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[PRP] Harrowing Experience (Ruu, Satomei)

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Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:29 pm
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Life was good. Well, mostly. It was as good as he could hope for, as long as Satomei remained immune and oblivious to him being forever smitten with her. But it meant he was still important to her and loved by her, if like a brother or a best friend. It meant he could stay close, show her quiet ways of love that weren't demanding that that love be returned. After all, that was what true love was: selflessness. At this point, Ruu was completely gone over Satomei, and would without a thought give his life for her.

Thus he was blissfully ignorant of the foreboding that he might very well get the chance to prove such a sentiment. It was a lovely, sunny day, the bright blue sky scattered with a few artfully puffy clouds. The wind was blowing merrily, rippling the sun-dried grasses around them in bounding waves. It was enticing Ruu to run, to leap and frolic with the waves of foliage. As it was, he was bouncing beside Satomei as if he had springs on his paws. "Isn't this lovely?" he asked her breathlessly, his eyes bright.  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:28 am
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Satomei had a similar bounce to her step as Ruu did, though she was completely oblivious to why he was so perky at the idea of going on this adventure with her. Well, that wasn't true. She was starting to suspect that Ruu was very happy to spend time with her - but that's how friend's felt about each other, wasn't it?

At Ruu's words, she glanced towards him. "This is so exciting!" She giggled. "And such a beautiful day! I can't wait to see what the day holds for us!"

Unfortunately for them both, the day would not be as picture-perfect as the blue skies above them seemed to make her think. Still, she had her best friend at her side, and a wide open world that was completely theirs to explore.

How could you not be happy?

Velveteen Angel


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:17 am
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Damu was out scouting for a raid, but as was usual, he was keeping his eyes out for a chance at loot for his very own. There were definite advantages to going out alone, one of which was not having to share the spoils! When he'd spotted the two slim bodies in the distance, his wicked grin could have curdled sunshine. He might not be brilliant, but he was clever. He circled around to find a perfect ambush spot ahead of them, then hunkered down to wait.

His position was such that he could see them as they approached, their leggy pace slow and relaxed. His eyes lit with avarice upon seeing the ornamentation the female had on. Her slim beauty wasn't lost on him either, and he had sudden flashes of the admiration of his fellow reavers if he could bring back such a lovely thrall. If anything, his grin grew more wicked yet.

He waited patiently until they were nearly on top of him, and he could hear what the female joyfully declared. "It holds many things for you, my pretty one," he said with evil delight as he leapt out of hiding. He immediately surged for the pretty female hybrid, not caring a whit how much bigger, heavier, and stronger he was than her. He knocked her down and placed one very heavy paw on her shoulders, leaning close to leer into her face and growl possessively. "Mine."

It all happened much too fast. One moment he was bouncing and strolling beside his dearest love, and the next, disaster! He froze when the lion appeared, standing stock still with the fur down his spine standing on end. What... what was this?! He watched as his beloved was knocked to the ground, was stood on! That finally kicked him into gear, and his mind caught up with what was going on. This monster wanted to kidnap his Satomei! Enslave her! Ravage her! Over his dead body!

He launched himself at the lion, his small snarl vicious in its intensity. "Leave her alone!" he yowled before attempting to latch himself upon the lion's back. The hide he had on prevented this, and made the spot precarious to stay. Lacking the extendable claws, he slid and scrabbled, trying to sink his sharp teeth into flesh to hold on.

Velveteen Angel
PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:39 pm

The sound of an unfamiliar voice startled Satomei, but she turned towards it with a smile - not noticing the tone or simply not understanding that someone could be evil intentioned towards them. They hadn't done anything, so why would people be cruel?

The full weight of the grown lion hitting her knocked the air out of her lungs, causing her to gasp loudly. As she hit the ground, she cried out, pain rocketing through her fragile form. The paw on her shoulders felt like a boulder, her strength minuscule compared to the lion who now held her in place.

She heard Ruu coming to her rescue and wanted to warn him not to, but fear was coursing through her veins in a very unappealing manner. She was small, she was pinned, and she was terrified. There was only one thing to do.

Scream, and loudly. Her voice could get pretty high pitched, which wouldn't be pleasant to the male currently being a jerk.


