The Hunter
Name: Bianca Gilbert
Nicknames: n/a
Gender: Female
Age: 21

Category: Moon Hunter

The Weapon

(The weapon/monster is pending approval, but gonna go ahead and fill this in anyways.)
Name: Rynxtas
Nicknames: Ryn (so original ikno)
Type of Weapon: Dual Swords (these to be more specific)
Former species of weapon:Brachydios
Gender: Male


Bianca: (Spoiler tag cause it's long ok)

Originally from Toronto, Ontario - Canada Land.

Personality Traits:

Motherly: Bit chilly out and need a sweater or scarf? Wait a sec and she'll find you one of those. Running late for work or school and don't have time to make food to take with you? She'll whip something up for you in a jiff and then some. Group get together? She'll bring cookies, sandwiches or anything else that you might need

Bianca is one of those that enjoys taking care of people and doing things for them, making sure that they've got what they need before they leave or even running over and dropping things off if need be. She tends to be rather mother-henish at times, asking if you need/want snacks or food while you are there, fussing over them when their sick, or making sure you've got your jacket when it's chilly out. It has caused a few issues in the past, as she does this without thinking most of the time, but if someone comes and talks to her about it she'll make a effort in the future to tone it down around that person.

Humble: Bianca isn't one to take much credit for herself or get enjoyment from being praised by others. The things she does, she sees as giving gifts or doing them because it's her job and nothing more. Getting praised because of it or complimented on how it was done make her feel uncomfortable, though will accept them as graciously as possible while trying to down play it a bit with things along the lines of 'Thank you, but it's really not a big deal' etc.

Courteous: Please and thank you are things that were taught to her from a very young age, as well as other general social courtesies, since her parents were big on keeping up appearances. Thank you cards are usually written out and sent if she hasn't had a chance to thank the host in person before leaving a event, gifts are sent for birthdays or other events if she is unable to attend for one reason or another. Grant, most of the time for Bianca she doesn't see it as keeping up appearances but just being nice to others and showing her appreciation. If there are those that she doesn't care to socialize with or some manage to offend her ,which is hard to do and honestly not sure what might, she'll put on a smile and fake it to get through things until the end.

Generous: Anything that you need, if Bianca can do it or give it, she will to be best of her abilities. If someone needs a place to stay for the night or two or three, she'll try her best to talk her aunt into letting them stay for just a little while. Feeling sick and need a pair of hands to help with things around the house? Sure why not. even if all you need is a shoulder to cry on or someone to listen, she'll set things aside for you to take as much time as you need. There are times where she has given too much and it's back fired, causing her to be late for things or have someone else upset at her, but she does try to not have that happen too often.

Devoted/Loyal: (Could be seen as a positive and a negative)
Bianca is devoted to those she cares for, to a fault sometimes. After losing her parents, it felt as if her whole world was lost and the people she'd trusted to be there just weren't anymore. As a result of that, she tends to trust people rather quickly in hopes that she can find herself another family to surround herself with. On one hand, it means that she'll keep your secrets and be there whenever you might need, no matter the situation. Though on the other hand, there are times where the person might not deserve her loyalty but they will still have because she is too afraid of losing them.


Naive: She is naive in the sense that she believes everyone has a bit of good in them some where and takes them at face value without looking too much past the surface. More than once she's ended up with people pulling the wool over her eyes for a time while they use her for whatever they had in mind. Be it little things like bumming money off of her because they 'didn't have lunch that day' and instead spending it on drugs or cigarettes, to getting help with school projects while they just sit back on the sidelines while she does the work. It usually takes someone else pointing out that she is being used for Bianca to realize what's going on and put a stop to it.

Doormat: Bianca is a peacemaker. She dislikes seeing fights or having others be disappointed in her and it's resulted in her being a doormat quite often. If it's easier to just stay quiet and not rock the boat in favor of speaking up, she'll keep her mouth shut and do as she's told. It's possible that with enough pressure from people that she would do things that had never been considered before, such as going dark.

Insecure: Since her parents death when she was younger, Bianca became very insecure. Having been bounced around from one relative to another, before her aunt became her guardian, resulted in quite a few self esteem issues that leave her feeling worthless and a bother to most. Her mothering tendencies possibly developed from this, in a attempt to feel needed in some way, despite shying away from praise of most kinds. she feels that if people see how useful she can be, then maybe she won't be forced to move again or be rejected quite as often.

Disorganized: When it comes to things for hersef, Bianca is very unorganized. Usual appointments have to have multipe reminders, which tend to get lost in the mess that is her bedroom, otherwise she'll forget that they were made. When she was in school, assignments were often late or incomplete, resulting in poor grades at times. And forget going anywhere. List after list can be made but she'll still forget something or lose the list entirely and end up spending her souvenir money to replace the needed items that were left behind. Part of it may be that she tries to take on so much and is concerned more about others well being than her own that it falls by the way side, thinking that it's not important so things just don't get done. This is a issue that she struggles with a good bit while working and has caused her to lose jobs in the past.

Hobbies: Ceramics, Crafts - mostly beading though she does dabble in a little bit of knitting from time to time.

Family: Melody Gilbert (Mother) and Geoffrey Gilbert (Father) passed away when she was 7, Carol Taylor (Aunt, father's sister) was her legal guardian from age 10 until she turned 18.



Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?
(If your character participated in the original Hunter metaplot, then you've already written a solo that explains their reasons! Just link to that with a brief (2-3 lines, max) summary.

If not: all Hunters are human, chosen from among ordinary humans for their extraordinary ability to detect "evil beings". This abilty has affected them their entire life. The original solo guidelines are here: while, as a quest character, you do not have to write a solo yet, you should keep those guidelines in mind! Use them to develop your character's past, and their reasons for signing their life away to become a Hunter.)

Weapon Ability
(Once again, pending approval, will worry about mechanics if approved.:3 )
Battle Cry or Tainted Fang mechanics?
When charged, the blades will produce a slime that has a chance of being left behind on a enemy after they are attacked, which will then explode and deal damage.

Physical Description:

Please refer to this coat guide and this weapon guide!

Eye Colour:
Hair Colour/Style:
Skin Colour:
Clothing Style/Colours: (All Hunters wear a standard 'uniform': a white coat trimmed with gold with their class sigil on the back. They also always wear a colorful scarf/sash as part of their uniform. No matter what, these two items of clothing must be included in your Hunter's design!)
References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!)