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[PRP] Fall With Me? [Chisulo & Kyung] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Fashionable Explorer

PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:14 pm

It was a lovely day. Well, Chisulo at least assumed that it was a lovely day. He had not heard what the weather was like above ground. But he decided it was going to be a lovely day when he woke up. After all, he got to see Kyung today! At the thought of the hybrid, the adolescent blushed. Kyung was his best friend, and recently his thoughts of him had... changed. Oh no, not in a bad way! He thought the world of him! But... there in was the problem. Chisulo was fairly certain that he had somehow fallen in love with Kyung after a talk with his cousin. Well, not really somehow. After all, Kyung was so nice and amazing! I wasn't really hard to see how he could have fallen for him!

But oh! He's going to be late if he stands here stuck in the clouds! He hurried his pace a little to get to the park chamber where they would be meeting.

He prayed that this day would go well.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:32 pm
Chisulo had asked to meet with him. Kyung had arrived a bit early, just in case Chisulo showed up early. He was excited to spend the day with his best friend, though he was normally a bit careful when they were together. When they were playing, he couldn't help but feel others staring and watching them. He made him nervous and sometimes unwanted. Chisulo wasn't like the others, especially not like his family. He didn't mind that Kyung was a hybrid.

He had gotten angry looks since he was a cub. His whole life he felt that others looked down on him. When he was younger he would just avoid them at all cost, but now days he did his best to ignore most of the hate. It was still there and more of it, but he learned that he couldn't always run away from it and sometimes he had to stand up for himself.

He thought of Chisulo. The two of them couldn't be any different could they? Chisulo lived in the royal dens, and he? He was constantly moving dens to avoid those who disliked him from finding his den. He didn't spend a lot of time in his den, so he didn't mind constantly changing. Sometimes he would just stay a couple dens away from where the sick were kept in order to check up on them.

His eyes wandered over to the entrance. He sometimes wondered what a member of the royal family ever saw in him.  

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker


Fashionable Explorer

PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:58 pm
He spotted the entrance to the park den and hesitated. He- he could totally do this! Really! Confessing your feelings to your best friend wasn't hard at all. Nope. There weren't what felt like a few nets full of fireflies in his stomach, that would be silly!
But he really did need to do this, so denying those things isn't going to help the situation. He WAS nervous, but he wasn't going to let that get in the way. Fears were made to be conquered!

With the internal pep-talk done, Chisulo started his way back to the entrance.

The park cavern always fascinated him. It was so large! Both wide and tall! He remembered the first time he saw it! It was on his tour with Councilman Ijara! The leopard himself didn't wish to enter but he had let Chisulo enter on the promise to not go far and to return soon. Ever since this place was his favorite place in the Brotherhood. But there was still one way of making it better.

Scouting the landscape he spotted that something.

"Kyung!" He greeted, jogging over to the spot his best friend was waiting "Sorry if I made you wait!"
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:16 pm
He saw Chisulo enter and he gave the lion a smile. “Hello Chisulo.” Kyung said, his voice soft and gentle. “I wasn't here for too long, so there is no need to be sorry. It gives me a break from my medic work.” Since becoming a medic, he had focused on that. When he wasn't with Chisulo or sleeping, he was helping those who were sick. It wasn't becomes he loved his job, though he did enjoy it, it was mostly to keep himself busy.

“So what are we going to do today?” He asked curiously. “I was looking forward to being with you all morning.” He looked away a bit embarrassed.

“I don't hang out with others too often and so it is a bit of a treat when I get to spend time with you.” He did not want to ever lose his best friend. If that happened he knew he would be torn apart inside. Chisulo was one of the only things he really cared about in the pride. If that was taken from him, he knew he wouldn't be able to stand living in the pride.  

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker


Fashionable Explorer

PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:04 pm
"How is everything with the medic training going?" Kyung's acceptance into the Brotherhood medics had meant that they couldn't spent as much time together. But Chisulo really didn't mind, he knew that his work was important, just like what he was learning from Nahasi.

