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The School of Dedicated Roleplayers [closed]

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A general roleplay guild with emphasis on improving RPers. 

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Left_Four_Dead introduction :3

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Lonely Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:45 am
Hi there, I'm affectionately known as "Left" by my friends, although you can call me anything you want, so long as you quote me, be it in ooc chat, or in rps, because I know how much of a hassle it can be to keep a guild rp running with no quoting going on :S Eventually people just stop, and it sucks.

About Me:
I live in Texas(Central Standard Time), and I'm currently 22 years of age. I am also attending College, so it may show me as "Online", however chances are if I don't get back to you quickly, or within an hour or two, I'm probably not there. It's a terrible habit of mine. I have been a part of this guild for...a long time...can't remember when I got in, and I'm a bit too lazy to look it up on the crew page :S I know, bad me. I did a bit of rping in these forums once upon a time, although as mentioned before, I just kind of stopped.

I enjoy rping, playing games, talking nonsense with people, and just actively talking to people. If you and I are talking, it kind of upsets me when you send me back single word responses, or just don't reply at all. If you don't want to talk, then just say it, I only ask that you be honest with me, and I'll be honest back. Honesty is the best policy after all...right?

I have been rping on Gaia for almost 6-7 years, taking breaks in between every few years for life. I can rp in almost any situation, provided I like the story and the plot. I however, enjoy rping in Elemental rps, I've started liking "Mutant-Esque"(More-so because I just made a character, and I've wanted to use him, but every time I try, the rp either dies, or he's not as effective as I'd like him, so I can't do anything like I think he should be able to do).

I'm usually relaxed and chill, if you send me a pm, I'll respond(just tell me where you found me in the world of Gaia first, otherwise I'm like "Who is this?"), if you have ideas for rps, and you somehow think I'm the person to help plot for some reason, I'll contribute.

My "Literacy Level", which is subjective to most people, is pretty close to "Literate", in that I can write 5-6 paragraphs almost every post. Intros are usually my strongest point, going pretty high up there in paragraph and word count. I do tend to shrink my size(Either 9-11, if you have a preference, please tell me. The last thing I need is someone telling me that because their eyesight is bad, they haven't been able to understand what I've been doing for 3+ posts or something). Although it is also extremely based on everything I'm given, and how "Into" the rp I truly am. I CAN pretty up my posts, however that is one of my weakest points of rping.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:23 am

So in other-words we could call you, "Right" or "Eight" or "Moose" as long as we quote you? Granted I wouldn't as those aren't your name but hey, I like examples.

Good to see a returning member to the guild! I suppose a welcome back is in order.
*Blows noise maker* "Ptooooooooo"
~Welcome back~
*Confetti falls from above*

I do have to correct you. I'll take respect over honesty as respect has higher standards.

So what sort of mutants are you talking about? Deformed, grotesque, or X-Men?

If someone has poor eyesight, there's a zoom function in most web-browsers nowadays. It's usually just by holding "Ctrl" and playing with the scroll on your mouse. This way it's literally the last thing you'll hear from anyone complaining about their eyesight. You can alleviate them.  


Distinct Hunter


Lonely Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:40 am

I've been called worse things in my life 3nodding So I mean, you can call me whatever you want... just remember quoting helps 3nodding Otherwise I'm just like ... eh, no idea who they're talking to razz

Oh boy! Confetti!

Eh, Respect and Honesty kind of go hand in hand if you really think about it. Since if you don't respect someone, then you're less inclined to be honest with them, and vice versa. However, I do agree that Respect is definitely up there in terms of important things to have for people 3nodding

As for the "Mutants" I prefer them to be more along the lines of "X-Men", however if we're going down that road, then I suppose I can just say that my particular idea character, of whom I've not had much play with, is more alike to the character "Rogue" than anything. If we're drawing comparisons here of course.

