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{PRP}We like to come in threes.{Spidda x Noir-Doré x Tassul

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 6:15 pm
Kathryn Dragonna

User Image

Tassul bowed down to give her front legs a stretch. Her long claws digging into the dirt before she straightened up. It had been a moon since she'd left her home in search of her first litter. So far none of the males she'd run into had been worth her while. Sure it was nice to be able to meet new males and all. After awhile the real novelty had worn off.

The tan female looked around and decided to stop by a waterhole. She loped easily toward the scent of water. It was a warm day and she was looking forward to a rest. Tassul walked up and scared off a few prey beasts as she went to take a drink. The lioness lapped at the cool water and looked around. There wasn't any hint of a male around. Which was depressing.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:03 pm
User Image Spidda was happy with what she and her daughter had accomplished. She had not been so sure about having one of her offspring stay with her and travel alongside her, but this was not so bad. Noir had proven to be very useful and strong, thus giving the brown lioness something to be very proud of in her daughter. She had thought that her daughter would slow her down, being young yet and not having much experience in the world, but she was happy to see that she had been wrong about that.

Being a mother had not been an unpleasent thing, but Spidda did not want to have to do it again in the roguelands anytime soon. She really needed to find a good pride to settle into for any more cubrearing. She could focus more on making certain her cubs were strong and able fighters that way. She definitely thought she had just gotten lucky with her cubs this time. She was grateful that Noir had turned out the way she did, but Spidda could not be certain the others in the litter had really turned out the same. It was a constant worry to the older lioness.

Spidda helped her daughter drag their kill back to the watering hole they wanted to hide by. They would have plenty to eat and plenty to drink this way. And right by the watering hole had been a rock that made a little ledge and a tree growing up beside it that shaded it. They could rest in the shade and have quite the nice little set up that way. It was as close to luxury the two were going to ever get, and the white-pawed lioness was going to enjoy it for a little and hope they could at least keep doing this well hunting later.

User Image Noir-Doré had gone off on her own for a while, but when she came back to her mother she had insisted on traveling with the older lioness again. It was not because Noir wanted her mother's company so much as she realized that both of them had a better chance if there were two of them to work together. She could benefit from her mother's experience just as much as her mother could benefit from her daughter's youth and the extra paws would benefit both parties. The two might not need each other, but they could certainly have an easier time with each other.

Noir had been thrilled with just how well hunting had been going for them. They were catching more than they had get away, and eating better than they had in a while. It was something that the younger lioness had certainly noticed in more ways than just her full belly. Her and her mother's fur was much better looking and they both were having an easier time getting around without tiring. She was starting to understand why her mother wanted to join a pride. If this was what just having one other to help hunt could do for your health, having a whole pride to make sure there was always food would be wonderful!

Noir was glad when they finally set the catch down under the three and took a deep breath. She spotted the strange lioness not far off, but at the moment, she was not concerned with her. The black lioness went down to the water and took a long drink, watching the stranger. When she was done, she finally spoke. "You look lost and unhappy." Spidda might be a bit hard, but even Noir knew that if this lioness was in need of company or help, her mother would not turn her away. The dark lioness was pretty sure this one was going to need help by the looks of her.


Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:14 pm
Kathryn Dragonna

While there was no males, there was definitely the sounds of someone approaching. Tassul stood up as she waited for them to approach. She could hear the paw steps of perhaps two, maybe more, and the sound of something dragging on the ground. It sounded big. Soon enough a pair of lionesses came into view dragging their prey on the ground. Quietly she stood beside the water and simply watched. Not males, but they might be some company for the night at least.

The tan lioness blinked at the other's words. Did she? Tassul flicked her ears. "I hadn't realized I looked like that." It was almost funny to her, since she wasn't lost. Maybe a bit unhappy still out here looking for a stupid male. For a moment, Tassul felt a hint of the irritation that other members of her pride must feel. She shook her body.

"My name is Tassul. I'm not lost exactly, just searching for something. I was going to spend the night here, but it looks like you had claim to it first. I can move along." These were unknown lionesses after all, and it was two to one. They didn't look weak in any sense. She had had her drink and could move off rather than start a fight.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:05 am
Spidda huffed at the way this strange female seemed so willing to retreat. "You will not move along, get your rump over here and share a meal with us." She hated to see 'weakness' in another, especially a female. This one did not look like she should be worried about running off right away, but the brown lioness figured it was more to do with being outnumbered than true weakness. That at least made it forgivable. "There is more than enough food here for three and the shady spot we have is big enough for another to join us." The mother voice was strong on the lioness.

Spidda probably should not have sounded like a mother scolding her cub, but it was a natural tone for her. Even before she had cubs, she had that tone. It was just one of those things that she was very good at. She agreed with her daughter's assessment of the other lioness. The strange female did look lost. The answer she gave of looking for something did explain the lost look too. Many looked lost when searching and either tired or frustrated with the search. "What are you looking for that has you looking so out of sorts?"

