A foreign word, I know, as the term itself has long since been used in the appropriate manner. Elders are our elite Soquili, our leaders, the most mature and wisest of all the herds. They are not categorized by a particular species, for members from each group have the potential of achieving this honor, should they meet the criteria.
Below, you will find the definition of an Elder and the requirements of what it takes to have your Soquili become an Elder. If you feel your Soquili is qualified for Elderhood, you also have the opportunity at this time to enter an application.
If you have any questions, please read all of this thread to see if your question is answered here. If you still have a question after reading these posts, then feel free to shoot a PM to Uta or Nisshou H.
[Credit to Skye/Caj for the original application process and Cuter for the second from whence the bulk of these posts are derived from]
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:49 am
Part 1: What is an Elder?
If you’re reading this, you are either A) an involved person who believes in reading updates (in which case, good for you!) or B) owner of a potential elder. So I’m sure that you’d like to know what that potential is all about!
Basically, Elder is the highest stage a Soquili can attain. It’s purely optional, and only attainable through rp. Buying a life cycle Soq doesn’t mean you’ll get an elder if all you do is stick that pet in your sig, so don’t get bent out of shape that yours never makes it that far. Becoming an Elder is an RP PERK.
So, you have your pet and you rped it and now have all 100% stats. Why would you want to go elder? What are the benefits?
For starters, you get a new stage of your Soquili. A stage that only a few others have achieved so far. There is male and female elder art [see the Elders Information thread for images of other Elders], and elders will be upgraded to this beyond-adult stage that they might look as regal and dignified as they now are in their new in-character state.
Secondly, elders, being bigger and tougher than regular adults, are also capable of bearing more children! In any breeding where a parent (be it one or both) is an elder, that breeding will yield THREE baskets, guaranteed, plus have a chance at getting a whopping FOUR! (And for comparison, normal adult Soquili can have two baskets, three if they’re lucky, so this goes to show the breeding perk!) ------*However, owners are still only allowed to keep one basket each; this just means more to give away! In addition to this elders now get 6 breeding slots! ------*These slots may be used with a lifemate or with flings and the stats of the partner don't effect the ability to use a breeding but remember no soquili can ever exceed 6 breedings.
Now, by this point, you’re probably thinking, “GREAT!” Who doesn’t love art and baskets? Why, I want EVERY SINGLE SOQ I OWN TO BE AN ELDER AS SOON AS THEY HIT 100%
Wrong answer. Sure, the perks are nice. But beyond the perks, there are a few basic elder truisms that need to be remembered.
Most importantly, the very name elder implies something about this stage. An Elder is often a leader; be it religious, or spiritual, political, or merely formal, Elder implies that the person (or in our case, Soquili) is an individual worthy and fit to have this role. Elders are leaders among the Soquili, individuals who can be looked up to by others and exhibit the necessary traits for the important role of elder. Just because they may be a kalona does not restrict them from becoming an Elder; if they fit the role within their breed, then they too are eligible. Roleplay development of these Soquili are key to a good Elder. And Elder cannot be customed or born at that rank, they achieve the status after hard work and development to obtain such a high standard of status.
Basically, elders are leaders/leadership material. Keeping this in mind, not all Soquilis are meant to be Elders. We hope that owners will be using their best judgment in putting Soquili candidates for elderfication forward, and to help you all decide whether or not to go elder, we’ve put together a basic list of what will be looked at when considering that Soquili for elderfication.
Responsibility and leadership. Obviously the elders need to be able to handle themselves and situations that come up; they are the ones to which other Soquilis will look in times of trouble, so they need to be up to the challenge. The definition of responsibility and of a good leader varies from breed to breed, and this will essentially be looked at on a case by case basis. What makes a Kalona responsible might be different from a Regular, and so on and so forth.
Rp development. Elders are supposed to have grown and matured to the elder stage through rp (see, it all links back to roleplay). Consequently, the roleplay of the Soquilis in question will be checked to determine whether or not the Soq in question has grown into a character worthy of being an elder. If all you have is mate-finding rp…chances are you won’t be elderfied.
NEW: All RPs should be started before the Elder Applications open in order to be counted for that seasons applications. RPs started before the opening date may still be completed during the elder applications.
NEW: All RPs must have takes place within the Soquili shop boundaries (the IC RP section of the guild or in teepees) and not from other places on Gaia or on other sites. ((Logged IM or PM RPs are still fine so long as they are posted in the IC RP section of the guild or within a teepee.))
So, keeping that in mind…
Nisshou H
Kindred Hunter
Nisshou H
Kindred Hunter
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:50 am
Part 2: Becoming an Elder
As mentioned in the introduction, becoming an elder is a multi-step process. So, in a new and streamlined list format…how to become an elder!
Step 1: Have all six stats at 100% Step 2: Have trackable, readable rp (although this ought to already exist if your stats are at all 100s, it’s best to make sure) Step 3: Post the elder application HERE in this thread. The elder application itself can be found in the post below. Step 4: Wait for it! All applicants will be notified whether or not their Soqs have been approved for elder, so PLEASE BE PATIENT. Once approved for elder status the art will take time as well. Keep that in mind when applying!
*Approval of elders is done via group. Specifically, a panel of individuals will be considering each application and jointly deciding if your nomination is valid. As mentioned above, owners will be notified of the verdict regardless of whether it’s affirmative or not (aka, we'll make an announcement post once everything's decided, so keep checking THIS THREAD, and not PMs!)
***In addition, if your Soquili is rejected for elder once, you are welcome to try again later after working more on your Soquili’s character in rp. However, for reasons of scope a Soquili may only be submitted for Elder status three times before you are put on probation. So if you're rejected thrice, after the third time, you must wait a full physical year from that rejection before you will be permitted to enter for Elder application again. (This is an attempt to show you that this honor is a BIG DEAL, so merely throwing your horse up for the chance of NEW LINES and MOAR BABIES is simply a waste of your time and ours).
