The Hunter
Name: Baron Thompson
Nicknames: Teddy Bear, Bear (if you're Kirin, otherwise no.)
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Category: Moon.

The Weapon

Nicknames: L
Type of Weapon:
Former species of weapon:
Gender: Female

Personalities: Baron is pretty cocky, especially for someone his age. He tends to have an overly inflated sense of his importance, but he also has a good heart to match that; most of his desire to prove himself stems from a long-standing desire and history of protecting his brother. Unfortunately for Baron, sometimes his over protectiveness can come off as somewhat arrogant at times, even when he's not meaning to. He's cheerful and good-natured most of the time; he doesn't mind hard work, but when he's feeling lazy he really feels lazy. He likes sleeping (a lot) and usually has to be pried out of bed with the equivalent of a crowbar.

He's also extremely curious, to the point that sometimes Baron doesn't quite know when to keep his mouth shut and stop asking questions. He's endlessly interested in the world around him, especially space and the universe, and he loves to learn more about anything and everything. He graduated high school with every intent of attending college, but changed his mind to go to Deus instead.

Leider is a terrible example of whatever species she was before she became a weapon. She's overly excited, terribly affectionate (calling everyone by cutesy nicknames and monikers like sweetie pie and honey child and cutie pie), and while her heart is in the right place, her head isn't always. She clearly cares for Baron, however, and she very much wants to make things right and to do right by him, but sometimes she doesn't know when to be quiet and when to settle down. Baron doesn't always know how to deal with her, and they both struggle to find the right balance between the two of them.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter? Baron grew up with his parents and his twin brother Kirin. Their father died at a young age, and their mother a few years later AND THERE WILL BE MORE STUFF HERE LATER

Weapon Ability: Baron shoots a volley of icy arrows towards his opponent (Swift Strikes).

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Brown.
Hair Colour/Style: Shoulder-length and reddish orange.
Skin Colour: Lightly tanned with a few freckles.
Clothing Style/Colours: He likes SPACE so lots of spacey-themed stuff, but he's also a teenager, so jeans, teeshirts, etc.
Extra: Both of his ears are pierced with tiny black studs.