Bandages on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Up and down on my legs my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages



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Name: Marl
Nicknames: None
Gender: Unsure, assume masculine
Age: ~17
Faction: Monster
Race: Surgeon
Natural Ability: Surgeon's Nightmare. His touch can induce wretched visions of the kind of medical procedure that gives you the heebies. This manifests as a black ichor that causes humans to trip out and hallucinate, as well as showing in his own physical form. Marl is a nightmare of everything and anything that can go wrong during (occasionally after) a surgical operation. Infections, lost instruments, any items getting where they should not. Ruptures, clots, breaks, hemorrhages, migrations, rejection,scalpels, needles, knives, sinister clamps all lurk below the surface of his skin or clothes.
His body is fairly normal, gaunt humanoid under regular circumstances, but if he's stressed or upset ( and eventually, hopefully one day under his own volition) organs rupture, vessels burst and his form rapidly shifts into a horror of breaking bones and festering wounds. It's akin to having nervous sweats, if sweating meant... bleeding out of all your orifices. The extent of damage is always proportionate to the amount of stress, and external damage (from battles) compounds the natural reactions and tend to mutate him into a twisted wreck. He can on, occasion, do it on purpose or use it defensively, but it's more dumb luck than skill.
If that's not bad enough, he's half composed of surgical implements that are just as much a part of him as the flesh and bone. Normally, he can manifest them where he wants them to be and control them. When he gets hurt, or wigs out enough to fall apart, his artificial parts spring to action, clamping things together, trimming and stapling it all back together in a ugly, bloody mess covered in sloppy gauze and bandages. It can take awhile for all his parts to reorient properly and after a big meltdown it can take weeks for him to get back to his baseline appearance of "vaguely icky." Marl never needs to borrow a pair of scissors, but making him nervous will result in quite a mess. Don't like needles? He's got those in spades, along with hoards of atrocious clamps, scalpels, hooks and all kinds of sharp and painful things. Not only new items, but older fashioned instruments like bloodletting knives. They are not visible unless he's using them or as he gets agitated: they start moving around and bursting through his skin. His various bits and pieces of flesh can move somewhat independently if he's very badly shredded, but it tends to take some time for him to completely knit together after a meltdown, but he can USUALLY shamble himself away from immediate danger. It hurts him to lose instruments and parts, especially if they are yanked out.
In addition to rot and blood, he secretes a black ichor that can induce awful hallucinations that tend to play on one's worst health or medical fears. This can be as mild as hallucinating the sound of a dentist's drill or reliving a bad trip to the ER, or as insane as thinking you are being vivisected while paralyzed and conscious, able to feel every cut and probe. (THIS APPLIES TO HUMANS but if you want to have a really BAD trip as a Halloween'er come see this poor boy) The Ichor applies MUCH more in human world interactions and it heavily influences his own appearance and damage. In Halloweentown, most creeple aren't affected by his ichor, so he merely melts down in stressful situations. If one wishes to have an unpleasant experience for their student, he will happily experiment on them <3 Hunters/humans are allowed to not react to the ichor as they please, especially if they aren't that disturbed by medical fears.

Personality: Personality: Distant, sharp and wary. He's very open to interact with others, but tends to give very little about himself when possible. Marl has learned to be personable, if not outright friendly, but has difficulty trusting others. Tends to look for precise meaning and motivation in conversations. If you answer his questions too vaguely, he will press until he is satisfied with a firm answer or gives up because you are OBVIOUSLY deficient. He is very good at listening and tends to ask people how they feel as a default. Prefers the company of undead or anyone who isn't big on talking, unless they know things he is interested in. Not a lot of prejudice towards anyone, though he's often jealous of non-gross students since they do not have to deal with smelling odd, leaking or unintentionally freaking out nearby creeple.
Hauls around an impressive load of paperwork and journals to distract himself with, in OCD ways. The more he writes down observations, the more in control he feels and the less likely he'll be to stress. Often the only one who can decipher his own writing. Even if you can read the words, they tend to be code or abbreviations. His books and paper tend to be lightly stained with whatever fluids are leaking out of him when he was carrying them. When he is feeling social, he can be quite enjoyable company. Does not like to talk about himself much. Oftentimes, he hurts himself more than anyone else as he falls apart under pressure. He's irritable if he trying to (literally) hold himself together and someone distracts him.