****The staff reserves the right to change details as circumstances merit. No changes will be retroactively applied, and all changes will be clearly indicated.
[b]Name of Soquili and Link to Image:[/b] [b]Link to Teepee:[/b] [b]Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out?[/b] [Month and year if you do.] [b]Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:[/b] (20 max) [b]Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path?[/b] [b]Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC?[/b]
Elder Application Status Is Currently: Open until February 14, 9:00 AM MST. Applications will close at this time whether or not we are here to close it. Late applications will not be accepted.
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:51 am
• Read the above. If you don't, we won't read your entry. • This is a free service, Elders cost nothing. • There is no pre-determined amount of Elders we accept each time. • Custom edits always appear on Elders. You can request Trading Post items to be re-added freely, to match the previous adult stage or altered. • If your Soquili doesn't get picked, take it like an adult. We don't reject for petty reasons like "OMG THAT PERSON TOTALLY RIPPED ME OFF IN THE EXCHANGE" (though if you are that person, I will be dealing with you later), but we reject based on required criteria missing from your entry. If you would like to discuss what you can do to improve for next Elder opening, we would be happy to give pointers/advice if you PM this account. • The colorists currently doing Elder upgrades *vary* - you do not get to choose who does your upgrade. When possible the original artist will have first choice of doing the Elder. • NEW You may only apply once per opening. That means one soquili per owner per opening. • NEW Keep your applications to 20 RPs MAX. Any applications with 21 or more RPs will be disregarded.
If you have any questions, please PM Uta or Nisshou H.
Nisshou H
Kindred Hunter
Nisshou H
Kindred Hunter
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:52 am
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who are the judges? A: Aside from me, the judges are secret and do not have to identify themselves in any way if they do not want to. This is to prevent people from pressuring them into decisions.
Q: Will you pleasepleaseplease accept my application? This is my Soq's third time applying! A: Only if your Soquili fits the criteria. Remember, three rejections only means you have to wait a year before reapplying, not that your pet is down and out for the count.
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:20 pm
((Guess I'll enter first. Note for those concerned- I will not be judging my own entry. It will be looked over by our remaining judges and I will have no say in the outcome just like last time.))
Name of Soquili and Link to Image:Lorenna Link to Teepee:xXx Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? She would have officially maxed out February 1, 2012. Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder: 1) Unintentional A short RP from Lorenna’s early days for character comparison. Lorenna is a cruel, uncaring business woman using other soquili for her own gain. She uses the kalona mare Othelia to scare people into complying. She considers other soquili to not be worthy of her time.
2) Savage and Unexplored! Lorenna and the rest of the Under Ground venture out on a treasure hunt in the jungle. After some hi-jinx and exploring they head back home only to be stopped by a strange kalona-flutter “foal.” He offers the group a deal and despite Lorenna’s advice to say no Carmine and the others agree.
3) The Grand Reveal The Under Ground meet up with Phibrizzo to deliver the artifacts they collected only to find that he has other ideas. Ultimately they are betrayed by Phibrizzo, Xelloss and their ally, at one point, Othelia. Lorenna saves the leader of the Under Ground, Carmine, but sustains fairly serious injuries.
4) A New Direction Lorenna announces her new plan to counteract the growing threat from the kalona and mazoku to the members of the Under Ground. She also recruits her first members to her network of spies: Beryl, Sio and Khaa.
5) The butterfly that visits the lotus Lorenna visits the Padmapani to make them the first outside informants in her network. They agree to help out of personal reasons and Lorenna introduces them to the crows that will be sending messages out. ((OOC note: The system her network uses, crows, is explained in this RP along with how they get crows into their service.))
6) A Plot You are mainly concerned with the last portion of the RP starting on page 2. This shows Lorenna’s spy network in action and ends with her conferring with other soquili to foil this plot. The rest of the RP is the kalona plotting.
7) A swift counter The kalona move in to strike Padmapani but thanks to Lorenna’s network the herd is well prepared for them.
8 ) A Strange Mission A quick peek into the average start of a day in the life of Lorenna paired with some oddities. Lorenna meets twin colts with missing parents. She decides to look after them until their parents can be located and uses her network to send out a bulletin to try and locate the twins’ parents.
9) The Darkness Falls When Xelloss takes hold of Lorenna’s network from the jungle Lorenna is forced to face down the stuff of nightmares. When the twins are captured Lorenna has to set aside her differences with Xelloss for a moment to free them along with other innocent captives. Also features more work with her bird-y ways.
10) A Brief Reprieve Lorenna deals with the consequences of her actions because of Xelloss’s counter-movement against her network.
11) Counter Strike The growing numbers of mazoku members has Lorenna concerned. Knowing it will only be a matter of time before they start something Lorenna decides to use her bird agents and enlist help from her soquili partners to spring a trap on the kalona.
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? ICly Lorenna has always been a leader. She took on a ragtag group of soquili and managed to transform them into a more cohesive unit without batting an eye at the challenge. It’s just that as time has gone on she has been thrust into a different type of leadership role. With the events of the mazoku uprising Lorenna has found that there is a great need for a wide information network and she took it upon herself to create that. Was she ever thinking to herself “one day I will be a great leader” during this? No. She saw there was a problem, found a solution, and took the reins. So, she never chose the elder path. It just suits her.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? It started as a way to break stereotypes about what an elder had to be and she already had most of the RP to back it up, I felt. Somewhere down the line it kind of turned into this epic sort of battle fought in the shadows of the world that’s too fun to ever let go of. At this point I’m still in for it because I was told I was close and I believe you guys were right. I would like to see Lorenna succeed in this venture because it will open up more RP opportunities for her that I’ve been holding back on, so far, with the hopes that she’ll actually make it to elder.
Link to Teepee:Kamiki's Teepee / Kumiho's dedicated post *Note: Kumiho is co-owned by Sabin Duvert, but I am the sole RPer. I know Sabin is planning on entering a Soquili as well, but Uta indicated this should be okay since I'm the only one RPing Kumiho.
Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? She maxed out January 2014. While this was very recently, I have been RPing Kumiho for years, I just didn't have stats for her (I got her before having stats in order to be added to your teepee was mandatory)
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:
Alas, Poor Yorik - This isn't a formal RP, but a plotted background plot for Yorik. It tells the story of how Kumiho tricked a young lovesick Yorik into giving his lady a hairpin laced with corpse powder - turning her into a skinwalker.
The Fox and the Hound - Kumiho meets Cerberus, a great beast who nothing but a freed slave that is lost with no master - a role she's happy to step and up fulfill. ((This RP actually happened many years ago, the date is just more recently because Sabin reformatted his teepee))
A Coming Storm - Kumiho's first run-in with Stormwild, and the intertwining of their fates forever. Kumiho and her minion, Cerberus, attack Stormwild who has just given birth. Heavy with foals herself, Kumiho believes that by using baskets that already have "life" in them, it will make her own children stronger. While Cerberus holds off the weakened Elder Soquili, Kumiho steals three of the four baskets for her own foals, killing Stormwild's unborn children and using the bodies within as nourishment for her own foals.
So alike, yet so different - Seasons later, Kumiho comes across her now grown daughter. Sarvara is not a skinwalker, but still has to bear the emotional and physical scars of being 'raised' by one. Kumiho reacts violently to the unfamiliar and twisted emotions her daughter invokes.
Spring is Coming - Years after their first run-in, Kumiho keeps tabs on Stormwild and her herd, using her small and stealthy foxform to penetrate their protections. She learns that Stormwild is pregnant again and hatches a plan to get pregnant again herself - she will do exactly what she did the first time, and steal Stormwild's baskets for her own foals.
Set Into Motion - Kumiho tells Cerberus of her plans to use him to attack Stormwild and steal her baskets again, even if it involves an attack on Thunderbird lands. Cerberus tries to warn her of the dangers, but her pride gets in the way of her reason.
A Storm Breaks - Cerberus and Kumiho attack Stormwild and her herd after she gives birth; to devastating results. Balrog, the Thunderbird herd, and some visiting healers, are able to defeat the pregnant skinwalker and her minion; forcing them to retreat without getting what the came for.
Bitter Reminders of Defeat - Humiliated and enraged by her failure to obtain baskets for her foals, she soon gives birth. Cerberus provided 'regular' baby baskets for the foals, but this isn't good enough for Kumiho. Bitter and angry, she sees these foals of a waste and failures and demands Cerberus kills them. Cerberus, unable to bring himself to kill his own children, finally steps up and breaks free of Kumiho's mental servitude. He fights her off, and disfigures on of her tails in the process.
Whispers of War - Wounded and having to fend for herself for the first time in years, Kumiho stumbles across the Alicorn Firestorm, who she recognizes as Stormwild's estranged step-son. She plays the role of a poor injured helpful fox to gain his friendship, and plants the idea of a war against the Thunderbird in her head. She knows he has tried and failed to attack the herd before, but Kumiho knows of a dark, shadowy herd that may prove to be useful allies. ((This is the beginning of a long, overreaching plot that will involve Firestorm and Anju's Shadow herd going into full-fledged war with the Thunderbird Herd. Kumiho won't be directly involved, but will do her to puppet from behind, as she would love to see the Thunderbird herd fall)).
Back to her Roots - This wasn't RP'd officially for various reasons, but just for timeline's sake, since she lost her last territory in her scuffle with Cerberus, she set off into the Kawani lands and came across Dormarth in her travels. She has no lasting connection with the massive wolfwalker, other than she finds him suitable for her purposes. She let the union happen, and though Dormarth is none the wiser, Kumiho delivered three new horrors into the world.
Blinded by Beauty - Struggling to find herself in the world, Kumiho comes across a dumb and narcissistic stallion. She decides to spare his life, but takes his eyes instead.
Lean Winter - Facing a harsh winter, with no minion to bring down large game, Kumiho resorts to scavenging. However, during this time she starts to come out of her 'failure depression' and rededicates herself to making her mark on the world. She has a self-realization; remembering back to her first great 'trick' in these lands with Yorik - and her time with Stormwild and Gaston - that the most damaging, long-reaching, and pain she could inflict didn't (directly) involve death anyway. She didn't need brute strength, or a minion. Her sole drive in life now is make others suffer. Slowly. Emotionally. Scars fester and last longer than a swift death, anyway.
What I Have I Done?((in progress)) - Kumiho stalks a terrified mare who, inadvertently leads her straight to a lost, helpful foal. Kumiho firmly lets Sansa believe the foal's death is her fault for leading a skinwalker right to it...
A Nightmare of Blood((in progress)) - Kumiho takes some delight in kicking a horse when she's down...
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Being a Purewalker, she wouldn't be actively pursuing to be a leader, at least consciously. But she would consider herself to be the ultimate Skinwalker. A perfect combination of cunning, patience, brutality, and beauty. She's an image of perfection that any skinwalker should strive (and will ultimatly fail) to achieve. She wants everyone to know her... to touch as many Soquili's lives as she can manage (just not in the good way). She's willing to lie, cheat, and manipulate if it will serve her - and she's good at it. She'll use her stunning good looks, or sharp wit, or fluffy "innocent" fox form to fool others into serving her own needs - which is essentially the closest to 'leadership' you'll get from her. Making others do her will, not by inspiring them, but by manipulating them.
She also feels like she has thoroughly earned some kind of a respect and recognition from her efforts. She was just an enterprising young trickster when she followed Ryujin to these lands so many years ago. She's matured and honed her skills. And indeed, learned some hard lessons. There's a very good reason skinwalkers cannot form bonds with others; and while her relationship with Cerberus was never one of affection, even her bonds to him eventually flayed. She's had to learn to live again not relying on anyone, not even minions.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? Kumiho is precious to me. She's a delightful challenge; its not easy to play a skinwalker that's brutal and crazy (like all of their breed), but still has depth and development as a character. But I think that's why I love her so much. Even through she's deadly and insane, she is still complex and has the ability to grow as a character. She's gone from just a vain little trickster to learning that her pride can have devastating effects.
