User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.The Hunter
Name: Danica R. Breslin
Nicknames: Dani
Gender: Female
Age: 21

Category: Mist Hunter

The Weapon

Name: Raliho’Sarab Kahec
Nicknames: Raliho
Type of Weapon: A pair of Ulaks
Former species of weapon: Cornugon
Gender: male

Dani Personalities:
Sassy – If there is one thing Dani knows how to do well, it’s deliver sass when it is due. Sarcasm and Sardonic statements roll easily off her tongue when she holds conversations. It’s not usually geared at being hurtful – unless she’s upset – but more at poking fun at those she considers her friends and allies. For her, sass is a sign of affection – it’s her way of letting people know that she cares about them and that she has their back.

Flirt – Dani doesn’t really think twice when she flirts, it kind of just happens when she meets someone she finds attractive. Like her sass, her flirtatious nature is a signal that she likes someone – even if it’s not necessarily a romantic interest – yet. Generally if she gets a positive response to her flirtations she might proceed to pursue the potential partner, but it’s a gradual shift – she’s not one to rush into love.

Big Ego – Dani’s mouth sometimes writes her big-checks that she feels she’s more than capable of cashing – most of the time this is true, but that’s not to say that sometimes she does get in a little over her head when it comes to her ego. She would like to think that she can back up all her bragging – and her head is sometimes three times larger than it really should be – but she’s not one to back down from showing people that she is, in fact, all that.

Sweetheart – For all Dani’s sass, ego and flirtation, she really is sweet at heart. She is kind and caring and is probably one of the few people left in the world that will happily listen to you spill your problems and not offer anything more than a hug and maybe a little advice. She’s not one to be mean unless people really deserve it in her opinion – feeling that she gets further with honey than vinegar.

Fighter – While Dani is a sweet girl at heart – that’s not to say she’s a push-over. Behind all that kindness is a soul that is willing to stand up and protect what she feels needs protecting. She’s not one to back down from a conflict if she feels her friends or loved ones are being put in danger or are being unfairly attacked. She’s a scrapper, and isn’t above fighting dirty if that’s what it takes to keep her friends and loved ones safe.

OCD – Dani needs to be perfect. When she does something, she needs to execute it flawlessly or she feels as if it wasn’t done right and she has to do it again… and again… and again… until she is SURE – beyond a SHADOW OF A DOUBT – that it is indeed, perfect. This can paralyze her sometimes when she’s attempting to learn a new skill because she will refuse to move on even if she does “good enough” on something. She will sit and repeat a process until she feels that it is 100% perfect – no matter how long it may take.

Temperamental - While Dani might be nice most of the time, sometimes she can fall into moods that are a bit harsher than sass. Sometimes she can be downright mean if she’s feeling isolated or depressed. These moods are usually brought on when she can’t accomplish something to the level she desires and is running low on sleep – or if memories of her past are dredged up from her mind. Sometimes she can sink into a depressed state where she doesn’t want to talk to anyone at all.

Martyr – Dani will be the first to put herself on the line in the place of another. She will take the fall even if it’s not her fault, she will take a hit even if her friend or partner can handle it. She refuses to let others take the burden of pain while she is present – even if it might have been deserved. If they are her friends or loved one – she will gladly throw her life on the line to ensure that they come out of a situation alive and unharmed.

Smoking – Dani likes a good cigarette, she’s been smoking for years. It started as a social hobby and just morphed into an ongoing habit. It’s unusual to see her without a pack of smokes and a lighter at least within arm’s reach. She tries to not go over a pack-a-day, but depending on her stress level or her need to unwind (or loaning them out) she can go through more pretty quickly.

Sparring – Dani likes to stay on top of her fighting form, so she’s usually up to sparring just about any time. She’s no slouch when it comes to the rough-and-tumble, and she likes to see Sparring as a good way to make up for her smoking habit – trying to keep some level of exercise beyond the usual physical training.

