Name: Astara Seren
Nicknames: Tara
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Faction: Monster
Race: Siren(with Selkie lineage but takes after the Siren side)

Natural Ability: Mesmerize others to do what she wants by singing. Different pitches and harmonies are resluts of different moods and desires/goals she has. At the early stages it is merely a trance that doesn't last long and takes great focus and aims only on one target maybe 2 or 3, but no more then that. When mastered they can become infatuated with her possibly thinking they are in unquestioning love, but will always retain a deep hidden desire to be free. The 'spell' is not easily broken(though it can be done, but it is different for every person). The truly skillful and aged Sirens are said to also be able to entice and ensnare large groups of people all at once, but it is only myth....or is it?

One downfall is the ability will have no affect on other sirens and have little to no affect on FULL Succubus's and Incubus's(if the blood is muddied with something then there is a chance you may have some effect though it will not be full strength and will never last unless you have help from another)

Personality: (Tell us about your character's personality! Don't write a novel, but let us know a little about them - their traits, character quirks, and so on!) -TO Come-

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? To be exposed to others and learn what types of 'people'/creatures exist and gain world experience as well as learn to better control her Fear.

FEAR Ability: Drowning in the Sea: She lets out an very high-pitched melodious and mesmerizing note that can almost not be detectable at first, but the longer it's held the louder(more audible) it becomes to her opponent-max it can be held is 15sec. When the note is ended bellowing seas build up from behind her and soon crash over her head covering the area rushing towards her enemy to drag them to her doom.

FEAR guide:

Physical Description: Appears to be the human age of around 17, height around 5'8 slinder with mid-bust size of 34'C

Eye Colour: One Pink eye, one Yellow
Hair Colour/Style: Long past bum in dainty ringlets. Color is a pale pink(practically white) that fades to a medium bright pink
Skin Colour: Pale with blue sparkling flecks, most on her shoulders in a tight pattern and spreads out on the upper arms with a few scattered on her wrists and hands. A few also on her checks resembling freckles somewhat.
Clothing Style/Colours: Elegant dress that shows cleavage and leg. Very girly with some ruffles, lolita flare
Extra: Aquatic frills behind ears, maybe on elbows too colors pale blue with a sparkly silver hue. She also wears a white seal pelt, given to her by her mother though she cant shape-shift its just an accessory
References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!)

I thought Id posted this awhile back but apparently I did it and since I found what I had started for her I decided to post it now and work on her before I forget or loose the info....again xP