Haja didn't really like being without Albus, but sometimes she needed to roam. She had wings, not paws, and that meant she needed to get out and fly every now and again. But that didn't mean she didn't love her home- no matter how far she went, she always managed to find her way back again. That was just a part of the process. She knew Albus would be okay for one day without her, possibly even two. Then, after that, she would have to hurry on home because otherwise he'd be totally boned. Thankfully, she didn't intend to be away that long.

She was just stretching her wings a bit- enjoying her time away from obligation and responsibility. As much as she loved her home, vacations were important too.

It made her very happy to be able to live her life as she pleased.

Her flight had taken her quite a ways from the pride, where a large cliffside was surrounded by a rich forest. In the middle of the forest, she could see a clearing, where animals were moving around. The closer she looked, the more she could see- they were lions, for the most part, and seemed to be living in a pride there. It looked like they lived in the cliff, too, as she could see some more figure roaming around along the beaten paths weaved into the rocks. If they were in the forest as well, she wouldn't be able to tell- the woods were very thick, and it was difficult to see what was going on within.

Still, it seemed like a nice place to stop for a rest, and she was feeling a little tired. It had been a while since she had flown so far.

So she swooped down and landed on a low branch, though not without being seen by a purple lion with his head held high. He looked over at her, arching a furry eyebrow before venturing her way. He stopped in front of the tree and sat down, looking up at the little creature.

"Well hello, my lady," the male said respectfully, "what brings you to this place? Tis strange to have a visitor with wings!"

The girl laughed. "Always happy to be rare! My name is Haja- I was just passing over and I thought that this looked like a nice place to rest. I hope you don't mind. Or rather, I hope it's not against the rules of this pride. It is a pride, right?"

"That's correct," Galad'fuin said with a nod, "my name is Galad'Fuin, and this is the Suka'Fumo. I'm a pretty new member here, but I know they don't mind guests, so I imagine you're free to spend as much time here as you would like. Especially if you're feeling tired. Do you need anything to eat? I'm not sure what birds eat... but methinks I'd like to help in what way I can."

Haja smiled. "You know, that's very kind of you, but I don't really need anything to eat right now. I filled up before the flight. But thank you for the kind offer!"

"Think naught of it, my lady," the lion replied, to which the bird gave a tilt of her head.

"You know, you have a funny way of speaking," the bird hummed, "I mean, not funny in a bad way, but funny, you know? It comes and goes every now and again."

"Ah, you notice? It was the way I was raised to speak when I was born. My sister and I have come to learn such banter is not quite the norm, and have done our best to acclimate to the way language is used nowadays. But there are still moments where I revert back to my former diction. I hope it does not bother you too much."

Haja shook her head. "Not at all! In fact, I think it's really interesting. Your word choice is very nice." She smiled and flapped her wings, though she imagined it was probably hard for him to try and learn a new way of speaking when he was so used to doing things his own way. Change wasn't easy. It made her wonder if Albus was doing as well as he liked to appear- was it really so easy for him to get used to living in a pride? "Is it alright if I ask you a somewhat personal question?" She blurted without thinking.

"Of course," replied Galad'fuin easily enough.

"Thanks... um... I was wondering how you feel, you know, being in a new pride. It's exciting, right? But... does it make you feel scared or anything like that? Like there might be some bad feelings along with the good?" She frowned, wondering if her question made sense.

"Ah, well, it's a great experience to be in a new home," replied the lion thoughtfully, taking the question seriously, "I wonder if I could put it into correct words. Yes, it is frightening being in a new place, and there's worry that mistakes are going to happen. That you might not be welcome. It can be uncomfortable to think about. But... even though there's a lot to be concerned about, it doesn't outweigh the joy of being in a new place to begin with. To be in a home. So it's okay to feel a little nervous about the pride, because it's still a lot better than living a life without purpose. At least, that's how I feel. I wouldn't claim to speak for all who join prides." He smiled sheepishly, watching the bird, who seemed to be put at ease by his words. Maybe he had helped with whatever concerns were floating through her mind. Knowing that pleased him.

"Thank you for all your help," Haja told him, "I know it might not seem like it, but you actually really saved me. I think I should be getting back home now, though."

"I understand, and I'm happy I was able to help you. You are welcome here any time you might have something else to ask. Please don't hesitate to find me again."

"I might just take you up on that offer, thanks."