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[Q/S] Inflation how does it effect us. Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Inflation is out of hand lets keep our colonists well paid.
Yes! I support the art!
 25%  [ 17 ]
Meh but I like the old prices.
 74%  [ 49 ]
Total Votes : 66


Profitable Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:39 am

Gaian gold inflation has gotten wildly out of hand as of late as I am sure everyone has noticed. It's pretty much the topic of the year at this point, as well it should be.
With the way things are going and Gaiaonline staff turning a blind eye to it as they pump out more and more gold generators. It's safe to say the inflation is here to stay.
It sucks but we've got to deal with it.
Art shops in the community have already jumped their prices to keep there business worth doing but most BC shops I think are afraid to make the leap.
I'm not saying we should up the prices of this shop to account for inflation but what I am saying is I for one would fully understand if that's something that happened.
And hey if the inflation did get fixed perhaps the prices would reflect that too.  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:58 am

I can see exactly where this is coming from - inflation makes money less valuable for items and even the most expensive items seem difficult to obtain, a price hike is not the only answer.

I do support the colourists and their hard work- and while I think it is fair to drop 2-3 Mill for a breed like an Ulun'Suti or Angeni, not everyone in B/C has money for the generators in the Cash Shop. For some, that is the only way they get gold. For others, they get gold posting, RPing, and socializing extensively. While Soquili offers many free events, not everything is free, and one such thing is customs - and everyone wants at least one custom in their lifetimes and some people work hard scrimping and saving for years to afford even one of the high-end Soq breeds - early on I remember seeing someone questing a Soq for 1.2Mill when 1.2Mill was a hard number to get and La Victore didn't really exist yet. To afford gold now, there's the matter of having a RL job and determining if you can afford Gaia Cash. Not everyone can do that, and not everyone is in the States or a location allowing you to buy Cash either. MANY in the B/C aren't in the States and while I support paying someone for good work, it's also important as a business to not exclude a portion of your customer base.

There's solutions but this might not be it. It might be a thought when acquiring a custom to perhaps tip your colourist if you feel the normal price is underpayment - this works in the Food Industry where many corporations in fact underpay their staff and include tips as wages, forcing them to rely on tips - something not guaranteed or even distributed fairly (some places have a tip pool that spreads between waitstaff and bussers, ETC) and it's important to know Soq staff do not ask for tips and tips began as an unexpected way to say thank you..

Another method is bribes, when and if they open again. Those are things named by you - offer large amounts, get a concept, basically, or breeding - and you can offer significant amounts of gold if you feel it fair or wish.

There are ways to keep colourists well paid, and not exclude others. Perhaps this may be an option as well?

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash

PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:30 am

I do think that inflation has severely undervalued gold in the context of Gaia as a whole. If there are/would potentially be colorists out there who might get into breedables with the motivation of making gold (which people who are unfamiliar with Soquili but looking to get their name out there and make gold) then current pricing certainly doesn't justify the time that the colorists spend on the soquili, even custom pricing.

Tipping is great - be it for a breeding or a custom. But it shouldn't be expected, since it defeats the point. TBH, even in the food service industry when there is a flat expectation of tipping 15%, it also kind of defeats the point.

Anyway, tangent.

I know that most of the colorists in the shop probably don't do it for the gold. They do it for the credits and/or making the customers happy and/or sharing their artwork with an appreciative fanbase.

BUT, granted, the credit system is set up so that colorists get less credits for the same amount of work with customs because they are making a fair amount of gold as an alternate method of compensation. And in today's Gaia economy, that's not exactly the same.

I don't know if adjusting pricing is the solution. Gaia inflation isn't over. Unfortunately, very unfortunately, each Gold RIG they release tends to give higher average payouts than the last. Gaia's new administration is doing this deliberately to continue to encourage people who buy Gaia Cash to continue to do so to keep up with the inflation. Adjusting pricing now, even in theory, may be just as outdated a year from now. And it is going to continue to separate the people who have RL$ to spend for Gaia Cash vs those that don't.

But, unfortunately I do think that there is a problem, and I just don't have a good solution.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:44 am

Dunno about others, but I don't care much about the gold and would rather not make things harder to get xD

ATh e a r t

Romantic Lunatic

one over three

Feline Cat

PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:37 pm

I'd like to preface this with my personal take on the matter. I enjoy colouring here because I enjoy colouring in an environment where folks need my work to continue their plots, families, etc. Seeing what you guys do with the characters I make is the big draw for me.

However, I'm reasonably certain that a fair part of how Soquili grew to be so big was it wasn't afraid to charge insane prices for it's pets. Insane prices drew in some of the best colourists of the time, in turn producing beautiful pets that justified the price paid. I've joked before that we could increase prices x10 and it still wouldn't match the old prices in value.