She's tasted victory and bitter defeat, and its driven her to be better (as a force of evil of course). She revels in the knowledge that she can profoundly change another's life. That every day, they will think of her and what she did to them. And this drives her forward.
Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? October 2011
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder: Newcomers: A first look at Calixte's personality right after she's stepped off the boat from Greece. She's still very unaware of the world around her, and very much naive, having had only one purpose for her apparently one-way journey - to find the mate who left her. She meets Nevena a few hours after the ship left, and immediately wants to talk about one thing, and one thing only - boys, one of the very few things she knows. Unwelcome in This Land: Calixte meets her first skinwalker, and she is pretty unimpressed with him. The impression she obtains of the breed will haunt her for the rest of her life - later, she encounters purewalkers, and she realizes just how dangerous they are. Note: This RP is also the first time that Cali "hears" the forest, ICly. Her ears, working extremely well as antennae, pick up sounds that less sensitive ears would not. As such, Cali hears things - rustling leaves and cracking branches - normally associated with the hoofbeats of other soquili in a different way than most. For example, if someone is nearby, but their footsteps would not be heard by normal ears, Cali can hear that. However, she processes it differently. Anything that would not be heard by normal ears is, to her, the voice of nature - trees whispering, that kind of thing. So while this might seem like she's mildly schizophrenic, the 'whispering of the plants' or the 'gossip line of nature' is really just her subconscious explaining her extraordinary hearing. Forest Folk: Cali meets Kenton, the stallion who will later start a herd with her, become her mate, and help raise her children. However, she suffers from a bout of dehydration due to the movement of her mane in Unwelcome in This Land - her first encounter with such in the Kawani Lands. An Accidental Reunion: Cali comes up with the idea of starting a herd to give Kenton a purpose; she unknowingly finds one for herself, as well. The Future Masters: Calixte recruits Fayearan, who will eventually become her partner as the Master of Ceremonies within the herd. After this, several other recruiting RPs take place, and the herd settles down in a region between the plains and the forest. A Tentative Idea: Upon noticing the marked absence of foals and childish happiness in the herd, Cali wonders if she should have them, for the good of the herd. With Fayearan's guidance, she decides to go for it, resolute in the ideal that the foals would be the personification of everything the herd stands for - love, hope, and heritage. An Unexpected Secret: Uncomposed for once, Calixte tells Kenton that she is pregnant, terrified, and worried. The foals that were supposed to bring happiness and light to the herd - be the essence of the herd - will be fatherless, for all intents and purposes, and she has no idea what to do. She desperately asks him for help raising the foals, who are actually Fayearan's... They become mates and lead the herd together, even more united in their responsibilities than before. Little Miracles: Time skip. Cali gives birth to foals and has been raising them with Kenton, and Faye watches from a distance, a bit miffed. Tip of the Iceberg: Purewalkers hunt Cali's foals for lunch. While they don't succeed, the encounter seriously injures both Cali and her son, while Kenton and their daughter, Tinúviel, escape with only a scratch. The purewalkers leave with a grudge; the herd is put on lockdown. This marks the beginning of the family's and the Vanaras' skinwalker arc: combat training becomes mandatory, foals are not allowed in the forest without guardians, and they set strict rules for receiving outsiders. Cali's mistake of underestimating skinwalkers has manifested - she is left with disfiguring scars to her chest, shoulders, and forelegs, her leaves severely damaged. New Life in Lockdown: Time skip. The herd is on high alert for skinwalkers. Tinúviel and Enaran grow up, and Cali conceives on Hallow's Eve, with three children this time. Petite as she is, she only barely survives their birth; despite having them prematurely, as all soquili do, her womb is severely damaged. The new foals grow up on lockdown, carefully monitored to keep them safe from the "skinwalker threat." No Matter What: Calixte plays a part in her daughter's plots, which are focused on the nightmares Tinúviel has about skinwalkers. She steps into her role as a mother for the first time in a long time - Cali and Tin never bonded all that much, as Tin shares almost nothing with her. Cali realizes that she will probably be forced to accept her daughter's choice of mate no matter who he is, and so listens to her and gives her some advice before letting the young mare run off again. This is a reflection of her more mature self - she is Alpha, Mistress of Ceremonies, and mother all in one, and says both what is expected of her and what she feels. Little Talks: Cali's unstrained relationship with her young daughter is revealed - the young daughter who will one day become her apprentice and take her place as Mistress of Ceremonies. Guided By Nature: A look at the life Cali has made for herself, her family, and her herd. She has built the infrastructure of the herd, organizing the ranks of members and chore duties as both Mistress of Ceremonies and Alpha. She interacts with every one of the members as much as she can, as well as performing ceremonies for outsiders and teaching others how to be one with nature and get back to their Cerynei roots. This also reflects much more of her relationship with her second batch of foals - she was ready for them this time, despite a difficult birth, having already had one shaky push into motherhood. She teaches Amaltheia (who will later become her heir as Alpha) about their shared "hearing" ability, also known as their brains' almost schizophrenic-like adaptations to their exceptional hearing. The Night is Dark & Full of Terrors: The skinwalker threat manifests in the form of Paris, a cursed skinwalker who tries to dispatch both Ithillún and Tinúviel. Until now, the guardianship of foals was an untested formality, but proves to be life-saving. Tinúviel took the brunt of the blows meant for her younger sister and managed to beat up the enemy skinwalker, sending it running. Cali handled the encounter with more grace and confidence and less panic - a far cry from how she had dealt with Rishy and Frostbite. Experience has left its mark on her - having had informal combat training from a few of the herd's instructors, she was far less frightened of the skinwalker in the woods than she was the last time one appeared. This roleplay taught them that skinwalkers can transform into animals, which was something that, up until the encounter, Tinúviel had only dreamed about. Plots that could be manifested before or after Elderhood is achieved:
