Should knowing the genders be an option in basket drop offs? |
Yes, in every breeding! |
19% |
[ 15 ] |
No, they should not be! |
16% |
[ 13 ] |
Some, only when requested in the breeding form! |
64% |
[ 50 ] |
Total Votes : 78 |
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:03 pm
I've only had about 3-4 breedings I've taken part in, and every time I find myself VERY curious about genders. Who isn't? Yes, its a part of the fun of not knowing, suspense, and what not. But I myself, and a few others out there, think that there should be the option to request knowing what gender the baskets are when they are dropped.
Why, you say~ 1. It can help when picking owners of baskets whether that be to help decide when torn or for plotting purposes! 2. If you're like me, you like to outline a character before the basket pops, and knowing a gender would help me tons~ 3. There's not much reason NOT too, or at least not much reason not offer the option 4. There's still some mystery left: what traits do they have? 5. Bribes and staff breedings get to pick the genders, which is a perk for that type of breeding, but just letting owners know what is in the baskets still maintains that perk for them, but a small perk in a breeding for the customer.
Why not: 1. Truly, the only reason I can think of is because its the way its always been. (and my response to that is change isn't always bad. ouo)
Please respond via the poll and if you disagree, please share why, or if you have anything further to add, in the thread. ^w^ Thanks for reading/considering~
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:10 pm
It's just so convenient. I often find myself trying to choose between two baskets, and if I knew the genders it would've changed my choice. There are some breedings where I'd like a certain gender from the parents, for plot purposes.
I don't think it should be an automatic here are your genders have fun sort of thing. I know some owners like the surprise of not knowing what you're going to get.
So if it was an option on the breeding forms like the third poll option suggests, it would be amazing. The parents who would like to know would get to see, and those that wouldn't wouldn't be spoiled.
A+ I support this idea.
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:11 pm
I personally like the surprise and suspense that comes with getting a basket even though I would love to get more boys to even out the girls I have. I think if anything it should be a choice you can make so those that don't want to know don't have to. c:
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:22 pm
I love the suspense from not knowing the gender when it comes to a basket and honestly the whole not knowing a gender doesn't bother me. I can understand when you want a specific gender for plots or just because you prefer that gender over the other and the frustration that comes from not getting that gender when the basket pops.
When it comes to breedings I have had the worst luck getting boys. I always seem to get more girls over boys and sometimes it goes frustrate me because I prefer stallions over mares. Does this mean I don't love my mare's? Nope. In fact most of my mare's prove to be some of the strongest characters I have and if I had a plot already planned out for a male, I change it. Nothing is permanent. Most of the time I don't plot anything until they are adults anyway since I like to know what they look like as adults, but that is just me.
Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of showing gender's or at least giving the option if you want to see them.
So all in all, I think it could work for those that want to see the genders and those that want it to be a surprise.
I will just be one of the ones that wouldn't use it since I prefer being surprised.
-Probably babbled a bit since she is so damn tired- XDD
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 9:52 am
I actually love having the baskets not being revealed as to what genders they are. Sometimes it is frustrating I will admit. Before they upped the amount of breedings a Soq could have my one pair that I have I always got all girls and the other owner got all boys. But hey, if I had gotten the choice of picking a gender I wouldn't have the epicness that is Neva. <33
Making it an optional option on the breeding forms would be nice so long as both owners in the pairing agreed to it.
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:05 am
I honestly think that knowing the gender would make it harder for me to decide. I'd be caught in the dilemma of, "oh, I love how this one looks, but this one is the gender I wanted." Plus if you and the other owner had decided what gender you each wanted and there was one of each but you didn't find the gender you'd chosen to be colored the way you had hoped (for example, you want one colored more toward the father because you own the mother), you're kind of stuck. XD I think the option would be cool but I would opt out.
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 11:31 am
Tbh I would love to have the option to know the genders. Sometimes I don't mind, especially if it's a first breeding for the couple, then it's just exciting that they have foals..but with others, and for me most notably my flutters..if I could break my line of getting males from their breedings that would be loved hehe whee - and vice versa I would really want a male Kalona from a breeding XD
Not that they aren't pretty/handsome etc but yeah, basically it would be nice to have the option of knowing if wanted 3nodding
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:38 pm
I would love to have the option. The one time I had a breeding where the colorist hinted at genders was great! I was able to choose the gender I wanted. I really want to try and keep some gender balance in my herd and knowing what the baskets are makes it much easier to do this.
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 2:30 pm
I would love to have the option! There's definitely some breedings I've had that I wanted a specific gender (for the most part I've been lucky and gotten what I wanted) for plotting purposes and also to break a string of one gender. I too like to keep my herd balanced close to 50/50.
It could even be an IC thing, like the mare goes to someone/thing and asks what the genders are of her babins like you can do irl with an ultrasound. You still have the option to keep it a surprise but the choice is there. Like, they go ask a statue or wish on a star or something to know the genders. Or visit a medicine man/woman/horse npc/whatever. Yea. words.
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 8:27 pm
I could have sworn there was another feedback thread on this subject, but I can't seem to find it... does anyone know where that thread went? I'm trying to remember if Mind already said something about the basket-gender issue. *scratches head*
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 8:33 pm
I found it here. From what I can tell, there was no official ruling on it, and that thread seems to be focusing more on the horses themselves knowing the gender towards the end there, which isn't the reason this thread was made. It's for the owners, ooc knowledge. When Roman spoke to Uta about this suggestion yesterday, Uta suggested posting it here, cause even if it had come up previously which she did think so, it was buried in the thread. I found it on page 4.
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 8:41 pm
2010. *dies* Time flies, doesn't it? I stopped looking at 2011. Thanks! *reads through thread*
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:16 pm
I don't know how else to articulate my argument in favour other than saying that I'm pro choice. I think the genders should be available to know, it makes for fun of plotting and rp between parents. IC wise it's a foal in a basket and it's totally plausible for the parents to look and discern the genders. From a colourist standpoint it's not much limiting to have to decide that preemptively. But if an owner would rather not know then they don't have to look, I suppose. I swearrrr back in the day they used to offer genders when the baskets were posted but that was back in like 2010/2011 when I saw that?
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:40 pm
Several colorists have stated that they do not mind people wanting to know the gender of their baskets, and that all the owners/owners of the parents needed to do was PM them and they would hand the genders over.
I believe this was around the 2011/2012 timeline, and some did write down the genders in white or hide them in the url of the baskets when posted.
It was just stated. I don't believe it was ever announced or anything.
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:25 am
I think the option would be nice.
…However, I would be all for having the basket stage done away with completely >>; less for the colorists to color and everyone knows what they are getting when they decide which foal they want… but I'm sure that's not a popular opinion