
Ends: 11:59 PM EST 01-08-14

PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:15 pm

Hiring Information

We're looking for positions all over! Interested in Non-Colorist Staff (NCS) positions? We've got threads for that too! Please see the below for more information:

RP Assistant Manager
Item Colorist
Teepee Manager
Stat Assistant Manager

We do have a few rules and notes we'd like you to consider, just so you know what you're signing up for, and what we, on staff, expect.

1. Please be able to take constructive criticism. We have a Colorist Manager who may ask you to edit your work. If you take customs, the customer might ask for tweaks, changes, or revisions to work you are proud of. We will never be cruel, but criticism is going to happen and if you can't handle the feedback, this might not be a right fit for you.

2. Please be active and available. It does us no good to hire someone full time, who can only handle part-time or occasional work. Please be honest with us if your schedules get too crazy and you need to change your availability. Also, please don't try out if you really don't think you're going to be around to color for us for more than a month or two. While we understand RL happens, and unexpected surprises can pull you away, to get hired, only to quit or simply go MIA (and still be active in other shops) is frustrating for staff and fellow customers alike.

3. Please remember, this is a customer service position. You will be dealing with customers, especially if you take customs. A friendly personality, and being an ambassador to the shop are traits we're looking for. Check your drama at the door and remember to be civil, regardless how you feel about people. We get that some people just don't click, or get along, and maybe you don't like fellow staff members. All that said, we are all volunteering our time here and you will be expected to deal with people you don't like civilly. We're a team, so please, keep the drama private.

Positions Available

Please note, all these availability positions are open. Please keep in mind the requirements are the base minimum to stay hired on! You can do more than the quote amount listed here, but you must at least do what's below, or risk being let go.

Full-Time: 3 customs/freebies (depending on rotation) =OR= 2 breedings once every two months

Semi-Quarterly: 3 customs/freebies (depending on rotation) =OR= 2 breedings once every four months

Bi-Annually: 3 customs/freebies (depending on rotation) =OR= 2 breedings once every six months

After you decide on your availability, these are the positions we're hiring

Edit Full-Sized Colorist
Individuals who are able to color full-sized pets, as well as edit them to our standards.

Unedited Full-Sized Colorist
Individuals who are able to color full-sized pets, but will NOT be allowed to edit them. This is a color-only position.

Unedited Familiar Colorist
Individuals who are able to color familiars only! They will NOT be allowed to do edit work on familiars, and will not be allowed to work on full-sized pets. This is a color position only! NOTE: All familiar colorists start on No-edits, but can eventually gain rank to do edits and things such as familiar bribes.


We will be hiring for the following levels for Full-Sized Colorists, both Edited & Color Only:

Apprentice This is where all of our colorists start. They are allowed to create pets for freebies, flaffles, and mockbreedings. Their work needs to be approved by the Colorist Manager, but they can move up to Junior Level, and from there Senior, with time and practice. This is just the starting stage while we make sure individuals are comfortable with the lines.

for Familiar Colorists, we are hiring for Level 1 colorists!

Level 1 Color-Only for Freebies & Flaffles, but you can move up to Level 2 and possibly Level 3 with time and practice.

Perks and Payment
So the big question is, what do you get out of this? Not only do you get to join and be part of a pretty awesome staff, but your efforts help keep the B/C community (and this shop in particular) thriving! Additionally, working with all this talent should allow your own color and edit techniques room to grow!

Unlike other shops, colorists do not get 100% payment The reason Soquili takes a certain percentage of payment from colorists is to pay the hardworking Non-Colorist Staff that help keep the shop running day to day. The longer and harder you work for soquili, the less of a percentage the shop takes as you grow and advance up the ranks. The scale breaks down the following way:

Apprentice Colorists pay 30% to the shop.
Junior Colorists pay 20% to the shop.
Senior Colorists pay 10% to the shop.

Additional perks include gaining monthly credits, which you can cash in for pets for yourself or others, as well as 100% breeding fees.