Gearing Up for War: The purewalkers Rishy and Frostbite come back, attacking Calixte, Kenton, and newest daughters during playtime, as well as Tinúviel and her mate in their meadow. It has been years since they attacked Tin and Enaran, and Frostbite and Rishy both have grudges of their own. This time, they attack not only the lead family, but members of the herd as well, retreating into the woods before the herd can recover from the chaos. (Not yet roleplayed.) The Price of an Enemy Vanquished: The last part of the herd's skinwalker arc that includes Calixte. She and Kenton hunt Rishy and Frostbite down, determined to end the threat once and for all. They find the pair and confront them. Rishy blinds Kenton as a parting gift, but the bond of grudges between the skinwalkers and the Vanaras is cut; the skinwalkers leave them alone. (Not yet roleplayed.) A Mother Willing: While she and Kenton are learning to live without his sight, Calixte watches her children leave the nest, one by one finding their own futures within the herd. Despite the fact that they remain close to her, she wants for more, seeking out healers who are wise and others who are... not. She has struggled with miscarriages and stillbirths, foals who died in their baskets... But finally, after trying to find way after way to please the gods, she comes to the realization that, perhaps, she needs to pass some sort of test to have their blessing again. So she sets herself back to the work she had left a little abandoned after being tempted away by the prospect of children, bent on once again becoming the strong leader that her herd once knew. She will begin to interview others about their beliefs in a way that she hasn't before, catering to not only those of her own people (the dryads of Greece) and the Cerynei, but also to those of outsiders. She will become not only a formal and political leader, but the spiritual leader that her job as Mistress of Ceremonies demands.
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Calixte is the leader of her herd and has been, on and off, since it was formed. When the Alpha that was elected disappeared, she stepped in and volunteered. She will live and die for her herd and has taken savage wounds for it; it is, in and of itself, another of her children. She created almost the entire infrastructure (Kenton was responsible for patrols, guards, and other combat duties), recruited many of the members - most of whom are like family to her - and has even borne children for the sake of it. While she has not been actively thinking "Elder," Cali believes that she must be strong for her herd, she must be able to defend it, and, above all else, she must be worthy of her followers. She has believed this since she was young, though as a follower, not as a leader - the Elder dryads in her homeland were transcendental figures to her, role models and mother figures every one. She wants to be that to her herd, just as the Elder dryads were to their "daughters." Since forming the Vanaras, she has been struggling with herself to achieve that, always moving forward, earning experience and learning from her mistakes. As it stands, she is the responsible, kind, if overprotective leader of the herd, filling two roles at once. Right now, she is more of a formal/political leader than a spiritual one, but becoming an Elder would be one way to open that door for her: if she thinks that the gods think so much of her as to make her an Elder, she will do all she can to maintain their belief in her, both achieving things and struggling with things that she has never before dreamed of. Eventually, she will become highly spiritual, but in more of an individual way, adopting and believing in many things... but her beliefs will become her own.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? Cali has always been the Elder for me. She's been transformed over the years: at first, she was just a love-struck, silly nymph following her mate over the sea. The mate was my second quest and I was really excited about him... But when I realized what she could be, I killed him off so she could go her own way. She has changed from that naive and mood-swing-y follower to a mare I hardly recognize: reverent toward the world around her but powerful in her beliefs and her way with others. She inspires me like nothing else, and I love to write her - her plots just keep going. So choosing the Elder path for her has never felt like a choice to me... It has become the only option. <3
xo maho Crew
Dainty Dreamer
Sabin Duvert
Winter Trash
Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:38 am
Update Feb 13 - All the RP links from outside the Soq RP guild have been trascribed in my teepee and relinked. Also "Old Scars" has been wrapped <3
Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? It has been years. Since before his first breeding with Hunter Brown I believe. I'd guess some time between 2008 and 2010.
Preface: Ethan was customed as an adult, but I have plotted out what his foalhood was like:
Ethan's Profile - includes his backstory and his personality when he set out into the great big world. In a nutshell, Ethan is the foal of a sweet-hearted regular mare who was taken advantage of by a Kalona. She raised Ethan in isolation, worried for him and what the big world would make of a soquili with obvious kalona blood. She loved him dearly, and knew the kind heart that he had, but didn't want him to have any expectation that he should be anything other than a perfectly normal soquili. She didn't tell him about Kalona, or lead him to believe that he was any different. Eventually, though, Ethan got restless. His mother realized she couldn't keep him by her side forever, and it hurt her heart when he continued to ask about his father - who he was, what he was like. Rosemary only ever gave him his name - Dyson Graves. She was scared to disappoint him, but knew she had done the best she could in raising him to young adulthood, and, eventually, she let him go. Arming him against the dangers of the world with a necklace she had brought over to the Kawani lands with her from Ireland, and a blanket to keep him warm. And hoped, deeply in her heart, that he'd be Okay.
And so, Ethan set out on his quest - to find his father and discover his place in the world.
((Note: Ethan is an older soquili, from back before there were a lot of other Kalona in the shop - and even fewer "good" kalona. They were the demons, the things that went bump in the night.))
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:
NOTE: I have recently reformatted my teepee, and expanded the first page into ten to house my soquili profiles. So all the RPs links below that are housed in my teepee have been move to more recently reserved posts, have inaccurate dates.
NOTE 2: these are NOT all of Ethan's RPs. I have left a few off that were meets and greets with other soquili and didn't really advance his story much, and/or where my RP partner dropped off.
Ignorance and Bliss Ethan sets out into the wide, wild world and encounters the first other soquili he's met aside from his mother, Cricket. He soon realizes that there's more to himself than he first assumed - and it's not good. He confronts the fact that he 'resembles' something called a Kalona, and the negative response from Tkoli. However, in the end, Ethan makes a friend and a traveling companion.