Spidda padded over to get her own drink and waited for an answer from this female. She was just as thirsty as her daughter had been from dragging that damn thing. Normally they would have left such a big creature where they killed it, but they wanted to get more than one meal from it and the two of them had been able to half drag half carry it all this way. They probably should have had a third set of paws to help, but still they had not done bad with just the two of them.

Noir nodded her head to the other lioness. "I am Noir-Doré and this is my mother Spidda. Don't mind her snippishness. She does mean well, Tassul." The black lioness retreated toward the kill and the shade of the rock and the tree. A nice nap in a shaded spot would be a good change of pace for the day, but she could not sleep just yet. She settled herself under the rock and watched the other lioness. She made sure she was far enough from the kill to not be a threat should the other wish to take the offer to eat. Being a lone lioness could make one skittish.

"We plan to spend the night as well, and as mother said, there is plenty of food and space here. Why not enjoy the company?" Noir certainly could see no reason to go running off when there was effort free food and a shady spot to nap being offered. Of course that same shade would make a good protection later in the night when they were doing more sleeping. She and her mother had picked a perfect spot for their rest and they were quite happy to share it. Besides, maybe this female would want traveling companions.

Noir for one would certainly welcome another set of paws to help with hunting. Two lionesses were better than one, but three were better than two. There was a lot more one could do, and one could get bigger prey, when there were others to help. Today had proven that rather well with the large creature that the mother and daughter had taken down and brought back. "Perhaps mother and I can help you find what you are looking for, or at least assist your travels to find it." It was a sensible suggestion, perhaps the other would not protest it.


Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:52 pm
Kathryn Dragonna

Tassul stared at the brown female with her mouth hanging open. Then she started laughing. She couldn't help herself. She had been well and truly told off. For several long minutes, Tassul stood laughing, mainly at herself and the situation. Finally she broke off and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Oh do pardon me. Yes ma'am, and thank you for your hospitality. Sure is a nice change." The tan lioness gave a big grin as she walked over. Tassul shook her head, "eh a male. Looking for one to sire some cubs. Beginning to think I might be too picky." She looked sheepish as she settled herself down beside the pair; it really was a stupid reason to not pick a male.

"I'm glad to meet you both. I don't mind at all." It brought another grin to her face. Tassul noticed the other lioness keeping her distance from the kill. "Please go ahead and eat first. You both caught it and brought it here, by rights you eat first. It's a very nice offer and I happily accept Noir. Been far too long since I have had real female company."

She looked between the two lionesses. Now that was a novel idea. "Would you really?" Just thinking about it made her shiver with delight. All her worries, catching food, powerful opponents would all be put to rest. With these two lionesses she could share the chores and really focus on finding that right male.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:36 am
Spidda laughed. "Likely not too picky just haven't found any worthwhile. There are a lot of stupid lions in the world, male and female, so it can be hard to track down a good one. I managed to find one good for a fling, got six children out of it... Noir here is one of them. For some reason she thinks her old mother needs help hunting." The brown lioness said it with fondness. She appreciated the help as much as her daughter did, but she liked to tease a bit anyway. It was one of the perks of being a mother, one could get away with teasing their cubs without too many repercussions.

Spidda was glad to see the stranger go over to the kill. She certainly felt better that the female was going to eat and refresh herself. It did not bother her in the least that she had been laughed at. The brown female too saw the amusement of the situation. She had just pulled the mother tone on a stranger. It was not every day that one could get away with that sort of thing. "By all means, eat, girl. I need to get a drink, and both of us could use catching our breath before we really dig into the food. No reason for you to stand around twiddling your paws." Besides, if they were going to be traveling together, this female was going to have to be treated like family.

There really was just no better way to do things in Spidda's opinion. Traveling with someone required a lot of trust and if one was not willing to give that, they might as well just give up on the idea before it started. "My daughter is quite right, we should all travel together if it will make everyone's life easier. We were looking for an area to settle down eventually, so perhaps we shall find it on our way to finding that male for you." It should not be so hard for them all to find what they wanted, should it? Perhaps wherever this female had come from was worth settling in even. That was if this female was going to return there.

Noir was glad to see her mother getting along with the other female. Spidda could be difficult to say the least, so it was always nice to find someone else that could take the older female's company. The black lioness was accustomed to it because she had been raised with the way her mother did things and her mothering tone. It was much harder for others to take such things so well. "So it is settled then, you eat with us, we all rest here, and when we decide to head out, we shall all travel together. If all goes well you will have the male you seen soon enough, and we can find a good place to rest our paws on a more permanent basis."

