User ImageAstoriaFallen
Anju had let Hadeth know she was going back to see the new leopardess she had met and Hadeth hadn't seen an issue with it. She really had no say over what Anju did but it was still nice to know she could come and go as she pleased. She figured she'd come back to the general area she had first met the female and she wondered if she was around.

It had been a few days and there was a possibility that she had left already. Who would want to stay in a place for too long? Especially if they were by themselves. She had no idea that there had been three others camped out in the bushes. Wasn't she going to be in for a Surprise. She wasnt too far from the area where she had first saw Asha and she sat down and looked around. Hmm. She was sure the area was close by. Maybe she was lost.

It was Safuraa's turn to wander out into the area. Asha had gone hunting and gave him a boundry to work with, telling him the safe areas to ensure he didn't get attacked by anyone. Asha was pretty careful about letting any of them out for too long where she couldn't protect them.

He was searching for strong, waxy leaves and pliant twigs that could be stripped down to make packages for Kilua's herbs. If he was good at anything, he was good at making things!

The White Cheetah pushed through the bushes into the clearing, trying to remember if this area was marked safe or not.

She got back up and started walking again. She was almost positive it had been this way. She finally came to a spot that looked familiar however, there was an addition to the area that was not. There was a pale cheetah around and she folded her ears to her head. This wasn't who she was looking for. A frown formed upon her face and she wondered if she should stick around?

She figured she'd come a little closer and see if perhaps the female was close by but she didn't see her and all she could see was the young male. She wasn't sure what to do at the moment. Stay or go? Had he seen her? Perhaps he hadn't. That would work out well because she still wasn't sure if she was comfortable talking to a male one on one. She had been okay it that one day, mainly beccause she had just had her emotional break down and the first one to comfort her had been that kind male who was trailing another male who didn't quite like the advances of the pale one. He had made her feel better.

Iregi had been another exception too, Hadeth had been with her and she had expressed her displeasure but he still remined in the group. Oh well. She stood where she was, silent, hoping perhaps he didn't see her and she could turn and walk away.

User ImageSeaki
It took a white before the cheetah noticed the leopardess - she smelt a little like Asha a bit, so when he did see her, he stilled, uncertain of the situation. Should he run? He didn't know where Asha was, and if the other was dangerous, he couldn't lead her back to Kilua and Ban'ma.

"Oh, um... Hello," He called. She had noticed him already so it wasn't as if he could run. He had been fortunate in meeting many kind felines, so perhaps she was kind as well.

Too late. He spoke and she now had no option but to say something back. It would be rude if she just took off with her tail between her legs. At least he didn't sound hostile. "Ummm... Hi." She really didn't know what to say. Should she say she was looking for Asha?? What if Asha was around and had no idea who this cheetah was then she would have let him know that there was someone in the area. She didn't know what to do.

"Nice day huh?" That was smooth. If she could have she would have put her face in her paws for that one. She really didn't know what else to say and she continued to stay where she was, not really wanting ot move.

Safuraa, on the other hand, beamed brightly. The leopardess couldn't be bad if she commented on the day of course. "A nice day, indeed!" He agreed. He hadn't seen her around here before though, so that was strange. Maybe she traveled like they did, though they were pretty stationary for now.

"Are you new around here?" He ashed, stumbling a bit gracelessly from the bushes before righting himself. Perhaps he could help her find something! Be useful or something. Maybe he should let Asha know about the newcomer but he really did not know where she was specifically, but she couldn't be that far.

She watched as he suddenly lit up and she wasn't exactly expecting that. It caught her off guard. She still hadn't moved from her previous location and she watched him carefully, he seemed sincere. "Yes, I am new to the area." Clearly he wasn't or maybe he was? She held back a giggle as he stumbled and righted himself. That was graceful. "What of you?"

She figured she could get closer at this point and closed the distance a few yards. She really didn't want to have to yell. She sat down and watched him just in case he changed his attitude so she could bolt. Though he had the speed advantage over her, she could get him with strength if it came to that.

