Name: Tairal Norn
Nicknames: Tai
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Faction: Demon
Race: Nue
"It is stated to make terribly eerie bird cry. It's sorrowful voice is an ill-omen to all who hears it."

Natural Ability: Concealment
A Nue can superimpose a image on top of themselves. The radius of the image is around 1-3 feet.

This optical illusion was originally a method for Nues to camouflage themselves and hid their true forms. However, some Nues have taken it upon themselves to use it in a more active manner. Over the years, rumours regarding the Nue's natural form has begun to include creatures that have has the face of a monkey, the torso of a tanuki, limbs of a tiger, and the tail of a snake.


"Who ever said that ignorance is bliss is a couldn't be more right; but then again, I think living blindly like that will kill me."

"Fool. It's going to happen. That's life."

"Why do people bother saying any more then what is necessary?"

Unexpectedly Childish
"It's just that, sometimes, I find myself wishing on stars...even though I know they are nothing more than goblets of burning gas."
"Its ridiculous, but I can't seem to be able to break this habit."

"Shh. There's music playing."

"Can we not? Whether we succeed or not won't make a difference."

"You're one of the few good bits of my life. I can't have you ruining it."

As a species, Nues have a "six-sense" regarding misfortune; they can always tell the whens and wheres but are unable to pin-point what will happen or who it will happen to. This knowledge acts as a constant reminder in NAME's mind and has caused her mental state be to some what "off" to say. She carries around a few inconspicuous self-defence weapons at times and when her six-sense acts up she has a tendency to slip into a "red-alert" mode.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?

It was a bet made with an old friend.

There was a time where Taira's paranoia was so overwhelming that she decided to barricade herself in her house with her collection of CD's. Lucky, Taira's ever-loyal werewolf best friend, Reiner, managed to convince her re-join the Halloween world. Afraid that Taira will barricade herself again in the future Reiner made a bet with Taira. If she agrees to enroll and attend Amityville Academy with him for the full three years, and something horrendous occurs during her stay, he will never attempt to force her out of her house again. In fact, he would even help her live comfortable by doing the tasks she needs done outside of her house. However, if nothing of the sort happens, then she has to move out of that desolated, old house and learn to "enjoy" the Halloween life.

Unfortunately, Reiner could not attend Amityville Academy due to a sudden family emergency. He still hopes, however, that the three years spent in Amityville Academy will convince Taira to love the Halloween world.

Taira just wants to go home and relax to Nighttime Classicals on the radio.

FEAR Ability:

Unnerving Whisper [The Mind]
Tairal's singing voice can cause the sense of doubt to surface in all those who hear it. It causes them to become pessimistic and often assume things will become its worst case scenarios.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour:
A sickly-yellow
Hair Colour/Style:
Maroon, shoulder-length, slightly too-long bangs.
Skin Colour:
Pale. Has a greyish tinge under some types of lights.
Clothing Style/Colours:
Practical, semi-formal style. Pants and boots. Monochrome in colour. Scarf.
Always has headphones (music calms her in case of a paranoia attack). Has bits of feather sticking out.
References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!)