"Today?" He was suddenly reminded of what he really wanted to do today. "Well, I was thinking that we take a walk around the park and just see what we'd like to do after that? Maybe have some lunch if you have the time?" Chisulo blushed at hearing that Kyung was glad to be with him "I-I always look forward to being with you."
PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:29 pm
“It is going well. There are so many things to learn, but it's worth it if I get to help out.” He smiled.

Kyung nodded, “Taking a walk sounds nice and I would love to get lunch with you. I asked for the afternoon off. I haven't really had a day off in a while.” He said with a laugh. “They were fine with it, told me that I could take more time if I wanted.” Most of the brother's he worked with were kind to him. It was one of the reasons he worked so much. He enjoyed their company.

He stood up and started walking. Kyung gave Chisulo a small smile. “Whenever you ask to hang out, I get so excited!” His voice was a bit louder then normal, but he didn't mind. No one seemed to care.  

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker


Fashionable Explorer

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:47 pm
"You're working so hard Kyung!" Chisulo smiled and began to trot along "You're going to be such an amazing medic! I can only image how many Brothers and Sisters you're going to help!" He was kinda glad no one was around to hear that last part. He wasn't really sure why, but Brothers always gave him strange looks whenever he brought up the Sisters in the pride, and he didn't want strange looks right now! He was spending time with Kyung and that was meant to be happy, not strange!

"Oh! If they said it's okay for you to take a bit more time off, we should do more stuff together! I'm sure Nahasi wouldn't mind if I take some extra breaks! Ijara said that I'm picking up the logistics pretty well!" He leaned in close, and almost regretted it when the fireflies in his belly started to tickle again with being so close, and whispered conspiratorially "I think I see him smile every so often when I ask questions, so they must be good questions!"

He leaned back and glanced around at the park cavern, admiring the pretty walls that sparkled because of the, ugh, what did Ijara say they were- GEODES! Sparkled 'cause of the geodes! He he looked back immediately, a huge smile on his face when he heard Kyung speak a little louder. Oh his friend was so shy, it always was a treat to see him feel comfortable enough to raise his voice! And the fireflies gave a particularly ticklish flutter that caused him to twitch his tail in embarrassment and pray he wasn't blushing.

"I- I should ask more then! I love to- er," TO EARLY FOR THAT WORD "I- um, ha. Our time together means a lot to me!" Oh, now he felt a bit foolish. He could feel the blush now, both from the fireflies and from embarrassment.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 2:41 pm
After spending time with Chisulo, it was sometimes hard for him to remember that his best friend was related to the royal family. It was an honor of course getting the chance to be able to be so close to the royal family. There were some members of the royal family, who seemed a little uptight, though Kyung didn’t know any of them personally, that was just his impression of them. Chisulo was always so warm and welcoming.

He let out a soft laugh when Chisulo mentioned Ijara. The leopard had been so kind to him since he arrived. He was the closest to family he had here. “I am glad things are going well for you. Questions are always good. How are we supposed to learn if we don’t questions what’s around us?” He said, his voice reverting to its usual quietness.

He looked over at the wall that Chisulo was looking at. With the light of the fireflies he saw the sparkles of the wall. He took a moment to admire it as Chisulo spoke. When the lion spoke and mixed his words up, Kyung gave his friend a small smile. He knew what it was like to say the wrong word when you meant to say something differently. It happened sometimes.
“I look forward to spending more time with you. It really means a lot to me.” Kyung bumped his head into Chisulo’s side playfully.  

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker


Fashionable Explorer

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:20 pm
An idiot. A big, dumb, stupid idiot; that's what Chisulo was. He wasn't expecting Kyung's bump and, like the big, dumb, stupid idiot he was, he tripped. He tripped over his own big, dumb, stupid feet as the fireflies slammed into his big, dumb, stupid chest. He went down with a big, dumb blushing yelp and the thud as he hit the floor felt like it echoed around the park cavern.

Oooooooooh. This wasn't how it was suppose to go!

He scrambled to get back up on his feet, an embarrassed, nervous laugh narrating the whole thing. This was suppose to be a good day! And he was making such a mess of it! But... No! A good day is what you make it! And Chisulo was going to make this a good day!