Wild Blue Yonder Ethan and Cricket have set out on their adventure, and come across Maharet, a wind soquili who is deathly afraid of Kalona. Ethan has to slowly realize that there's something "wrong" with him, how his appearance makes other soquili feel. That soquili come in all shapes and sizes... but some of those shapes are worse than others. Ethan also comes to realize for the first time that the implications mean that his father might be a Kalona - the things that seems to scare other soquili. But... surely.... that can't REALLY be the case...
Neath the Light of the Moon / I know this RP is unfinished, but it still represents, and the plot it initiated, a significant event in Ethan's life that would come to shape his future. Ethan meets and is overwhelmed by the beauty and daring of the mare, Hunter Brown. It leads to a brief night of passion, and unbeknownst to Ethan, foals. He repeats the same "sin" as his father - leaving behind fatherless children.
RELATED RP:Dark Side of the Moon Is not MY RP, but a response RP of Cricket's to the incident between Hunter and Ethan, and fleshes out some of that side of the story, and the tensions beginning between Ethan and Cricket.
At Dawn, Where the Dark Meets Light Ethan comes across Cricket the next morning in high spirits, and is confused at her behavior, not realizing how much he's hurt her inadvertently. He may not be completely Kalona, but Ethan is no saint. Away from home, exposed to the world, he's like a college kid on spring break- and not realizing the harm that his actions can lead to.
Where the Underworld Breathes Ethan and Cricket traverse a dangerous landscape of barren lands and sulfurous geysers. The world can be a harsh place - not just rolling seas of grass and clover. They also realize that the way they are setting forward, there might not BE a way back, assuming they even make it out alive to begin with.
RELATED RP:A New Journey Begins - This is the start of FIANNA'S Story - Ethan's daughter that he doesn't know he has, on a journey to find ETHAN. History repeats itself. I know it's not complete, as my RP partner dropped off, but it still establishes Fianna's mindset at the start of her quest to find Ethan.
Shipwrecked Ethan explores the land on the other side of the dangerous pass one morning by himself and meets a soquili that arrived from another land all together - and remembers stories that his mother told him of her arrival in this 'new world' (That is the only home that Ethan knows), and feels a bit of homesickness for not having seen his mother in so long. Ethan is still determined to find his sire at this point, for the mere reason that he is his sire, and he SHOULD.
RELATED RP:Hardly a Princess - this really delves into Fianna's motivation to find Ethan, and her own traveling companion. Again, this isn't with Ethan per se, but deals a lot with the affects Ethan's travels have had in Fianna's life, and her repeating history to find him.
The OTHER Son VERY significant Rp and a turning point in Ethan's life/quest. Ethan has not found DYSON, but he found one of Dyson's other sons - a mean-tempered half-Kalona by the name of Diogenes. At first, Ethan is overjoyed - the first sign of getting close to his dad - and actual family. But this quickly turns sour as the larger half-kalona is not so happy to see Ethan. And confirms Ethan's deepest-rooted fears and suspicions: Dyson is a Kalona. A demon. Ethan comes face to face with what kalona blood really means, and surprises himself as he fights back - finding reserves of rage and brute force he never thought he had as he defends Cricket. He fights for a time, but it is obviously a losing battle. Ethan is smaller, and much less familiar with violence than his brother, and flees, injured, with Cricket.
Aftermath Ethan is Battered more than just physically after his confrontation with his brother, Diogenes. He has seen a part of himself that he never wanted to admit was there. He's ashamed of himself, having a hard time facing Cricket. A passing unicorn, Ballestra, takes pity on Ethan and heals him. Ethan has to face the question again, of what his journey was worth. He has seen enough of a taste of what that side of his bloodline is like from his run-in with Diogenes. His whole journey has been a fool's quest. He endangered not only himself but Cricket as well. Ethan feels lost. He has to face what he's learned from his path on his quest rather than just the goal. He's grown, he's learned a lot, and he's met a lot of other soquili.
Like Father, Like Son Another Significant marker in Ethan's maturation and coming to terms with himself. Fianna finds him, and Ethan realizes he's more like his father in another way than he ever thought. He produced children with Hunter, and he left her alone with them. He hears the same questions he has asked himself a thousand times before, wondered about his father parroted back at him. Who are you? What does that make me? Ethan comes to the realization, in the aftermath, that he no longer wants to meet his father. He had no great answers for Fianna. And his father wouldn't for him either. Ashamed and guilt-ridden, Ethan realizes he needs to put things right.
Loose Ends Ethan and Cricket part ways. Ethan realizes his responsibility is back with Hunter and the daughters he created. It is a hard, painful parting with Cricket. She feels jealous, sadness, loss that Ethan had this connection with another mare. Ethan realizes it's the right thing to do to go to Hunter - that she deserves him to come home to her.
Clover Fields and Finding Home Ethan takes the long journey back the way he came to find Hunter. He has to face what he has learned about himself - the good AND the bad. And he realizes what he needs to do. What he wants to do. What's right and what is most important: Family.
NEW SINCE LAST APPLICATIONFrom Son To Father Brief Reflective self-RP with Ethan. Ethan has returned to Hunter, sired new foals, and is settling into life in this herd that has become his own.
NEW SINCE LAST APPLICATIONFull Circle Ethan, after he's gotten his new foals established, goes off on one more quest... this time one that takes him back to the meadows of his foalhood... and to find his mother.
NEW SINCE LAST APPLICATIONOld Scars An important RP: Ethan's new foals are not foals any more! And Ethan has taken his role as Elder in the herd... Moreover, it is time to start passing on important traditions - ones that really helped shape Ethan's life and belief system. THe role of tradition and the Celtic beliefs are important - not just in giving a herd and a family an identity, but in bringing them closer, and helping others in need. Ethan hopes that he can also use those traditions to help reconnect with his distant daughter, Deirdre, who never forgave him for leaving his mother before her birth.