Sketching – Dani likes to draw what she sees, so it’s not surprising to see her just watching a group of people or a scene and just absently sketching it. She started sketching in middle school because she was bored one day and hasn’t stopped since. She’s not big on finished pieces (unless they’re photos) but she’ll do sketches for days. She could fill a sketchbook in about a weekend if she let herself just focus on the world around her.

Photography – Give Dani a camera and she will show you the world in a way you’ve never seen it before. Dani loves taking photos – she loves the way she can make light work for her and change a scene almost instantly with the right tricks of the lens and perspective. She picked up her first camera in high school and she hasn’t been able to put one down since.

Raliho Personalities:
Brutal - Raliho’Sarab Kahec is not the type of demon that backs down during a fight – if anything, he’s the type that pushes forward, demanding the blood of the enemy be spilled at all costs. He is brutal in his mindset – if the enemy is down, finish them – do not give them a chance to recover. Push and batter your opponent until they can no longer fight – then kill them. This goes for interpersonal relationships as well. Exert your dominance and make people fear and obey you – there is no room for softness or kindness. There is only brutality – the strong must lead the weak.

Stalwart - Raliho’Sarab Kahec will hold the line, even if that means that he is the last one standing. Once he has planted himself, he will not willingly give ground against a foe, forcing Dani to either push forward into combat, or bleed their foe for every inch of ground they give. This also means that he will back her up regardless of her choices – even if it is something he might not always agree with. He will always be there for Dani – in his own way, pushing her forward to victory.

Victory or Death - Raliho’Sarab Kahec demands only one thing of Dani, Victory or Death. When they engage in a fight, Raliho’Sarab Kahec’s only purpose is to win at all costs. He would rather see Dani die than suffer the dishonor of retreat. This includes verbal arguments as well. Raliho’Sarab Kahec has a bad habit of trying to give Dani advice in arguments – but it’s hardly ever useful – or beneficial to anything except escalating the argument to a full out fight. Which Raliho’Sarab Kahec expects her to win.

Good Listener - Raliho’Sarab Kahec listens to Dani – it doesn’t matter what she needs to talk about, he will quietly listen to what she has to say. He respects her power to wield him, the burning fire of her spirit – and so he feels it is his duty to listen when she speaks, and give her advice (solicited or otherwise). Dani always has a pair of ears to listen to her woes if she needs them, and they aren’t very far away.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?
Dani joined the hunters for one simple reason - revenge. Ever since she was a young child, she had always been tormented and tortured by a creature made of shadow. It stalked her day-in-and-day-out. Nobody believed her of course. Even when she swore up-and-down that it was out to get her and she was too scared to sleep with the lights off her parents would just roll their eyes and tell her to go to bed. She spent most of her life afraid of her own shadow - but eventually, as all things do, she got used to it - though it might have been the years of therapy her parents got her as a teenager that helped that transition to considering the "Shadow Demon" as an early childhood delusion. It wasn't until she had settled down with the man she had chosen to spend the rest of her life with that she discovered that it wasn't a delusion. He wast taken from her one night by those shadows. Nobody believed her that he had been taken - only that she was again delusional, either from guilt of hurting him herself or driving him away. But Dani knew - she knew.

And she wanted revenge.

Weapon Ability
Infernal Wound - Tier 2 Tainted Fang – Raliho’Sarab Kahec’s blades glow with a rust-red light as they pulse in time with Dani’s heartbeat, as she strikes her foe with the blades, she gives them a wound that continues to bleed for a time, causing them pain over time.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Pale Blue eyes
Hair Colour/Style: Straight down to her waist ash brown hair, her bangs have been dye to ash blond.
Skin Colour: Light tan
Clothing Style/Colours: Very punk in style, alot of chains, rips in her jeans, often found in criss cross spaghetti strap shirts of pink or purple. A lot of black, alot of pink. Never seen in shoes, always wearing heels to add to her height just a little. Coat is completely CC as well as her scarf.
Extra: She has a nose piercing on the right of her nose. Also a black and cream rose tattoo that starts at her shoulder and wrap around her arm to stop at the elbow. This is on her left arm. If possible, she also wears a pair of headphones, only taking them off when she has no choice. Also on her left hand on the ring finger is a simple silver band.
References: See image