Soquili Era

Soquili Era

PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:18 pm

Rules for Entry

1. Please read this entire front page before you enter!
2. If you have questions or concerns, please PM them to Soquili Era.
3. Please only use your own art in all categories! If we catch you using art you did not color or work on, or stealing others art, you will be punished severely. We have a 0-tolerance for art thieves. Besides, we want to see what you can do, not what someone else can.
4. If you do edits, please remember your style is going to have to match our templates. This is not to say you cannot have your individual touch, as every colorist does, but understand, you might be asked to change a style to be more fitting for the lines we have.
5. Please fill out the form in its entirety.
6. If we have a hard cut-off date or deadline, please follow it. You might be DQ'd if you miss it, even by just a few minutes.
7. We will perform background checks on potential hires and cross-check references.
8. You do NOT have to have worked in a B/C shop before, or a previous colorist, to enter.
9. We understand sometimes people don't get along, and mistakes have been made in the past. We will not hold past mistakes against you, but do understand, if you have a drama-filled background, or we get many complaints from previous employers, this might dampen your chances of being hired.
10. We at Soquili do not need to explain why we choose the hires we do, or justify why we did not hire someone. While we will give helpful feedback back to colorists who ask for it, we do not have to give details on why one was not picked. Please note, that even if you are not hired now, this does not mean you shouldn't try again during future hire events.
11. We will have various Rounds, and people will advance accordingly. This process will take a few weeks. Please understand there will be deadlines, and people who miss them, will be DQ'd.
12. Please be aware you're going to need Photoshop, or some sort of photoeding program to color for soquili. If your program doesn't handle the lines, file type, or open up folders and layers, this might not be the best choice. You'll also probably want an IM program of some kind so we can get a hold of you outside of Gaia/PM.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:24 pm

The Rounds

Round One
Starts: Now! 11-26-13
Ends: 12:01am EST 12-15-13

If you are interested in trying out to become a Soquili colorist, please fill out the following to the best of your ability! You have about two and a half weeks to fill out the following form, use the proper heading, and post at least three samples!

Use this heading if you're looking to be a Familiar Colorist.

[size=24][color=blue][b]Hey, You Seem Familiar![/b][/color][/size]

Use this heading if you're looking to be a Full-Sized Colorist.

[size=24][color=magenta][b]Getty'up Pony![/b][/color][/size]

[b]Availability?[/b] Full-Time, Semi-Quarterly, Bi-Annually
[b]What Position?[/b] Color Only or Edit Work Only or Either
[b]Do you have Instant Messenger?[/b] Y/N
[b]Are you open to being considered for other positions?[/b] (i.e. if you are looking to be a full-sized colorist, we might offer you a familiar position if we don't think the larger canvas fits. Or if you're an exceptional familiar colorist, we might offer you a full-sized position.) Y/N
[b]Have you worked in other shops on Gaia or the B/C? If so, which ones?[/b]
[b]Can you list three references to either past Gaian employers, or people who will vouch for your behavior?[/b] If you have never worked in a B/C shop, or your old employers are long since quit, can you please list names of people we can contact to query your background on Gaia?
[b]Why do you want to join Soquili?[/b]
[b]Please post at least three samples using the template provided![/b] (if you are colorist only, edits are not necessary; if you are trying for an edit gig, edit them to your hearts content. Familiar colorists need only do color only!)
[b]Other miscellaneous art you've created:[/b] (This can be personal works, or past pets created/colored, etc. etc. This is optional!)

Soquili Era

Soquili Era

PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:25 pm

Round One Winners:

Kara Asumie

Unedited Soq Colorists
Sarei Stargazer
Pandora Talie
tani duh!

Edited Soq Colorists
Mameha Otome
Elf Princess Flannery
one over three

PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:27 pm


Why does this look like the Searching for Sanctuary hiring thread? Because it's our sister shop, and essentially everything (hiring wise) is set up in SfS just as in Soquili. So. Instead of having Uta write it up twice, she just used what she originally wrote, with some tweeks.

I can't color but want to help out soquili! What shall I do? Once we get settled on colorists, we'll likely be swooping back to fill in some holes getting some additional Non-Colorist Staff help. We'll do a different type of hiring for that, after we pick up some colorists.

What is this advertising contest I hear about? Go here if you're interested in seeing what that's all about.

Soquili Era

Soquili Era

PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:29 pm


All we ask if that you keep the chatter somewhere else. We'd like this for applicants only.

Good luck everyone!
PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 2:49 am

Getty'up Pony!