It would be nice to have a pride to depend on. Noir liked the idea of more than just herself and her mother to pitch in. Not that she wanted to laze about all day, but she really hated working her tail to the bone to survive. She was a strong lioness, but who wanted to constantly have to prove that? A pride would allow her to still show how strong she was. Thankfully, it would also mean she could relax when she needed. It was definitely she wanted to find as much as her mother did. The dark lioness would dream about what she hoped to find a pride for as long as it took for them to find a suitable place to settle.


Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:04 am
Kathryn Dragonna

The lioness was grateful to hear that she wasn't being too picky. She didn't want her cubs to be sired by a stupid male. Tassul wondered if there was a correlation of stupid father-stupid cubs. Maybe something to ask her pridemates when she got home. For now, she'd keep searching until she was happy with the male.

She smiled as brown lioness related her own story, and shared a giggle with Noir. "How did you know you'd found a good one?" Tassul gave a grateful nod and started to dig in. The beast tasted wonderful. "Aw you just wanted me to open it up to make it easier for you." She felt she could tease the older lioness safely. "But since you did all the work of catching it, its the least I can do for you."

"Thank you," the tan lioness said with feeling, "I would be happy to travel with you both." She twitched her ears when Spidda mentioned the pair was looking for a place to settle. Maybe when she got to know them a bit better and felt they were right for the pride, she might offer. For now it was enough to have company.

She nodded eagerly to Noir. "That sounds fair to me. Let me know what you need me to do. I'll try to fit in as best I can." In truth it had been a fair long time since she'd actually had to work with another. It would have to take a bit to get use to and find her place within the group. These lionesses were friendly and willing; something she held in their favor.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:05 pm
Spidda stretched her old paws in front of her and closed her eyes to nap a bit while the new lioness ate. She couldn't help but laugh at the comment about opening the kill, though. It was hard to nap when too busy being amused by one's company. "There is always an advantage to having someone else eat first." She was really liking how this new lioness could banter with her without a problem. There were so many that did not have a sense of humor, or thought ridiculous things were funny. Banter was amusing, but just being stupid on purpose was not.

"I find is a good rule of paw to choose a male that you do not want to kill on sight or after he opens his muzzle." Spidda might have a simple enough way of looking at things, but there was a lot that irritated her. Her rule was not as easy to meet as one might think. She was what one might call picky when it came to males, but only because she was picky with EVERYONE. She just did not tolerate things like openly weak or stupid creatures. She had a lot of quirks to her perhaps, but it had helped the lioness to raise strong cubs like Noir.

Noir chuckled and lazed on her side watching both the others with interest. Her mother was making a friend, that was a shock, but a good one. It was something rare and nice to see her mother getting on with someone. "I've never found a good one, but I'd say you should like something about the male." She shrugged a bit as she laid there. "Traveling with us is a fairly simple arrangement... we just ask you help with the hunting same as we do." She saw no reason that it would be any different.

Noir just hoped things kept going well with the group after they got going. She worried more than a little about her mother scaring off the new female. Oh well, not much could be done but to wait and see, so she should not stress over it. The black lioness knew one thing for certain. She and her mother were getting tired of wandering, so they needed to start really looking for a pride to settle in. The older lioness might not admit to it, but her daughter knew the traveling was getting to her.


Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:32 pm
Kathryn Dragonna

Tassul was pleased with herself that she'd read the elderly lioness correctly. She took several more bites then raised her head, "yeah I get to fill my belly first." The lioness laughed. The young female, still smiling, nodded at the advice. It might take awhile and if she wanted to claw his eyes out every time.... No it would not work.

She turned her attention to Noir when the daughter spoke up. "You're still young though! Have you met a lot of males that you rejected out of hand?" Tassul relaxed and grinned, "I can do that." It was an easy thing to promise and she looked forward to working with these two. She deemed she'd had enough and pulled back from the carcass. "Please do come and eat now. If feels strange eating by myself."
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 11:09 pm
Spidda finally stood and moved toward the food. She had not been concerned about how long it took for the other to eat, since there was plenty to go around. It was nice to have a good kill waiting for her. "I though the opposite when I had cubs. It was so strange having to share my food. Now I am happy I had them. My daughter certainly is good company and much help." She might not have wanted cubs in the first place, but the lioness certainly could not regret them. The sire at least proved to be a decent pick.

"Once you fine a male and get heavy with cubs, having others to travel with will be a blessing. Hunting was not easy with that weight under me. First time I really regretted not having a pride." Spidda had tried to find one after that and never quit looking. If she wanted to have more cubs, which she did, she knew she was going to need a good pride to support her. The brown lioness started eating and contemplated the changes to their situation with this new companion.

Noir stretched before she stood. She was half tempted to just keep laying there until Spidda was done eating, but she knew better. Her mother would chastise her for being so lazy before eating. She could get away with out after she was done eating, though. "I have met a lot of lions and non lions, not one of the males was even remotely appealing to me. I am hard to please." She dipped her head and started eating, Things would work out well she was sure.

sorry this took a while, and I think we can just let it fade to black at this

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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