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[PRP] What A Lazy Day (Sega x Tazi)

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:32 pm
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Lazy day was lazy.

He hadn't felt like this in a long time and it was too the point where he didn't move away from his designated tree spot. The thing was half-dead or was dead, he really couldn't tell the difference and the more he came here the more he felt like it was his home. It kind of was his home actually. The tree stood on a small hill in the middle of the savannah and he knew this was going to be one of the last times he would be able to spend time here. He was going to be heading up into the snow covered mountains a day from now and he didn't know when or if he would be back. He loved it up there. He didn't blend in very well, but it was good enough. He always loved the feel of the snow under his paws.

Shifting his weight to the other side, he laid silently under the dead tree, which provided the most minimal shade. It was something considering he hated the sun. He needed to get up and do something with himself, but it was high noon. The sun was smoldering and he could feel his life being drained away when he was out in the thick of it. He groaned getting up from the ground with a lazy stretch and letting out a loud yawn. He peeked around for a moment before stepping down off the high ground.

Yep, today was going to be a really lazy day.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:43 pm
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For others today might very well have been one of the laziest days of their lives, but for Tazi, it might very well have been her busiest. She couldn't remember the last time she had covered so much ground! And she was darned proud of herself for it! But now even though she wasn't the least bit tired, she could feel the heat beating down upon her, it was in no way overcast as it had been the past couple of days. She regretted not staying behind with her leopon friend very much, but she had to keep pushing if she wanted to find this pride any time soon.

She wasn't even sure if it was a pride she's wish to stay in, but she did know that she wanted to find it. Come hell or high water she would, but she would probably need to take a rest first. Because this heat! It was cooking her from the inside out!

Ahead of her she noted a flash of red, but she only caught a flicker. A mirage, most definitely. but then she saw it yet again, and then it jumped!?

Her eyes wide with shock, she kicked up her pace to head right for the location she could have sworn she'd saw the red coming from. That's when she noticed the rather large lion before her. He didn't look to intimidating ... but then it didn't take much to decieve those who were easily tricked.

Just to be sure, she kept her distance for the time being.

"Little hot out today isn't it? She called, curious as to what the lion was doing so far out in the savannah without any source of water or hints or travel.

Yup! You guessed right, it was Tazi <3


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:15 pm
At first he didn't really notice the female because he was in his own little world. It wasn't until she spoke that he turned his head giving her a slightly raised brow. A little hot out? She was sort of right. It was unbearable for him and it was like he was meant to be in cold places or live in shaded areas. If he could live in water he probably would and would have no problems with not being able to walk around on the land. "It's super hot out today. It's the kind of hot where you don't even want to move or even hunt in." He told her trying to be as friendly as he possibly could. He didn't find her too threatening so he approached her very slowly seeing that she was as little skittish about him. She had every right to be considering she was smaller then him and he could easily crush her, which he wouldn't.

"What brings you out on a hot day like this?" He asked nonchalantly as he swayed his tail behind himself. He needed to find something. Shade, water, a cave, or just something. He shifted a bit as he slowly approached her trying to keep a friendly stance. It was quite hard since he was so large and intimidating. He was only aggressive when he wanted to be and it was too damn hot for that. He would end up having a stroke or passing out if he even tried to swipe at her.

"Maybe we should find a cool place or some shade...Hey have you ever been up towards the mountains..you know where there is snow and it's a little cooler..no much cooler then this?" He asked and even thought the thought of a journey in this heat killed him a little on the inside, he just knew they would melt away in weather like this. "We could talk and walk...If it gets too unbearable well then we will make a pitstop at a pond and I'm jumping right the hell in." He told her as he eyed the mountains in the distance.

Oh god they were so far away. He could just feel his motivation slowly dieing.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:47 pm

Tazi wasn't sure she liked the idea of the male coming closer, but still he walked ever closer. But at the same time, the closer he got, the less intimidating he appeared. His claws weren't exposed, nor were his hackles bared, he was simply exhausted with this heat. She wanted to chuckle at her own foolishness but that would likely become misinterpreted, so she chose against doing so.

"Oh? Well I was travelling actually! Trying to find my way to this pride I heard about." She paused trying to hold in the chuckles at his odd stance changes. She thought she knew what he was trying to do, but she still didn't want to offend the poor guy. Who knows, he might turn around and want to take a tasty bite out of her thigh! And well ... she needed that thigh thank you very much!

She continued to listen to the lion but was taken aback by his suggestions they all so sudden! She didn't even know his name yet, and here was suggesting that the two of them leave and head into the mountains? She couldn't help but listen as her head slowly cocked to the right. It was a terrible habit, she really had to get over it!

