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Reply [IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]
[PRP - West] Trader, Broker, and Info Gatherer.

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Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:32 pm
The dark male traversed the are between the North and West, descending into the House itself. Normally, he would request permission from the Lord to enter the territory, but he figured since he was a Duke and had his Lord's permission, that this little adventure was necessary. He wasn't to question his brother, he found the reasoning for this House-jumping to be justified should the time ever come the information they were seeking was necessary. The avian that flew over head remained directly over the feline's head, but certain that its eyes were always taking in the environment. This was the only the second time since Dohzou, a Lt. Colonel and Duke of the North, has ever left the House and he found most of the pride's territory vast, fascinating, but daunting. How was he to gather all the information he needed when he didn't know exactly where he was going?

"Chi-ji," he shouted, his voice young and gentle compared to the other males of his family. "To me!" the bird responded, spiraling downward before fluttering softly, landing quietly on the back of his mane. It seemed like it was the bird's go-to spot since their travels started.

Now within the West House's common area, he looked about for anyone to come to question a stranger here. Normally, he would be greeted with respect and generosity at home, but this wasn't home. Though, he wondered if the members here were aware of who he was and his status. Then again, he wasn't exactly the best Duke from the North, often putting his title aside and be like any other member of the House.

What was a title but a name? Perhaps to pull rank, but he was never about that. In fact, he never wanted the rank of Lt. Colonel to begin with, it was his brother's and father's idea to make him grow up. And by 'grow up', they meant have all the responsibilities one could possibly have in a House that wasn't a Lord.

"This is so troublesome..." he muttered.  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:50 pm
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Beara was still quite new to the idea of having joined a pride. It wasn't quite as uncomfortable as he'd thought it would be, in one way. In another, it was more so. He wasn't sure how many folks saw through his reasons for joining, how many knew he'd joined solely to be close to Jyotika. The very thought of the lioness put a soft smile on his lips. Their arrangement to work together was perfect, except for one particular detail.

He knew absolutely nothing about the pride, and knew absolutely no-one in the other Houses. He was growing able to recognize familiar faces in the West House, but little beyond that. If he was going to be traveling to the other Houses to sell her beautiful jewelry, he was going to have to get very good at remembering names and faces, or he was going to fail her miserably. That simply was not an option!

So when he saw an unfamiliar face in the common area, he decided to do his best to start the habit of memorizing names and faces. The large male put on as mellow and pleasant a face as he could, despite the vaguely nervous flutters in his stomach, and stepped out to greet the stranger, who was as likely to be a visitor as a member of his own House.

"Hello, I don't think we've met before," he began with a friendly smile, padding slowly up. "My name is B-erm...," he stumbled, remembering the name differences here and trying to recall which name he was supposed to use. He ended up shrugging apologetically. "I tend to go by Beara most of the time," he admitted. "I'll be honest, I'm not sure if that's the correct name to give or not. I'm new." He managed to look mildly abashed without appearing too discomfited. It was okay to be new, after all, right?

My apologies for leaving you hanging for so long!


Blessed Friend


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 8:25 pm

"Beara, it is fine name. My name here in Tianxia is Dohzou." The young male ducked his head briefly, giving his acknowledgement to the individual before him. He certainly seemed knew, he wasn't exactly familiar with everyone himself unless they were from the royal line or of the lords' lineages, which this one certainly did not. Especially for one of the west. "If you have issues with your name, I would certainly take it up with your Lord."

The young duke smiled. "I am from the North House, so I would be surprised if you have met me before. But if you are new, then I am certainly not surprised. Welcome to Tianxia and the West House." He chuckled with a slight tilt of his head. Oh jeez, why am I talking like this? I sound like my brother... but I'm representing him while I am outside of the House... so this is gonna suck. Like hard.

"I am actually here on a request by the Lord Xun'lin from the North. I am looking for someone to give me a brief tour of the house." He announced. Shrugging his shoulder, the avian came to life, quickly taking flight into the air, circling above them. "I am to survey the area with this one on the Lord's behest. Could you lead me around? New as you are, it could be a learning experience for us both. If you do know your way around, my apologizes."  
PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 6:51 pm
He smiled at the other male, warming to him almost immediately. The ability to get along with just about anyone was one of Beara's talents. It wasn't merely that he managed to simply placate whomever he met. It was that he genuinely and honestly found most people easy to like.

