The Teepee Zyanya lives beside a cold lake at the foot of a mountain
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:21 pm
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Beloved Winner
Beloved Winner
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:23 pm
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Zyanya was the first born daughter to a tribe way from the north. The land she was from was once rich in game and fishing, but as temptress dropped, so did their food until many tribes were pushed south to follow the food. As the earth they would return to northern locations once more. So Zyanya was constantly on the move.
When Zyanya turned eighteen, in place of her younger brother, she would travel out to hunt. She bundled up tight, covering her face and headed from her home instead of waking her little brother. She and the small group traveled south when the land became to cold and forbidding for their food source. If they found game, they would return and move the tribe. Most of the hunters returned but Zyanya.
While out Zyanya was wounded by a bear while trying to protect the others. The bear knocked her from the large cliff into the freezing waters. Once the bear was killed Zyanya was nowhere to be found and so the hunters mourned her loss and returned home. When Zyanya was not with them her father had to tell the truth, the month they were gone he had hidden their son inside to keep anyone from knowing it was their daughter who had went instead. It was that or send their son away as well to keep this hidden forever.
Zyanya had awaken down stream, pulled from the icy waters by an young mare that had laid by her to keep her warm. A stallion stood watch in the distance. Zyanya was warmed and survived, but knew she would not be able to return home so she made her way further south. She was able to ride the mare who saved her life, a bond was formed strong between them.
When Zyanya finally stopped they were in a new land, it was warm, making her have to shed the thick fur that once adorned her body for lighter skins of the new game. She had found herself crossing vast amounts of land to finally end up at a small village where she was welcomed because of her grace with the Soq. Though this place was to warm for Zyanya and so she headed up into the mountains.
Zyanya chose to live there on her own where she holds to the customs of her people. Though she is quickly adapting and learning to enjoy the great tribes that fill this warm grassy land. She keeps to her fur attire, though much thinner then that of her home, bits of fur kept to warm her bones from the cooler air that forms along the small natural lake side that is trapped between peeks. She lives happily with the mare at her side, though the stallion, that looked much likely to be a sibling rather than a mate, has moved off on his own.
Zyanya spends most of her time hunting and fishing. She is not much for planting and growing many things being as where she is from it was all thick snow lands. Instead she trades the meat the hunts for grains and other things in the local tribe village. It is a simple life, but well worth the effort it takes living away from the land she called home.