Hola, mi llamo Victoria, but you can call me Tori for short :3

Hmmmm, about myself, i'm a fairly new role player, i believe my first was sometime over Summer in 2013. But before i began to write on Gaia, i took a creative writing class where i unearthed a passion for crafting short stories and poetry. Although i have not disciplined myself into doing one recently, i used to love writing flash fictions. Also, i was selected to have a piece of poetry that i wrote published into a school sponsored literary journal which was pretty rad.

So, i'm interested in anything from school roleplays, to mythical roleplays, to even (strictly PG-13) pet/slave roleplays. I would also be open to trying anything else. Shoot me a message if you have an idea and need someone to do a roleplay with, okay? c:

Thanks for reading <3