Name: Sarei Stargazer (I like being called Sar though! x3)

Availability?  I'd absolutely love to do Full-Time! n.n

What Position?  I would love to do both regular coloring and/or edited Soquili, if you think my edits show potential, though I should note I am currently trying to practice clothing/bigger item edits, but I think I am fairly competent with pretty much anything as long as I take my time. 3nodding

Do you have Instant Messenger? Yes, Skype & AIM, feel free to message any time!
-> SareiStargazer

Are you open to being considered for other positions?  Absolutely! I would just be so positively tickled and honoured to work for/with you at Soquili. n.n

Have you worked in other shops on Gaia or the B/C?  If so, which ones?
Yes, I worked at Evocality, Plains of A'veron, I own a very very small shop called Snapdragons, and am currently employed at Winiko as colorist/editor in-training (trial period as I was JUST hired), and with Ponies of Chincoteague for Holiday Help (Christmas only)

Can you list three references to either past Gaian employers, or people who will vouch for your behavior? 

-> Sullivan;
(current boss/trainer @ Winiko, friend)

-> Spottedleef;
(previous boss @ Evocality, good friend, future partner/co-worker/boss @ Evocality Virtual Pets Site)

-> Moonstone Dazzle; previously Trinitycowgirl;
(good friend, plot buddy, frequent a lot of same threads, attitude, personality reference)

-> ChaosTheories;
(good friend, frequent a lot of same threads, attitude, personality reference)

Why do you want to join Soquili? To be honest, I just think the art is amazing, and I've actually been dying for an opportunity to apply here since I first discovered it (I've known about/stalked it since it was first created!). It's always been my dream job on Gaia to work for Soquili, so thank you so much for this opportunity!!! I never really felt like my talent was quite there until now, and I'm still nervous as hell about applying to you guys, but I feel like I am at a level now where I can confidently apply. I would be absolutely honoured beyond reason if I were selected to be hired here! =o

I'd also like to say, in reference to the criticism thing, I am actually extremely open to criticism/critique of my work, as I am always wanting to improve, and I know that there is always something that can be tweaked to make the finished product all the better. I'm more than happy to submit WIP and/or proofs, and grateful for all advice and opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills. 3nodding

Please post at least three samples using the template provided! 
-> [Princess Mossy]
-> [Cutesy Pony]
-> [Based off another horsey character of mine~]
-> [Mischievous grinning fluffy pony!]
-> [Christmassy Pony! =o]

Will work on/add more throughout the rest of the duration of this event~ heart

Other miscellaneous art you've created: 
-> [My art shop (lots of samples of all sorts, almost all the art I have on this computer! xD)]
-> [My breedables shop, Snapdragons]
- (please note, art shop will be closed for new orders until AT LEAST after Christmas/January, and Snapdragons will not be having opening event until after I have completed all my Christmas-time work! n.n

-> And I'm most proud of my Winiko coloring! (also most recent colorist/editing work!)

- aaaaaaaand, this guy (my crowning accomplishment for now! (besides maybe Miss Princess Mossy up der! xD)
-This lady
-These guys~

Some more coloring/editing examples (mind you almost all of these are from at least a year ago):
- [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ],

Would also just like to note that as Winiko does not have shading templates, each pet is colored/edited/shaded from scratch completely, each time. Usually they have diff. shading depending on their body type/edits/coloring, so I am very comfortable with these things. n.n


Eloquent Explorer

10,950 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Consumer 100
  • Tipsy 100

Pandora Talie

Shy Kitten

16,175 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Novice Mage 100
PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 2:49 pm

Getty'up Pony!

Name: Pandora Talie (Pan)

Availability? Full-Time

What Position? Color Only Preferred

Do you have Instant Messenger? I got Skype..I DID have AIM when I worked here 3 years ago before I quit Gaia. Will get it again if hired if needed!

Are you open to being considered for other positions? Yes! I worked as a familiar colorist before and done colored SoQ for FS, free giveaways...ect. Old Fam Shop

Have you worked in other shops on Gaia or the B/C? If so, which ones?Winiko (currently), Sandpaints, SoQ, Grimshaw Forest(mine), Jrion, Mountain Valley Rex Ranch,Serenity...I work in a lot of places but not all at once. I usually pick 3 and stick with that so not to burn myself out.

Can you list three references to either past Gaian employers, or people who will vouch for your behavior?
Mindsend (dunno if she will count...only "boss" I had that is still active...that I can find)
Sakura-Serenity2 (been with me from day one on joining gaia)
Sullivan (current boss of Winiko)

Why do you want to join Soquili? I'm back after being away from Gaia for 3 years. I was happy to see this shop still alive after so many I knew have went inactive. So I'd love to be able to help out again. Since I got back I'm really enjoying coloring,learning new techniques and creating pets for people again. smile I still have Dropbox with all the files from before...even though I'm pretty sure many have been updated and I see new familiars! My current RL job makes it easy for me to work on colorings so even when I'm at work I can still color. SO that wouldn't be a problem. wink

Please post at least three samples using the template provided! Num 1 Num 2 Num 3

Other miscellaneous art you've created: xXx
The old SoQ hiring coloring examples are in there also. Halloween Familiars and Fam tags and coloring and SOQ Sale colorings A couple minor edits on some familars.