Note: Parue (Hunter's owners and the owner of some of the other soquili in the herd) hasn't been available to RP. However, I have plotted with her regarding the status of the other soquili in the herd, the ones that had been splitting the role as active elder after Angel White left the herd, and discussed Ethan taking over the role. I took the notes and plotting that I did with her since Ethan's last elder application and worked it into some backdrop in this RP.
NEW SINCE LAST APPLICATIONThat was Me, Once (In Progress) Ethan realizes that despite how hard it was for him as a young stallion to fit in in the world with his obvious kalona features, that his experiences have given him wisdom that can help other soquili, even those outside his family, who struggle with unusual or fearsome features.
IN THE FUTURE Ethan's story won't come to a close even if he becomes an elder. He is going to continue to work to reconnect with his distant daughter, Fianna (hoping to find her again) and working on continuing to make it up to Deirdre.
He is going to continue to act as a leader in this herd, etsablishing Celtic practicies and traditions for the new generations and generations to come, as well as act as a voice of sympathy and experience to other soquili seeking safe harbor, who have been pre-judged based on their appearance of bloodlines.
And after that... who knows smile Only time will tell.
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Ethan's life has been a journey - a quest. But Ethan has surprised himself in that what he thought he was seeking - a distant father and answers to the question of who he was - was answered not in that "Grail" at the end of the quest, but the journey itself. He has learned who he is - had to come face to face with all aspects of his personality, seen his fears confirmed that there is kalona blood in his veins, and with it comes a fieriness, and a dangerous side... but it is only a part of him. That he has chosen his life, his mother, his friends, and his new family. THEY are what have defined him more than his father ever had or ever will. He has a family that he has returned to - daughters to mend fences with, and new life - children, that he can share his knowledge with: from his wide travels across the lands, to the stories his mother told him as he was a foal and their proud heritage. How to deal with soquili who judge you based on your appearances, and how those appearances don't define you. How even people with a darkness within them can use it to help others, and do the right thing when necessary. How you can make a mistake, and not have it be the end of the world.
Beyond that, in retrospect, Ethan realizes the importance of the tools that his mother gave him when he was just a foal - the folklore and traditions of her Celtic upbringing. These are traditions that he can share with his family, his herd, and even with strangers who need some guidence in their lives. The traditions are not only fun holidays to celebrate, but serve to bring family closer, to share with strangers in need, and the mythological figures can serve as role models - letting him and others understand that even for those with unusual features, there is a place for them.
Ethan has matured a great deal over his life, and is ready to face the future with family - and continue to share his knowledge with his herd.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? Ethan is one of the soquili nearest and dearest to my heart. He is based on one of my main original characters, Ethan Cuskley, but has taken on so much of a life and a story independent of that in soquili. I've customed in soquili both his mother, Rosemary, and his father, Dyson Graves in the process of expanding on his story, his family, and his lineage in the shop. Both Rosemary and Dyson have fully fleshed stories in the shop as well. Rosemary's story Dyson's Profile.
And as mentioned, Ethan has grown so much since he came into the shop and set out on a naive quest to find his daddy and prove that he wasn't the offspring of something evil. He started out as barely more than a foal in attitude in a young stallion's body. I never expected, when he set out on that journey, that I'd ever take him down the path to elderhood, but Ethan's surprised me, matured a great deal, and come around to being a mature and responsible soquili, and I think a great candidate for elderhood. I would love to give him this "happy ending" to his story - showing how much he has matured. He's take a leadership role in his new herd, reuniting with his first mate who is now his life mate, and found his mother to show her the proud, independent, and confident stallion he has become, and brought her home to rejoin her family with his mate, Hunter Brown, and her children (and grandchildren!)
While Ethan has bee maxed out for a long time, Ethan's story has only recently come to a point, where he has returned to Hunter Brown and settled down, and taken a leadership role in the herd, where I think that it makes sense in his story to reach elderhood.
Note: I spoke with Uta before the elder opening regarding my trying with Ethan and Kamiki trying for Kumiho (who I have a co-ownership in). Uta said that since Kamiki is Kumiho's sole RPer, that that should not be a problem with us each trying with our soquili in the same elder opportunity. Thank you! <3
Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:43 pm
Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Demon | Familiar - Hell Uncerts: Adult | Foal | Basket Link to Teepee: Homeward Bound Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? December 2011 Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:
You are a fool to challenge me! - Demon finds himself in over his head, and after failing to fight his way free is captured by Lana'thel who is fascinated by his cocky kalona attitude. She intends to mould him into the perfect 'soldier', for her personal guard.
Mine! - Demon wakes up to find himself the prisoner of Lana'thel. She abuses him and forces him to fight and go hungry in an effort to get what she wants from him. Slowly Demon starts to do as he is told, fearing the punishment that would follow if he doesn't -but all the time he continues to think about one thing. Escape. As his body slowly starts to change from a foal to a youth he is presented with an opportunity to escape... an opportunity that he takes.
Stuck with no place to go - Demon has managed to avoid detection from Lana'thel for a few days, but ends up getting himself stuck in the arms of a tree. With his energy sapped he is forced to take the aid of another, and although trust is now something Demon struggles with he eventually accepts... taking a few other lessons away from the encounter as well. Demon starts to believe that worth does not actually mean you have to be a Kalona, strength is much more complicated.
Father like son... or the other way around? - Demon is taken reluctantly out for a 'lesson' by his father, the intention was to learn to stand and see more in the dark... but as it develops the blood spilt between them sends his father into a frenzy and they fight harder than they had planned. The encounter leaves Demon feeling frustrated and annoyed because once again his father has shown him he is not yet as a 'strong' as he had hoped.