"I've been here for a little bit! Miss Asha found this place for all of us. It's very nice. A lot nicer than the last spot!" He told her cheerfully. Since this was a semi permanent area, perhaps Asha had already met this leopardess and allowed her access?

She didn't tell them things sometimes, but that was okay! "Do you know Miss Asha? I'm sure she's around here somewhere!" And if the leopardess didn't know Asha, then Asha was probably watching them. Either way! "Maybe we'll stay here. Are you staying here?"

The second Asha was mentioned her ears perked and she wondered how he might know her. Perhaps she had companions as she did. "I'm glad it's a good spot" she said with a smile. "I actually met

Asha a few days ago." She said kindly as she watched him look around, as if trying to spot her. That made her relax a lot, knowing that he knew her. He didn't seem too bad, he was quite friendly, like Hadeth. Unlike Iregi. He was a butthead.

"Would you like to stay here?" She asked him, wondering if this place was really all that good to spark them to stay permanently. Perhaps they could start up their own little pride. Maybe she could join them. She knew she wasn't going to be with Hadeth for too much longer and Iregi was only with them till they got to the brotherhood pride. "I'm staying around this area."

Safuraa laughed - of course Asha already knew of the new leopardess. He was silly to think otherwise. "I actually would! It's nice here. Its small and safe! But I think Asha might move us again." He trusted the leopardess's judgement and moved when she decided they would.

"But then again, she might not. She doesn't always say what she's thinking," Safuraa said thoughtfully. He smiled at her after a moment though. "This place is terribly nice though! Perhaps you can join us."

She watched him and his enthusiasm was growing on her. She didn't let it show though. She just continued to sit there quietly and watch him. He had a nice laugh. "She said she had been here for a while now, though i didn't know she had companions." She said softly, maybe she should have asked when she was talking to her the other day.

She looked up at him with a hopeful look in her eye. Maybe she could? She had considered it, though she would miss hadeth dearly. Perhaps she would be able to see the Hybrid from time to time. She had grown quite fond of the colorful female. "I think i would like that, as long as your group didn't mind. I'd have to let my group know as well what I'm considering doing." She would definitly have to let Hadeth know.

Safuraa nodded, laughing again. "Asha tends to keep us secret to keep us safe! But if Asha didn't stop you from coming back, then you're allowed to know." He rocked on his feet for a moment, and glanced back into the bushes.

"Kilua's usually our deciding force, along with Asha. They'd be the one's to ask if you want to stay," they were really an jumbled group, but they worked.

Safuraa suddenly gave a pause. "I didn't pull you away from your group did I?" he frowned. He didn't mean to try and break up another group. Groups were special - like a family. A family of choice!

That would explain her unusual behavior the other day, she was trying to keep her group protected. She found that thought quite comforting. She listened as he started mentioning names she didn't know and realized it must be the rest of their group. She'd have to come back later when they were around. At least she knew she had the right place.

She stood up in a comforting way and her expression softened. "Oh no, its alright, we were all traveling together because it was convenient. We're all actually going to differnet places." Well hadeth and Iregi were, she wasn't. "I really dont have anywhere to go. Hadeth was kind enough to take me under her paw."

Oh, that was different then. That's how he and Asha were at first, but he kind of just stuck around and over time their group formed and they kind of just stuck. He was quite excited though! "Then it's okay for you to join us? I can talk to Asha and Kilua while you talk to your group? I'd hate for them to worry!"

"Yes, i believe it is alright. I can ask and im sure there won't be a problem. We can meet back here in a few days then!" She said with a smile as she stood up. She would miss her friends dearly but sometimes change was good, right? She turned and started to walk away when she realized she never gave him her name. "I'm Anju. It was nice meeting you!" It was okay if she didnt know his name yet, he at least needed it so Asha knew who he was talking about. With that she bounded off back to her dwindling group.