[warning: hinted homosexual content]

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It was about that time of the season where The Lord would have to discuss his ideas and weigh the opinions of his advisors. When all but one showed up, the former Lord went on a rampage through the pridal area and out of the House gates. The other advisors concerned, they knew better than to stand before the behemoth's war path. Dismissing them to their respective positions, the young Lord followed his father from the dens, through the House, and down to the unclaimed lands below. At the base of the hill, the young Lord followed the river to the thick brush and trees just a ways off, it was near but out of the way, just far enough for the residents to have their privacy. As he approached, the sounds of thundering roars broke the silence.

"You sniveling, lazy, lout! How dare you disrespect my son!?" Roared the former lord, his paw pressed hard against a much smaller, thinner male. His presence was commanding, even his children feared him even when he was calm. Perhaps it was the fact that he was easily angered, and when angered, he was near unstoppable. If not for his mother, the new Lord sometimes doubted that his father would have stayed Lord as long as he did. "You are a high ranked member of this House, you are expected to be at the meeting when summoned." He growled.

The smaller male scoffed, unthreatened by the larger, rolling his head to the side. "I never asked to be a high rank, Sheng. In fact, did not want to be here. However, this seems to be the only way to keep the three of you to shut up. Rather deal with just one than three."

"Ger and Trig have their own lives to live than to stick their necks out for you whenever you get yourself into trouble, Kinari." Sheng snarled, swiping his paw, sliding the individual across the stone floor. "Brothers should have to jump through hoops to keep another safe."

Kinari laughed as he got to his feet. Sitting down, he found a bang of mane to the corner of his maw, a wicked smirk. "Brothers tend to get one another killed, Sheng. But you know all about killing just as much as I do, being a former member of a murderous, barbarian pride." He smirked as the mention of his past riled something deep within the larger brother, his lips pulled back to reveal the daggers ready to rip him apart. "But you renounce that, you have a family, your own pride, and your own charges. You're no longer The Lord, Sheng, I could care less about what you say."

"Silence yourself, Uncle," a voice startled the both of them, turning their attention to the entrance of the abode. The young lord stood in such a regal pasture that seemed to demand their attention. "Speak like that and the Empress will have you killed. And whose shoulders will those orders fall to?" He stepped beside his father, on reaching to his shoulder. It was amusing.

"Oh, ho. I must have missed the memo," Kinari's voice drawled as he chuckled. "Lord Xun'lin, I suppose I should finally now to my new Lord." He bows.

"Do not insult him!"

"Insult him, oh no, brother, I am simply doing what you taught me to do should I was ever graced with your presences."

Xun steps forth, silencing them both, eyes closed as he took a deep breath. "Where is he? Your mate?" The question had a hint of disgust, which Sheng had picked up on. Homosexuality was not something that should rub his son the wrong way, he was raised better than that. But the question had a tinge of curiosity that seemed to escape the larger male, but not the cunning Uncle. "Inzo, was that his name?"

Kinari smiled, nodding his head. "My mate is out. He and I had an... eventful night, so you could imagine I am a bit tired. Surely, you could not expect me to be at the meeting when I cannot m-"

"Kinari, silence!" Sheng roared so loudly that the abode shook, one could have sworn that the rubble on the outside fell away some. "Show respect!"

Xun gave a sideways glance to his father, nodding to affirm his appreciation for his fathering. It wasn't necessary. "I do not particularly care what you two did. It is your private life. Do not confuse it with your duties, uncle. You are an advisor in my court and I expect you to be presents from here on out." The Lord turned to leave before stopping before his father. "As for you, I expect better control of your emotions. You will not leave my court until I have formally dismissed you, is that understood?" Sheng was taken back, wide eyed as his son brushed past him. "... But thank you for addressing the issue." Xun smiled before disappearing into the thicket.

The brothers watched as their lord disappeared out of sight before looking at one another.

"He.... Reprimanded me." Sheng deadpan.

"He held us by our-"

"Use your tact, brother. But yes, I would agree. He has grown into the role but I think he took after his mother." Sheng scratched at the back of his mane before pressing down his front.

The two of them sat silently across from one another for a time.

"Did Inzo really do a number on you that you couldn't make it?" Sheng questioned with a chuckle. "Honestly, it seems that is all you two do."

"You old perve, I don't think that is any of your business, brother. That is a private matter!" Kinari hissed back, only to get responded by a healthy laugh that many rarely heard from the former lord. Though they are often at each other's throats, they were still brothers. "And yes."