Name: Bran
Nicknames: None
Gender: Male
Age: 75 (17-18ish)

Faction: Monster
Race: Phooka

Natural Ability: Shapeshifting- anything that is or could be classified under Kingdom Animalia, Bran can turn into, as long as he knows what it looks like. But there's a couple of catches... For one thing, it will always be black with red eyes and male, no exceptions. For another thing, he won't necessarily gain all the animal's abilities. If he turns into a bird or a fish, no problem: it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to fly or use gills. If he turns into a venomous snake, there's a problem: he can't make venom, so all bites will be 'dry'. Likewise, if he were to turn into, say, a dragon, he wouldn't be able to breathe fire.

Personality: Bran is a wild man. He takes very few things seriously, and lives for fun. Or, that’s what he’d like to be. He’s actually pretty insecure and desperately wants to be “cool.” Bran is rather oblivious, and doesn’t realize he comes off as obnoxious more often than not.
He is very, very careful about his studies and tries to aim for the C+ to B+ range depending on the subject. Bran tries hard to look like he’s not trying hard.
Bran actually reads more than the average student, even if it’s mostly comic books. He’ll leave out his “acceptable” reading material in plain sight (Hellboy, whatever books the cool kids are reading, maybe some action-related stuff, or high-fantasy). What, no! That’s not magical girl manga and folklore/fairytales under his bed! Get out, get out! (Likewise, the music he listens to in public is a little different to the stuff he listens to on his own.)
Imagine a teen who makes an a** of himself trying to impress others, but is an enthusiastic and slightly geeky guy underneath it all.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? His parents needed a break.

FEAR Ability: Intimidation: Bran makes himself appear bigger and stronger than he actually is, he gets a slight increase in actual strength but not as much as it looks. (The Eye, I guess?)

Physical Description:
Slightly on the lanky side. Not exactly skinny, but too awkward to be slender.
Eye Colour: Red
Hair Colour/Style: Black. Shaggy and a little wavy.
Skin Colour: Dark gray
Clothing Style/Colours: Wannabe-punk. Hot-Topicy pants (with the bands and chains and stuff), a t-shirt layered over a long sleeve shirt with a plaid “open” shirt over that (he’s trying too hard). Skater shoes. He likes greens, oranges, and white. His pants are khaki or black.
Extra: Short goat-like horns, almost animal-like pointed ears. Elongated eyeteeth (think twice as long as humans’). Wolf-ish tail.
References: Nope, sorry!