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[PRP] Breezes bring new acquaintances...[Nahanni & Elsa] FIN

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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2014 9:30 pm
Nahanni had been on the same trail for days now. She could have sworn she had smelled a familiar smell...maybe of her brother who had been gone for many moons...She was growing frustrated and had not passed much thought to food or drink, unless she had perhaps come across something that gave reason to such. The young lioness was hung up on thoughts of her brother. Her other family members didn't seem much to care, but she wasn't willing to let it go so easily. The gray furred female stopped and took a deep breath.

The smell was gone...

Had she been imagining it this whole time? Chasing her imagination...? She sighed disparagingly. Nahanni doubted herself now, and she let herself fall to the ground and lay in the middle of the path. Her ears laid back as she considered the last few days' wanderings.

Normally, Nahanni was very cheerful and she sought to make others happy through entertainment and a positive attitude. She thought of this as she laid for a moment, and a small smile came to her muzzle. 'Just be happy,' she thought to herself. She always pulled through the hard times. Perhaps she would meet someone on her travels, and maybe they had seen her brother. The breeze picked up as she lay in the path, ruffling her fur slightly, her ears twitching as it caught and tickled them a little.
PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2014 10:01 pm
Sarei Stargazer

Queen Elsa was more determined than ever to help her home, and to make things as they had been before the terrible snows that had destroyed her pride, and taken her parents and family from her. She was thinking clearly, after her conversation with the God of Royalty, and knew that she was in the right place. This was her path: she had to do everything she could for her home.

All the doubt over who she was, what she deserved, was gone for now. She would worry about that on her own time, when she was home and in private and no one would ever see it. Conceal, that was what he had said. Don't feel. She could be strong, sturdy. She could be passive and calm, and approach everything with the air of a true royal.

She was certainly going to try.

Elsa was glad to see something in the distance, and as she drew closer she realized it was another lioness. Elsa hesitated for just a moment, but then drew herself up and took a walk forward. She smiled gently as she tilted her head at the other lioness, not wanting to surprise the other if she was asleep. Elsa would rather pass on by quietly if that were the case, but she saw ear twitches and cleared her throat gently.

"Are you alright?"


Snuggly Knight


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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2014 10:19 pm
Nahanni was startled a little from the other lioness' voice, but she didn't mind- it was simply unexpected. The gray lioness turned her head to look at the other. Nahanni thought she was a very pretty lioness, with her uncommon colors, and she held so much grace.

She wasn't really sure what to say at first, and so Nahanni mustered a "Oh...well, I think I am. Maybe a bit lost, I was just looking for...something." She spoke a little quieter toward the end, accompanied by a few flicks of her tail and a slight furl of her brow.

"I'm not in your way, am I?" She asked, feeling a bit silly just laying in the middle of the path. Supposing she hadn't really thought that someone would be coming by, aside from maybe a split second's fleeting mention. Her muzzle parted in a very small and slightly nervous laugh, which was a sound like a bird cheeping.

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 10:17 am
Sarei Stargazer

Elsa looked a little sheepish, though she had done her best not to scare the other. She offered a serene look and nodded her head low in greeting, a sort of mini bow without involving her body. She was sitting with her paws drawn in, tail wrapped around her paws, and she watched the other peacefully.

"Oh, no, you're not in the way. I could walk around you, I was just worried you might have been hurt, or needed some help. My name is Elsa. I am... not from around here, but maybe I could help you find whatever it is you are looking for?"

It was true that she was out here to get help for her own pride, and to bring new members back home with her, but she would not simply leave someone in trouble behind, and expect them to take care of themselves. If she could offer help, she would do it, because she felt it was her responsibility to give back that which she was seeking. And anyway, she was simply a very kind hearted creature, though reserved and a little on the shy side.

"At least, a second set of eyes and paws might be useful, if you'd like."


Snuggly Knight


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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 8:50 pm
For some reason Nahannni felt inherently comfortable with this other lioness, she seemed very poised and honest, and so the gray-furred female though it would be okay to tell her,

"Well, I appreciate your concern..." She started, trailing off for a second and looking up a bit more toward the other,

"I'm alright, I was looking for my brother. He's been missing for quite some time," Nahanni turned away a moment and scrunched up her nose, "I sort of lost the scent though, so I suppose I'll keep looking another time." The gray lioness shrugged her shoulders and looked back to Elsa. She was embarrassed, having lost the scent, but also wondering if she had even really been on his trail at all.

"Elsa? That's neat. My name is Nahanni." She gave a little bit of a smile and a small nod, flicking her tail and pushing herself to sit up before the other.

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:12 pm
Sarei Stargazer

"Your brother?"