But... Now that soquili is established I'm not sure that the prices are needed to draw in colourists. Those joining will likely be joining for credits or any of the less gold motivated reasons. I adore the current staff, and I do feel like all if not the majority are here to have fun. AND increasing the custom prices w/e now would be a massive hit to people who've saved up for customs. I know some people rely on booty grab and seasonal games to make their gold for ponies. Telling them that their 600k they saved up over x months isn't good enough anymore... I just don't know that it's worth it.

Would I like to make a reasonable gold profit from what I do? Yup. Won't lie about that. But is it integral to the shop or required by most of the current staff? No, I don't think so.

I've thought about this myself on a few occasions too and I can't think of anything that would give a large enough benefit to the staff without causing too much of a hit to costumers to be worth it at all.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:44 pm

I've actually been thinking about this. Personally, I'll tip whenever I can to help make up for the difference. On the other hand, I've seen people dreading trying to develop a concept they can afford even at current prices. I've given a few people 5mil lately just so they could build their dream quest without having to worry about having the gold. Add to that the various times that whole events are paid for by a benefactor - I think there's an extent to which the community will help those who can not do for themselves. That said - if prices are raised too much, that ability to help goes away.

We are blessed, as a shop community that so many people are happy to step in and help, that the colorists/staff are doing this as a labor of love.

Personally, I think those who can should feel free to step up and help 'reward' those who put in so much work/effort to help build the shop. Like when the gold flowers were anoned out right before the grand opening.

Between that - and maybe doing more paid raffles [those got pretty high with gold even before inflation] which could get the colorists more gold for their work . . . I think prices should be slow to change.

I just . . . I worry about those who can't get cash if prices do go up.

I also worry for colorists/staff who devote so much time and energy to the shop and don't really have anything to show for it.

They've done SO MUCH lately in the way of free events and tons of beautiful and intricate soquili at no compensation. Plus they're trying to overhaul rules/owners lists/templates/etc.

Maybe it's up to us, the customers, to get together and find a way to reward them outside of prices.

Like . . . we could put together a fund where we get them things from their wish-lists and gift to them. Or get them art of their ponies/avatars. Or . . . something.

I want to reward them. I'm just hoping to find a way to do that without it being at the expense of those who don't have the cash to deal with the rampant inflation that's been happening lately.


Nebula Dragon


Original Codger

PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:23 pm

As with everyone, my opinion, not that of the shop. I understand what you are saying, but here only colorists that are seniors and up can take customs so hiking prices would really only affect them. FS prices could theoretically be hiked but rookies are responsible for those once every three months. I do think it would make sense to up breeding prices but I think that is a different debate, not just inflation.

As a colorist though, I dont tend to take work specifically for the gold. (though I also havent changed my avatar in years and am not as active in the B/C as I used to be)

I suppose if there was an interest in gold maybe some system could be worked out where the prices of a specific event are higher, but credits are lower? But again I am not sure it is entirely necessary.

The sentiment is appreciated!
PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:37 pm

          I'm super new to Soq and breedables in general, but I rather like Lyda's idea of trying to come up with new ways to reward staff and colorists, plus paid raffles. All the raffles. Please more raffles? : D

          Money is not an issue for me as I run some pretty big priced shops, both graphics and artwork, so I'd be more than happy to help out with donations of gold or skill. c:

          In my experience, you can really only push the prices higher so much. There's plenty of demand for Soq, so you technically could raise the prices a bit and not suffer for it, but there will be some grouching. But raise it too much and you lose out on customers because they just won't have the funds. It's difficult to know exactly where to draw the line with raising prices. Finding an alternative would, I think, be easier in the long run. Plus if you open up more opportunities to purchase, I will lay down the billion gold I've got stored up and hoard all the ponies. That's a billion gold for you guys right thurr! (I jest, lol. I wont' hoard. Not all at once anyway.)

          Events are fun and freebie events are awesome, but you can also incorporate some contests/raffles/etc that require people to put in a chunk of change to participate. I understand it sucks to have to charge for some contests, but at the same time it opens up more opportunities for people who may not have the best RNG luck to tip the odds in their favor. Losing in raffles and contests over and over again isn't fun, especially when getting a Soq any other way is really difficult to do. And hey, it generates more income for Soq staff! Win/win?


Playful Hellraiser

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Otherworldly Plague

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:44 pm

Another colorist here! ; u;
I don't care about the gold from this at aaaaall. I haven't taken a single gold in payment for any of the ponies I've colored yet, and I don't see a lot of reason to. For me, it's all about just making the ponies and seeing what people do with them! Nothing makes me happier than seeing folks be happy about winning something I've colored or starting up plots with them. c': All I've taken from coloring here is credits, which I have every intention of distributing. I don't personally think that we need to up the prices any, especially with the number of people saving up for customs and the like. Would be unfair to them to hike the prices up by a few mil when so many people are so close or already at their goal, y'know?