"Um, Kyung? I- uh, I wanted to." He looked around and thanked every God and Goddess that Ijara had taught him that no one was remotely near them. "I kinda sorta have something that I, uh, w-wanted to tell you..." The fireflies felt like they were going to burst from his chest.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:54 pm
Kyung went to Chisulo’s side the moment the lion fell. He didn’t think he had bumped Chisulo that hard, however he still felt guilty over Chisulo’s fall. “Are you airtight?” He quickly asked as the lion stood back up. If Chisulo got hurt, even a scratch, Kyung knew that it would have been all his fault.

He fell silent when Chisulo said he had something he wanted to tell him. ‘Anything but bad news,’ he thought to himself. Kyung couldn’t hide the worry from his face as his bright green eyes stared at his best friend. “You can tell me anything Chisulo.” He said quietly, his body became stiff with anticipation.  

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker


Fashionable Explorer

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:27 pm
Oh, he made Kyung worried! He didn't want that! He needed to fix this! Now! He just had to tell him! He opened his mouth to do just that but the words caught in his throat. His heart was thudding so loud he wondered if Kyung could hear it too. Chisulo looked at Kyung, really looked at him and he could see everything he loved about him. It was all bunched up in the back of his throat, all trying to get out at once and he wasn't sure what to say first. He was so nervous and caught up on what to say he didn't even notice that he had started babbling, and for once, he didn't stop it.

"So the first time I saw you was when I was playing tag with my brothers in the Mother's den. I didn't get to go over to say hi cause my Mamma picked us up right after I saw you. But the next time I saw you I knew I had to go over and talk to you. And I'm so happy that I did Kyung. You are such a amazing person, and I know sometimes you doubt that but you are, you really are. You care so much, about almost everything. You're so dedicated and driven about your work and you're going to be the best here one day, I know it. You've been there for me while my Mamma was away and when my sisters had to leave; When I was scared and felt like I was all alone. I can only hope that I have been there for you as much as you've been there for me. Cause I like you Kyung. Like, I like you. But I also really like like you? IthinkImightevenloveyou." He rushed the last line so hard, afraid that if he didn't say it all at once it would never leave his mouth.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:05 pm
Kyung didn’t say anything at first. Chisulo had said so much and he was slowly thinking through what he just heard. The lion had given him compliment after compliment and then said he liked him. Chisulo said he liked him, maybe even loved him. That was the thought Kyung was stuck on. Chisulo was his closest friend who he enjoyed spending all his free time with. He wasn’t sure what to tell Chisulo.

He placed his forehead against Chisulo’s and made sure not to push too hard. “Thank you Chisulo.” He said softly, with the biggest grin he could possibly have on his face. The worry that was on his face had vanished as he looked at his friend. “I think that I like you too. Like really really like you.”  

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker


Fashionable Explorer

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:18 pm
That small break of silence was one of the most terrifying things that Chisulo could think of. For a second he thought the world had stopped, his words having broken time itself. Oh, what if he shouldn't have said it. What if he had ruined everything?

Then time started again with Kyung resting his forehead against his and he felt like a giant hole had opened up underneath his feet. And then Kyung's words actually reached his ears and his heart, thundering just a long second ago, seemed to stop. He looked at his friend in wonder "Really?" his voice sounded so tiny and hopeful.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:26 pm
Kyung had never cared for someone the way he cared for Chisulo. He enjoyed his time spent with him more than anything in the world. It never occurred to him that he could be with Chisulo as more than just a friend. Now that was a possibility. “I am sure of it.” He said quietly. No one was around to see them. It made Kyung feel more relaxed. He took a deep breath in, not sure what the next move was. Were they supposed to tell someone? Or go on a date? He had never been in this sort of position. “What do we do now?”  

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker


Fashionable Explorer

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:47 pm
Happy, maybe THE happiest, laughter bubbled out of his mouth as he lightly pressed back against Kyung's forehead. This moment, he would ALWAYS remember this moment as long as he lived. The fireflies had stopped their fluttering and instead started to glow, nothing could describe this feeling. But it was a good feeling, SUCH a good feeling.

"Honestly? I have no idea. I kinda just figured we could do what we always do but doing it while like likeing each other?" Normally he would feel embarrassed, but how could he now? Kyung liked him back! Even with his silliness and his babbling. "What do you want?"
[IC] Mazunguko Lands [IC]

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