Word Count: 1017

User ImageIt had taken a little while for Asha to trust the area they were in, but with some pleading from Safuraa and persuading from Kilua, they had found a permanent home in their thicket. It felt strange, Asha thought, to have a home again.

Kilua had been whispering words of re-kindling their old pride. The one that had been lost so brutally in the quake and resulting flood. She had smiled at her companion and she could only nod. She had not Seen anything, but the feeling of warmth that spread through her chest at the mere thought made her want to try it.

That meant they had to expand their small area of claimed land beyond the small area of bushes and trees, so that's what she was doing now. She spiraled out in a circle, tasting the air and examining anything that she thought would be strange or unsuitable. She refused to have any danger come across her small pride. She wandered on, taking notes on all the areas - a place that would be good for a den, a small stream she had not noticed before.

It was very nice, this area, and she couldn't wait for the small group to grow in numbers.

Of course, that's when a small sand-and-ash colored leopon stumbled into her line of vision. She frowned - she did not smell him. "What are you doing?" She asked before she could stop herself. The leopardess winced. These were not their lands yet! She had not right to order him from it.

User Image"Sorry, sorry," the leopon apologized. He gave a small laugh and stepped back as if he didn't want to make her angry. She frowned at the leopon, sitting down in an attempt not to appear threatening, though she had a scowl on her face.

"I am Haytham, sorry for almost bumping into you, Miss," the leopon tried again. However, Asha just shook her head. This would not do at all. They may have to move after all. Oh, Safuraa would be so disappointed!

"It's alright. I was just surveying the land..." She gave a sigh, and then she added as an afterthought. "I am called Asha."

The leopon tilted his head, confused. What was she surveying the land for? Danger, traps? This area had neither. Well, not really. Unless you counted the things easily tripped over. It was a nice spot, though, if he did say so himself. "Well, it is a perfect place for a garden..." He told her, as if it wasn't too obvious. The land had a lot of trees and bushes - of course it was fertile land.

But Asha looked surprised instead. "Garden?" she asked. She looked around. Yes, that made perfect sense. The land was healthy and stunning. But, what she was most interested in was that he mentioned a garden at all. "You Garden?"

Haytham gave a confused smile, furrowing his brow. "Of course. My mother taught me everything she knew, and after I left my old pride, I decided to find a nice place for one." And that was here. Of course that was here, because it was nice and green. Asha grinned at him, and he was almost frightened.

She stopped suddenly, however. "Sorry, I didn't mean to encroach on your territory," the leopard said, suddenly, standing. "My group will have to find a new place to stay then. My apologies for interrupting you." And of course, that confused Haytham even more, especially after Asha started walking away.

"W-wait!" He had not been apart of a group in a long time, and one was settling here! In a place that he didn't think many others would decide to stay. It was somewhat too sparse for leopards, and too thick for lions really. Most lions just kept to the outskirts of the trees, not really venturing too far in. It was too hard for them to hunt.

But it was kind of perfect for leopons.

And this leopard had wanted to make it her home. And a group? He rushed after her. "You don't have to leave," he rushed to say, coming up along side her. She glanced at him, walking on.

"We do, though. We can't take anyone's home. Kilua wouldn't allow it," she shook her head, and Haytham frowned. Maybe he could joing their group. That is, if they needed a gardener... He wasn't much good at anything else, and it's not as if he could have children, so he couldn't benefit their group that way, but...

"We can't co-habituate?" he asked. He really wanted some friends and everyone was leaving so soon. He didn't want that, oh no. "Maybe ask your friend? Kilua, was it?"

Asha smile at him. "I can take you to meet her," she tilted her head, nodding in the direction of her group. They weren't very far, after all. She wasn't even a half a mile out. She still wondered why she couldn't smell him.

User ImageKilua, however, did. "Oh, you smell like a herb garden," she said instead of a greeting. Asha did all she could not to laugh at her friend, but she failed quite a bit when she smiled instead. Kilua wrinkled her nose at her friend in feign annoyance. "What do we have here?" She had asked.

"Haytham, here, is a gardener, and we happen to set up camp right near it!" She told her friend, and Kilua looked a bit troubled.

"I didn't steal any of your herbs by accident, did I," Kilua frowned at the other leopon. That would be a downright shame! She didn't mean to steal anything at all. Haytham only smiled and shook his head.

"Not at all miss! You're welcome to it. I do hope you'll stay here, though. I'd hate to push you out. In fact, I'd very much like to join your group," Haytham tried to keep the plea out of his voice, but Kilua beamed brightly.

"We welcome you then!" She gave a laughed, and Asha bumped him a bit in welcoming the new leopon to the group.