"I uh ... can't say that I ever have been to the mountains actually!" She smiled trying to remain calm, though she was worried the poor thing might be suffering from heat stroke out here. "Yeah ... I think a cool place with shade and some water might be best. Shall we walk and talk then?" She asked, shaking her head free from its cocked position and back to normal.



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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 8:17 pm
A pride? A part of him wondered what pride it was she was speaking of. He himself was going to be joining a pride in a day. He was a little excited and then a little scared as well. He had always been alone and the idea of having others to rely on or help scared him a bit. Would he even be fit for a pride? He shook the thought from his mind and perked his ears up. "A pride? Which pride is that? There are so many and yet you need to be careful of some. Don't want to be enslaved." He mentioned to her flicking his tail a little bit. He was starting to feel a little bit of the hunger pains, but it wasn't really too bad. He had eaten earlier and even though it wasn't a very large meal, it was something that would sustain him for a good while. "I am going to be joining a pride myself. Heading up there tomorrow and bidding these plains a due." He still could feel his nerves creeping up. What would they think of him?

"Yes let's." He said to her with a nod as he began to walk away slowly so that she could catch up to him. He was a bit of a lumbering oaf. He never was very agile or swift or even fast for that matter. He just shuffled along. "My name is Sega by the way. I don't know if I will be seeing you again after this, but just in case it never hurts to know each other right?" He said smiling a little bit. He was feeling a little better now that he had company, but the heat was still unbearable. Hopefully they found something soon.

Then he saw something in the distance. A small gathering of animals around a pond. They could probably use that to quench their thirst. "Let's stop there to cool off." He changed directions only slightly by veering off to the right a little bit. "So do you have a family or are you just as alone as I am?" He asked glancing over to her remembering nothing about his childhood anymore. For as long as he could remember he was alone. He didn't like it. He never liked it. "Your the first individual I have spoken with in such a long time. Being alone is never fun." He mentioned as he walked over to the edge of the pond. Animal's scattered and he snorted not caring at all. He dipped his head down taking a drink.

He was a lot thirstier then he thought.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 8:35 pm
Tazi shuddered at the mention of being enslaved, she'd heard of such prides and she was completely uninterested in such things. "The Antianeira, or I think they go by The Amazons as well? It's a pride full of females. I think I might fit in well there, since i'm not very adept at defending myself or really much of anything to be honest. But I think being around my fellow sisters would help me learn from them, and perhaps one day i'll be able to do those things." Tazi paused in her rant for a moment and couldn't help but laugh. "Sorry if I sound silly, it isn't my intention. I just ... feel strongly about going there. I can't really explain why, or even if it's truly the place for me ... But I have to try ... y'know?" Her smile faded a bit as the nerves began to swallow her up once more, but from the looks of how her friend spoke of his new pride, he was in the same boat.

"Oh really? That's quite the coincidence we have then isn't it?" She laughed as she put her feet into motion, matching the speed the lion beside her put forth for them. She knew her own speed would need to be quicker than his, as he was larger and took bigger strides. Though he walked slowly, her steps were still going to need to be larger and slightly quicker. "Sega is it? Interesting, that's a name i've never heard before. Though I suppose your logic is fitting enough. My own name is Tazi, and who knows perhaps if the pride i'm seeking now doesn't fit my style, I may make a point of stopping by you'rs to see how well you've adjusted!" Again she giggled, but as she did so she realized how parched she was becoming, they would need to find water, and soon!

As the two walked in silence, Tazi began to fade in and out for a bit. Her thoughts revolving around random tid bits of her past and her future, but nothing she should really write home about. But when Sega quickly spoke up she was snapped out that quick and in a hurry. As he pointed out the pond, her mouth began to water at the mere idea! She should probably stop thinking about it so much. "Yes let's stop there!" She agreed happily, following his veered path and listening as he continued on. "No, sadly I am alone. Though I do have plans to change that soon. I have a friend who will help me have the cubs i've always wanted. Though I would like to be settled somewhere I can call home before that happens."

Again! She was giving everyone too much detail into her personal life! Why did she always have to do that! Ugh she was such an idiot sometimes!

"Is that so? Well i'm glad to have been able to keep you company then! But what about yourself? Surely you couldn't have always been this alone ... could you have?" Of course it was a silly question. Obviously he could have! She herself had been alone for as long as she could remember! Why could it not be the exact same for this male?