Elsa felt sadness hit her in a wave. She immediately felt bad for the other in a way she had not anticipated. Losing a sibling in any way was difficult. She hoped that this was something that could be fixed, that this lioness might find her brother, as Elsa knew what it was to lose family without any chance of having them back. Her brothers and sisters had been killed with her parents, and she was the only one of her family left.

Of course, no one was sure if she was really part of that family at all. She was a creature of ice and snow, her pelt blue and stark while her family had been plain and tan, as many lions born in the savannah. Rumors circled that she had been put there by magic, or cursed, but no one could say anything like that out loud though, lest the Queen or her protector's trace the rumors to their sources.

"Nahanni is a lovely name, as well. I'm sorry you can't find your brother. If I can do anything to help, I will certainly try." She smiled gently, tilting her head. "How are you doing in your search? Have you had anything to eat recently?"


Snuggly Knight


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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:44 pm
Nahanni watched Elsa as she seemed to switch emotions rather quickly. It seemed as though she perhaps genuinely knew the feelings that the gray lioness herself was now experiencing. There had been a long pause after Elsa had repeated 'brother'.

The gray lioness couldn't help but feel sort of plain next to this other female, but that didn't really matter, she supposed. It was nice to have someone in front of her for real, not just her imagination playing tricks; and she seemed to be quite genuine in her desire to help as well.

Nahanni supposed it would be silly to refuse an offer of help, or at least what sounded like an offer for possible food and shelter. Perhaps this lioness named Elsa was looking for some kind of help too...

"Thank you," she started, offering another small smile and a twitch of her ears. "I'm not really sure if there's any way to help...I don't know where he went, or if he went on his own...perhaps he was lured off." Nahanni stopped again, shuffling her paws a little and flicking her tail from side to side anxiously.

"I haven't really been too focused on hunting." She admitted, scrunching her nose again momentarily. "I would have to admit I don't really know where I am..." She felt her cheeks grow a little hot, and was embarrassed again.

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 10:25 pm
Sarei Stargazer

"It's best to keep your spirits up, and hope for the best while preparing for the worst. Don't let your hopes get away from you, of course, but thinking he's already too far gone, or taken off somewhere, won't help. I think you'll be able to find him, and he's very lucky to have someone dedicated looking for him."

She watched how uncomfortable the lioness seemed, and nodded her head. The Queen felt bad, and though she was not the best huntress herself, due to her privileged upbringing, she had been learning a lot more about how to survive in the rogue lands since venturing out on these journeys to find friends and allies.

"I'm not too sure where this is, either, to be honest. I'm not from around these parts either, but that's alright. I think these lands are made to wander through, we'll both find our way eventually."

She smiled lightly, shaking her head.

"Let me go and get you something to eat. You'll feel better, and it will be good for you, okay?" She was already moving off to do just as she offered, feeling like she could succeed and really wanting to offer some small help.


Snuggly Knight


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PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:25 pm
Nahanni was kind of surprise, albeit pleasantly at how easy this was going. It had been longer than she thought it had since she had really had any contact of her own species. She had left her pride to search for her brother, and she didn't know if she wanted to go back anyways. This other lioness seemed like she would make a good friend, anyone who could be caring toward a stranger like this was worth getting to know, the gray-furred female supposed.

She nodded a little and started after Elsa, her tail swishing softly behind her.

"Well, where are you from? My pride doesn't really have a notable name, they're small and wander these lands as it is, they don't really have their own territory, per se." Nahanni started, she had never really thought of her pride as having a name, they didn't speak one, that was for sure. The gray striped lioness figured that was probably sort of strange, since all other prides she had heard of had names, but hers was more like just a few small families anyways, and they didn't have a male as the head, it was the mothers who were in charge.

"I can help, too, with hunting..." Nahanni trailed off for a moment, "I have been hunting since I was very young." She stated, smiling again as she caught up to Elsa, walking shoulder to shoulder with her.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 11:28 pm
Sarei Stargazer

"My pride has recently suffered a lot of heart ache and difficulties, but we are trying to rebuild ourselves. Most call us the Frozen Island, or Isle. We live in the snowy mountains, on an island in the middle of an icy lake."

Her voice was gentle and she looked fond as she spoke about her home. She looked at the other lioness and was very curious about a wandering pride, with no land to call home. Was that by choice? Were they cast out? Or did they simply live a nomadic life on principle? She had very little contact with other prides, so she could not help but be curious.

"You have no name or lands? I've never heard of anything like that, but it sounds very interesting!" She was glad the other lioness had come along with her, enjoying the company and not too eager to part from her, even to make good on her offer. "Oh, you don't have to stress yourself! Honestly, I just wanted to help you out a little. You look like you could do with a little bit of a break, and a friendly paw."


