There will be a round of charity soon. The end date has not yet been decided, but it will depend upon the number of interested parties.


1) You must be a guild member.

2) You may not tell anyone about what you receive.

3) You may not ask for anything else unless first invited to do so.

4) You may not use alternate accounts to attempt to collect multiple gifts.

5) You must do something nice for someone else, either online or IRL, within seven days of receiving your gift. But, you must not tell anyone that you did it. (Obviously, I can't enforce this, but it's one of the rules and if you break it then you're an a*****e.)

Breaking any of these rules will preclude your receiving gifts in the future and also mark you as a bit of an a*****e.

If you wish to contribute to the event then please contact the organizer so that our efforts may be coordinated.

Reply here to participate.