Velveteen Angel


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:39 am
He was rather pleased on the one paw that his 'prey' hadn't just laid down to be captured. A bit of spirit and fight was a good thing... though not so much in lanky cheetahs and hybrids. Lions, yes. Non-lions, not so much. He had no desire to view his non-lion targets with respect. Currently, they also were more of a nuisance than a real challenge, at least to a seasoned reaver like himself. He gave the female a cuff, careful to do so without claws. She was a pretty thing, and any damage might reduce her value to him when he get her back to the pride. If he got her back to the pride, that is. The male on his back was a bit more problematic.

He kept one paw on the noisy female, pivoting his head to try and get at the lightweight on his back. Unfortunately, he couldn't reach up on his own shoulders with a paw full of claws, but neither could he manage to get his head around far enough to bite. Not without rolling at least, which would release the hybrid female, which he wasn't ready to do just yet. "Get down from th-," he snarled, but was cut short by an unexpected turn of events. The slipping, sliding pelt had suddenly drawn the chain that held it tight against his throat. Lightweight the cheetah might be, but he had plenty enough weight to make this uncomfortable at the very least. Damu's eyes widened in outrage, and he reached to try and claw the chain away from his throat.

Ruu was furious, and the screams of Satomei only fueled his fury. His eyesight went red when he realized that this brute has actually struck his dearest love. If he could have roared, he would have. Instead, he gave a high-pitched, growling yowl that spoke all his pent up feelings of love, protectiveness, and worry for the one individual in his life that he couldn't bear to lose. He avoided the swipes of claws that fell far short, and kept up his balancing act as the lion pivoted to try and bite. His paws slipped and slid on the pelt, driving it this way and that, until he felt it pull taut, and the lion suddenly stopped talking.

A light went on in Ruu's head, and he cried to Satomei, "Bite, kick, hurt him!" He then lunged forward and sank his teeth into one of the lion's ears. Now secure on one end at least, he locked his hind claws over the upper edge of the pelt and kicked backwards as hard as he could, pulling the chain yet tighter against the lion's throat. Though his jaws might not carry the same power as the lion's his hind legs were quite powerful. Maybe, just maybe, they might get out of this. Somehow. "Leh... hurrr... goooo!" he growled fiercely around his mouthful of ear.

Velveteen Angel
PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:18 am

The cuff across her face shocked her into silence, her eyes wide and thin sheen of mosture coming to her eyes from the sheer disbelief of what was happening. This couldn't be happening! She whimpered to herself. Ruu, help, she thought desperately, scared to make a nose in case of another blow to the face. Perhaps this time he would use his claws, and that terrified her.

Ruu's attack sent her heart racing, terrified for not only her but for him too. The lion was huge! How could two small cheetahs (well, one hybrid) do anything? But Ruu was holding his own and her heart fluttered.

She heard his words, and stiffened her resolve. She threw a blow at his face, this time with her claws extended. At the same time, she kicked at her trapped back legs, hoping to scrape across his unprotected stomach and disorientate him a little.

She wasn't sure what they were going to do if he fought back, but he was NOT going to hurt Ruu, she decided, kicking out again. Not her Ruu!


Velveteen Angel


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 10:19 am
Damu's situation went from mildly concerning to downright worrisome very quickly. The pressure on the chain across his neck redoubled as the cheetah on his neck used his position and build to his best advantage. The lion's eyes bulged as his air was nearly entirely cut off. This was not the way it should have gone, and it certainly could not be allowed to continue in this fashion, or he'd be dead or unconscious in moments! With a ferocious baring of his teeth, he lifted off the kicking, biting female. A thrall was no good to a dead lion!

He staggered back for a few moments, his thoughts turning just slightly fuzzy. He couldn't reach his tormentor, so what to do? He kept clawing at his own throat, trying to catch and hold the chain away, but all he was doing was bloodying his own hide. No, he had to get the cheetah off his back... but how? A slow light dawned, and he toppled, throwing himself to his side heavily. It was really more like falling than a battle move, but it did the trick, throwing the smaller feline off his back and immediately loosening the chain. He clawed it away from his throat, successfully this time, and whooshed in great gasps of air.

That Ruu was relieved when the brute finally let Satomei go was a vast understatement. With his teeth still sunk in the foul male's ear, he couldn't yell at her to run... well, he could try, but it would probably only sound like he was saying his own name! He couldn't even try to give her a meaningful look due to the staggering gait of the lion he was perched on and the effort to which he was going to keep that chain tight against the hateful creature's neck. As the lion's legs got wobbly, Ruu suddenly wondered if he was capable of murder. Could he kill another feline? Was it even murder, if it was to protect the one he loved? This moral dilemma flashed through his brain in a welter of confusing emotions, but he wasn't allowed to dwell on it more than a few quick breaths between his teeth.

