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Name: Darts
Age: 25
Snag Coins: 89
Snag Emblems: 8
Gengar Tokens: 15
Rank: Administrator
Threat Level: The Best

1 Hoverboard
1 S.N.A.G. 2.0
5 Pokeballs
2 Great Balls
3 Ultra Balls
1 Master Ball
1 Syringe of Shadow Vaccine
1 Shiny Pokeblock
1 Dragon Scale
1 Dragon Fang
1 Nugget
1 Enigma Berry
1 Stardust
1 Cell Battery
2 Joy Scent
1 Pearl
3 Red Shard
3 Blue Shard
3 Yellow Shard
1 Free Park Pass
1 Lucky Egg
1 Soft Sand
1 Water Gem
1 Dragon Gem
1 Balm Mushroom
3 Star Pieces
1 Macho Brace
3 Red Apricorn
1 Comet Shard
1 Pearl String
3 Vivid Scents
2 (Miscellaneous Berry of My Choice)

Mega Stones: 2

1 Salamencite
1 Gengarite

Eggs: 0 (RIP Eggy)

Hybrid Moves Learned: 5

-Shadow Force
-Aerial Ace
-Dragon Claw
-Calm Mind

Artifacts of Power:

Yinyang Bracers - a pair of ice-reflecting bracers, they don't completely deflect the ice damage separately, but put together they can stop all but the strongest. One white, one black, in the shape of a Tao symbol, hence their name, made from a Reishram and Zekrom scale, they each have a dot of Kyurem ice for their respective half, hence its ice-bane properties.

Shadow Charger:

The Shadow Charger is a new upgrade that absorbs excess Shadow Energy from battling or purifying Pokemon infected with the Shadow Virus, allowing it to be used later. It'll gain one level of charge, up to a maximum of three, each time a Shadow Pokemon is defeated or purified. The charges can be spent to activate the following effects.

1 Charge: Halves the cost of Shadow Moves performed for one RP encounter/battle, making it take longer before the Pokemon enters Hyper Mode. Costs are rounded up to the nearest full number.

2 Charges: Allows a Pokemon in Hyper Mode to be controlled normally for one RP encounter/battle. During this time, the Pokemon also is unable to resist being recalled.

3 Charges: Expels all stored Shadow Energy to briefly, but rapidly combat the Shadow Virus. This gives half of a Shadow Pokemon's total required Purification Points, rounded up (i.e. If they need 25 total points to be ready for purification, this gives them 13).

Background: Well, as lengthy of a story in its telling as in its happening, Darts’ story is a long one, and one that began so many years ago, back in Sootopolis City, the place of his birth. Some of the details are murky, but two things that are confirmed is that he was born, and probably to parents. Darts himself can’t tell you who his parents are, seeing as he himself has no idea, because he never knew them. His earliest memories involve growing up as an urchin street rat trying to make a living on the streets of the city, running with one gang or another, stealing food to survive and taking what money he could find when he could. In the beginning, when he was a kid the gang skirmishes were child’s play, both literally and figuratively. Squabbles over who got to play where, and which swing sets were whose were usually settled by scuffles in the street, rolling in the dirt for five minutes and getting out with a couple of black eyes. That’s how most people’s lives begin, and luckily though Darts was on the streets he had a family of sorts made up of friends that he could count on to watch his back, and enough food to eat one way or another. That’s the thing about kids, when you’re young you have no idea of the world and what comes when you get older.

As Darts grew up, the gangs he had started running with on the streets grew up with him. Once all of the street kids of Sootopolis City reached a certain age, they were drafted by the leaders of the various organized street gangs according to certain characteristics they had liked about the kids watching them grow up on the streets. Once Darts was brought up, having been the ringleader of the kids he had run with after enough time, he was immensely saddened to see kids he had grown up with, been friends with, and run with on the streets on opposite sides of the battle lines from him. After rising to the position of advisor of the gang he was in, due to his glib tongue and natural penchant for acquiring revenue, he teamed up with the leader of his gang to try and organize the other gangs in the area into a coalition. The leader of Darts’ gang was ambitious and intelligent , and he easily recognized the demonic tongue that was quickly developing in his new advisor, giving Darts pretty much free reign to try and gather the other gangs under his banner. Darts took the ball he was given and ran with it, either aggressively recruiting members from the smaller gangs to break them through acquisition of enough members, or in some cases outright gang warfare. While the fighting was bloody, Darts himself can safely say he’s never killed a man, as the type of weapons he preferred were neither swords like some of the gangs he met, nor firearms, nor Pokemon. His weapon of choice was the kunai, Japanese throwing knives that were easily concealable, and boasted the ability to be essentially non-lethal with enough accuracy, and as Darts himself will boast to you, he’s the best there is.
Due to Darts’ style of aggressive psychological gang warfare, casualties were minimized. This may seem like an oxymoron, but while Darts enjoys the aggressiveness of gambling his insistence on non-lethal tactics minimized casualties for both sides as he had to outmaneuver and trick the various factions when fighting them. This led to him relying more on tactics than actual bloodshed as he could reduce the losses on both sides while still maintaining an aggressive stance. Gangs flocked under the banner of the boss he was working for, as Darts was well-known for being fair and intelligent in his use of his underlings, not just throwing their lives away for nothing like the other street gangs.