I like the idea of raffles just because it's really cool to see all the soqs that people come up with for 'em--a-and because I am a weak-willed individual who will probably buy like ten thousand tickets anyway. what can I say, I like ponies. . v./

IN SUMMARY, people liking my work is enough for me. u vu
PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:02 pm

I think the colorists deserve to be paid more for many things... especially breedings come to mind where they are often producing 3 soquili for 12k gold. I know the colorists probably aren't doing it for the gold but it is a nice extra bonus and I personally think they deserve more.

BUT on the other hand, I am someone with not much gold, who can't afford cash shop items, pretty much all my gold goes to Soquili and one other breedables shop. I have customs I have been saving for for years (at least 5 now) and while I have had enough saved to pay for them for a long time I've never gotten a slot. I'd be pretty sad to find out customs were now out of my price range after so many years of trying.

As much as I have loved the free raffles lately, counterbalancing them with some paid raffles could be a nice way to reward colorists with a little extra gold, while still letting most customers participate.


Dangerous Hunter

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash

PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:44 pm

Maybe a solution might be to let colorists get the same credits for customs as they do with freebies - not differentiate it since even the custom prices aren;t keeping up with the inflation?

And let senior colorists take on as part of their rotation some kind of bribe or paid raffle slots without charging them credits every so many months (as a part of their task rotation)? As it stands, it costs colorists credits to either make themselves or a friend ponies OR to do an open-to-all bribe slots/paid raffles.

That might also be a good solution to allow customers to go after mutant custom concepts if it doesn't cost colorists credits to open bribe slots/a bribe month?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:01 pm

Sabin Duvert
Maybe a solution might be to let colorists get the same credits for customs as they do with freebies - not differentiate it since even the custom prices aren;t keeping up with the inflation?

And let senior colorists take on as part of their rotation some kind of bribe or paid raffle slots without charging them credits every so many months (as a part of their task rotation)? As it stands, it costs colorists credits to either make themselves or a friend ponies OR to do an open-to-all bribe slots/paid raffles.

That might also be a good solution to allow customers to go after mutant custom concepts if it doesn't cost colorists credits to open bribe slots/a bribe month?

Since only seniors can do customs though, this idea is almost all addressed towards seniors. Just a little counterpoint <3


Original Codger

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash

PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:16 pm


Since only seniors can do customs though, this idea is almost all addressed towards seniors. Just a little counterpoint <3

Hmm, that's a good point.
I mean, in my opinion, if a jr colorist is capable of/trusted with doing breedings (in addition to all the other wishing star/freebies) I'd think that they'd be perfectly capable of doing customs (especially since colorists generally can put limits on what they're willing/unwilling (or uncomfortable with doing) to do in customs.

So customs are a privilege granted to senior colorists because of the gold they'd earn. Considering the inflation that's hit gaia, and considering that rookie colorist (that's the proper title for a step below junior colorists, right?) is a longer process, why not allow jr colorists to take customs, and work in periodic bribes and/or paid raffles as the new "reward" for seniors?

EDIT - elaborating: I think that this revision might kill a few birds with one stone - having a way for senior colorists to make big gold from time to time (which used to be the case with customs), have bribes as a part of seniors' regular rotation to allow customers to sometimes custom mutants (colorists can still decide to take bribe ideas based on concept rather than just the offer, too - which happened a lot before), and juniors can take customs, which opens up more custom opportunities for customers, and gets them some gold rewards. Plus you'd only have one "tier" of credits earned. Get them for customs/freebies/breedings, or don't get them (but don't have to spend credits) to take bribes/paid raffles? (Or change the credits earned to that to current custom credits)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:39 pm

Kovak here, speaking as a member of the lower class.

As a high schooler, it is hard to earn money, and I have not ever bought gaiacash. I think that you can convert gaiacash to gaiagold, if I am not mistaken? It's hard enough to have enough time to even get gaiagold, which I obtain mainly from posting in forums. yay forum posts.

I don't even have the amount needed for the cheapest soquili breed, and I only got my customs from the discount sales, which highly benefited me. Since I obtain my b/c pets mainly through free events or flaffles, I am not really impacted by the switch of raising prices or keeping them as they are.

My concern is for those who come from a background like myself who actually have quests that they would like to see come to life, and would have a much more harder time obtaining a custom slot.




Divine Galaxy

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:57 pm

I'm against paying more for customs, personally.

And not because I don't think the colourists deserve it, but because I'm thinking about the people that can't afford GC (edit:: or have other ways to generate viable amounts of gold) to get these gold generators that have, quite frankly, helped me out. I would be in the same boat as them.

I could see breeding prices getting a bump--because even if they did go up to 100k for a breeding, people would STILL pay for them for other people. Same with flatsale prices. I know I would.

There are pleeeeenty of other ways to give back to the colourists--and I even like the suggestions put forward. But the colourists know we do love them and do love the work they do for us--even though we can be a very demanding customer base. <3
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