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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:35 pm
An Amazon type of pride. That was something new to his ears. "Well I hope you have luck with it. It sounds like a very interesting place if anything and I'm sure you will do just fine there. Sometimes a pride is something that helps individuals out then other times it's the worst possible thing for them, but it never hurts to try." He said to her and could feel himself sounding like a father figure or something of the sort. He wasn't her dad and he certainly didn't have kids of his own. Maybe he was maturing a little bit. Who knew, but at least he wasn't reckless or a complete wacko like some others that he met. "I am in the same boat as you. I am joining a pride and I fear that it might not be right for me. You know like it will be a big mistake and I will regret it. At least I will have the option of leaving, but it's still scary." He said to her remembering a time when he felt prides weren't something he really wanted to even be involved with.

"Well it's something I called myself when I was a cub. It just stuck I guess. I didn't really have a parent name me or anything." He shrugged his shoulders and hated that he never really knew his parents or if he had siblings. "Tazi? That is a pretty name and yes I will look forward to seeing you again. Maybe it will happen and maybe it won't. If mine don't work out I can always come find you as well." He smiled to her as he lifted his head up keeping his eyes on her.

"At least you have that option. So you won't be alone soon enough." He told her imagining himself with kids and honestly he couldn't see it happening. He didn't think he would make a good father at all. He was just too...dopey or something. He couldn't think of the word. "I wish you luck with that then. Children can bring you joy and then they can be a pain in the butt." He probably would end up getting the pains in the butt. He had the worst luck.

He dipped his head down once more and took another drink from the pond before lifting it back up to look at her. "Yes actually I have. I haven't really found anyone to settle with, I'm hoping this pride helps with my loneliness even if I don't find a mate or have children. At least I would have family...of some sort." He shrugged walking away from the pond slowly. It was time to move on. "I don't know my family at all. I just remember waking up by that tree you found me at. Nothing before that." He didn't remember much about his cub days. It was all a blur to him. Maybe he hit his head or something. "Come on let's move on. We still have that shade to find." With that he continued across the plains seeing some trees huddled up in the distance. Maybe that would be the perfect place to rest.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:56 pm
How she yearned to reach out and pat the male on the back, tell him that everything would be ok. She knew he needed it, because sometimes she needed it herself! The two were in identical boats, just sailing to different shores. She sighed to herself, wishing there was something she could do for him. But she just knew that anything she tried to do would end up in some awkward situation for the both of them. And to face the truth, she was enjoying the male's company, regardless of how strange it could be on occassion. "I think you'll do just fine to be perfectly honest." She said with a curt nod of her head. She said it with no worry in her voice at all, not even the slightest bit of hesitation. "You seem to be quite the friendly fellow, and most pride's enjoy having those types around. And with your ..." She had to pause herself before she blurted out 'bulk' that would probably be offensive. "Stature, you'll likely be a great asset to their defenses." Glancing to her left, she offered a gentle smile before setting her sites back on the pond.

"Ahh come on now! Don't say that, cubs can be quite the handful, of course that's true. But I can only imagine that they joy they bring with them far outweighs those pains." She giggled to herself before continuing. "You can't tell me you weren't a pain when you yourself were a cub. We all were, but look what we turn out to be! I'm quite sure it's all worth it!" Coming out of her sentence, Tazi blinked in confusion. They were at the pond? So quickly? Well, that was quite the surprise! Leaning down to drink she listened as Sega continued his explanation, nodding her head lightly at appropriate times.

"I see, well you aren't alone my friend. I've been down the same path for so long as I myself can remember too. It's not the most fun path, but it does spare you some hard times too. I know that sounds hard to understand but, i've met some lions in my time. That have dealt with things far worse than our loneliness, and its all connected to no longer being alone..." She tried her best to shake her mind clear of it, but it still hung over her like a dark cloud. "Oh come on now! Don't tell me you're expecting that the ladies won't swarm to you like a gnat to a flame? That's just silly." Batting a paw at him playfully she continued her pace even with his. "You shouldn't discount yourself so easily my friend! You have no idea what's out there for you until it reveals itself!" She was sincere in her tone and in her statement, but at the same time she knew he would only take it for what he wanted it to be. She was the same way from time to time, and no one could ever change her mind. He would just have to choose to be happy for himself.

Tazi's eyes grew wide with shock at his final revelation.

"Sega ... have you ... have you never left this area before?"



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PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:56 am
Maybe she was right. He was just worrying himself too much when he probably would do just fine and not have any issues at all. What he really needed to do was stop thinking the worse and be positive. He needed this change in his life and he felt it was the best time for this moment of change. “Your right, but stature? I guess I have a good one. I never really looked at it. I’m not exactly a weakling or on the chubby side so I think I would be a great asset for a guard position.” He said shrugging his shoulders as he continued to walk with the female. He didn’t know what he was going to face once he got there, but hell he was a little excited. Nervous, but excited.

