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Since the clans have all come together, this is the perfect time to meet a mate! Zuberi is a strong, silent type who is relatively new to the Ela. He's in the wolf clan, but if he meets a special lady from another clan he has no problem moving to be with her. He's a romantic at heart, but will show it through actions rather than words, finding they speak louder than he ever could. He's very sweet and will protect those dear to him if needed, but is a peace-loving guy. I'd like to find someone who will be around for a while, since Ela mate for life, and I'd feel bad for the poor guy if his mate suddenly went MIA. I know real life happens, and breaks are allowed of course.

Zuberi wants to be a daddy eventually, so your girl would need to be okay with that. He'd rather get to know her very well first, though, and become official mates before any sort of family business begins.

So yes! Just post your Ela girls and any info you feel is pertinent. Please don't feel badly if you're not picked. Zuberi is always up for RP if you're in his clan and he's very friendly, if not very talkative around those he's not completely comfortable with.