My most recent colorings are at WIniko but they have not went on sale yet so I'm unable to show them :/

edit: here is one- XXXX
PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:55 pm

Added my final trial example!

Getty'up Pony!

Name: Zactura.
Availability? Semi-quarterly.
What Position? Either.
Do you have Instant Messenger? Yep! Both Skype and AIM.
Are you open to being considered for other positions? Just full-sized, please!
Have you worked in other shops on Gaia or the B/C? If so, which ones? I have! I work for/own Dragons of Icarus, and did temp work for Shadows of Africa recently. Before my huge multi-year hiatus, I worked for a few miscellaneous shops, all of which are...long since gone. whoops.
Can you list three references to either past Gaian employers, or people who will vouch for your behavior? The Moshmonster, Bittersweet Candies, Tryic.
Why do you want to join Soquili? I've wanted to get hired here since I first started coloring about seven years ago, and now that I'm actually decent and have developed sense, I'd absolutely love the chance to get into this. Soquili's been a shop I've been watching from the other side of the glass, so to speak, and I figure--well, no better way to get right into it than applying, huh?

Please post at least three samples using the template provided!
Now with style variety! I prefer doing the painterly edits as shown in the first example, but I can flip through any as needed. u vu
[ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ color-only ] | [ previous example without custom shading ] | [ x ] | [ x ]

Other miscellaneous art you've created:
bc examples ;
[ flip through for a bunch of examples! ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ]
art examples ;
[ x ] | [ x ] | [ wip ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ]
aywas examples ;
[ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ reshade ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ x ] | [ redo done without psd ] | [ x ] | [ reshade ]


Otherworldly Plague

20,675 Points
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • Galactic Domination 200
  • That One Hero 500


Sparkly Genius

12,615 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Wall Street 200
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:26 pm

Getty'up Pony!
Name: pippi18848
Availability? Full-Time
What Position? Color Only
Do you have Instant Messenger? Yes I do
Are you open to being considered for other positions? Yes
Have you worked in other shops on Gaia or the B/C? If so, which ones? I did a long time ago. I had my own shops but they all died out because my help disappeared and I suck at running a shop by myself.
Can you list three references to either past Gaian employers, or people who will vouch for your behavior? Mindsend, Roniel, Atheart, Green Ever After, LunarMirage
Why do you want to join Soquili? Why do I want to join Soquili? Well, because Soquili has been my home for many many years and I've been dying to be a part of it as staff be it colorist or non-colorist. It's the main reason I've tried so hard to improve on my coloring abilities over the years. While I know my coloring isn't as amazing as others, I know that I've improved drastically from my first attempts years ago. And I'm willing to learn how to do things better with the help of others. Soquili has gotten me through many rough years of my life and I want to be able to give back to the Soq community in some way as well.
Please post at least three samples using the template provided! xXx, xXx, xXx(This one is my personal favorite <3 I've never been able to get a glass looking color before I fiddled around with this so I'm so excited that I finally did it. biggrin ), xXx, xXx, xXx
Other miscellaneous art you've created: xXx and xXxxXx <--- This is a pet for Aywas[another website] that I colored. I was trying to imitate coloring Neva soq before she became cursed. xXx, xXx, xXx, xXx
The rest are just various lines from Soq plushies or my own dead shops that I color on from time to time when I'm bored.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:39 pm

Getty'up Pony!

Name: Mameha Otome
Availability? Full-Time, Semi-Quarterly, Bi-Annually
What Position? Either
Do you have Instant Messenger? Yes
Are you open to being considered for other positions? Yes (That goes for willing to take a familiar position too~)
Have you worked in other shops on Gaia or the B/C? If so, which ones? I own and operate The Lucky Noodle and I worked for iZunes for a few months a few years back (it has a new owner now though). I've also ran/worked for a few other shops that are long dead.
Can you list three references to either past Gaian employers, or people who will vouch for your behavior?
icy serenade

There are others, I just need to find their new SNs, I'll edit them in when I do

Why do you want to join Soquili? Always wanted to work here and I've actually applied 3-4 times in the past. I honestly like the lineart and would love to work on it. Plus I feel like I need a slight change of pace from TLN.
Please post at least three samples using the template provided!
Two - For markings
Three - For edits
Four - Plain for mane/tail practice