Kalona Pride - Demon had heard a rumour of a fierce creature living up in the mountain, intrigued he went to look and found Oberon. They fought and as they did Demon learnt something interesting.... true Kalonas could use 'black magic'. After this he makes it his mission to find out more and to learn it for himself.... he wants to be the best, and see's claiming this power as one way to get there.
A Day of Nothing - Demon wanders into a mare called Rhea, after an interesting encounter with the feisty mare Demon leaves wondering what had just passed between them.
The Old Black Magic -His search for knowledge on Black magic well under way, Demon stumbles across a mare and takes the opportunity to try it out once more. He is eventually successful, discovering it takes far more concentration than he would have expected... and had they not been interrupted by a unicorn he would have taken her life... all in the name of 'research' of course.
Chains of Hell - Demon finds Cherish is gone, and as he tries to search for her he loses the trail and ends up growing more and more angry, that is why he fights the first creature to walk into his path, Nori, yet as they fight they recognise a strength in each other... and since Demon now decides that Cherish is worth living for he walks away leaving the worthy opponent alive. This is the first time where Demon actually has something other than himself to live for.
No More Nightmares. - Despite all the chaos of trying to get Cherish back, Demon finds himself with a desperate need to confront his past.... so he seeks out Blood-Queen Lana'thel, the one who kept him captive and tortured him as a young colt. Seeing her now makes him realise the fragility of power and fear, but he comes away feeling all the stronger, and knows he will do anything to see his plan through to the end!
In the Beginning. - Demon is wandering in the forest looking for a victim, he stumbles across a mare called Vaslissa and after he manages to successfully use his black magic against her he watches her fade away. She is the first creature he believes has ever died from his black magic.
(UF) Fevered Dreams - Demon gets a fever and ends up dreaming about some of his past encounters before spending some time with Cherish.
Responsibility and Leadership:
Dark Hearts - Demon meets a dark mare called Proserpina, and takes her on as a student in order to help her become a true "Goddess of Destruction". NB: With Dixie leaving nothing much more became of this in actual RP.
Fire everywhere....! - Demon gets his first taste of leadership when he leads the way out of the fire for Rhea and some foal she insists they save. Despite her stubborness Demon manages to get everyone out without too much harm being done.
Demon's Army - Demon recruits soquili to his army, using blackmail, trickery, power and fear to keep them under his control. The moment he gets what he wants he dismisses them, no longer having any use for them. He feels powerful.... and with Cherish back he will do anything to keep it that way.
(UF) Mine to Command - Demon strikes a deal with the Wolf Pack, and uses them to his advantage while promising to provide protection for loyality. He uses their skills to his advantage, aware that sometimes you need to use your resources to get what you want.
(UF) Be true to your Breed. Kalona. - Still a WIP really but in this RP it is planned that Demon will train up Morsmordre in many of the kalona traditions and rituals as well as test to see how true a kalona she is by testing her black magic. It does however show how his reputation has brought others looking for him.
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Demon didn't have the easiest of childhoods, and while to begin with it may not have been something he sought his experiences have drawn him to this path. Escaping Lana'thel, finding his own land and starting his quest to master Black Magic lead Demon to want to become stronger and stronger and to prove his strength to himself. Perhaps his desire to prove himself stems back to his father, a Kalona who prides himself on power and worth; Demon wants to be seen as a Kalona of worth despite the drop of dragon blood within his lineage.
He is very proprietary about everything that is close to him, his land, his food supply, his water, his mare.... Demon would love for his name to be so well known and powerful that no one would even risk entering his land, let alone attempt to challenge him. He will protect what is his from any threat, and with the powers that are are rumoured to be gifted with the title of elder he knows he would have yet another trick to ensure he is eternally victorious.
While not traditional in terms of elders, he isn't exactly all rainbow and sunshine wanting to help others, if he deemed you interesting or worthy of his attention he would offer advice and guidance to those who sought him out.... however, cross him, and he will just slaughter you.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC?
I love Demon, always have, and when I started RPing him and gave him a twisted back story I started to wonder what kind of path it would take to get him from there to elderhood.... so it became a quest, one I hope to see through to the end for him. Especially since I think Demon rather likes the idea of added power... but hey! What Kalona wouldn't? =D
I believe Demon is worthy of becoming a Kalona elder because he has shown he can be a leader, not only to his own kind but to others.... he is cunning, manipulative, and strategic - allowing him to form plans to flank his opponants and to give him an element of surprise....
Note: If Demon gets picked to become an elder, would it be possible to add several scars to him since he would have acquired them through his journey to elderhood.
First off, I'd like to apologize for the delay. The timing was a little awful in that one of the judges got sick, and then there was business at RL places of employment, and generally speaking, just a lot going on. We'll try to be a bit more prompt next time.
Keyword being try.
Expect Elders to open up again come this Fall. . . just cause we started this one and it's almost March. :3
That being said, I absolutely cannot stress thanks for everyone for entering. We love seeing the stories your characters are going through, along with great development. All we want to stress is that if you didn't make it this time, please don't give up. Some of you were incredibly close to crossing that line! Just because it didn't happen this time doesn't mean you'll never get it -- the spirits just don't think now's the time.
So thank you and we hope to see you all next time!
This time around, we only had one Elder. . . . so please give big congrats to our own Nisshou H and her Lorenna!
Lorenna started the Elder path a bit differently then most. Instead of her story being the usual young, naive mare who gains wisdom and age to share and spread, Lorenna already started out with leadership qualities. She was often the brains and logic of the crew, but her path changed exponentially through experience, time, and a calling for something bigger. She is no longer a follower under Carmine, but her own mare, and it's been quite an adventure. The spirits think it's time for her to carry on, but this time, with a little blessing of eldership.
Please note, when it came to judging Nisshou's vote, it was between Uta and Mindsend. Nissy had no say in the matter, and her application was put under the same ringer as they would give any other entry.
Thanks again everyone who participated!
As always, let Uta or Nisshou H know if you want feedback and we hope to see everyone in the Fall!