He had thought about cubs before and he never found a reason to actually have them. “I suppose your right. I haven’t had a reason not to have kids, but then I haven’t had a reason to have them.” He didn’t know if he wanted to settle down or to have a little fun for the first time. He didn’t know. “That is true. We probably gave our parents a run for their money, but it was worth it. It’s a growing process and some grow for the better and then other’s grow for the worse.” He simply said looking away and towards the spot they were traveling. They were almost there and yet it still felt so far away. “Then I guess I’m not alone now am I?” He smiled over at the leopard before flicking his tail behind himself. “As of right now I consider you my friend or something of the sort. So in a way that doesn’t make me alone. It means I have someone out there who I can rely on if I ever need help.” He didn’t know still if he would ever see this female again, but he surely hoped he did. He was beginning to like spending time with her. “Of course I’m not expecting that. I have never had much luck with the ladies, so I try to avoid it. “ He nodded before finally reaching the shaded area. It felt like it took all day when he knew it only took a matter of an hour.

He perked his ears up at her question and shook his head. “I have left this area many times, but I usually don’t travel too far. I am always afraid that I would end up getting lost and honestly it’s the last thing I really wanted to do. So I go to the places I know and sometimes I veer off a little bit so that I see things I never saw before.” He said to her feeling the slight coolness that the shade provided. “I feel like I’m holding you back from doing what you really want to do. If you want you can leave me here and you can go venture off towards that Amazon pride you were telling me about.” He felt a little bit of sadness knowing they were going to part ways soon. Not only that, but he might never see her again which also upset him.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:35 pm

Tazi nodded quite easily at his comment, though he did seem a bit questionable as to if she was telling the truth. Which of course she was, she'd never been the type to lie. Once you told a lie, you had to remember that lie ... for as long as you lived. Otherwise you ran the risk of being caught in it. Then, well things tended to get complicated from that point forward. "Well of course, I for one would hire you as my bodyguard, y'know if I ever had the need for one!" She smiled, nudging Sega playfully as the two walked. "I also wouldn't be the type to approach you without first knowing you. Your size can be quite a start for someone smaller,, I mean, i'm small but even for other lions, I would imagine!" She joked playfully, but all the while she remained true to the facts. She would indeed hire him for such a job, and well ... her inability to get close to him at first was proof enough of the latter.

"You shouldn't worry too much about cubs now, the day will come when you know whether they are right for you. You just have to be ready when that day smacks you in the face!" Laughing a bit loud for even her own tastes, she lowered herself a few notches and instead transferred her joy to her flicking tail.Which to others might resemble a horse swatting flies from his rear. She couldn't help it, when she was excited or joyous her tail simply ... went nuts. She'd never been self conscience about it, but should the right person make a comment, she might be put off.

Sega's next comment took her off guard and she could do little more than smile fondly at him for a moment. "Well I would dare consider myself your friend too then!" Nodding matter of factly, she quickened her pace to be eye to eye with the male. "You should know that should you ever need help, you can find me. Or if you simply need a shoulder to cry, or bicker on. My shoulders are quite empty as you can see! I imagine a big lion like yourself could give them quite a bit of a test of their strength. I would very much like to volunteer them for such a service!" She was quite happy with herself at this point! What had started out as a simple meeting was now moving into a warm friendship. She liked the sound and the feel of it. The idea of someone thinking of her as a friend, it made her feel all fuzzy inside. She was quite amused! "Ahh you should never avoid the ladies! It's like when you learn to climb a tree! Sure - you're gonna fall a hundred times - but eventually you're gonna get up that tree and win! I imagine its the same with love, or rather I like to imagine it is."

Tazi exhaled a bit as Sega explained his ritual to her. At least he wasn't sticking to this one space, that would be incredibly lonely, and she just couldn't imagine him doing something like that. "Oh no, you aren't holding me back. In fact, I sort of like this shade. I wouldn't mind staying a while ... that is .. if you wouldn't mind my company a bit longer!" She smiled once more, and could feel a small rush of heat to her cheeks. She just felt strange having to ask such questions. But it was common courtesy after all. There was that, and she might have decided she enjoyed Sega's company a bit more than expected.

A little leisure time wouldn't keep her from her goal. And when Sega felt he needed to begin preparing for his trip to the mountains, she would say her goodbyes and be on her way. Of course, she wouldn't be leaving without giving him some details on where she was headed.

Just in case he took her up on the offer she'd laid out a bit earlier.



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PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:28 am

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