As for the zooming feature, I suppose so, however not everyone is aware of that tool sweatdrop , so, as to not cause problems and make people uncomfortable, annoyed, etc .etc., then I just fix my size variable 3nodding I do understand what you're saying though with zooming on the computer. I'm terribly blind without my glasses on, and it's a life saver, that's for sure 3nodding  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:52 am

I've been called worse things in my life

I'm sure we all have. Anywho, the way I was thinking of it, it seems better to be Respectfully Dishonest than to be Disrespectfully Honest. People I don't respect I'll resort to brutal honesty. It's fun.

YES! Revel in the confetti.

I like Fallout mutants. Big Brutish Behemoths, Battling your Buddies Beneath Blundering Boots. Though Rogue is pretty awesome too. I get the feeling it has to do with the fact she's the pretty Southern Bell of the X-Men, and your a strapping young Texan.

I'm terribly blind in the sunlight. Sunglasses are a lifesaver for me. I should go outside more. That or open some blinds in this dungeon I call a living room.  


Distinct Hunter


Lonely Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:38 am

Well, either way 3nodding I prefer honesty, more-so because stringing people along isn't really "my thing", and if you're talking to me, I'd prefer it if you were the same way...no need to pretend talking to someone if you don't enjoy talking to them to begin with. Or bother talking to someone that upsets you.

And NAH :O I made that character more-so because I thought it'd be fun to play a "Mutant"(Albeit through Science... yes, he's a Science Mutant! :3) that could kind of throw people for a loop, in that he'd steal some of their powers, then fight back with it...although, there was some complications in the rp I made him in, despite that like...over half the rp liked him, his application aspect was completely flawed(Unlike Rogue where she just touches someone, he actually needed to obtain blood, it was originally going to be touch, but I didn't want to seem like I was being too unoriginal. In his first rp...everyone thought it'd be cool to create Angels and Demons and stuff, and they're like "Yeah, no...his powers come from something else other than his blood", or "My character's blood is completely and utterly toxic to anyone that isn't him, and when it leaves his body, it turns into a Dark Steel type of thing..."....so yeah, he was a failure >.> I still have hope for him though).

As for the inspiration of it...I don't know. I wanted to make a truly "Neutral" character, one that couldn't care less what happens, but I didn't want him to be the generic Neutral guys who don't do anything. So, I kind of took inspiration from Basilisk (if you've ever seen that anime), and used the power of Okoi(Who was literately a leech, she'd latch onto you, then steal all your blood, basically sucking all your blood out of your body through her skin, then she'd go throw it up somewhere), and Androids 19 and 20 from DBZ. However, he does have a lot in common with Rogue in terms of powers and execution of said powers. In that they're temporary, and then I kind of made him addicted to the feeling, like a drug addict 3nodding He was originally supposed to run around, steal some powers, then just kind of turn into a Joker type of feel, where he just causes problems, occasionally attack both sides, and just be a nuisance. However, that never really happened... I still have hope though!

I have no problem with Sunlight...unless I'm staring up at the sun...it's more of my vision is so bad without my glasses that anything more than like...5 feet in front of me is just a blob of color. I hate my eyes 3nodding

As for your Fallout mutants....I only played Fallout: New Vegas for like...20-30 minutes, then was like "Yeah, no." ... not my cup of tea... sorry sweatdrop  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:07 pm

Fallout: New Vegas wasn't as good as Fallout 3 in my opinion. It was vastly smaller and way more cramped. They added a lot of nice features the players wanted but still I missed the scale of things from previous entries.

As for your character, sounds like some fun. T'would be interesting to see it when you actually get to play it. Keep me posted ^_^

Okio sounds freaking creepy as all heck though. I might start looking for Basilisk now.

I'm quite an honest person in general so I think we should get along fine.


Distinct Hunter


Lonely Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:19 pm

Fallout: New Vegas wasn't as good as Fallout 3 in my opinion. It was vastly smaller and way more cramped. They added a lot of nice features the players wanted but still I missed the scale of things from previous entries.

As for your character, sounds like some fun. T'would be interesting to see it when you actually get to play it. Keep me posted ^_^

Okio sounds freaking creepy as all heck though. I might start looking for Basilisk now.

I'm quite an honest person in general so I think we should get along fine.