By this point in time, Darts’ appearance had established itself as pretty consistent. Having grown from a youth with long black hair around his shoulders with unremarkable green eyes into a similarly hair-length and eye-hued young adult he was always garbed in a black tee and black slacks and never without a pair of shades on. As a result of the matching color, Darts cut a fairly unremarkable figure other than his massive black trenchcoat, more precious to him than (seemingly) life itself. Even as Darts found his footing in life, surely lady luck dealt him another precarious blow. The gang leader Darts was working for became suspicious of him bogarting all the credit for the gang’s success and found it expedient to remove him from the picture. After having the tar beaten out of him by the thugs sent to dispose of him, he was tossed out of the top of the Sootopolis Dome and left to fall into the sea. Lady Luck wasn’t all against Darts however, as he washed up on the shore of the nearby isle of Mossdeep. Knowing that returning home was a sure way to find himself sporting a handy pair of concrete shoes to ensure he didn’t make it back again, Darts resigned himself to traveling the world in search of something to make his life complete, and he found it in the thrill of gambling, risk-taking, and all manner of non-legal entertainment. Hunted and slandered in Sootopolis, he couldn’t go home, he needed to find some way to generate income and gambling seemed (perhaps because his mind was addled with seawater) to be the quickest way to be able to support himself. He made the rounds in the underground clubs, making a name for himself as both the luckiest and unluckiest person ever to set foot in the underground. One second he would be riding high on a pile of his latest winnings only to have creditors crash his victory party demanding he pay up. That usually was about the time he would switch towns again, from Pyrite to Celadon to Goldenrod he made his way in the shadiest underground gambling circuits, always armed with his kunai, sunglasses, and jacket; in addition to an enormous pile of debt. Drinking coffee became a habit to him at this time, as he needed to pump an enormous amount of caffeine into his veins to stay awake both to gamble constantly and also be ready for nigh-constant ambushes.
For a while this seemed to sustain him, but for some odd reason the gambling and risk-taking on its own seemed to lose its luster, and Darts quickly found himself becoming bored with the wandering life, moving from place to place. Enter Snagem. Recruited by the then-leader Miles as a consultant to the underworld, Darts began a relationship with Snagem that most would call tenuous at best. Always coming and going, showing up to give aid here and there before heading off to another gambling ring or another big score that inevitably dumped him back on their doorstep, broke or in debt, and usually with death threats hanging over his head. But every time, the people he had originally looked at as acquaintances slowly evolved into something you might call at least familiar, the last time of which the now-leader Sub bailed him out from a particularly vicious gang of Yakuza who were all but bound and determined to break his legs and torch his jacket. (Darts is pretty sure the latter is the real crime.) Now indebted to the people he was used to just leaning on, he decided he needed to pick up the pace a little bit in order to redeem himself in their eyes. Of course, just as he had set himself out to do just that, tragedy struck again.

While investigating an odd cave in the Sinnoh region, Darts had gotten lost and in the beginning, he held out hope of finding an exit, but the passages wound on and on forever. Finally, despairing and close to succumbing to hunger and thirst, Darts found an odd clustering of rice balls that seemed like an offering along with an odd-colored liquid. Abandoning all pretense of civility, Darts devoured the offerings and sucked the liquid down with gumption, only to discover but quickly that they were offerings to Giratina, the lord of the Distortion World, and a Pokemon that wasn’t known for either its kindness or its forgiveness for that matter. Lashing out at the human from the distortion world, Giratina cursed Darts to carry its form, making him become half-Giratina. The process wasn’t as clean or as neat as one could expect, occurring from an entire dimension over, and Darts’ jacket, as a result of its nearness to his heart ended up being wound in his DNA, becoming a living part of him, able to feel pain, and as much a limb as his arms or his legs. In addition, because Giratina has a ban placed upon it in this world, having been banished to the Distortion World for its violence the Distortion World now calls to Darts’ very essence constantly threatening to drag him away from this world and to the world that overlaps and mirrors our own. The only thing holding him fixed to this plane is his jacket, seeing how it was made in this world artificially instead of biologically like his body, it remains sturdily anchored to this world. In addition, the coffee he once craved for the fun of it is his only reprise from the constant tugging he feels at the back of his mind, a reminder of his true nature and where the world feels he should really be. Removing the jacket now proves more inconvenient for Darts than usual, as he is whisked away instantly to a world where death is the natural state of being instead of life, and he also instantly flies into a rage, the Distortion World warping his biology into an Origin Forme he is neither strong enough to be able to control, nor pleasant enough a state that he wants to remain in it. Being a Giratina hybrid, in addition to all of the drawbacks also has had the immense drawback of generating a large amount of attention due to his appearance, now warped from when he was a human. As a Giratina hybrid, most of his head and his face is invisible, as the entirety of it is taken up by the enormous golden crest so familiarly donning Giratina's own. There is only a slit in the middle of it for two crimson eyes without pupils, and an opening near the bottom where a mouth should be. Beneath that, a black t-shirt and a pair of black pants below that proved that Darts knew how to coordinate black on black clothing still, even if he knew nothing else of fashion. His skin underneath his clothing had become a luminescent non-reflective silver, matching the skin tone of the benefactor who had granted him this look, along with golden nails on the ends of his fingers, rigid and sharp. His most defining feature by far was the large and now actually most essential garment on the face of the planet, the only thing possibly more garish than his golden crest, his jacket. Originally a plain black trenchcoat, the jacket underwent more than a few changes when Darts was condemned to his current form by a Giratina. Once hybridized, golden accents were added to the bottom in the form of various jutting gold spikes downwards out of the bottom of the jacket along with gold accents across his collar bones, looking very much like the chest protrusions of his progenitor.

Now trapped in a body that is very much unlike anything he has experienced up to this part, a new chapter has opened in Darts’ history, and he faces every day head-on, if not with a little trepidation, he doesn’t know what his new body can do fully, but he’s looking to find out, and if he can, get back to the casino, it’s calling again.


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