NOT DEAD YET! He doesn't like being mistaken for an undead. His heart is still beating, even when it's barely able to. As much as he can fall apart or a limb becomes gangrenous, it's all very fresh and still (mostly) alive, at least in the sense that monsters are alive. It's easier to cause him pain and damage than the average undead, but he can heal rapidly if not overly stressed.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? He spawned after a particularly bad year of over reported OR incidents in the human world. Formed with a keen interest in medicine, healing and alchemical fields of study, he was rebuffed by "colleges," (other medical oriented monsters) who felt he was too immature and uneducated. A few kinder beings, impressed with his observations, managed to point him in the right direction, giving him some old texts and directions to places he could learn.
His goal is to to be accepted/ take over one of the important groups of mixed race awful, creepy (mostly surgeons, but all kinds welcome) doctors that have some kind of professional association to mimic that of human medical practice. Healer scarers do research on themes of improving healing techniques for Halloween towners while maximizing the fear output of humans. Quite naturally, they would practice all kinds of awful experiments and all be looking for the next big research grant or discovery that will get them the most acclaim. Now if only he could just keep himself together so he could become important and powerful enough...

FEAR Ability: Healing abilities?
Y1 The chill
Y2 The Bite
Y3 The pulse or Tainted Fang?

Standard healing ability, he'll always have tools to stitch up a wound, his ichor could have a mild antiseptic effect for injured scarers.
Self-regeneration through better control of his own condition.
Eventually he can use his instruments as "ranged" attacks, or up close invasive. I think he'll still remain attached to the weapon of choice, just in a weird tendril of flesh. Tainted Fang could cause affected opponent to believe they've been infected by him and feel instruments moving under their skin.

TYPE of Fear

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Varies, usually pale when not diseased looking
Hair Colour/Style: Messy, darker brown. Also varies according to health, often has greying sections or streaks of white when it isn't falling out.
Skin Colour: Paler, bruised, jaundiced, rashed anything that looks unhealthy. Many scabs, scars in variety of age at all times,but these shift frequently. After a bad bout of rupture, his body or parts of him are usually covered/held together with wet, sticky bandaging material that he can produce, kind of like scabs.
Clothing Style/Colours: Anything androgynous or male medical from about 100 years or so ago to current. WW2 or later, generally! Lab coats, scrubs are his standard fare. Most of it is stained with blood and other fluids, or just plain dirty and ratty.
Extra: Gaunt, unhealthy looking humanoid with heavy bags under his eyes. General shape and mass stays the same unless horribly mangled. 6' 6" tall ~180lbs. Strong for his size, but nothing impressive. His haggard appearance makes him look older than he is. He's roughly a couple years old, but emotionally about 16-7 and mentally about 40.
Very Silent Hill on bad days, but barely passable for human on good days if well dressed. Careless enough about his appearance as it's usually awful even when he spends a lot of time TRYING to look nice.
Smells like fresh blood or potent isopropyl alcohol and iodine.

Marl likes moderate activities, as he's constantly afraid of losing control. More likely to participate in events he hardly cares about, so that if he sucks or loses, it won't upset him. A cardshark, he enjoys games of nearly any kind on the rare occasions he isn't studying or working. He doesn't understand roleplay, but will be a willing participant in more complex games in spite of his inability to pretend to be anyone aside from himself.
Dissects/vivisects anything that he can subdue that probably isn't sentient, to the point of looking for undead volunteers who don't mind him slicing them open for study, as well as practice for healing them after the fact. He'll offer something of value in trade if they can be convinced and will check in on them after his procedures to see if anything interesting crops up later. He keeps himself busy working as much as possible.
As side projects, Marl pursues any research on portable healing or other spells (pills) that less magically inclined beings can use, as well as anything that might help him control his own unstable condition. Though anything relevant to healing or care of patients fascinates him. General Fear related science or technology and human culture are things he enjoys to learn about when he needs a break from his usual studies. (Yes, he takes study breaks to study other things...)