Other miscellaneous art you've created:
Lucky Noodle
xXx - xXx - xXx - xXx - xXx - xXx - xXx - xXx - xXx - xXx - xXx - xXx

Parent 1 + Parent 2 = xXx - xXx

Parent 1 + Parent 2 = xXx - xXx (These two were the result of a Halloween breeding)

Old Hiring Samples
Iodine - Arsenic - Fairy? - Terrible Armor

Misc Stuff
This PB Folder

Mameha Otome

Eloquent Explorer

Lady Argentum Draconis

Enduring Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:45 pm

Hey, You Seem Familiar!

Name: Lady Argentum Draconis
Availability? Semi-Quarterly
What Position? Color Only
Do you have Instant Messenger? Yes, AIM and MSN/Skype
Are you open to being considered for other positions? Yes
Have you worked in other shops on Gaia or the B/C? If so, which ones? Yes
Pearl Dragons- Manager/Colorist- Closed
Castle in the Sky- Co-Owner/Colorist -Closed
The Lucky Noodle- Colorist- Current

Can you list three references to either past Gaian employers, or people who will vouch for your behavior?
Mameha Otome- Owner TLN- Current Boss
Gin Rin- Co-worker TLN
Geyser Eelborn- Co-worker TLN

Why do you want to join Soquili? I've always loved the shop and even though I've been sort of a lurker as just a patron, I'd love the opportunity to be part of the re-building of the shop, and learn from those on staff here to expand my skill set.
Please post at least three samples using the template provided! 1 2 3 4
Other miscellaneous art you've created: In no particular order
X x X x X x X
Breeding Samples:
Parent 1 x Parent 2= 1 and 2
Parent 1 x Parent 2 = 1 and 2
PostPosted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:16 pm

Getty'up Pony!

Name: Elf Princess Flannery
Availability? Semi-Quarterly, Bi-Annually
What Position? Either color and edit
Do you have Instant Messenger? epflannery
Are you open to being considered for other positions? Sure, wherever i'm needed.
Have you worked in other shops on Gaia or the B/C? If so, which ones? VFS, Vanora, and SFS
Can you list three references to either past Gaian employers, or people who will vouch for your behavior? SkyDragono (VFS),Goddess Vanora/Heavenly Snow (Vanora), -The Spoof-, AlexiaSilver
Why do you want to join Soquili? I want to make pretty soquili for the happy people. I entered last time soq was hiring, but i didnt have a tablet and i am now much improved.
Please post at least three samples using the template provided!
Undedited/w/markings, UneditedNatural, Feathers!, alt/background, Hair and items, Mutant FuDog
Other miscellaneous art you've created:
dem sexy legs, uncert
Lotsa tails
thing1, thing2
Custom Items/editedhair/tail
hand drawn/shaded species for VFS Female, Male

Elf Princess Flannery

Skilled Worker

11,700 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Super Tipsy 200
  • Generous 100


Eloquent Raider

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:55 pm

Getty'up Pony!

Name: JetAlmeara
Availability? Full-Time
What Position? Color Only
Do you have Instant Messenger? Y - Aim - JetAlmeara
Are you open to being considered for other positions? (i.e. if you are looking to be a full-sized colorist, we might offer you a familiar position if we don't think the larger canvas fits. Or if you're an exceptional familiar colorist, we might offer you a full-sized position.) Y
Have you worked in other shops on Gaia or the B/C? If so, which ones? I am currently working in SOA and Dragonflight : An Alternate Pern (Thought DF is fairly slow, only requiring one to three pets every few months for hatchings)
Can you list three references to either past Gaian employers, or people who will vouch for your behavior? Meepfur (SOA), SkieBorne (DF)..and for just general character references She-Ra of Etheria (Known for..ever), Uta (Known from past shops - Shaoilan Wolves, Rhiannon Chandra (Work with in DF, Known from other shops), More can be provided if needed
Why do you want to join Soquili? Because I love the shop and I want to help the shop, I want it to prosper and thrive for a long long time and would love to help make that happen. It took me a long time to break into the Soquili world but it has become my home on Gaia.
Please post at least three samples using the template provided! Lizard Pony, Tribal Paint, Natural Dappled Chectnut, Under the Water Pony
Other miscellaneous art you've created: SOA Custom I colored, SOA Custom example 2, Old Soq contest entry, Dragonflight custom,

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