It was reassuring to see that Dohzou did not hold it against him that he was originally an outsider. That was one thing that Beara did worry about sometimes. He was coming to realize how insular the pride really was, which made it astonishing that he'd managed to waltz right in beside Jyotika. Well, perhaps it hadn't been quite that simple, but it still was amazing to him that he had found the pride, a place within it, and a mate!

"Well then," he responded to the request, impressed about the importance of from whence it came. He knew enough now to understand that a request from a House's Lord was less an actual request and really was a command. He gave the other male a bow. "It would be my honor to show you around. I am only somewhat familiar with the areas here, but I will do my best to be helpful." He couldn't have said to what purpose the lion and bird would need to survey the area, but it hardly could be for nefarious purposes. "Shall we begin this direction?" He indicated a random point to start from, then glanced up at the circling bird. "What is your friend's name?" he asked with sincere interest.

Apologies once more.


Blessed Friend


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2014 6:47 am
It's all good

The young adult smiled as he followed the Westerner, his eyes remaining on the male. While it was his job to survey the pride's Houses, it wasn't his duty to do so - it was the birds. This entire mission was for the feathered friend that rested on his back, he was just the host to hosts. If that made any sense... In fact, the way that his brother had explained it was difficult enough before he had to speak lamely to him. 'Take the bird and walk around the other Houses. That is it.' Dohzou rolled his eye at the memory as if the task was difficult. Whatever, his brother could have the royal authority stick stuck up his tail, but he didn't have to be so high and mighty with his brother. Hell, they were best of friends before he was proclaimed heir. Whatever.

"I'm Duke Dohzou from North and, currently, a Lt. General of the same House. But like I said, due to the Calm we are going through, my brother - my Lord - had took advantage of my lack of ... activity to send me on a mission with this guy," he shrugged his shoulder which got a fluttering of wings from the avian before it took off to the air. "around the Houses. Though, it helps because I am not too familiar with everything either."

The black-white lion stopped for a moment before chuckling nervously. "Sorry, I don't mean to throw my rank or titles around. I would say that they don't matter, but, unfortunately, they kinda do. I just don't care for them otherwise." Ugh, this is sooooo lame!

"Uh, tell me about yourself and - uh, the House."  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:38 pm
Beara's eyes widened as the dark lion's name was joined by titles and relations to the Lord of his House. He began to worry just slightly that he was not being deferential enough or bowing enough or... anything enough for one as important as he. However, his later words seemed to reassure Beara that all was well. He did seem rather relaxed for one so high up in rank. But then, what would he know? He couldn't claim to personally be acquainted with any of his own House's Dukes, much less its Lord or Lady. Speaking briefly or seeing from a distance could not count in this case. So Beara set his worries aside and accepted Dohzou as he presented himself.

"I am a newcomer, truthfully," he answered the inquiry in a jovial fashion. "I came here because of the beautiful work of one of the crafting artisans." A faint smile touched his muzzle and warmed his eyes. It had been more than the trinkets that were beautiful and had more to do with why he'd joined the pride. "I am now a trader among the Houses, taking her wares around to those who might find her work pleasing." He cast a speculative look at the black lion. "Perhaps when we are done I could show you some of her finished work? Not all of it is delicate baubles for the ladies." He reached a paw to touch the thong about his neck from which hung several dark feathers, a heavy stone with a hole in it, and a handful of small, brightly colored beads. "This is something she made for me, in fact." He wore it proudly, it was clear.

"As to this house, it is filled with unique and intriguing individuals." Wasn't that the truth! There was no odder soul than that of an artisan. "While we have messengers, hunters, and guards like any other House, we tend to acquire the more eccentric sorts here." He led the Duke to a clearing where rehearsals were going on for some presentation or another. There was draped fabrics, dramatic poses, and lines being mumbled or spoken stridently. He tossed a look of wry amusement at his companion. "You never know what you are likely to stumble across when exploring around here," he explained with a wave of his paw.

Apologies are par for the course at this point, I think. ::wry smile::


Blessed Friend


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:32 pm

"A newcomer is always good. It means there is new faces and new blood in the pride, new skills and qualities to add to what we have and be able to differentiate our Houses more and more into their individual aspects," Dohzou added as he followed behind the local. As true as it is, he already noticed how much the Houses differentiated. The pride itself was one large pride, all the Houses included, it was just that he saw the Houses as more of districts of a larger and the Central House was just the main hub of the pride. Enough so that many don't venture to the North too often because of its military aspects. He didn't see why lions wouldn't go there, that was where most, if not all, the guards come from! With his rank, he was suppose to have guards under his command and operate outside of his respective House. However, that role fell onto another and remained open for two more. He was stuck at home in the North with his family with no one to boss around as far as his title was concerned. With a heavy sigh, he pressed on. "Anyway, that sounded like something my mother would say. We've differentiated enough at this point that we're just adding more faces and more talents to our awesome pride."