Snuggly Knight


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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 1:23 pm
She listened carefully to Elsa's words- Nahanni felt bad that Elsa had been through rough times as well. The name rang a bell somehow she could remember hearing it at some point. Perhaps one of her own family had mentioned it once. "I may have heard of your pride once." She said, almost the same time she was having the thought. Sometimes Nahanni said things without realizing it was out loud. Though, this wasn't such a bad slip this time.

"I'm sorry that you had hard times. It's nice to have someone to relate to, I've been alone for a while...I guess you probably were, too." The gray lioness looked to the other with a kind smile.

"My family has always been rogues, just travellers. We sometimes depended on the graces of other prides to accept us temporarily into their lands, so we are practiced in forming friendships." Nahanni laughed and winked at Elsa. She walked leisurely beside her pale-furred and graceful new friend.

"I'm not sure how I would get back, now, but I don't know if I want to go back...without my brother." She said, trailing off a little at the end and speaking a little quieter. The striped lioness swallowed awkwardly and decided to push aside the question that was about to come from her maw for now.

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 1:36 pm
Sarei Stargazer

Elsa smiled and looked very regal as she held herself up. Her movements were very measured and refined, and she had been raised in preparation of becoming Queen, even when the rest of her family were still alive. All the cubs of the royal litter were raised so, and once her parents were gone she had done her best to remember all she had learned, and keep herself in that mind. To honor them, and make them proud.

And maybe, mostly, to show the pride around her that she was capable. Every small thing she could do to make herself seem like a Queen would help, in the long run, to guide her pride to stand behind her, and follow her as she lead them.

She hoped, anyway. The curse was a difficult thing to over come.

"Well, I hope you can find your brother, and your home. I would want you to be happy, and for things to work out. If there is ever anything I can do to help in that, I will do it, and I will keep my eye out for your brother, if that's alright, in my travels and in my pride, just in case. "Or if you ever find yourself there, you would be welcome in my home, as well."


Snuggly Knight


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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 6:08 pm
Nahanni wasn't really sure how to feel for a moment. Elsa had said she hoped she'd find her home...the gray and striped lioness had never felt really at home anywhere she'd been. Well, of course she hadn't really had one before; not a physical one, at any rate. She figured that Elsa must be a good Queen, the way she acted indicated that she likely cared very much for her pride. And she was obviously kind and fair if she was willing to stop and help a stranger.

"Well..." Nahanni started, though she trailed off for a moment.

"Perhaps I could come with you, and check it out for a bit...?" She again trailed off toward the end of her question. It was the one she had waited on, but Elsa did say she would be welcome, so it wouldn't hurt to ask. The gray female looked to the other hopefully, her ears slightly lain back. Maybe if she made some new friends, they could possibly have information about her brother...or maybe it would just be nice to see if she could find some place to feel like a home...

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 3:27 pm
Sarei Stargazer
I think fin from me?

"Of course! You're welcome to visit any time you like, and stay for as long or as little as you'd like."

Elsa smiled at the other lioness warmly, always glad to share the home she was so proud of with others. Whether they stayed or not, as long as they knew that the Frozen Isle was a friendly and welcoming place, that was all Elsa could ask. She wanted others to feel like they could come and be safe if they ever needed to.

She wanted her home to be friendly and open.

Diplomatically, she held the same kind of beliefs. She wanted to make many allies with neighboring prides, and have trade and communication links as far as she could. Enemies were not really things she was looking for, and while she knew there would always be hostile prides out there, she would do her best to avoid antagonizing them.

Elsa nodded her head toward the distance.

"I'll show you the way."


Snuggly Knight


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:15 pm
Nahanni was happy that she had stumbled upon such a kind member of her kin. And she was really looking forward to having a safe place to rest and catch up on sleep and hunting.

"That would be great, sure. I'm right behind you!" She chuckled, doing a little wiggle-dance in place. It pleased her to be in company for more than a matter of minutes before parting. It had been a long time since Nahanni had focused herself on something other than helping to provide for her family and now finding her brother. The gray lioness had almost forgotten what it was like to have a friend. She had been moving about so much lately that she had forgotten to stop and smell the roses, per se.

"I can help hunt for you and your pride members if you like...I would be more than happy, especially if you will have me for a few days so I can rest." She offered a huge smile to Elsa, hoping she would accept the offer. It was the least Nahanni could do.

She followed behind Elsa as she started off, trying to pay attention to where they were travelling so as she could find her way back if she ever ended uip this way again.

Looking forward to the beginning of something a little bit new, Nahanni grinned as she felt the sun on her face, trailing behind her new friend to a place she'd never been.

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