Then suddenly the world tilted, the sky looming bright in his field of vision as the lion went crashing onto his side. A little slow to realize what was happening, Ruu almost waited too long to let go of their attacker's ear. He nearly was crushed beneath the great weight of the lion! Instead, he was thrown in an uncontrolled tumble, bouncing across the ground haphazardly until he came to a halt in a tangle of long limbs and limp tail. He saw stars in the daytime sky and thought muzzily that it looked rather pretty.

Velveteen Angel
PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 1:42 am

She felt a moment of pure joy when the male lifted away from her. She was free! But her excitement turned to fear immediately. Ruu! She rolled to her paws, struggling to breathe through her panic as she scanned for the male.

"Ruu! She gasped as she saw him thrown into the violent tumble. She didn't think of the big scary lion, rushing to her friend's side immediately. "Are you ok?" she gasped, nuzzling him lightly.

She turned towards the lion who was still regaining his breath. She narrowed her eyes, the picture of anger but on Satomei it looked more like a disgruntled kitten rather than a furious warrior. "You are a jerk!" She snapped at the male, but couldn't help but whisper to Ruu, "should we run?"

She was not a fighter, after all, and that lion was big.


Velveteen Angel


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:04 pm
The stars cleared, revealing to him the most beautiful face in the world. For just a few heartbeats, he gazed lovingly up at Satomei. Very nearly the words slipped from his lips, dazzled and dazed as he was. However, her turning to snap and snarl in an adorable manner at someone else rather snapped him out of it, and good thing too! He'd completely forgotten what they were about, and there was no doubt that Satomei was absolutely right.

"Yes, run!" he whispered back, staggering to his paws. Whew, the world still didn't want to stand still, but he wasn't about to put them both in danger because of that. He gave his head a shake (a bad idea, as it turned out), then oriented on where the angry yellow lion was. "This way!" he chirped to his dearest love before spinning and darting the opposite direction from their attacker. Granted, his path was a little staggered for a bit, but the further away he got, the straighter a path he followed and the faster he went. He didn't worry about Satomei keeping up too much... she was just as fleet and light-footed as he was! He did cast a glance back at her though, and let loose an impulsive laugh into the wind. There was no way that slow-poke slaver could possibly catch them now!

Damu gasped and coughed and thrashed, attempting to tear the pelt from his back. It wasn't being cooperative, of course, and clung tenaciously to the metal clasps and cord that held it on. With a final outraged snarl, he tugged the thing over his head and flung it away, sending a furious roar after it. By the time he turned back to his prey, it was much too late. Their swift forms were fleeing into the distance at speed only a cheetah could manage. Bah! He didn't want that female anyway... she was too scrawny and too much trouble. Yeah, that was it. With a grumpy growl, he began to stomp towards home, but stopped and came back after he was a few yards away. Angrily he snatched up his discarded pelt and jerked it back over his head again. It was dusty, torn, and had green plant-stains on it now. Ears flat to his head, looking disheveled and completely defeated, the reaver made his miserable way home. Alone. Without a thrall. Bah!

Velveteen Angel
PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:06 am

Ruu definitely didn't have to worry about Satomei keeping up - raised by a cheetah parent, the slim female was easily able to keep up with Ruu. Plus she really didn't need that much incentive to run away from the big scary monster behind them! Terrifying!

She heard him laughing, and thought him absolutely crazy but in her mind, she realised that she had never heard a more beautiful sound than the sound of his laughter. She felt her heart beat faster, aching in her chest as she thought of what might have happened had the lion taken her away or hurt Ruu....she couldn't even bring herself to imagine it!

As the distance between them and the attacker grew more and more, she began to slow down, assuming Ruu would do the same. She stared at him with a look of concern and affection, and she couldn't put into words how she felt at that moment.

"Ruu," she gasped, feeling her eyes beginning to tear up. "Oh Ruu. I am so glad you're safe!" She threw herself at him, wanting to be close to him to reassure herself that he was safe, that she was safe, and most importantly, they were together still.


Velveteen Angel

[IC] Rogue Lands - Overflow Storage I [IC]

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