While Beara explained what drew him, the masterful pieces of art that the artisans of the House had created, it made him think of the things that drew lions to their home. It was farthest from the most established prides such as the Pride Lands and the native home of his father. Dohzou was a relaxed individual, but he was observant as any other of the North's royalty, definitely not missing how much fascination and interest he took to talking of the House and the creative aspects of it that ranged from the trinkets to the performances that went on around him. He had been here once before with his father and brother, so the theatre lay out wasn't entirely new to him.

The Duke smiled as he followed his host. While this House had unique individuals, he came to find that his House wasn't as unique, many share the same mentality. It was their individual characters that made them unique and not mindless guards like his father had imagined them to be. Silly old coot. Not that he'd ever say that to the Behemoth's face. He noticed that Chi-ji had left his shoulder, soaring high up into the air when they entered the theatre, his shadow roaming the ground as he circled above. "Say, Beara, what do you intend to do now that you're part of this House? Are you going to apprentice under an artisan or let your choices lean more toward another House?"  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 6:57 pm
If he could have blushed, he would have when Dohzou mentioned "new blood" in the pride. It was true, he did hope to add his blood to that of the pride, and more than just in his singular person. Cubs... someday, he hoped for cubs! But it was early yet to think of such things, and his guest was moving on to other thoughts, unaware of how extremely cognizant Beara was of the future possibility of cubs.

He felt a little foolish as he realized he had not clarified his new-found role in the pride and House. "Ah, no, I am no artisan. I leave that to my mate." He flushed inwardly, his expression one of joy and pride that generally indicated one newly mated. "I have instead chosen to be a trader, so that I can travel to the different houses and share the beautiful trinkets made here. I am not entirely sure how separated the Houses are as far as traffic goes yet," he ventured quietly, "but I do see few visitors here that are not messengers, which is a shame. There should be many flocking here. Performances, accessories, artwork... it all begs to be seen, admired, and appreciated by the others of the pride. That will be my job." He cast a thoughtful look at the Duke. "Perhaps soon I shall show up at your House and request a tour!"



Blessed Friend


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:44 pm

"A trader? That's an interesting choice. Now, I wouldn't want to criticize your opinion to have your mate choose your passions, but I feel that your passion is just that - Your passion. However, it seems like you have one as it was, to be a trader to introduce and inspire others to come here. You want this House to be a hub of interest for the pride. A noble endeavor and I wish you luck with it. It won't be easy; the Houses aren't exactly so very close that you could walk to one and back within a day with ease. You will be tired and you might meet individuals who show no interest at all. In which case, and I am going to be crass here; screw them. What I see here is amazing and inspiring. So stick to your passions, if it were, and be a trader, bring inspirations to everyone." Dohzou chuckled over his shoulder at the thought. He found it fascinating, it was vastly different compared to the North House. Perhaps it was because it wasn't the North House; everything was different here - it was refreshing. "However, if you were to convert some of my soldiers, my brother would be very trite with you!"

The Duke laughed as he pressed on, taking in the House and everything that it had.  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:50 am
Beara just kind of stared as the Duke made what, to the once-rogue male, was a very confusing speech. His mate hadn't dictated his passions, and he didn't expect the entire pride to fall at his paws, eager to become involved with his House's endeavors. His ears swiveled this way and that and he wondered and hoped that he hadn't left the wrong impression with his words. The truth of it was, Beara wasn't at all versed in the intricate ways of politics, and wouldn't have understood much of the implications the Duke had, intentionally or unintentionally, included in his response.

Feeling rather like a country bumpkin, Beara kept his confused and muddled thoughts to himself. At this point he was more following the sophisticated lion around rather than showing him. Ah well, such was the life of the lowly. Game to still play the role of escort, he padded along behind Dohzou, ready to offer any commentary that seemed appropriate. This being his first real exposure to individuals from other houses, he was left with a mild uncertainty that he was ready to encounter them all. Maybe... maybe he should learn more from the safety of home first. It seemed this was a much bigger and much more complicated place than he'd yet learned.

Fin, unless you would like a last post.


Blessed Friend

[IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]

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