Well, I only played New Vegas of the Fallout series, so I mean...it's how it is xD One of my friends was IN LOVE with Fallow NV, and was like "You need to get it." ... best 10 dollars I ever spent /sarcasm.

Eh, have an rp that might get off the ground some day...had to modify his story a little bit, but I mean....it's the same person xD Now if only they could open it >.<

And it was a legitimate anime really... I mean, if you want barebones, it's Romeo and Juliet with Ninja Clans and this like...Deathmatch styling of fighting, and it gets pretty hardcore in terms of blood and nudity, nothing over the top, but there is some boobage shown. You can probably find it on most anime sites, or just Youtube really...somewhat graphic, rather mature in it's language sometimes, and it's got like, every girl in the show with a large booby count.

3nodding let's hope so. I'd hate to find out I no likes you xD  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:29 pm

If you didn't like me you'd know by now.

I've read manga such as Deadman Wonderland and Berserk. I think I'll be able to handle Basilisk.

The only games I'm in love with are Final Fantasy III (VI) for SNES, Legacy of Kain (Five games) for Playstation, and Legend of Dragoon, also playstation. Though I'm a big fan of Armored Core. Something about giant mechs blazing a path of destruction.

I enjoyed Big-O more than Evangelon Genesis or Gundam Wing. Figured I'd get that out of the way before someone tries recommending them. @_@  


Distinct Hunter


Lonely Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:59 pm

I don't actually read/watch a lot of Manga/Anime personally... I've thought about it, but I mean...the most recent Anime I've watched was Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, and I had to kind of go through the first few just kind of...watching it, until I really got into it. So like, 10 years after it was made, I finally saw it all through to the end, although I'm told Brotherhood and FMA are two completely different animes. so... I guess I've seen half of the anime? xD

With FF3/4 ... I have both of those for the Nintendo DS. I couldn't really get into the 3rd one(I think...going to assume it's the 3rd, if it was the 4th, then reverse it for me XD), but the 4th, with Cecil, I got pretty big into that one... As for console, I'm more of an XBox junkie. Not so much enticed by the XBox One, but Xbox and 360 I loved. I've played all my MK games on Xbox, all my Assassin's Creed games on Xbox, all my Batman Arkham Series on XBox... kind of safe to assume I "Was" an Xbox fanboy.

I've been told LotD was amazing, in fact, one of my friends that's in the military(Army), is in love with it again, playing it for the....8th time through? I don't know, I've never really played a game past one playthrough to understand why you'd put yourself through the grindfest and horrors of it again... to each their own though, right? XD

And I have seen Big-O and Gundam, and I got to say...Big-O was a little dry for me. It may be because it was on Adult Swim, and I have no idea what was going on in that show. Like, a Bruce Wayne clone(in my eyes), would be walkin around with this android chick, and then suddenly a big a** robot would show up and start blowing stuff up, and he'd be like "BIG-O!" then they'd fight, then he'd win, and it'd go back to him walking around. Yeah I know, terrible rundown of the show, but that's kind of how I saw it...might look into it again at some point though...not sure when XD  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:14 pm

Final Fantasy III for the SNES was actually Final Fantasy 6. Things were strange back then. The reason I love 6 so much is because of the main antagonist: Kefka. He's an insane jester that runs around causing mayhem and destruction solely because he can. He started out as a General in the Imperial army until he was infused with the essence of Magic itself, which made him into the crazy b*****d I know and love. He destroyed the world just to see what would happen.

FMA Brotherhood is the Manga to a T. It is the story as it was properly written. Plain FMA was completely different and only vaguely covered the plot. You're better off as you are right now.

LoD had an amazing storyline and it hit you with a terrible loss at the end of the first disk. I'll not ruin anything but it made my older brother cry out at the T.V. and even my 8 year old self was simply in awe.

Big-O is a little hard to follow but it's got amazing pretense within it's story. I never watched it all the way through but I plan on it someday. From the bits and pieces I did see I managed to know enough that I liked it. That and I saw the more serious episodes usually.  


Distinct Hunter

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