CT: D --> Ingredients
CT: D --> 1 8 oz container of whipped topping
CT: D --> 1 14 ox can of sweetened condensed milk
CT: D --> 1 packet of unsweetened K001 Aid (green, yellow, or colorless varieties work best)
CT: D --> Yellow and green food coloring
CT: D --> 1 prepared graham cracker crust
CT: D --> Dire%ions
CT: D --> Mi% together first three ingredients until smooth
CT: D --> If needed, add green and/or yellow food coloring until you get that bright green sopor slime 100k
CT: D --> Spoon filling into crust and chill
CT: D --> Serve
CT: D --> This pie is unbearably sweet
CT: D --> For those without a sweet tooth, eating an entire piece is torture
CT: D --> Anyone who could manage a whole pie would need to be scraped from the ceiling with a spat001a
CT: D --> So really, it may 100k similar to sopor slime, but it will have the e%act opposite effect