Name: Radek Adriatico
Gender: Male
Age: 16

Faction: Monster
Race: Selkie

Natural Ability: Shapeshifting- Radek's natural form is that of a spotted seal.

Personality: Younger twin brother to Marzena Adriatico; the two might have been identical in appearance as children, but it was clear from the start that personality wise, they were like night and day. While Marzena was more quiet and subdued, Radek was the boisterous, outgoing one. The first son of the Adriatico family, Radek certainly got more attention from their father, though he much preferred to laze about and have fun instead of working hard to understand the male selkie tradition of stirring up storms. As he grew older, he began to develop a flirtatious side, and has a fondness for the ladies, but was never interested in true commitment.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Despite Radek's flippant attitude in learning from his father and romantic commitments, he does care very much about his twin sister. It didn't help that he was plagued with the secret that she had gotten herself cursed, and he began to consider submitting his application to Amityville just to make sure she was alright.

FEAR Ability: Wrath of the Storm (Swift Strikes) -- Summons waves that assault the target violently, as though they were caught in a storm at sea.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour/Style: Light blond
Skin Colour: Fair
Clothing Style/Colours: (Remember, everything should be Halloween-inspired! Creepy is good!)
Extra: (Your character's special features: wings, tail, pointy ears, fangs, whatever else that isn't covered above.)
References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!)